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Re: Ideas

Wed Jul 23, 2014 4:19 pm

I say poop in his mail box.

Mergie Marauder
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Re: Ideas

Wed Jul 23, 2014 4:43 pm

sd_man wrote:I say poop in his mail box.

That sounds tricky.

Bullet21XD wrote:
mr wizard wrote:Run over his dog.....


We must be missing out on an inside joke here because that isn't funny at all.

Mergie Marauder
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Re: Ideas

Wed Jul 23, 2014 5:08 pm

Im a pro at only running over my own.

Yes i was in violation and i am receiving my warning.

My beef is he thinks that by me having an extra camper on my lot for 5 wknds during the summer will devalue his property which is total BS because his place isnt for sale. So until then i dontbwant to hear about it. Had he said hey im selling my place on date xyz then i wouldve helped the guy out. But ever since the day we met the first thing he and his wife ask are when are you going to build.

My biggest problem was how he treated us but more importantly the sitiation that we had the other night with total disregard for a childs life. I guess some guys are real a$$hats. Bullet how do you do it? Doesnt it get old?

So this is why i want to devalue his land hes always been concerned about our property and how he thought he couldve bought it for 10k a while back. And how now he lives in a campground. My shed will be a nice bright color bybthe time this wknd is over and there will be lots of yellow no trespassing signs. A few reflective ones right by his driveway. And one fancy sign that says welcome to the campground or public restroom 50yards behind you
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Re: Ideas

Wed Jul 23, 2014 5:59 pm

randywatson wrote:Im a pro at only running over my own.

Yes i was in violation and i am receiving my warning.

My beef is he thinks that by me having an extra camper on my lot for 5 wknds during the summer will devalue his property which is total BS because his place isnt for sale. So until then i dontbwant to hear about it. Had he said hey im selling my place on date xyz then i wouldve helped the guy out. But ever since the day we met the first thing he and his wife ask are when are you going to build.

My biggest problem was how he treated us but more importantly the sitiation that we had the other night with total disregard for a childs life. I guess some guys are real a$$hats. Bullet how do you do it? Doesnt it get old?

So this is why i want to devalue his land hes always been concerned about our property and how he thought he couldve bought it for 10k a while back. And how now he lives in a campground. My shed will be a nice bright color bybthe time this wknd is over and there will be lots of yellow no trespassing signs. A few reflective ones right by his driveway. And one fancy sign that says welcome to the campground or public restroom 50yards behind you

That was pretty funny.

Any feedback on my idea to send him a pic of your sack? Is it on the table as an option at this point?

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Re: Ideas

Wed Jul 23, 2014 6:42 pm

Randy, I'd really consider the guy a jag off and not get too worked up about his property value and whatever grind the dudes got. I hear his side of the story from a lot of people I know that have invested significant amounts of time in their properties. From my perspective, they could lighten up a bit, but I'm not them.

If you go through with some/any of it, we'll need to donate you a black hoodie. I get the PITA about the e-mails when working through the choking kid thing, but for the most part, you sound like you got a sore ass because he beat you to a spot.

Dude's not likely going anywhere, devaluing his property by making yours a shite hole has a logic gap I can't comprehend. Free country, do what your conscience allows. But support for the action will likely be for the sake of the action and not for an outcome.... which pretty much only has ego as value and won't get anything further down the road, only take things deeper in the hole.

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Re: Ideas

Wed Jul 23, 2014 6:57 pm

There's two sides to every story and I would love to hear the other guy's side.

randywatson wrote:LIts more he doesnt like it when I have more than one camper there for 3 weekends out of the summer.

randywatson wrote:Which i am trying for him to get over i have alot of family that i want to share my property with. And 3 campers 5 wknds during the summer isnt much to ask for.

So is it an extra camper for 3 weekends or 2 extra campers for 5 weekends?

I wouldn't be surprised if your neighbor was able to weigh in it'd be more like 3 or 4 extra campers on 7 or 8 weekends.

randywatson wrote:I have a camping permit which allows me to have 1 unit on my lot for 6 months. Now say my neighbor doesnt have room for his guests 4-5 wknds in the summer they bring there campers or even tents for 2 days on the wknd. I feel i am no different then them. If i want people up for a wknd i should be able to.

You "feel" you are the same!?! Hahahaha! Tell that one to the judge when you get cited for breaking the law by having too many trailers on your property.

"Warden, I feel I should be able to shoot 8 canvasbacks a day because that's what they can shoot in Saskatchewan. I feel I'm the same as them since MN isn't that far away."

The law is black and white, there's no room for feelings. Personally, I don't blatantly break any laws in front of people unless I know they won't care. That's a lesson I recommend you learn.

If you want people up for a weekend and your cabin and one camper isn't big enough to hold them all...

...then build a bigger cabin.
randywatson wrote:IMy biggest problem was how he treated us but more importantly the sitiation that we had the other night with total disregard for a childs life.

He didn't know the situation. You sure seem to know a lot of what your neighbor is thinking...and I'm guessing it is all in your head. You should try putting yourself in his shoes and view things from his perspective for a change.

The bottom line is you wasted a prime opportunity to make the guy feel like a total dick and build up some neighborly currency on your behalf had you handled this situation properly. Instead of sending back an immature email like an upset twelve year old you should have walked over there the next day and apologized for waking him up and then in an "aw shucks" demeanor explain the situation about the kid. By the time you walked away he would have been ashamed of himself and looked the other way countless times on future weekends when you had your traveling band of travel trailers next door.

Instead you send back an FU email and you're back to being the dick and he could give a rats ass about calling in your excess campers to the county. Smart move!

From my experience in "Lake Country" you can get away with whooping it up on the 4th. It's universally accepted. If you have cool neighbors you might be able to get away with it on holiday weekends like Memorial and Labor day as well. You're pushing your luck after that. I'm guessing this guy has put up with a lot of shit before this and been cool about it...but having a bunch of extra people up for 7 or 8 weekends (which is probably the reality) or even 5 (which you admitted) is flat out being a greedy self centered prick and being totally inconsiderate of your neighbor.

I don't think you need anyone's advice on how to be an asshole neighbor. By the sounds of it you've already mastered it!
Hate Speech is Free Speech

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Re: Ideas

Wed Jul 23, 2014 8:14 pm

I don't work Monday thru Thursday. I could probably be employed to watch over said property while you are away.

Sent from a phancy fone

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Re: Ideas

Wed Jul 23, 2014 8:32 pm

There is the high road and then there is the low decide which to drive. I don't let my kids get away with the "he started it" or "what he did was worse" argument...wrong is just wrong.


Mergie Marauder
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Re: Ideas

Wed Jul 23, 2014 8:38 pm

I've been the bigger man thus far. I will give you all the facts.
1) since Memorial Day I've had extra campers 4 wknds
2) I don't have plans to have any other campers up the rest of the summer
3) here is the email he sent me about his little piece of heaven
Can't sleep as I am upset about this.

Pam and I looked for three years before we found this place, first year was
in the Brainerd, MN area and the next two from Cumberland to Cable and all
points between. We found this place in an ad in the Rochester paper on
Friday evening. We had two appointments with real estate folks up here the
next day. We called and were able to see it at noon. The minute I saw the
view and the property I was hooked, we had looked at so much junk and places
next to campgrounds that I was amazed at this. So here we are 26 years
later with a campground next door! For years the road ended at my driveway
then Jr bought the end lot up the hill and Jean pushed the
road through, for years it deteriorated and grew in almost impassable. If I
heard a vehicle on the road they were coming to see me or they were lost.
Then Jean passed and Roger took over and we have what we have. Stan's house
was not here neither was the Johnson's place, we tried to buy your lot from
Jean but she said it was promised to some renter of hers. Probably could
have bought it for $10k.

So that is my sad tale of wow, things change and not necessarily for the
best. Happy to have you as a neighbor, but not the campground! Signing off
and going back to bed.

4) I'm sure you'll sympathize with him. Me I was pissed off. It's like kicking a guy in the balls and saying I meant to give you a hug.
6) my buddies put up a for sale sign on my property as a joke and within the day he sent me an email about it. Is your place for sale, there is a sign up there? Don
7) he then sent me an email 6 hrs later stating this
Aaron we are having a market analysis done on site on Wednesday it would be
of interest if we knew what your plans are. Can you share them with us.

And what interest is that?

8) all these emails are verbatim except some names have been changed
9)bull crap he didn't know the situation his lights went on in his house at 1130 and there were 3 ems cars with flashing lights and sirens. What would you think if you saw that?
10) he told me to my face he didn't care. I told him and my other neighbor we would be having people up only 4 wknds this summer and he agreed to that and this was the 4 the and final.
11) all of our emotions were so high on Sunday it wouldn't have made it any better to go talk to him and apologize
12) the email I sent back word for word

Be a real man and call me or talk to my face. We almost had a 4 yr old die from airway compromise. You grumpy old bastard the world is bigger than you and your egocentric self.
( sent it at 0045 from the ER)

13) I was unaware of the camping law up until the day before Father's Day weekend when I received my letter from the county. Who knew you couldn't do what you wanted on your own land.
14) I've decided to kill him with kindness. I'm baking him a peace pie.
15) I'm also sending him a pic of my shorn scrotum.
Women with whiskers.....that's a bummer

Mergie Marauder
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Re: Ideas

Wed Jul 23, 2014 8:43 pm

I'd say thus far I'm on the high road. I've only sent him one email since the for sale sign joke of my buddies. And it's the grumpy old bastard one Which may be too harsh I guess. But now he signs his emails GOB so it must be fitting.
Women with whiskers.....that's a bummer

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