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Re: BLM Blocking the TC Marathon Finish Line

Tue Sep 29, 2015 5:27 pm

cstemig wrote:I still can't figure out why they don't protest all of the shootings in their own neighborhood.

I would like to seem them block or harass the people going to "Kawanza" or the "Junetheeth" celebrations. I bet that would really go over good.

They're phucking retards...what do you expect?
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Re: BLM Blocking the TC Marathon Finish Line

Tue Sep 29, 2015 5:41 pm

Not sure why all the publicity? They had 300 at the state fair and 100 for the first Viking game. Hell, there were over 5000 at the duck rally and look what got accomplished! Nobody takes them seriously.

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Re: BLM Blocking the TC Marathon Finish Line

Tue Sep 29, 2015 5:53 pm

Yah that's just rude to block a marathon finish line. Hopefully some of the runners still have some juice by mile 25 and can channel their in Gordy Howe or Charles Barkley and run through throwing elbows.

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Re: BLM Blocking the TC Marathon Finish Line

Tue Sep 29, 2015 8:53 pm

Bullet21XD wrote:They're phucking retards...what do you expect?


My wife's Grandma lives in Milwaukee. I stopped by for dinner a couple weeks back on the road for work and she summed it up perfectly,

"If Black Lives Matter then why do they keep killing each other?"

This is just as retarded as the Occupy Wallstreet 'Movement' yelling on public transit...you're pissed off at billionaires so to make your point you try to make the day rougher for working class people that probably already have it pretty rough?

Great strategy.

Another great strategy---protesting a marathon because a kid was standing on the tracks and Metro transit cops pulled him off. The kid was black and autistic. If the kid was white and autistic they would have done the same goddamn thing. It's sort of like when my wife's driving and does something really stupid and I have to yell at her and then she gets pissed because I didn't explain it nicely and I say, "well dear, if you wouldn't have stopped in the middle of a busy blind intersection where we could have been killed if a truck was the next vehicle to come through I would have explained it nicely but I didn't want to phucking die today."

I'm sure the transit cops would have nicely helped the kid out had he not been stumbling around looking at the ground with headphones on incoherently. The mom said something along the lines of ' if they'd just asked him a few questions they'd have realized he was mentally deficient.' Hey you dumb bitch, a train comes every ten minutes...maybe they didn't have time to babysit your retarded son and cordially ask him questions?! Sorry they were rude. Hopefully the next time they see a black kid wandering in circles on the tracks they let the LRT take him out of his shoes instead of saving his azz.

If he was that retarded then where was the Mom? Why is she letting her retarded kid run free when he doesn't even understand you can't walk up the tracks?

This shyte is just Naggers being Naggers. They have no intention of doing anything productive with their 'movement.' They just want to bitch.

If they wanted to actual make progress they'd follow along the lines of the esteemed Martin Luther King Jr and stage civil protests and try to productively use their time to see recognizable change; like getting a demographic unfairly represented to register to vote so they're not facing juries, sheriffs, judges, comprised completely of another color.

The only time this sort of political unrest ever accomplishes progress is if has a competent leader that can recognize they have to push their agenda using using positive instead of negative reinforcement. If Black Lives Matters had a car wash to raise funds for a scholarship to send a black kid to cop school so there would be more diversity on the MPLS police force you don't think that'd be well received? Or if they partnered with habitat for humanity and volunteered to help build low income housing. Get some press or hand out a pamphlet with your key points and when you hand them out do it with a smile on your face and say. "thanks for your time and/or support."

And then have a phucking plan! Bitching about social inequality isn't a plan!!! Telling people, "The average black family has 1/8th the wealth of the average white family, or a black driver is X times more likely to be pulled over then a white driver," doesn't mean shit. It's 2015. Anyone willing to listen probably already knows we live in an unjust society. There are plenty of whites, asians, hispanics, indians, that are struggling too. If you want their support, which you need, then have push your agenda positively and be as inclusive as possible. What are you going to tell the people you get to agree with you? After getting people to agree that there is a problem, how do you plan on fixing the problem?

Pissing off a ton of every day people at a marathon doesn't fit that description.
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Re: BLM Blocking the TC Marathon Finish Line

Tue Sep 29, 2015 9:31 pm

Still trying to figure out how any of their protests are even considered a lawful assembly.

I know if I stood in the middle of a street with a sign blocking traffic I'd at least get my ass dragged off of it.

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Re: BLM Blocking the TC Marathon Finish Line

Wed Sep 30, 2015 11:47 am

^^^I think the cops are deliberately trying to not arrest them.

If I was standing by myself on the course in front of the finish line last year you better believe they would have tackled my azz and cuffed me.
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Re: BLM Blocking the TC Marathon Finish Line

Wed Sep 30, 2015 12:22 pm

This will remove any notion you may have had to give the "movement" the benefit of the doubt.

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