Mergie Marauder
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Re: Coronavirus

Fri Mar 13, 2020 2:01 pm

It never ceases to amaze me how incredibly stupid people are. This deal really reaffirms that.

Flew out for a work conference this week. Mostly business owners therefor mostly conservatives. Everyone was talking and joking about all the morons freaking out about the situation, panic buying, social media melts etc. Seems like a lot of the panic is coming from the left but I certainly could be wrong on that.

The freak out hasn’t seemed to hit rural America, at least in my neck of the woods which seems to follow the trend of conservatives being pretty relaxed and realistic about the situation. I only have a few rolls of chit tickets at home so I am glad hysteria hasn’t hit. My buddy in the cities said it’s been bonkers the last couple days.

Not trying to make this partisan. Just an observation as I watch this thing unfold.

Overall all things seem fairly normal at airports other than the planes aren’t full.

My clients wanted to go to a country concert and it got canceled due to corona. I can’t stand country so that was a bonus. Flights for my summer vacations keep getting cheaper and cheaper. Glass is half full.

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Re: Coronavirus

Fri Mar 13, 2020 2:10 pm

I do think in a month or so when the curve has been flattened out, things will get back to normal.

People might hunker down for a few weeks, that's a good thing. I have enough supplies at home to live for a while.

If it's real, I just got a case of 3.5" 2's.

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Re: Coronavirus

Fri Mar 13, 2020 4:31 pm

Rolled over 2,000 cases domestically a whole 3 days earlier than I had predicted and screaming towards 3,000, 4,000, etc.

This is real, it’s only going to get worse, please take it seriously. Italy is F’d and we are just a few days behind them.
"The less I know about other people's affairs, the happier I am. I'm not interested in caring about people."
- Ron Swanson

Mergie Marauder
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Re: Coronavirus

Fri Mar 13, 2020 5:21 pm

I thought the pres did a pretty good job today at the presser...I think people were pretty freaked out that he didn't have a plan at all and today proved that just isn't the case.

I also find it funny he got called an idiot etc limiting travel to Europe earlier this week then today the world health organization called Europe the new epicenter lol.

Guy can't do nothing right he pours milk on his cereal he gets called a moron, a racist, a bigot, whatever. But that does go both ways unfortunately repubs would probably be doing the same thing if it was a dem in there

Be nice if at times like these politics could just be sidelined. They've been doing slightly better but Mnuchin was hinting he wasn't quite sure he could recommend to house Republicans they should vote for the bill. Let them decide if it's good for their constituents and vote how they want why do they need the ok from the pres on how to vote for a bill.

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Fish Felon
Mergie Marauder
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Re: Coronavirus

Fri Mar 13, 2020 7:22 pm

Shit is real, shit is raw, sometimes it's real raw....

What I don't get is this.....

Why aren't we assembling/manufacturing ventilators right now?

If this thing takes off and the rate of transmission hits anything close to peak curve rate then the biggest bottleneck that's going to kill the most people is the lack of ventilators.

Right now there is 160,000 ventilators in the US. If infection rate isn't able to be flattened and is towards peak curve rates....there will be close to 800,000 people that will require a ventilator to survive....just at peak. That doesn't factor in the 200K, 300K, 400K, 500K, 700K, etc. levels of people leading up to peak and after peak.

That is how this could very easily kill over a million people.

There will be make shift hospitals (think M*A*S*H*). Tents, warehouses, pole barns, people lined up in hallways. There's only 45K hospital beds in the US, but a warehouse can be filled full of beds pretty quick. Makeshift hospital beds won't be the bottleneck....'ll be the lack of ventilators.

Who gets one and who doesn't get one once this thing explodes and is at peak infection rate is going to literally determine who gets to live and who gets to die.

So why in the fukc aren't we making more ventilators?

I'm sure there's an engineer or two at 3M or NASA who can figure out how to take apart a vacuum and along with a plastic pitcher from Wal-Mart and some plastic tubing, PVC, whatever they need out of all the shit we have laying around everywhere.....

.....I'm sure some egghead can figure out how to MacGyver a fukcing ventilator.



Seriously......why aren't we doing anything about this?

If your life or the life of your parent or grandparent or any loved one ends up depending on them being put on a ventilator to power their lungs long enough to keep them alive while they fight this virus off..... are you going to live with yourself knowing you and everyone else didn't do a fukcing thing to fix that one very obvious and relatively simple problem that could've been fixed.

We completed the Manhattan project and split the atom in short order eighty years ago. Think of all the advancements we've made since technologically.

I'm talking about building a machine. A fairly simple machine. If we can still build and assemble a modern automobile that comes off an assembly line in this country.....then why aren't we making ventilators as fast as we possibly can right now? Why is there no discussion on this at all? Not only are we not even in the beginning stages of production.....

.....we're not even talking about Trying to manufacture the one thing....the one and only thing that will absolutely be imperative to saving lives that we know we have a total shortage of.

If the infection rate is more like the Blue than the delayed and smoothed out rate in Yellow?

A million dead...easily.

All because we don't have enough ventilators and we're literally not even discussing trying to address this glaringly obvious shortage that is going to kill a lot of people.

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Fish Felon
Mergie Marauder
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Re: Coronavirus

Fri Mar 13, 2020 7:39 pm

I hope I'm wrong but I don't think we're even at the beginning of the beginning for this pandemic. I really hope this is one of those deals where we wind up looking back at it the same way we look back at SARS or H5N1. Everything about it says that it's not going to be. I've bought into the hype....this thing is for real.


Hate Speech is Free Speech

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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Coronavirus

Fri Mar 13, 2020 8:51 pm

maplelakeduckslayer wrote:I thought the pres did a pretty good job today at the presser...I think people were pretty freaked out that he didn't have a plan at all and today proved that just isn't the case.

I also find it funny he got called an idiot etc limiting travel to Europe earlier this week then today the world health organization called Europe the new epicenter lol.

Guy can't do nothing right he pours milk on his cereal he gets called a moron, a racist, a bigot, whatever. But that does go both ways unfortunately repubs would probably be doing the same thing if it was a dem in there

Be nice if at times like these politics could just be sidelined. They've been doing slightly better but Mnuchin was hinting he wasn't quite sure he could recommend to house Republicans they should vote for the bill. Let them decide if it's good for their constituents and vote how they want why do they need the ok from the pres on how to vote for a bill.

Well.... when I was in the Army I was Unit/Medical Supply for a Hospital Unit based at Ft Snelling. We trained regularly on Pandemic response with units from WI and IL, typically the scenario was some Number of People with X symptoms and a Y infection rate. In one weekend we would C-130 to Chicago, set up a field hospital, and start processing patients through full medical and symptoms tests..... that was a plan.

Today, the US got to where it should have been 4 weeks ago. For 3 weeks I've been wondering WTF is going on, why no mobilization of AR or NG. At dinner last night I told my kids my best guess is they are mobilized and ready but there have not been announcements due to the panic factor.... but apparently, the NEW plan is to get people tested at drive thrus, which Mayo started 2 days ago with their own developed test.

Some people are complaining about "Cancel Culture". Bitching that NCAA, schools, etc are closing. Well in the absence of both testing AND medical protocol, cancelling events has proven to be the most effective measure. Studies of the comparative reactions between Philadelphia and Baltimore during the Spanish Flu outbreak have confirmed this. Currently, studies between the South Korean and Italian responses confirm those studies.

The Dr. Chick with the power point... WTF. It's every ****!ng VP of Whatever Corporation I've ever seen present a "plan" that has zero affect on reality. WTF is Google going to do with 1,700 engineers? It's a ****!ng survey monkey and Google Maps to show drive through test sites. You can upload a Walmart store locator for christ sake- that covers _90% of Dr. Chick's way cool flow chart and it could have launched today.

Here's what the plan should look like for the stage we are at now:
1) Determined pathway to multiple bed facilities IF the hospital system gets maxxed
2) Quarantine protocols: a) if you have a fever- 14 day automatic quarantine and a nice hotel somewhere; b) your family is on 14 day self isolation at home.... sending people home with Covid only makes the house sick.
3) Stated recommendations for States to follow: shutting schools, etc.

A couple other things: I appreciate the use of private enterprise.... all of this could have been figured out day 1. Also, to anyone that's been involved in any sort of mitigation efforts, it's not NEW. This one is my favorite:

I could have done without Mike Pence licking Trump's balls and the 7 commercials from Walmart, Target, CVS, Walgreen's, etc. But hey, you're giving a bit so we'll make it worth your while, great pub!

The benefit of today's meeting was to actually indicate that something is maybe happening, where before, nothing was happening. This 'plan' is like 99% of every college paper I wrote: put together in an all nighter when I knew it was coming since I got the syllabus 3 months earlier.

As of today, we have achieved the Animal House cumulative GPA.... which is an improvement. Up to this point we've been hangin with Blutarsky... Quote Dean Wehrmer, "Blutarsky, 0.0 GPA..... Mr. Dorfman, 0.2 GPA. Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son"......

Mergie Marauder
Posts: 4801
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Re: Coronavirus

Fri Mar 13, 2020 9:27 pm

Fish Felon wrote:Shit is real, shit is raw, sometimes it's real raw....

What I don't get is this.....

Why aren't we assembling/manufacturing ventilators right now?

If this thing takes off and the rate of transmission hits anything close to peak curve rate then the biggest bottleneck that's going to kill the most people is the lack of ventilators.

Right now there is 160,000 ventilators in the US. If infection rate isn't able to be flattened and is towards peak curve rates....there will be close to 800,000 people that will require a ventilator to survive....just at peak. That doesn't factor in the 200K, 300K, 400K, 500K, 700K, etc. levels of people leading up to peak and after peak.

That is how this could very easily kill over a million people.

There will be make shift hospitals (think M*A*S*H*). Tents, warehouses, pole barns, people lined up in hallways. There's only 45K hospital beds in the US, but a warehouse can be filled full of beds pretty quick. Makeshift hospital beds won't be the bottleneck....'ll be the lack of ventilators.

Who gets one and who doesn't get one once this thing explodes and is at peak infection rate is going to literally determine who gets to live and who gets to die.

So why in the fukc aren't we making more ventilators?

I'm sure there's an engineer or two at 3M or NASA who can figure out how to take apart a vacuum and along with a plastic pitcher from Wal-Mart and some plastic tubing, PVC, whatever they need out of all the shit we have laying around everywhere.....

.....I'm sure some egghead can figure out how to MacGyver a fukcing ventilator.



Seriously......why aren't we doing anything about this?

If your life or the life of your parent or grandparent or any loved one ends up depending on them being put on a ventilator to power their lungs long enough to keep them alive while they fight this virus off..... are you going to live with yourself knowing you and everyone else didn't do a fukcing thing to fix that one very obvious and relatively simple problem that could've been fixed.

We completed the Manhattan project and split the atom in short order eighty years ago. Think of all the advancements we've made since technologically.

I'm talking about building a machine. A fairly simple machine. If we can still build and assemble a modern automobile that comes off an assembly line in this country.....then why aren't we making ventilators as fast as we possibly can right now? Why is there no discussion on this at all? Not only are we not even in the beginning stages of production.....

.....we're not even talking about Trying to manufacture the one thing....the one and only thing that will absolutely be imperative to saving lives that we know we have a total shortage of.

If the infection rate is more like the Blue than the delayed and smoothed out rate in Yellow?

A million dead...easily.

All because we don't have enough ventilators and we're literally not even discussing trying to address this glaringly obvious shortage that is going to kill a lot of people.


This was brought up in the governor's address today...a reporter stated the metro area has 450 ventilators and was looking for confirmation on department wouldn't confirm nor deny

Mergie Marauder
Posts: 4801
Joined: Wed Nov 27, 2013 5:14 am

Re: Coronavirus

Fri Mar 13, 2020 9:53 pm

lanyard wrote:
maplelakeduckslayer wrote:I thought the pres did a pretty good job today at the presser...I think people were pretty freaked out that he didn't have a plan at all and today proved that just isn't the case.

I also find it funny he got called an idiot etc limiting travel to Europe earlier this week then today the world health organization called Europe the new epicenter lol.

Guy can't do nothing right he pours milk on his cereal he gets called a moron, a racist, a bigot, whatever. But that does go both ways unfortunately repubs would probably be doing the same thing if it was a dem in there

Be nice if at times like these politics could just be sidelined. They've been doing slightly better but Mnuchin was hinting he wasn't quite sure he could recommend to house Republicans they should vote for the bill. Let them decide if it's good for their constituents and vote how they want why do they need the ok from the pres on how to vote for a bill.

Well.... when I was in the Army I was Unit/Medical Supply for a Hospital Unit based at Ft Snelling. We trained regularly on Pandemic response with units from WI and IL, typically the scenario was some Number of People with X symptoms and a Y infection rate. In one weekend we would C-130 to Chicago, set up a field hospital, and start processing patients through full medical and symptoms tests..... that was a plan.

Today, the US got to where it should have been 4 weeks ago. For 3 weeks I've been wondering WTF is going on, why no mobilization of AR or NG. At dinner last night I told my kids my best guess is they are mobilized and ready but there have not been announcements due to the panic factor.... but apparently, the NEW plan is to get people tested at drive thrus, which Mayo started 2 days ago with their own developed test.

Some people are complaining about "Cancel Culture". Bitching that NCAA, schools, etc are closing. Well in the absence of both testing AND medical protocol, cancelling events has proven to be the most effective measure. Studies of the comparative reactions between Philadelphia and Baltimore during the Spanish Flu outbreak have confirmed this. Currently, studies between the South Korean and Italian responses confirm those studies.

The Dr. Chick with the power point... WTF. It's every ****!ng VP of Whatever Corporation I've ever seen present a "plan" that has zero affect on reality. WTF is Google going to do with 1,700 engineers? It's a ****!ng survey monkey and Google Maps to show drive through test sites. You can upload a Walmart store locator for christ sake- that covers _90% of Dr. Chick's way cool flow chart and it could have launched today.

Here's what the plan should look like for the stage we are at now:
1) Determined pathway to multiple bed facilities IF the hospital system gets maxxed
2) Quarantine protocols: a) if you have a fever- 14 day automatic quarantine and a nice hotel somewhere; b) your family is on 14 day self isolation at home.... sending people home with Covid only makes the house sick.
3) Stated recommendations for States to follow: shutting schools, etc.

A couple other things: I appreciate the use of private enterprise.... all of this could have been figured out day 1. Also, to anyone that's been involved in any sort of mitigation efforts, it's not NEW. This one is my favorite:

I could have done without Mike Pence licking Trump's balls and the 7 commercials from Walmart, Target, CVS, Walgreen's, etc. But hey, you're giving a bit so we'll make it worth your while, great pub!

The benefit of today's meeting was to actually indicate that something is maybe happening, where before, nothing was happening. This 'plan' is like 99% of every college paper I wrote: put together in an all nighter when I knew it was coming since I got the syllabus 3 months earlier.

As of today, we have achieved the Animal House cumulative GPA.... which is an improvement. Up to this point we've been hangin with Blutarsky... Quote Dean Wehrmer, "Blutarsky, 0.0 GPA..... Mr. Dorfman, 0.2 GPA. Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son"......

Interesting, so they are performing poorly. Do you suspect they are actually performing poorly and incapable, or partially hiding some cards for politics?

It's sad, but I feel like this whole thing is the deciding factor for the election...Biden gave an address on it and he's not even in a position to have any influence.. whole thing could be over by then. Bernie gave an address and he has zero chance of being president.

Part of me just wonders if some of its a ploy to get Democrats to step on their dicks. Like the banning travel to Europe deal. I like trump but am open to the fact that maybe it's just incompetence. I don't put blinders on for that just because of party affiliation.

I know a lot of people feel it is just incompetence and arrogance

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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Coronavirus

Fri Mar 13, 2020 11:00 pm

^^^^^ I'm a "Signature Moments" guy.

This is one of those moments. For all the bluster, he's the other end of the Jimmy Carter crisis stick, my kid when he brags about his Madden score when he's on rookie level, or that kid you grew up with that always tried to change the rules and/or faked being hurt to gain an advantage.

Ultimately, unlike other countries, things will get figured out. The States have significant power in the US..... but to your point, Trump has neutered himself through laissez fare crisis management and delegating responsibilities to people I'll equipped to scale solutions. The CEOs were there today because it gives Trump brand equity, not because they give him actual answers.

Biden and Sanders are over cooked noodles.

**** Dems can't nominate a candidate to save their effing souls. If things stabilize, Trump wins. But if he's late again and people are cancelling more trips or schools aren't all open for business by mid-summer...... President Joe will have some sanitizing to do, hope they give that ass clown a decent running mate

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