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Steve Cordts Should Be Fired

Wed Aug 06, 2014 8:11 am

Here's a direct quote from the latest Outdoor News on the prospect of two extra "any teal" when the USFWS supposedly may have offered two extra blue-wings.

If the feds offer an any-teal bonus?

"It might be hard to say no," Cordts said. "At the same time, is it a really big benefit? Hunters would probably say, if we asked them, 'why not?'

"It's something we haven't had in so long . . . I wouldn't mind hearing from some hunters before we do it," he said.

Is this guy f**king retarded?

The feds offer a gift-wrapped early teal season for blue-wings. and somehow this clown screws it up by one---asking for a "mistake duck" (even though that wasn't part of what was offered) and two---declining the season.

So the feds come back and offer a two extra blue-wing bonus, which we have to assume was done out of sure pity for MN hunters after dealing with our incompetent leadership firsthand and this dip shit comes back at them with 'we might take it if the bonus will be for green-wings too' [paraphrasing].


Where does this motherf**ker get off thinking he can do this? How is he painfully not aware that the USFWS rarely makes these kind of offers and that for him to go back at them with special demands, when every other state thankfully took what they were offered as is, makes him look like a complete fool? How does he not realize that for all-intensive purposes that because he's a waterfowl specialist for a state department that to him the USFWS is essentially God.

Furthermore, what is with all the polling of hunters before making a decision?

Hey Cordts, news flash---your job is to make decisions! Supposedly you were hired with the education, experience and spine to do so. If all you're going to do is poll hunters every time you have to make a call then the DNR might as well shit-can you and put an online poll option on their website to dictate how seasons are set....because that is literally all you are doing, so it'd be cheaper and they'd be skipping the middle man. Any idiot can take a few emails and phone calls and hell, maybe even conduct a survey and then go with the most popular opinion. That is not the decision making you were hired to do on our behalf.

In hindsight, all the changes that we have lauded as duck hunters; half-hour before sunrise opener, 3 wood ducks, splits, etc., have all been Landwehr's doing---not Cordt's. Look it up.

Steve Cordts is a tool who is incapable of doing his job and needs to be fired.
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Re: Steve Cordts Should Be Fired

Wed Aug 06, 2014 8:22 am


The guy is an idiot. His actions, or lack of, on this issue proves he is no friend to the MN duck hunter.
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Re: Steve Cordts Should Be Fired

Wed Aug 06, 2014 8:27 am

Email him.

Maybe tone down the rhetoric a little but he does respond. Quickly. Most of the time he gets back to me that day.

It would do more than post on the internet.

I agree with you, what is he trying to save, a few teal. You can't stock pile ducks. BTW, I think this is going to be a great duck hatch this year. Most ponds I see have a bunch of ducks on it.

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Re: Steve Cordts Should Be Fired

Wed Aug 06, 2014 8:30 am

To his credit he is asking for input from hunters. So email him and say "yes I am in favor of any Teal season or bonus Teal that we can get".

And he is correct in that is it really any benefit to have 2 bonus teal? Most BWTeal will be south of MN by then and the average hunter shoots like 1.3 ducks per outing. So in reality hving an extra 2 Teal the 1st 2 weeks of the season for the majority of the hunters there is no benefit. Sure a small minority will find a pocket loaded with Teal and could shoot 8, but for the rank and file duck hunters this will not happen.

As for the swear words, if you met him face to face - would you use it? Then why are you using it here? Maybe it is a small penis syndrom so have to use such words to show how tough you are. :lol:
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Re: Steve Cordts Should Be Fired

Wed Aug 06, 2014 8:43 am

h2ofwlr wrote:To his credit he is asking for input from hunters. So email him and say "yes I am in favor of any Teal season or bonus Teal that we can get".

And he is correct in that is it really any benefit to have 2 bonus teal? Most BWTeal will be south of MN by then and the average hunter shoots like 1.3 ducks per outing. So in reality hving an extra 2 Teal the 1st 2 weeks of the season for the majority of the hunters there is no benefit. Sure a small minority will find a pocket loaded with Teal and could shoot 8, but for the rank and file duck hunters this will not happen.

As for the swear words, if you met him face to face - would you use it? Then why are you using it here? Maybe it is a small penis syndrom so have to use such words to show how tough you are. :lol:

Why in gods name would a guy be concerned with another mans reproductive organ? Unless of course you are a little light in the loafers and hoping for a date??

And I agree with FF, I think Cordt's is just completely burnt out. It's time for someone new.
"When we have as many hot button issues going on as we do at any given time, we must use a science based approach to management. It is not always the most popular, but is the only way way we can defend ourselves." Tom Landwehr, September 2013

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Re: Steve Cordts Should Be Fired

Wed Aug 06, 2014 8:59 am

Hansen wrote:Email him.

I have.

Frankly it upsets me that he wants emails from a bunch of idiot hunters. He's the one with degrees. A doctor doesn't poll his patients before deciding how to treat them. Cordts needs to grow a spine and make some decisions and live with them. That's his job; or what his job is supposed to be.

The only reason he is asking for input is because he's a coward and that way when he runs into a hunter who doesn't like a decision he made he can go,

"ugghhh, well....duhhh....58% of the duck hunters I talked to didn't support it so blame them, not me....nahhh...."

I would have rather seen him flat out turn down the teal season on his own accord than to wait and gather input from hunters before turning it down. I could live with that. This nambsy-pambsy pussy way of going the route of popular opinion is pathetic. No other state operates and sets seasons based on how their state hunters 'feel' about it. Only in MN do we set seasons based on emotions.

Fouler, I probably wouldn't swear at him but I might. Obviously this is the internet so there's some theater involved. As far as my penis, I'm not real long but I'm real skinny. I can't believe I got called out on my small penis by a guy who the last time he had pussy, pussy had him. I'm going to take some emails from other guys with small penises and see what they would do and then get back to you......
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Re: Steve Cordts Should Be Fired

Wed Aug 06, 2014 9:15 am

Have you ever heard him speak!?!?! Explains his actions
You can bad mouth a mans gun, his shooting, and his women but bad mouth his dog them's fighting words.

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Re: Steve Cordts Should Be Fired

Wed Aug 06, 2014 9:29 am

I just don't get it?

The numbers and research says we can shoot more ducks, where is the issue?

Honestly, I just don't get it?

What is standing in the way of our state letting hunters take the opportunity the Fed's are affording us?

I do not get it?

They are allowing us to have a teal season, throwing us the preferable bone with two bonus teal and why are we not taking what is offered?

I understand conservation, but this is a preservationists mind set. Good old Aldo believed in conservation, not preservation. Preservation believes not using a harvest able crop of anything will make it last longer, when in fact it will not. The belief that we can stock pile ducks just chaps my hide. But what really gets my goat, is our states hunters are being offered opportunities and our leadership is not taking full advantage of those offers, that states around us are not only allowing there hunters to, but trusting their states hunters to do so. It is a slap in the face to not only not take the allotted opportunity given, but then to basically stab it's own constituents, by saying we don't trust you to shoot the right ducks. But then also to say hey you dumby, terrible duck ID'ers, what's your opinion on taking a couple more teal for 2 weeks of the season.

We on one hand can't ID birds and are slob hunters, but then they want our opinion on regulations, HUH? We can't ID birds and are to irresponsible to have a teal season, but should be making decisions on regulations?


And in making that decision, "we", the states duck hunters, error way to far to the conservative side and for what reason?

This state is just baffling!
Last edited by get-n-birdy on Wed Aug 06, 2014 9:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
DENNIS ANDERSON, Then, about five years ago, in 2020, there were no more ducks in the state,

Mergie Marauder
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Re: Steve Cordts Should Be Fired

Wed Aug 06, 2014 9:31 am

Thick as a bear can, short as a pencil eraser.
DENNIS ANDERSON, Then, about five years ago, in 2020, there were no more ducks in the state,

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Re: Steve Cordts Should Be Fired

Wed Aug 06, 2014 9:42 am

If we are to dumb to properly ID teal to have a season all by themselves, how the hell are we supposed to properly ID them in order to shoot two extra? Sounds like more dead hen wood ducks to me.
"When we have as many hot button issues going on as we do at any given time, we must use a science based approach to management. It is not always the most popular, but is the only way way we can defend ourselves." Tom Landwehr, September 2013

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