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Fish Felon
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Re: This Friday---5pm---Governor's Mansion--Be There

Wed Apr 15, 2020 4:08 am

HnkrCrash wrote:Is all of this worth it? Not for me to say. Definitely a lot of oldsters passing away, but plenty of younger people too. It’s a friggin roll of the dice, and despite what people think, you literally have no idea how your body is going to react to this once infected. If it’s your spouse or child that ends up dying, my guess is you'd wish collectively we’d have done more.

These are the CDC numbers that are updated weekly, but the percentages aren't going to change.

People under age 45 account for 3% of all deaths. When you consider deaths represent a fraction of cases (considering there are several times the actual cases being reported) we're talking 3% of a fraction of a percent....then once you realize at least two thirds had underlying conditions....

Unless you're 65+ and unhealthy do you have to be concerned....until you get above 65 does this thing kill at a higher rate than the flu.

I'm not saying it's "like the flu," it's new and the mortality overall is slightly higher, yet enough to be viewed as significant, bottom line is that the mortality and hospitalizations are skewed heavily towards the extreme elderly.

MN median age of death is 87, age range of deaths is 56 to 100. Half the people who died are above 87, half are 87 down to 56 with the majority being in the 75-87 range. Most people came out of nursing homes and reported today....98.5% of those who died had underlying health conditions, most significant.

The people in our society who power the economy....the people who work.....are not the people dying.

What we need to do is quarantine the sick, isolate the in isolate....not have a hundred old folks living and comingling in the same building that has staff going in and out like "on a schedule" to and from the outside world. That needs to stop if we truly want to save lives of the people who I'd say were sent off to die and already have a foot in the grave. Ever hear of anybody sent to a nursing home that moved out? No one ever moves out after they move in. It's not like college kids where they move in somewhere and then also move out. People in nursing homes were sent there to's the end of the line. We need to quit pretending like these people weren't shipped to a place to die because those are the people dying and a result the reality is their lives have little value. Making sure a 35yo married guy with three kids has a job is much, much, much more important to society and our future than preventing an 87yo with chronic bronchitis and hypertension from dying so they can die three months later.

The fact that we can't have this conversation is a testament to how fukced up our society is when it comes to dealing with death. Out of sight---out of mind. It's totally acceptable to ship our elderly off to a home to die as long as we don't see it. But something starts killing them where their families sent them to die?

"Holy Shit! We have to stop this!?!"

It's ridiculous.

The other thing is the best way to prevent our elderly from getting it?

Get as many of our young and healthy to get it. People under 45. High schoolers and college kids especially. We should be having chicken pox parties so we deliberately get them exposed so they get it.

The only way to slow this significantly so it doesn't keep flaring up and taking out waves of old people is by all our young people getting it.....herd immunity......the only other option would be to wait a year and a half until there's a vaccine and we don't have that long. Nothing will be left of the world we used to know if we waited that long....there'd be nothing left to save
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Fish Felon
Mergie Marauder
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Re: This Friday---5pm---Governor's Mansion--Be There

Wed Apr 15, 2020 4:09 am

Oh, FYI...the numbers on the far right.....those are the non-COVID-19 deaths that have occurred during the same time period. Kind of helps put how insignificant this problem is into perspective, doesn't it?

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Re: This Friday---5pm---Governor's Mansion--Be There

Wed Apr 15, 2020 1:54 pm

Thinking about these numbers it's almost stunning. ... ation.html

Median age is 88. Total deaths less than 100. Mayo says they can meet the governors testing demands. Almost half a million new unemployment claims in Minnesota. ... last-year/

All for what? Allowing really old people to live another few months? Let the young and healthy work, the old and immune compromised stay in place or wear masks/gloves.

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Re: This Friday---5pm---Governor's Mansion--Be There

Wed Apr 15, 2020 11:17 pm

So I was sitting on my couch today and I realized that ever since the COVID-19 pandemic started, every single day has been worse than the day before it. So that means that every single new day during the COVID-19 pandemic, that’s the worst day of the pandemic. What about today, is today the worst day of the pandemic? Yeah.
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Re: RE: Re: This Friday---5pm---Governor's Mansion--Be There

Wed Apr 15, 2020 11:28 pm

HnkrCrash wrote:So I was sitting on my couch today and I realized that ever since the COVID-19 pandemic started, every single day has been worse than the day before it. So that means that every single new day during the COVID-19 pandemic, that’s the worst day of the pandemic. What about today, is today the worst day of the pandemic? Yeah.
Not really sure what your whole agenda is here but working 11 hours a day in my house is getting old. So is talking about it every single minute. I choose to focus on my positive things right now. It seems all you want to do is keep talking how bad it is and will continue to be and nothing else. I thought this was a hunting site? There are other things to talk about but you dont seem interested.

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Mergie Marauder
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Re: RE: Re: This Friday---5pm---Governor's Mansion--Be There

Wed Apr 15, 2020 11:31 pm

Fish Felon wrote:[quote="Stute Slap"]Will "Street Dreams" be represented at this rally? No shyt, are you going to be there??

Great pics by the way. I coined the term "Walzrus", kinda mad it hasn't caught on yet.

Seriously - will he be held accountable for all his insanely incorrect "models" of mass deaths and chaos? Or is it still coming and we will all die between May and July sometime? I honestly don't know what to believe anymore.

I wouldn't miss bullshit.

We literally just had our civil liberties stripped from us without any due process.....and a lot of people give a shit about it so it's time something is done about it.

452,000 unemployed as of today....16.8% of your state's workforce.

Civil liberties gone. Freedom gone. All forced upon us without it being a choice.

I'd be opposed to this shit even if the threat was justified. The threat sure as shit isn't justified.

If ever there was a time to protest....if ever there was a time to riot.....this is it.[/quote]Hnrk Crash wont be joining you. He will be on his couch all summer telling us how awful life is and to never leave your house. To hell with your job.

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Re: This Friday---5pm---Governor's Mansion--Be There

Thu Apr 16, 2020 3:58 am

My source at the Capitol is telling me they are trying to make it illegal to go up north to your cabins or campers and they are talking about pushing this stay at home **** till at least August. I also hear people are being fined for jus going to their storage units. My guess is they now most people keep the outdoor and camping gear and RVs/camper in storage units. Sounds like they want to keep tabs on everyone and close for easy round up.
Hate hate hate hate hate hate

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Re: This Friday---5pm---Governor's Mansion--Be There

Thu Apr 16, 2020 7:10 am

Has anyone heard any reliable reports of people getting fined for stay at home order? I heard they aren’t able to enforce it and aren’t really even trying to. Talked to a cop I know and they have more less been told not to mess with anyone unless it’s blatant. They aren’t even pulling people over for stuff like speeding unless it’s really excessive. Basically they are only responding to calls.

I heard some states are going to require you to wear a mask in public. No flocking way I’m wearing a mask. I’ll take my ticket and go to court if it comes to it.

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Re: This Friday---5pm---Governor's Mansion--Be There

Thu Apr 16, 2020 7:58 am

a) cops aren't enforcing the stay at home order.
b) I hope to be there on Friday.
c) walz is getting hammer on twitter, I think civil unrest is building
d) you can't compare Minnesota to other states. We do have higher population densities but nothing close to NYC. When Walz compares us to NYC I was to puke. Half a million Minnesotan's on unemployment thousands of small business done . . . all to save the lives of a few really old people. The Median age is 88 fing year old!

Mergie Marauder
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Re: This Friday---5pm---Governor's Mansion--Be There

Thu Apr 16, 2020 10:13 am

I am simply providing facts, which has been overwhelmingly what each post contains. I’m not sure exactly what agenda those facts support, but if folks don’t like those facts, that’s probably a good thing. It shows that they also realize this whole pandemic response by both the government and the majority of citizens has been a clusterfukc disaster since the jump and will continue to be into the future with no end in sight.

As far as positives, not sure there are any currently. People are dying left and right, the economy is in the toilet, family’s lives are upended, people are running out of food and money, and our government has straight up lied to us consistently throughout this entire ordeal which has undoubtedly cost thousands of people their lives.

All of this was predicted by a litany of MDs and PHD Epidemiologists months ago and people scoffed at it. Rather than listening to these experts, the common citizen and government official with zero knowledge of infectious disease, the associated mitigation efforts, and subsequent consequences necessary for an effective response all knew and continue to know better. All this accomplishes is to continue to perpetuate this mess. The true irony in all of this is that as people continue to tout their freedom by not listening to those who truly do know better, they are in actuality stifling said freedom by making themselves more dependent on the government because their actions introduce more opportunity for infection which extends the economy being in ruins and keeps them on the unemployment doles.
"The less I know about other people's affairs, the happier I am. I'm not interested in caring about people."
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