Mergie Marauder
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Re: Is The MWA Lying About What Projects They Did?

Tue Sep 08, 2015 9:42 pm

I find it funny that no one has brought up the legislative audit from 12 years ago that found major problems in the MWA's dealings.

I don't contend the MWA is good or bad. But they are a special interest group. And they try to look after THEIR interests. Just like any special interest group in Washington. So none of this should really come as a shock. Their interest was not having a teal season. And they were successful at making sure that happened. I guess this is kind of eye opening that the MWA is that powerful...kind of saw them as a dying org. Especially after the doubts cast upon them by the legislative audit..

I guess what you need to do ff is start your own special interest group. Because the only thing that makes laws these days is hundos. Its amazing what can get passed if there's enough money involved. The DNR was smart enough to realize there would be no additional revenue from a teal season...but they wouldn't get free hunts for themselves paid for by the MWA if they didn't knock down the teal season.

I know how it works. I'm in an industry where it doesn't matter how shitty of a job you do, if you spend enough hundos you continue to get jobs. Everyone looks out for their own interests.

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Re: Is The MWA Lying About What Projects They Did?

Tue Sep 08, 2015 10:42 pm

LOL!!! Holy shyt. So who are the plagerizing a-holes? DU? Or MWA?
"When we have as many hot button issues going on as we do at any given time, we must use a science based approach to management. It is not always the most popular, but is the only way way we can defend ourselves." Tom Landwehr, September 2013

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Re: Is The MWA Lying About What Projects They Did?

Wed Sep 09, 2015 5:12 am


For the win!

Fish Felon wrote:

Nothing sleazy or immoral about that! Why would that upset anyone? ... cess-story
There are thousands of lakes in Minnesota with rich histories of waterfowling traditions, but arguably none as well known as Lake Christina in Douglas County. Due to a combination of prolonged high-water levels and over-population of rough fish, the lake was in a turbid, unproductive state. This poor water quality had virtually eliminated the aquatic food resources that historically attracted hundreds of thousands of waterfowl each spring and fall. To restore the lake to a clear water condition and reverse the decline in waterfowl use, a comprehensive conservation plan was developed at the local level.

Starting in 2003, DU’s involvement with implementing the conservation plan has included an aerial application of rotenone, followed by the design and installation of fish barriers between Lakes Ina and Anka and at Nycklemoe Slough to prevent fish from reentering Lake Christina. Preliminary surveys by the MN DNR show water clarity has dramatically improved and vegetation and invertebrates are recovering. The best news is that the ducks are coming back!

Our work on Lake Christina is not done as we continue to move toward a more permanent solution. The next phases include working with the Lake Association and MN DNR to study the feasibility of a permanent pump structure that would allow periodic drawdowns and to work with additional conservation oriented Lake Christina property owners to help protect undeveloped shorelines. One conservation-oriented couple, John and Pat Lindquist, donated a conservation easement to DU in December, 2004, on 170 acres of land along Lakes Christina, Anka, and Ina. Thanks to numerous dedicated supporters, the future is looking very bright for Lake Christina and the waterfowl that depend on it. ... -christina
There are thousands of lakes in Minnesota with rich histories of waterfowling traditions, but arguably none as well known as Lake Christina in Douglas County. Due to a combination of prolonged high-water levels and over-population of rough fish, the lake was in a turbid, unproductive state. This poor water quality had virtually eliminated the aquatic food resources that historically attracted hundreds of thousands of waterfowl each spring and fall. To restore the lake to a clear water condition and reverse the decline in waterfowl use, a comprehensive conservation plan was developed at the local level.

Implementing the conservation plan has included an aerial application of rotenone, followed by the design and installation of fish barriers between Lakes Ina and Anka and at Nycklemoe Slough to prevent fish from reentering Lake Christina. Preliminary surveys by the MN DNR show water clarity has dramatically improved and vegetation and invertebrates are recovering. The best news is that the ducks are coming back!

The next phases include working with the Lake Association and MN DNR to study the feasibility of a permanent pump structure that would allow periodic drawdowns and to work with additional conservation oriented Lake Christina property owners to help protect undeveloped shorelines. Thanks to numerous dedicated supporters, the future is looking very bright for Lake Christina and the waterfowl that depend on it.

Dominate The Skies.

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Re: RE: Re: Is The MWA Lying About What Projects They Did?

Wed Sep 09, 2015 9:57 am

Fish Felon wrote:I've emailed several at the DNR in support of the teal season. Not that it's something to brag about, I'm embarrassed that I live in a state where we have to lobby a season that's ridiculously beyond any scientific management standard to open one...and the douche bags in charge still wouldn't do it.

Your buddy Brad is about to see if I've been emailing people lately. How much you want to bet those websites links I posted all change their content in the near future?

Hopefully it'll be bigger than that but that'll happen at the very least.

Tom landwehr thinks you already have enough opportunities and he is god!

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Re: Is The MWA Lying About What Projects They Did?

Wed Sep 09, 2015 10:17 am

This is why I no longer donate anything to these organizations. Delta is just as bad.
get-n-birdy wrote:Remember, just because it's not legal doesn't mean you can't do it, there's just a fee if you get caught.

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Re: Is The MWA Lying About What Projects They Did?

Wed Sep 09, 2015 1:31 pm

Big Doe Hunter wrote:This is why I no longer donate anything to these organizations. Delta is just as bad.

I think DU has proven over the past 10-15 years, ever since Delta started giving it a good run, that they are the only one to even be considered bordering on legit. FF has pretty much proven, even if he isn't 100% correct, that they are worthless. Being anti-hunters is just the icing on the cake for that group of blue hairs.
"When we have as many hot button issues going on as we do at any given time, we must use a science based approach to management. It is not always the most popular, but is the only way way we can defend ourselves." Tom Landwehr, September 2013

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Fish Felon
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Re: Is The MWA Lying About What Projects They Did?

Wed Sep 09, 2015 2:00 pm

Big Doe Hunter wrote:This is why I no longer donate anything to these organizations. Delta is just as bad.

That's not my intent for pointing this out. All these organizations can have positive impacts but they need to be held accountable. Members should always push the organizations they support to be better, do more, and to operate as transparent and efficiently as possible.

I haven't always spoken highly of DU. If you would have asked me 15 years ago what I thought about them it would have been pretty negative. Presently, I can't imagine being more pleased with an organization. Despite facing challenges they've stuck to executing their mission. Their work in MN for the past decade plus has been fantastic.

What I like the most about DU is that they stay out of politics unless it directly relates to habitat. The only time you read about them in the paper is after completing a big project. They don't comment on seasons or limits or get in the middle of a controversial topics. They realize that would fracture their membership and upset a portion of it. They focus on habitat because their members are in mutual agreement and it's why they were founded. Why change your purpose when it's the right thing to do and it's been successful?

MWA on the other hand has done the opposite. The only time you hear about them is when they're being political. "We're shooting too many wood ducks," "A teal season would put too much pressure on local ducks," "We're concerned about earlier season dates and half-hour-before-sunrise shooting on opener," blah blah blah.

They're a joke. Why any MN duck hunter would give them a dime instead of donating it to DU is beyond me. Say what you want about Mike McGinty but at least he used crooked accounting as a means to get habitat projects done during a desperate time for waterfowl habitat conservation, before DU was doing anything in MN. I'd rather see the MWA cook the books to get habitat on the ground then play it safe doing nothing but starting a Hall of Fame and bitching about seasons lengths and limits.

Maybe once all the idiotic blue-hairs that fill their ranks die-off the MWA will get away from complaining about waterfowl management and get back to working on putting habitat on the ground. It could happen.
The Minnesota Waterfowl Association is dedicated to the preservation, protection and enhancement of our state's wetlands and related waterfowl habitat and our hunting heritage.
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Fish Felon
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Re: Is The MWA Lying About What Projects They Did?

Wed Sep 09, 2015 2:20 pm

Trigger wrote:ever since Delta started giving it a good run, that they are the only one to even be considered bordering on legit

That's another reason why I'm so impressed with DU. When Delta came at them for not implementing and funding the programs they wanted, they went from being a small but historic research organization and jumped into the arena of being a fundraising organization in order to implement their programs. A lot of duck hunters, myself included, were 'Wowed' by the rhetoric they heard by the new kid on the block (Delta) looking to beat up the big popular kid (DU). They were 'for hunters' and DU was a bunch of PC blue-bloods not willing get the job done.

It was all sizzle and no steak.

Since then Delta got rid of 'Adopt-A-Pothole,' a program that essentially just gave money to farmers who had wetlands on their property I guess??? There were no legal easements tied to any of the payments as far as I know.

Hen Houses have proven to be a failure from a 'super site' standpoint due to the amount of manpower they require.

ALUS was supposed to be ground-breaking by becoming a large CRP type program for Canada. It never happened. Not sure what, if anything, it's doing at this point.

Predator management was their big one and how they drew blood on DU after they said it wouldn't be socially acceptable. Delta pushed that to mean DU was catering to East and West coast elitists. Turns out they were talking about rural farmers in the prairie region of U.S. and Canada. The amount of trapping blacks and acres trapped has actually dwindled and they're not allowed to trap many of the large blocks they did when they built momentum as an organization after pissing off the locals. DU was right to keep their focus on just habitat.
“We’ve been researching predator management for 20 years, and the results continue to speak for themselves,” said Joel Brice, Delta Waterfowl vice president of waterfowl and hunter recruitment programs.

Really?!?! You've been reinforcing your own research that is kindergarten level biology for 20 years? You mean to tell me when there's less predators the species they prey on go up, when there's more predators the species they prey on go down....Der-Dah-Derh! No way!!! Let's see some more studies to back this up!!!!!!

The worst part is an independent research group that did a lot of great work has been ruined because the tail is wagging the dog and the fundraising side of it is pushing research to promote their agenda.
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Re: Is The MWA Lying About What Projects They Did?

Wed Sep 09, 2015 2:54 pm

DU did the right thing by catering to habitat and not hunters. I'm sure they get far more in donations every year from non hunters than they do hunters.
Dominate The Skies.

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Re: Is The MWA Lying About What Projects They Did?

Wed Sep 09, 2015 3:01 pm

I can't imagine mwa has many members.

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