Mergie Marauder
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Re: MWA all done............

Wed Sep 11, 2019 3:06 am

h2ofwlr wrote:They did over 1000 habitat projects in their 52 yrs. Enough said.

Mowing the lawn and pulling weeds at the state office aren't "habitat projects".

Try again.
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Re: MWA all done............

Wed Sep 11, 2019 3:08 am

And I just heard...a group decided to rise to the occasion and take over Camp Woody. NAMBLA will be spearheading the operation. The molestfest shall go on.
Dominate The Skies.

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Re: MWA all done............

Wed Sep 11, 2019 8:38 am

regardless of political views or opinions on MWA, I feal H20 hit the nail on the head with this one:

h2ofwlr wrote:I believe the MWA's demise is a telling tale of what bodes for us waterfowl hunters as a whole in the forth coming years.

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Re: MWA all done............

Wed Sep 11, 2019 8:42 am

Bullet21XD wrote:And I just heard...a group decided to rise to the occasion and take over Camp Woody. NAMBLA will be spearheading the operation. The molestfest shall go on.

Also wouldn't hurt to reach out to Jerry Sandusky and the Epstein estate for donations to keep it going.

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Re: MWA all done............

Wed Sep 11, 2019 8:45 am

Mallard_maniac wrote:regardless of political views or opinions on MWA, I feal H20 hit the nail on the head with this one:

h2ofwlr wrote:I believe the MWA's demise is a telling tale of what bodes for us waterfowl hunters as a whole in the forth coming years.

California banned trapping recently.

I think in 100 years there won't be much legal hunting left. Honestly it doesn't really bother me, things change it's just how it is. If hunting was illegal tomorrow people would bitch for a couple weeks but find other hobbies, the world would still turn. There is no stopping it, hunting will eventually be outlawed.

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Re: MWA all done............

Wed Sep 11, 2019 12:38 pm

Stute Slap wrote:
Mallard_maniac wrote:regardless of political views or opinions on MWA, I feal H20 hit the nail on the head with this one:

h2ofwlr wrote:I believe the MWA's demise is a telling tale of what bodes for us waterfowl hunters as a whole in the forth coming years.

California banned trapping recently.

I think in 100 years there won't be much legal hunting left. Honestly it doesn't really bother me, things change it's just how it is. If hunting was illegal tomorrow people would bitch for a couple weeks but find other hobbies, the world would still turn. There is no stopping it, hunting will eventually be outlawed.

The notion perpetuated within the hunting community that hunters are vital to conservation in this country, and the fear-mongering over declining hunter numbers.....at one point it was engrained in me too.....this inherent fear of the demise of hunting and hunters in this country at one point was a source of real worry for me.

At some point I'm guessing around fifteen years ago hunting became something that I did more so than something that defined me. It still defines who I am to a certain degree, and it's an important part of my life.....

.....I guess the best way to describe the change in my mentality was prior to it I would argue with non-hunters/anti-hunters at an after bar close keg party. It was greatly important to me to try to convince them....or bury their logic while defending hunting in conversations. I felt personally attacked by anyone that didn't openly support hunting. I was legitimately threatened and insecure about it.

Then for some reason I became secure with myself and no longer gave a shit. It didn't bother me when people made comments degrading hunting, and said things like how they thought it was really fukced up. I'd say something along the lines of, "Yeah, it isn't for everyone...and it is kind of fukced up....but it's something that I've grown up with, is important to my family, friends, and myself. It doesn't bother me that you aren't supportive of hunting and I don't judge you for it all.....I hope you won't judge me for something I do since it's just a small part of who I am and doesn't define me."

Most of the time that'd be it, but sometimes this would lead to later discussions in the evening where in my opinion, under that context I was able to do more in defense of hunting than when I'd force an "open discussion" with the singular motive of brow beating the individuals that threatened the identity I'd chosen for myself into submission.

It's like how I bitch about a lot of far left liberals stating how "open-minded" they are and insisting on creating political discussion knowing I have a different viewpoint....and they have no intention of discussing anything under the premise they respect my viewpoint as being equal to their own. They don't. They're only agenda is to brow beat me into submission because they pretend to think it's their duty to change my opinions into their own....and the reality they really don't give a shit about making the world a better place, they care about protecting the identity for themselves just like I used to do in order to protect my identity as a hunter.

I hunt, or have hunted a lot in the past, but it's not important to me to define myself as a hunter.

I think it often boils down to guys feeling the need to create a legacy for themselves and have a cause they view as important.......when it doesn't bother me at all that when I'm dead there aren't going to be any monuments like there are for George Washington, people will not care to know who I am long after I'm gone like they do for him, and I understand the mindset some have for this being an important achievement but I just view it as once I'm dead....George Washington and I will be exactly the same....dead and gone. It doesn't matter to George Washington that he's got numerous massive monuments to him and he's unanimously revered as the founding father of the greatest country on earth....that stuff doesn't matter to George Washington because he's dead.

I don't care that future generations won't be able to hunt, because I'll be dead.....I suppose I have a moderate wish/hope people will be able to enjoy the same things that I enjoyed and were meaningful to me, but they'll have other things that'll matter to them. In the end, it's far too big for someone as small and meaningless in the grand scheme of things to worry about or misguidedly think he can make a difference and change.

Maybe that's one of the things wrong with me. It's certainly a possibility. Maybe things like preserving the right to hunt for future generations, and making sure there are hunters in the future, is something that should matter greatly to me. Telling me that's what you think won't offend me and I won't even disagree with you on it....but it is what it is.....you can't force other people to care about things they don't truly care about.

I will say that not being allowed to hunt for a couple years....a notion that hit me like a ton of bricks at first since it's all I've ever done....once you're faced with it you realize it's not that big of a deal. I still spend more time outdoors than anyone I know. I had already started doing more fall fishing since bird numbers in my area have really dwindled in just the past half dozen years. The first duck opener at the cabin when my ex-wife came with me was 2013. She shot her first duck, and only duck for the weekend, after she finally hit one and I felt OK to start pulling the trigger....I shot 26 ducks over the rest of that Saturday and Sunday, including a banded wood duck. At no point during any season then or the next few after it could I not go kill a limit if hypothetically my life depended on it. 2017, the last opener I could hunt....I baited the same spot with corn the two weeks leading up to it that my ex-wife shot her first duck in 2013 and I saw a total of a dozen wood ducks. I've across the state and there are areas that still have a lot of ducks, but I hammered them in East Central MN after moving back from out-of-state in 2010 and I'm telling you.....there is a shitload less ducks now than there was not even a decade ago in this part of the state. It has nothing to do with habitat or hunting pressure, something that I have no idea what it is has severely impacted the local duck population in this part of the state. Climate, ducks migrating elsewhere, hell....I'm starting to wonder if West Nile has something to do with it after brushing that notion off initially from what's in the recent grouse thread.

Getting off track, and lack of localized bird numbers has next to nothing to do with my point.

It's still very possible to enjoy the outdoors being unable to hunt. Looking for mushrooms or getting firewood.....I freaking love cutting down a big oak or maple back in the woods somewhere and chopping it up and splitting it into firewood. It's a great way to get in the woods and enjoy being outside. The people in my life that get to enjoy sitting around the campfire get way more out of the firewood I harvested than any waterfowl I've ever harvested.

The notion that, "What will wildlife managers do without the funding and conservation dollars created by hunters!?" isn't very relevant. Look in MN....there has been more money spent on conservation in the past decade from dedicated funding than all the money spent prior to it, most likely. It's still kind of cute that guys get all jacked up about raising $10K to $50K at a banquet....but it seems almost meaningless to me now that there's an annual pool of money to be spent literally in the hundreds of millions of dollars. DU, PF, etc., are important....but more and more it's groups like the Nature Conservancy or Audubon Society or "Friends of Some Refuge" that are the ones instrumental in getting habitat projects off the ground and completed. If anything, I'd say the next generations by and large care more about the environment collectively than the baby boomers and the ones that came before them. Habitat and conservation aren't going out of style just because hunting is.

I have an uncle that lives in the farm house in NW Iowa my mother grew up in that my grandfather built with his own hands. It used to piss him off to no end that farming is dead....in terms of the farming that existed in his youth where he had chores like going out and feeding the hogs, picking rock, bailing hay and getting put up in the barn loft for the cattle to eat in the winter.....all his kids are girls that mover to the nearest big city (Omaha) and his boys are dorks like the rest of my Iowa cousins and all play video games.

At some point he just kind of accepted that things change, the lifestyle of his youth is gone and never coming back, and that he profited massively in the process that eliminated it.....and chose to be happy and not let it bug him.

That's kind of how I feel about hunting becoming a thing of the past. Is it a little sad? Absolutely....but why make it any sadder and more disappointing than it already is? Why not just go out and enjoy it now and live in the moment instead and let the chips fall where they may?

People will always enjoy wildlife and the outdoors, just like they always have....being linked to it since we were living in caves. They'll just enjoy it differently than those that came before them, just like we enjoy it differently than those that came before us.

A hundred years ago exactly they passed the migratory bird treaty which signaled the end of market hunting....an important way of life to many. They feared hunting being regulated and things like there being seasons and limits as the death of hunting in their minds......

......yet here we are a century later still worried about the same shit happening and future generations not doing the same exact shit we do.

Seems like an awful lot of time and energy wasted over much to do about nothing.

Just my opinion
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Fish Felon
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Re: MWA all done............

Wed Sep 11, 2019 3:17 pm

Hate Speech is Free Speech

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Mergie Marauder
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Re: MWA all done............

Wed Sep 11, 2019 3:50 pm

Fish Felon wrote:Maybe we are fukced.....

https://nypost.com/2019/09/11/radical-v ... is-murder/

Oh, we are. But it's a whole society/species thing.

Anticipate at some point subsistence living will be necessary. The governments are too in debt and people are too factionalized. Somewhere is an ass hat pulling at the loose thread of humanity giggling like a kid that just snuck a "kick me" sign on your back.

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Re: MWA all done............

Wed Sep 11, 2019 6:50 pm

IMO, hunting will follow the European model; privatized, established game farms with required memberships. Guns will be kept in club storage areas and removed only for the hunt. No free lance hunting unless it is government sponsored and hosted.

Until then, let's enjoy what we have.
" God is great, beer is good, and people are just frickin crazy!."

Mergie Marauder
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Re: MWA all done............

Wed Sep 11, 2019 6:54 pm

Bullet21XD wrote:And I just heard...a group decided to rise to the occasion and take over Camp Woody. NAMBLA will be spearheading the operation. The molestfest shall go on.

Just what we need....a boot camp for Catholic Priests
" God is great, beer is good, and people are just frickin crazy!."

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