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The debates

Tue Sep 27, 2016 9:59 am

We are doomed if either candidate becomes POTUS. :shock:

Did any one else watch it last night? Your thoughts?
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Re: The debates

Tue Sep 27, 2016 10:16 am

h2ofwlr wrote:We are doomed if either candidate becomes POTUS. :shock:

Did any one else watch it last night? Your thoughts?

Well then prepare to be doomed because there's no way around it.

I listened to like 45 minutes on the radio while driving. Frustrating to listen. Both just can't seem to answer a direct question.

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Re: The debates

Tue Sep 27, 2016 6:46 pm

I managed to get through 1 hour & 15-minutes of it, and then it was time to shut it off or put a gun to my head. I'm impressed on how both of them skirted around the issues and not directly answering the pointed questions.

I thought that Hillary was more prepared and more composed....Trump was being Trump.

Trump did have a couple of good points though.... (1) The billions/trillion dollars spent in the Middle East for rebuilding their infrastructures (Oil refineries, airports, roads, etc.) during the past 8-years would have been better spent rebuilding our infrastructure (highways, bridges, hospitals, etc.) and (2) The unfair trade imbalance with China needs to be addressed.

The next debate will be interesting as I believe that Trump will be better prepared.
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Re: The debates

Tue Sep 27, 2016 6:54 pm

Lots of scuttle butt going around that Hillary had the questions 1 week ago and why she was so well prepared.

And Holt was really 1 sided against trump, a terrible moderator.

I have an idea to solve the 2 worst POTUS candidates that I have ever seen.

Both candidates could do their country a great service by stepping aside and letting the voters choose between the current vice-presidential picks.
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Re: The debates

Tue Sep 27, 2016 9:07 pm

The most reassuring thing for me is the emotion Trump shows when he speaks about the issues. You can tell where his heart is, he genuinely cares about it. You see him get worked up when they tried saying he supported the iraq war? You have to toss aside all the BS and just listen to his enthusiasm when he is talking about this country. Compare it to Hillary. Regurgitating the same ol, well rehearsed BS that "sounds" good to the masses. You see her get exited or visually distressed while giving her answers? No, her answers were written to get votes and that's all, she doesn't care about the issues, helping people, or helping this country. Only about helping herself.

Trump certainly could have been better prepared. But honestly that didn't even affect my opinion of him. The way he cares about this country is what has sealed my vote for him.

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Re: The debates

Tue Sep 27, 2016 9:07 pm

Holt asked trump 15 questions and kept interrupting him to fact check while hilly got two and no fact checks.

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Re: The debates

Wed Sep 28, 2016 8:17 am

Trump killed it. I loved all his little comments like when Hillary was complaining about how he profited off of the recession and getting things for pennies on the dollar and selling them for more later,

"That's called "Business," by the way..."

I agree with maple's take---obvious to see Trump truly cares. Whether it's from a sweet heartfelt place or complete narcissism and trying to get his head carved on Mt. Rushmore, I do not care.

He has become the anti-hero anti-politician and I am rooting for him.

I love that he has the stones to go after China and their BS currency dumping/devaluing they've pulling for decades now. I love that he is going to rip up NAFTA. All the fact checker retards are academics. I don't give a shit about what a bunch of liberals that have never tipped their toe in the real world have to say about Hillary's budget. They look at it purely black and white, "If we raise taxes and get rid of corporate loopholes that means we get more money der-da-der-da-durrrrr." They have no understanding of any of the other big picture implications and can't comprehend how it is totally feasible that by lowering the corporate tax rate could mean a shitload more money in the treasury's coffers because of some of the trillions being kept offshore coming back.

Trump's the man.
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Re: The debates

Wed Sep 28, 2016 10:49 am

Trump doesnt have solid plans, and killary's plan is to buttf*ck this country dry with no lube. It's amazing how she can be backed by both the war profiteers and the liberal hippy brainwashed masses.

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Re: The debates

Wed Sep 28, 2016 10:15 pm

Trump made money off the recession, one of the dumbest things to come out her mouth. So did thousands of first time home buyers that couldn't afford houses before the recession, and now are selling for handsome profits. They are all terrible people too I suppose.

People trying to better themselves is what once made this country great. Since when does trying to better yourself make you a terrible person? One of the deplorables? The things she says should really anger a lot of people.

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Re: The debates

Thu Sep 29, 2016 10:27 pm

Hillary is hot!
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