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Re: Is The MWA Lying About What Projects They Did?

Tue Sep 08, 2015 12:46 pm

When a group pushes both publicly and behind the scenes to stop a hunting season with their personal opinions as the only reason for opposition, that's not borderline anti-hunting---that is the definition of being anti-hunting.

The MWA used the same EXACT argument a blatant-self-proclaimed animal rights group used to oppose a hunting season. The animal-rights group also had only unwarranted emotional concerns over how the hunting season would negatively impact the population of the animals they want to protect as their reason to be scientific research or data to back up those concerns either.

The ONLY difference is the MWA was successful in stopping the hunting season they opposed and the animal rights group wasn't!!! The MWA is the most successful animal rights group in the history of Minnesota! They even have the commissioner of the DNR as a supporting member listening to their input and acting on it.

Name another animal rights group that successfully stopped a hunting season in our state?

I can't think of any examples.

In case some didn't put it together, the animal rights group is Howling For Wolves. Go to their website and read their concerns about the wolf population in MN. They talk about the surveys being wrong and how the population is actually smaller so we need to err on the conservative side for sounds EXACTLY like MWA talking about ducks in our state.
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Re: Is The MWA Lying About What Projects They Did?

Tue Sep 08, 2015 1:18 pm

^^^ just more hogwash and debauchery by FF. :roll: Hmmm I pushed FOR an Early teal Season. What did you do this past year? I know the answer - NOTHING but bitch and whine like a 3 YO kid this last month on this site.

gimpfinger wrote:Face it there is no proof that the mwa has done any of those projects or ol cut-n-paste would of rubbed it in ff's face.

Really? You know that I do not work for them, that I do not have access to their records and it was a long weekend and yet you say that Gimp? What is wrong with you? Seriously? You know better....

So some of you want answers-here they are as I simply asked Brad the ED of the MWA to verify: (BTW - ANY of you could have done the same thing!)

Swan Lake draw down- Yes the MWA has been involved in various funding of projects over the years at the Swan Lake WMA.

Lake Maria yes the MWA did a CPL grant for restoration work at this MWA a few years ago.

Lake Christina Yes the MWA helped to pay for a research biologist at least 13 years ago that was studying Christina and how to improve it. Lots of orgs have been instrumental in helping at Christina--Interestingly the one responsible for getting it drawn down was the CIA. (Christian, Ina, Association.), yet Ff did not mention them.

Many many others help, from DU to Delta, to local sportsman's clubs, etc. along with MWA chapters and their members. Also orgs like the nature Conservancy help too. They ALL bring something to the table.

As for the rantings of the internet jockies like FF - they are totally ignored by the the DNR, USFWS, etc Why? As it's just that - rantings. Who do they actually listen too? Common sense reasonable communications and those that actually role up their sleeves and help in the conservation community. It does not matter if it is DU, Delta, MWA, Sportsman's club,, etc. Are you actually trying to be of help? Are you credible in expressing your thoughts and concerns and desires? That's who they listen to.

As far as the Early teal Season - all this supposed uproar. Really? How many had contacted Steve last winter and spring? Hardly anyone did. I bet it was less than 10. And yet there is this supposed "the DNR screwed us hunters" lately. So quit blaming others for your own inaction/s. The bottom line is Commissioner Tom is not in favor of an early teal season, from what I can tell - never was, so likely it will not change for at least 3.5 years when a new Gov is elected. And maybe the new Gov will keep Tom on, who knows. And again, remember that the MWA never was asked by the Steve or Tom or the DNR for their stance on the early teal season. So get over it.

As for the MWA, Brad the MWA ED had 4 people contact him this year regarding the Early teal Season. I was 1 of them. Just another example of the apathy by hunters.

Some of you want to blame and point the finger at the DNR and MWA. The truth is you have 3 fingers pointed back at yourself for your own inactions. So quit bitching. Instead lend a hand at what ever conservation org that pleases you.

That being said, I'm done with this all as the answers were given and I have better things to do with my time than debate with an ass clown like FF any further because everyone knows if I say black he'll say white, if I say white he'll say black. He is nothing more but an internet Troll who wants to gloat to further pump up his pitiful ego.

Have a good hunting season gentlemen.
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Re: Is The MWA Lying About What Projects They Did?

Tue Sep 08, 2015 1:41 pm

I assisted with all those projects listed above as well.

Doesn't mean I did shit.
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Re: Is The MWA Lying About What Projects They Did?

Tue Sep 08, 2015 2:10 pm

Well Ron we all know you never do shit, so what's new?
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Re: Is The MWA Lying About What Projects They Did?

Tue Sep 08, 2015 2:36 pm

Lol Fowler thinks that because a guy posts on here, that means its the ONLY thing he does. Fowler, guys can post on here AND try to go about making the changes they complain about on here, in real life... you know that right? Or will you ignore that fact so you can hurl some more insults?
"When we have as many hot button issues going on as we do at any given time, we must use a science based approach to management. It is not always the most popular, but is the only way way we can defend ourselves." Tom Landwehr, September 2013

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Re: Is The MWA Lying About What Projects They Did?

Tue Sep 08, 2015 3:59 pm

h2ofwlr wrote:As far as the Early teal Season - all this supposed uproar. Really? How many had contacted Steve last winter and spring? Hardly anyone did. I bet it was less than 10.

I personally know of more than ten individuals that emailed Steve on a Teal season.
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Re: Is The MWA Lying About What Projects They Did?

Tue Sep 08, 2015 4:03 pm

What does the long weekend have to do with anything besides give you more time to post anything to go against ff claims. But yet you say a guy named brad told you this and that...same guy that was responsible for the bold claims that they were the ones doing these projects?

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Re: Is The MWA Lying About What Projects They Did?

Tue Sep 08, 2015 5:21 pm

I've emailed several at the DNR in support of the teal season. Not that it's something to brag about, I'm embarrassed that I live in a state where we have to lobby a season that's ridiculously beyond any scientific management standard to open one...and the douche bags in charge still wouldn't do it.

Your buddy Brad is about to see if I've been emailing people lately. How much you want to bet those websites links I posted all change their content in the near future?

Hopefully it'll be bigger than that but that'll happen at the very least.
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Re: Is The MWA Lying About What Projects They Did?

Tue Sep 08, 2015 6:20 pm

h2ofwlr wrote:^^^ just more hogwash and debauchery by FF.

Instead of calling it hogwash why don't you cite an example like I asked for?

Until someone does I'll contend the only special interest group to successfully stop a hunting season in MN is the MWA.

If someone does then they'll be one of two...

h2ofwlr wrote:So some of you want answers-here they are as I simply asked Brad the ED of the MWA to verify: (BTW - ANY of you could have done the same thing!)

You don't think I know that? Why would I want to call Brad and ask him? I'd rather have him answer to the AG.

Nylin and Landwehr chose public service and all it entails, like being in the public eye. I didn't sign up for that and never would.

I like my position of anonymity. People can only judge the merit of what you're saying by its message alone.
h2ofwlr wrote:Swan Lake draw down- Yes the MWA has been involved in various funding of projects over the years at the Swan Lake WMA.
So that's a 'no' from Brad that they had anything to do with the draw down.

Lake Maria yes the MWA did a CPL grant for restoration work at this MWA a few years ago. Which I the 'Spin Dr.' pointed out from the start. The grant was for $39534, the MWA provided $4500 in 'matching funds' for a project total of $44034.

Restoration of Lake Christina Yes the MWA helped to pay for a research biologist at least 13 years ago that was studying Christina and how to improve it. Lots of orgs have been instrumental in helping at Christina--Interestingly the one responsible for getting it drawn down was the CIA. (Christian, Ina, Association.), yet Ff did not mention them.

It's funny you say that because you're right. I was waiting to see if you caught that. I actually changed what I said in my letter to the AG as a result to include the lake associations.

The other thing I was wrong about was DU successfully restoring Christina on their first try. DU was actually the driving force behind the 2003 rotenone treatment that was a long-term failure like the previous applications. It wasn't until later (2012) they figured out the control structures.

I subsequently changed that in my letter as well.

"When the lake is healthy, the water is gin-clear,'' said Gruss, who has lived on the lake since 1994 and is active with the Christina-Ina-Anka Lake Association, a 200-member group named for the three adjoining lakes. It spearheaded the campaign to restore Christina.

"Without them, the project wouldn't have happened,'' said Jon Schneider, manager of Minnesota conservation programs for Ducks Unlimited.

Of the $2.3 million for the project, $1.5 million came from the state Outdoor Heritage Fund, $296,000 from Ducks Unlimited, $287,000 from the lake association and $170,000 from the DNR.

---Doug Smith Star Tribune September 2012

Funny there's no mention of MWA even though the article was written by Doug Smith who's routinely given the MWA and B-Rad Nylin tons of positive pub???

Al, you're such a narcissistic azzhole. It blows my mind that you always think you're the smartest guy in the room.

Do you think I didn't look for any possible contribution by MWA that'd merit their involvement? Do you think that I and most others don't realize that the majority of these type of projects involve a multitude of various conservation groups, private parties, county, state and federal agencies to facilitate their completion whom all take credit and list them as an accomplishment?

Of course we realize that. But if you think the ED of the MWA saying they've worked on 'various projects over the years' at the Swan Lake WMA should allow them to publicly take credit for an expensive draw down they weren't apart of, or that the 'MWA helped to pay for a research biologist at least 13 years ago that was studying Christina and how to improve it' passes the smell test for claiming the "Restoration of Lake Christina," you're a much bigger idiot than I took you for.
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Re: Is The MWA Lying About What Projects They Did?

Tue Sep 08, 2015 8:10 pm

I even tried to give the MWA the benefit of the doubt when I noticed their similar success story for the restoration of Lake Christina that DU had on their website.

Trying to be objective as possible I thought that if the MWA was truly apart of the project and I just couldn't find the info showing that, it probably wouldn't be that unusual for each organization to use a press release and word-smith it to their respective liking.

The most likely source would be the DNR. No dice, couldn't find a similar press release. So I kept looking...still no dice.

I think the most likely scenario is the MWA c&p'd DU's press release and removed all mention of them and then posted it on their website in an effort to take credit.

But that isn't a fraudulent statement made in order to misrepresent the work they're responsible for in hopes of increased membership or donations because they 'MWA "helped to pay" for a research biologist at least 13 years ago that was studying Christina and how to improve it.'

I'm sure we all have a buddy that we kind of remember chipping in on a bar tab at least 13 years ago that has skated on paying ever since......we just keep letting them drink and take credit for pitching in even though they never do.....

Nothing sleazy or immoral about that! Why would that upset anyone? ... cess-story
There are thousands of lakes in Minnesota with rich histories of waterfowling traditions, but arguably none as well known as Lake Christina in Douglas County. Due to a combination of prolonged high-water levels and over-population of rough fish, the lake was in a turbid, unproductive state. This poor water quality had virtually eliminated the aquatic food resources that historically attracted hundreds of thousands of waterfowl each spring and fall. To restore the lake to a clear water condition and reverse the decline in waterfowl use, a comprehensive conservation plan was developed at the local level.

Starting in 2003, DU’s involvement with implementing the conservation plan has included an aerial application of rotenone, followed by the design and installation of fish barriers between Lakes Ina and Anka and at Nycklemoe Slough to prevent fish from reentering Lake Christina. Preliminary surveys by the MN DNR show water clarity has dramatically improved and vegetation and invertebrates are recovering. The best news is that the ducks are coming back!

Our work on Lake Christina is not done as we continue to move toward a more permanent solution. The next phases include working with the Lake Association and MN DNR to study the feasibility of a permanent pump structure that would allow periodic drawdowns and to work with additional conservation oriented Lake Christina property owners to help protect undeveloped shorelines. One conservation-oriented couple, John and Pat Lindquist, donated a conservation easement to DU in December, 2004, on 170 acres of land along Lakes Christina, Anka, and Ina. Thanks to numerous dedicated supporters, the future is looking very bright for Lake Christina and the waterfowl that depend on it. ... -christina
There are thousands of lakes in Minnesota with rich histories of waterfowling traditions, but arguably none as well known as Lake Christina in Douglas County. Due to a combination of prolonged high-water levels and over-population of rough fish, the lake was in a turbid, unproductive state. This poor water quality had virtually eliminated the aquatic food resources that historically attracted hundreds of thousands of waterfowl each spring and fall. To restore the lake to a clear water condition and reverse the decline in waterfowl use, a comprehensive conservation plan was developed at the local level.

Implementing the conservation plan has included an aerial application of rotenone, followed by the design and installation of fish barriers between Lakes Ina and Anka and at Nycklemoe Slough to prevent fish from reentering Lake Christina. Preliminary surveys by the MN DNR show water clarity has dramatically improved and vegetation and invertebrates are recovering. The best news is that the ducks are coming back!

The next phases include working with the Lake Association and MN DNR to study the feasibility of a permanent pump structure that would allow periodic drawdowns and to work with additional conservation oriented Lake Christina property owners to help protect undeveloped shorelines. Thanks to numerous dedicated supporters, the future is looking very bright for Lake Christina and the waterfowl that depend on it.

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