Mergie Marauder
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Re: Delta Variant

Thu Oct 07, 2021 11:36 pm

You love covid.

Hardly. My bank and retirement accounts love it even less.

The thing is, I’m in it every day. The shortages of inpatient beds and ER capacity and associated downstream effects on care are/have been real whether the people who live/work outside the healthcare field believe it or not. And, sadly many don’t and therefore don’t/won’t do a thing about it.

It’s not real until it’s their turn. And then, having often times aggressively refused any medical recommendations whatsoever to try to mitigate their risk previously, they scramble to the ER to get help when their number is called. Magically, they now somehow trust the same medical professionals to take care of them that they called conspiracy theorists, communists, traitors, and whatever else just a few days prior.

I’m not singling out any specific person or group, but how does that make sense as a society? Yes, there are lots of things that cause morbidity and mortality that we all know at our core do so, yet we still do anyway. The difference is nobody is threatening or assaulting doctors, nurses, school board members, or others within their community over their “right” to smoke inside public spaces, to go shirtless or barefoot within restaurants, to forego long-standing vaccine mandates to enroll in public schools, to drive while drunk, or to skip wearing a seatbelt when operating a vehicle. It’s troubling to see what’s become of this country as being highlighted concerning COVID. Imagine if the same division we see today existed during the eras of smallpox, or polio, or any of the many other things societies have banded together to overcome and essentially eradicate throughout history. They’d all still be raging. I have no illusions that COVID is going away and/but things don’t have to be like this. It’s a damn shame that almost 2,000 Americans are still dying from this every day when there are effective mitigation strategies available.

And if you wanna get really weird, what if all of this really is part of a larger Sci-Op to divide and destroy our country from within with social media acting as the means to do so? Like all social media and news headlines nowadays, who knows if this is actually true, but Rogan posted that 19 of the top 20 Facebook pages viewed by American Christians are run by Eastern European troll farms. I mean, it’s definitely not out of the realm of possibility and would make complete sense if the goal is to polarize the country.
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Fish Felon
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Re: Delta Variant

Fri Oct 08, 2021 3:13 am

I just spent the night hanging out with a Brainerd nurse. She said almost half their patients currently hospitalized are vaccinated. She said there's a smattering of all three vaccines amongst those that are hospitalized....none of them seeming to be any more (or less) effective than the rest. She got pretty upset about the false notion being pushed that this is a spike created by those that aren't vaccinated.

I started trying to find some figures in regards to what percentage of people currently hospitalized in the state are vaccinated, and couldn't find anything. Why can't I find this figure???
Hate Speech is Free Speech

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Re: Delta Variant

Fri Oct 08, 2021 9:41 am

HnkrCrash wrote:
You love covid.

Hardly. My bank and retirement accounts love it even less.

The thing is, I’m in it every day. The shortages of inpatient beds and ER capacity and associated downstream effects on care are/have been real whether the people who live/work outside the healthcare field believe it or not. And, sadly many don’t and therefore don’t/won’t do a thing about it.

It’s not real until it’s their turn. And then, having often times aggressively refused any medical recommendations whatsoever to try to mitigate their risk previously, they scramble to the ER to get help when their number is called. Magically, they now somehow trust the same medical professionals to take care of them that they called conspiracy theorists, communists, traitors, and whatever else just a few days prior.

I’m not singling out any specific person or group, but how does that make sense as a society? Yes, there are lots of things that cause morbidity and mortality that we all know at our core do so, yet we still do anyway. The difference is nobody is threatening or assaulting doctors, nurses, school board members, or others within their community over their “right” to smoke inside public spaces, to go shirtless or barefoot within restaurants, to forego long-standing vaccine mandates to enroll in public schools, to drive while drunk, or to skip wearing a seatbelt when operating a vehicle. It’s troubling to see what’s become of this country as being highlighted concerning COVID. Imagine if the same division we see today existed during the eras of smallpox, or polio, or any of the many other things societies have banded together to overcome and essentially eradicate throughout history. They’d all still be raging. I have no illusions that COVID is going away and/but things don’t have to be like this. It’s a damn shame that almost 2,000 Americans are still dying from this every day when there are effective mitigation strategies available.

And if you wanna get really weird, what if all of this really is part of a larger Sci-Op to divide and destroy our country from within with social media acting as the means to do so? Like all social media and news headlines nowadays, who knows if this is actually true, but Rogan posted that 19 of the top 20 Facebook pages viewed by American Christians are run by Eastern European troll farms. I mean, it’s definitely not out of the realm of possibility and would make complete sense if the goal is to polarize the country.

One side minimizes covid, and side maximizes it. Most people fall into of those categories.

Mergie Marauder
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Re: Delta Variant

Fri Oct 08, 2021 10:26 am

Fish Felon wrote:I just spent the night hanging out with a Brainerd nurse. She said almost half their patients currently hospitalized are vaccinated. She said there's a smattering of all three vaccines amongst those that are hospitalized....none of them seeming to be any more (or less) effective than the rest. She got pretty upset about the false notion being pushed that this is a spike created by those that aren't vaccinated.

I started trying to find some figures in regards to what percentage of people currently hospitalized in the state are vaccinated, and couldn't find anything. Why can't I find this figure???

Yep but if you turned on the left wing news you would never hear this. I cannot watch the news anyway all they talk about is covid 24/7 or about Trump supporters being terrorists. I mean it is beyond toxic but thats the state of the so called media these days. I am so done with Covid but the mask nazis will never ever be done. They will live covid forever. They almost seem to love it.

Mergie Marauder
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Re: Delta Variant

Fri Oct 08, 2021 10:30 am

HnkrCrash wrote:
You love covid.

Hardly. My bank and retirement accounts love it even less.

The thing is, I’m in it every day. The shortages of inpatient beds and ER capacity and associated downstream effects on care are/have been real whether the people who live/work outside the healthcare field believe it or not. And, sadly many don’t and therefore don’t/won’t do a thing about it.

It’s not real until it’s their turn. And then, having often times aggressively refused any medical recommendations whatsoever to try to mitigate their risk previously, they scramble to the ER to get help when their number is called. Magically, they now somehow trust the same medical professionals to take care of them that they called conspiracy theorists, communists, traitors, and whatever else just a few days prior.

I’m not singling out any specific person or group, but how does that make sense as a society? Yes, there are lots of things that cause morbidity and mortality that we all know at our core do so, yet we still do anyway. The difference is nobody is threatening or assaulting doctors, nurses, school board members, or others within their community over their “right” to smoke inside public spaces, to go shirtless or barefoot within restaurants, to forego long-standing vaccine mandates to enroll in public schools, to drive while drunk, or to skip wearing a seatbelt when operating a vehicle. It’s troubling to see what’s become of this country as being highlighted concerning COVID. Imagine if the same division we see today existed during the eras of smallpox, or polio, or any of the many other things societies have banded together to overcome and essentially eradicate throughout history. They’d all still be raging. I have no illusions that COVID is going away and/but things don’t have to be like this. It’s a damn shame that almost 2,000 Americans are still dying from this every day when there are effective mitigation strategies available.

And if you wanna get really weird, what if all of this really is part of a larger Sci-Op to divide and destroy our country from within with social media acting as the means to do so? Like all social media and news headlines nowadays, who knows if this is actually true, but Rogan posted that 19 of the top 20 Facebook pages viewed by American Christians are run by Eastern European troll farms. I mean, it’s definitely not out of the realm of possibility and would make complete sense if the goal is to polarize the country.

Just a thought but maybe we should not be letting in tens of thousand of people into our wide open borders. If this was really such a dire situation you would think we would want the border shut to help control it. Biden wants to almost force jab every single american but is just fine with a wide open border and letting in anyone who likely could be infected. I know the narrative is it is rigtht wing anti vaccine people and thats what the leftists sell. However, the leftists do not give a crap about the illegals flooding the country unvaccinated. You cannot make this stuff up and it just proves it is bs and all about control. An administration that really actually cared about its citizens and their health would have that border locked down tight as can be.

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Re: Delta Variant

Fri Oct 08, 2021 10:43 am

the thing that pisses me off is you have people who dont get vaccinated and then take up beds for which people who really need them are screwed. From the stuff i have seen which isnt much it appears that there are more unvaccinated people taking up beds then vaccinated. If something happens to some one in my family and they cant get into the emergency room because some F%ck is taking up the bed and wasnt vaccinated (when they could have been) i hope they just pull the plug on them. All the people against the vaccine had the excuse it happened to fast and not enough testing....its been around a year now and millions upon millions have taken it....then they says its not FDA approved so i dont want its been FDA approved whats the next excuse. Alcohol kills way more people a year then this vaccine has yet people stilll continue to drink, what are the people scared of now.
official sour toe member number 52,814

Mergie Marauder
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Re: Delta Variant

Fri Oct 08, 2021 10:52 am

kwackkillncrew wrote:the thing that pisses me off is you have people who dont get vaccinated and then take up beds for which people who really need them are screwed. From the stuff i have seen which isnt much it appears that there are more unvaccinated people taking up beds then vaccinated. If something happens to some one in my family and they cant get into the emergency room because some F%ck is taking up the bed and wasnt vaccinated (when they could have been) i hope they just pull the plug on them. All the people against the vaccine had the excuse it happened to fast and not enough testing....its been around a year now and millions upon millions have taken it....then they says its not FDA approved so i dont want its been FDA approved whats the next excuse. Alcohol kills way more people a year then this vaccine has yet people stilll continue to drink, what are the people scared of now.

You do realize the biggest percentage of non vaccinated are blacks who do not trust jabs after being forced jabbed decades ago by the government . I guess you are calling them F%ck. Go in to the communities and spread the word on why the jab is safe, etc. if you want them jabbed. I mean I guess you could force jab again as biden wants but good luck rounding everyone up like cattle.

People like to shame but what are they doing to get the needle in the arms of these people. IMO nothing other than shaming and calling them names.

America has a history of medically abusing Black people. No wonder many are wary of COVID-19 vaccines
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Re: Delta Variant

Fri Oct 08, 2021 4:06 pm

guess what plenty other races got it. Do you think they think there are separate vaccines for each race? I could care less what race you are, if you didnt get the shot because you dont trust it, then take up a bed for someone who seriously needs the bed youre a F$ck. It was their choice to not get the vaccine so dont waste resources that could be going to someone who could have used the bed but cant because you decided you didnt need the vaccine. the thing is that there are far more covid people taking up beds then people who are taking up a bed from getting the vaccine. No i am not going to go preach to randoms to get it, but i do give me friends shit all the time who havent gotten it and its very few of them.

People say "if i dont get the vaccine i only effect my self not you so dont worry about what i do" but in the end if they get it and have to be hospitalized they are effecting everybody.
official sour toe member number 52,814

Mergie Marauder
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Re: Delta Variant

Fri Oct 08, 2021 4:21 pm

I don't particularly care which side of the fence anyone falls on. Everyone's got an opinion and banter rarely helps anything, and almost never changes anyones mind....

But the startling fact that should concern everyone from the pro-vax camp to the anti-vax camp is that our medical system is literally stressed, nearing the point of collapse by caring for a tiny fraction of a single percent of the population. In the event an actual pandemic hit, where the survivability rate was much lower than 99.98% it's not tough to imagine the chaos.

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Re: Delta Variant

Fri Oct 08, 2021 4:27 pm

for sure. some times i get worked up and realize its worthless.
official sour toe member number 52,814

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