Mergie Marauder
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Re: Landwehr's Reason for No Teal Season

Tue Sep 08, 2015 2:45 pm

Landwehr must cry at night knowing people kill deer. I mean shyte, a deer is like 75 pounds of meat, 6 ducks is a couple of pounds at best and will easily feed a family according to him... only an unethical bastard would shoot something as big as a deer to feed his family when just a couple ducks will do.
"When we have as many hot button issues going on as we do at any given time, we must use a science based approach to management. It is not always the most popular, but is the only way way we can defend ourselves." Tom Landwehr, September 2013

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Re: Landwehr's Reason for No Teal Season

Tue Sep 08, 2015 4:13 pm

He probably plucks all his ducks, leaves the feathers and blood clots in the wound channels, roasts the birds at 400 degrees for 2 hours, and thinks 2 or 3 ducks is plenty because his family is "full" after a few bites.

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Re: Landwehr's Reason for No Teal Season

Tue Sep 08, 2015 6:07 pm

tornadochaser wrote:He probably plucks all his ducks, leaves the feathers and blood clots in the wound channels, roasts the birds at 400 degrees for 2 hours, and thinks 2 or 3 ducks is plenty because his family is "full" after a few bites.

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Lol! its rare I actually laugh at things I read, but this was funny.

I've always had a picture in my head that the guys who want to tell me there is a magical number out there that is "plenty" of ducks for me to shoot, have finally reached their ethical limit of ducks that they've thrown in the ditch because they don't know how to cook them, or don't even like them when they are cooked properly, so now they feel bad and want to stop others from doing the same thing because they assume no one can actually like the taste of duck. But when they are in front of other people, they choke down their three duck poppers (which would effectively mask the flavor of dog shyt) a year so they can high five their friends around the campfire and talk about much they love duck, then go on a rant about how anti-hunters just don't get it. Tom Landwehr.... this is how I picture you.

Tom used to hunt 20-30 days a year, if he was terrible at hunting (which wouldn't surprise me) he would average a duck a day. That's 20-30 a year. And now he's telling me 6 is a lot. Wtf happened to this guys brain?
"When we have as many hot button issues going on as we do at any given time, we must use a science based approach to management. It is not always the most popular, but is the only way way we can defend ourselves." Tom Landwehr, September 2013

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Re: Landwehr's Reason for No Teal Season

Tue Sep 08, 2015 9:59 pm

I just don't get why this state is so liberal on certain things, yet so bass-ackwards conservative on others?

They were swatting deer like crazy and that's all well and good. Now shooting a duck or 2 is bad?

I'm seeing FF hatred for the MWA currently. Mn's ubber politeness is retarded. He just asks a legitimate question on their involvement in something they've taken credit for, with some fact checking, and he's somehow an ass hat? Why is keeping the MWA in check a bad thing, by just asking them to prove or provide information on how exactly, or what role they played in something?

That screams of someone who's been caught in fraudulent accusations imdao?

As far as Tom L goes, I crown thee with thy rightfully earned hat of ass-ness. Wear it proudly!
DENNIS ANDERSON, Then, about five years ago, in 2020, there were no more ducks in the state,

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Re: RE: Landwehr's Reason for No Teal Season

Wed Sep 09, 2015 9:54 am

Trigger wrote:Here is the copy and paste of the email Landwehr sent me in response to mine, questioning him on why he went against his previous statement to me (it's now my signature) several years ago concerning making decisions and why he decided to use feelings instead of science when turning down the teal season. And keep in mind during this, I did not mention a concern for bag limits in my email, or a desire to kill more ducks, I simply pointed out the standard debate point that teal are known to be under harvested and at historically high populations- which I'm sure he knows anyways.
Personally, I was a little taken back and surprised at his response. How he kept bringing up how many ducks he feels hunters should ethically take was strange to me. Sure 6 mallards is a lot for a family of 4, but 6 teal won't feed a family of 5. It's some strange reasoning to deny us a teal season in my opinion.

----Sorry for the delayed response; lots going on.

I, too, am a diehard waterfowler, but regret the job responsibilities have greatly infringed on my available time. Historically, I spent 20-30 days per year hunting, almost exclusively in MN. I have also been intimately involved in waterfowl habitat issues and in the regulations setting process in several roles for almost 3 decades (flyway tech committee, DU state conservation director), and tried to focus my BS and MS work in wildlife management on waterfowl conservation.

So at 60 years old, I have to ask, how many ducks do you need to shoot? Seriously, is your only consideration on what constitutes good hunting determined by the maximum number of quarry bagged? Some folks feel the need to take the maximum number of ducks the current population can stand, without also asking what is a reasonable bag from the sporting standpoint. Our bag limits for pheasants (2 until December, then 3), grouse (5), squirrels (7), rabbits (10), mourning doves (15) don’t change from year to year even though populations clearly do. Waterfowl is the only small game group where seasons change based on estimated continental populations. Bag limits need to reflect sustainable harvest, but also – I believe – ethical sportsmanship, allowing for a bag that can be completely used by the hunter and their family. I think 6 ducks is on the top end of that spectrum, and past surveys have shown that most duck hunters are satisfied with 5-6 ducks. Many think 6 is too much.

This year in MN, you can hunt geese more than 100 days, and you can hunt ducks 71 days. With a bag limit of 6 ducks, this is the greatest opportunity for bagging ducks that you have ever had. Again, it makes me wonder, how many ducks do you need to shoot?

There is growing evidence that the MN resident population of waterfowl – those that are born in MN and return here to nest – are in a state of long-term decline. Back in the 1970s, research suggested that early season hunting was having an impact on local breeders, and from that research the 4pm closure was developed. Obviously, it could be a habitat issue, but we don’t know. While we collect a lot of data on ducks, there is way more that we don’t know than what we do know (for instance, we don’t band many wood ducks or ringnecks, so survival estimates are pretty imprecise). Any expansion of opportunity – even a teal season or bonus teal – will put more pressure on MN ducks.

So there’s the balance, and as Commissioner, all regulations ultimately are my responsibility (not Steve’s). The regulations that are ultimately set are a balance of science and social considerations. Opinions on that are as many as there are waterfowlers, so I never expect everyone to be pleased. But someone has to make the decision, that someone is ultimately me, and I stand by the outcome.

Tom Landwehr, Commissioner

Minnesota Department of Natural Resources----

Landwehr is the man!!!!!!

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Re: Landwehr's Reason for No Teal Season

Wed Sep 09, 2015 10:13 am

Actually landwehr just proves what an arrogant out of touch individual he really is. I was actually going to hunt minn this year but after reading that I think I will pass. Man he has a massive ego.

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Re: Landwehr's Reason for No Teal Season

Wed Sep 09, 2015 2:24 pm

tornadochaser wrote:He probably plucks all his ducks, leaves the feathers and blood clots in the wound channels, roasts the birds at 400 degrees for 2 hours, and thinks 2 or 3 ducks is plenty because his family is "full" after a few bites.

Hahahaha one of the funniest things I've read in a long time!
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Re: Landwehr's Reason for No Teal Season

Wed Sep 09, 2015 3:00 pm

get-n-birdy wrote:I'm seeing FF hatred for the MWA currently. Mn's ubber politeness is retarded. He just asks a legitimate question on their involvement in something they've taken credit for, with some fact checking, and he's somehow an ass hat? Why is keeping the MWA in check a bad thing, by just asking them to prove or provide information on how exactly, or what role they played in something?

It goes back to my thoughts on YWD and unwarranted concern for local ducks. Accountability is a bad thing only to insecure people wanting to congratulate themselves for a perception they've bought into and made positive like "doing it for the kids" or "doing it for the ducks" that they aren't willing to see questioned because the reality is they're "doing it for themselves."

It's the same thing as people who go to church just to be seen going to church. They don't go to follow the rules of God or the teachings of Jesus. They go because church is perceived to be good and if others in their community see them going it helps reinforce to themselves that they're a good person....even if they're not. It's the same reason why most attend the MWA symposiums and other meetings and events.

That's how asking legitimate questions are viewed as "attacking." These people are too insecure at even the thought of finding out something they've used as a crutch to feel better about themselves might not be what they've built it up as.
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Re: Landwehr's Reason for No Teal Season

Wed Sep 09, 2015 3:35 pm

So what is landwehr's (god) email anyway?

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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Landwehr's Reason for No Teal Season

Wed Sep 09, 2015 6:32 pm

I've tried giving the dnr the benefit of the doubt. My mistake. I thought they were heading in, at bare minimum, a positive direction with the changes made over the last x number of years. But it's back to bad, old habits for the dnr and Tom L seems to have been sucked into the vortex of the coolaid drinkers.

FF I think you are headed in the right direction. The comparison to their staunch stance on wolf hunting, then to so blissfully, gleefully, ignorantly pour us all this chit stained cup of coolaid, with just food coloring to mask the look of it, yet it has a familiar, stench of their repugnant, repetitive, same old same old manure.

To bad they didn't nurture and fertilize the seeds of actually resource management with the crap ton loads of bs spilling out their pie holes!
DENNIS ANDERSON, Then, about five years ago, in 2020, there were no more ducks in the state,

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