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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Tue May 21, 2024 4:27 pm

Nershi wrote:Nice work felon. Where those walleyes harvested from Mille lacs with your Native American privilege card or you still out west?

Did you eat a lot of 40+ inch pike as a kid?

I moved out West.....couldn't handle all the tranny, gun control, aborting full-grown babies, and dealing with State of MN Bullshit. As hard as I tried to ignore everything politically related....there was usually something almost daily that pissed me fundamentally pissed me off made me question,

"How is it possible that this state has become this completely fukced?"

As much as I've been trying to be PMA and not let negative thinking creep in and be a downer.....I's not me....some things should piss you off. MN has a lot of things that do that.

I believe that MN has a state government that no longer functions. I've had to deal with them on a few things and it's absolutely insane at how difficult it is to do anything. A couple months ago they levied my bank account out of the blue because the State of MN said I owed them over $10K in back taxes. My insurance agency was a disaster and when everything went to shit as bad as it did and due to working my ass off to make sales and try to somehow find a way to make it work....let's just say that admittedly, my books weren't very well kept up the last several months I was open. I ended up losing a hundred grand, my house, divorce, lost everything....but never filed a section C for business expenses getting paid on a 1099, etc., so at one point I legitimately owed the state $3K between income tax and witholding taxes from the business for 2016. I took care of it, got that amount reduced by filing and paid the rest of that I owed.....and for three years didn't hear anything from the State. It was done and over with.....

....until they levied my bank account out of the blue....for witholding tax periods a year and a half after my business closed. The first couple times I spoke with someone at the state I was just trying to understand where they came up with the figure for what I "owe them" for witholding taxes I never paid on the employees that didn't exist working at a business that had already closed. The lady told me,

"It's an average."

"An average of what?"

"I'm not in that department. I'm in the tax representative department, not the tax accounting department,"

Which I can't remember what exactly she said the distinctions were between her and who actually dreamed up their make believe figure and said I owed it to them. It's kind of funny how you can never talk to the person who is responsible for the amount you owe.....just "their representative" in a different department. It's also funny how the state of MN wants money for withholding taxes I didn't pay but the IRS....haven't heard a peep from them....everything all good fictional employees at a non-existent business they want me to pay witholding taxes on....

That was pretty much the final straw where I was like,

"Fukc this fukcing state," and decided it was time to leave.

It's amazing how much better it is out here. The sun is almost always signing....even just don't realize how shitty Minnesota's weather is and how much it affects you until you're somewhere else for a prolonged period of time. All those gloomy rainy overcast days you guys have had? Sunny & nice here.

Where I'm coming from in MN to where I'm at in ND:

Sunny days---MN = 187; ND = 208

Days with some type precipitation (rain, sleet, snow, etc)----MN = 97; ND = 82

Annual precipitation---MN = 27"; ND = 14"

Snowfall---MN = 39"; ND = 44"

MN has truly shit weather....even in the nice months, most summers there's a shitload of overcast days....and they'll last for several days up to a week. That shit **** with people's heads way more than they don't realize it until your elsewhere and it's a lot nicer.....there's still rain and thunderstorms, it just rolls through and is done in a matter of hours verses days eaten up to it.

I'll always get back to MN when I feel like it...just don't feel like it too often. I'll make it back to deer without a license. I might do some fishing without a license. I'm never paying the MN DNR another fukcing dime.....bunch of worthless dipshit leftist bureaucrats.

There's no phaggots out here....everyone is friendly and nice and welcoming since they're generally not from here....very blue collar...and young. Most people here are my age and younger....white kids biking around and playing without any parents supervision. It reminds me of when I was a kid. I had to walk to the store yesterday to get some fluids for my car and these two kids walking and talking down the sidewalk on the otherside of the street cracked me up.....they were talking like normal people, having a very 'Seinfeld' was weird in that I hadn't seen or heard that from any MN kids here in a while. You don't really ever see kids out doing shit in MN without adults around him. Here you can't go into a gas station without there being a bunch of gradeschool kids walking around solo....

In short, it's still America out here. You don't even have to lock your guns up separate than your's totally fine to drive around with a loaded gun uncased. And no one gives a fukc about politics....seriously....I haven't overhead one nasally sounding liberal dipshit conversations yet. People just enjoy being out in public, are nice, have is simpler....there's not a lot of unfounded made up stressors......easy livin.....

Hunting & fishing ain't bad either. Upland this fall is going to be absolutely fukcing insane. Drought is what causes lower bird numbers. There's already been enough rain to ensure good nesting....and there was already a shitload of pheasants....counts are going to be fukcing insane....mark my words.

Oh, and I finally got busted for lighting forest fires. I burned all that I wanted to burn, made the incident report twice, finally got caught.....but no longer being able to light up anything and everything I wanted at any time? That had turned into my favorite thing to do in MN so I would've been even more miserable there.

My brother's fish....not my call. If that happened in MN I'd be pissed but out here? Big pike like that are a dime a dozen. His biggest is 46." Sakakawea is probably the best pike lake in the world.....legit 30lbs pike. So it's kind of like Erie with walleyes....keeping the big ones is encouraged.....not going to effect the fishery at all.

Oh yeah, another thing I love.....five walleye limit, any size, no slots, there's a possession limit....and no freezer limit. I could literally turn my garage into a Walk-In freezer and have 10,000 walleyes in it and it'd be 100% legal. There's nice cleaning stations at every landing. The ND Game & Fish are excited and happy when you catch a bunch of fish and clean them up......

....everything in MN is so negative compared to here.....the fukcing DNR is so retarded they think they can stockpile if conservative limits and all their bullshit today is going to save fish and other animals from climate change in a, since it won't be an issue whatsoever and they simply use it as a "one-size fits all" excuse to do nothing...and two, even if it does happen it doesn't make a difference.....smoke 'em if you got 'em. The worst thing you can do to a fishery, especially when there's a big year class coming up, is to not let anglers pull a bunch out and filet them.

Oh well, that bullshit is no longer my issue.

....and if i get back and make it out on Mille Lacs?

You better believe I'll be keeping every last fish I catch....fukcit
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Fish Felon
Mergie Marauder
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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Tue May 21, 2024 4:28 pm

emptymag wrote:

Kid caught a 10 7/8” bluegill, back it went

Beauty of a about a toad gill. Nicely done
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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Wed May 22, 2024 9:52 pm

Nice fish y'all!

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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Wed May 22, 2024 11:02 pm

maplelakeduckslayer wrote:Nice fish!

And ya I hear ya. This was pretty cool right outside the front door but my favorite northern light experience...

I dunno was probably 25 years ago at deer camp down by Rochester. I was young. But the adults would always get drunk and it was tradition to go drive up on top of the bluff we hunted drink beers shoot the shiz etc.

So we drive up there and we're hanging out a while and all of a sudden northern lights start up. Was pretty cool... really the randomness of it you know now there's smartphones aurora forecasts etc...just some drunk hunters driving up a bluff in the middle of the night and happening to catch an amazing show. One of my fondest memories from deer camp actually

You sound almost apologetic it involved alcohol- don't. Eons of hunters/warriors have used state inducing intoxicants to prepare for the hunt or battle, to create brother hood, to explore experience. Men went to harvest game, they found brotherhood in a space only arrived at by generations of hunters. Guarantee the most miserable bunch of ass hats on the planet are white-ass woke Karens that hauled their sorry asses out of bed to check a box that proves they "nature".

It's a favorite memory because it was your mentors at their most raw, least guarded form, sharing a legitimately inexplicable experience. Phuck the science, knowing what causes them in 202X does not diminish the magic of seeing them, particularly when it is random and associated with core experiences.

Drink tonight for tomorrow we ride said no woman, ever.

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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Sat May 25, 2024 11:11 pm

lanyard wrote:Drink tonight for tomorrow we ride said no woman, ever.

Ain't that the truth! Cheers homeys!

Happy George Floyd remembrance day!

Fished a spot a few miles East of town...wasn't expecting much, but not bad for dinking around for a few hours....

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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Mon May 27, 2024 2:07 am

Trout fishing in Montana...pretty slow....



Most whites won't stop in Poplar, but if you's hilarious....

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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Mon May 27, 2024 8:04 am

Good for you for getting out of this pos state. I can't wait till I'm able to!

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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Tue May 28, 2024 2:24 pm

snowsnblues wrote:Good for you for getting out of this pos state. I can't wait till I'm able to!

Thanks man, the change of scenery has been nice. MN really does have a lot going against it that you don't even fully realize until you're elsewhere. One little thing I didn't ever realize is just how wet it is 'Sota....not talking lakes or standing water, but the air. Maybe it's pollen related too, but I'm pretty sure I had a sinus infection or maybe just a stuffed up nose for like....the last two years. Out here....everything is back to normal....I have no pronlem breathing through my nose again, all the time. I didn't even realize how big of a mouth breather I'd become and I swear it is the difference in air.

Things dry out here fast. It's actually been a pretty wet spring compared to most years and it's nothing compared to a MN spring. We got off the water just in time for thunderstorms to roll through yesterday evening. They hit for an hour, by the ten o'clock news you could see the moon and some's still light here at 10pm....get an extra hour and a half of light here....sundown in MN where I was at is 8:57pm and it's 9:43pm out here. At Solstice there'll be two extra hours of daylight.

Anyways, storms roll through and then are skies and sunshine is the norm...occasionally you get an overcast day but it's pretty rare. It really helps the state of mind.....that and the lack of bullshit. Even the tattooed liberal hippie chicks out here hate the fukc out of Biden and think transgenderism is totally fukced. It's awesome. Fukc being the state of hockey, or land of 10,000 lakes....MN is truly the state of Trannies. Walz, Flanagan, Ellison, & Finkle won....state of trannies and cucks....normal dudes having to call phaggots "women."

It's great watching the news every night and never seeing any ot that gay ass bullshit. They talk about normal shit.....mainly and state leaders focus on commerce....crazy effing idea, right? There's no Gaza ceasefires discussed....I'd actually forgot Gaza even existed until just trying to think of examples for all the bullshit seen on the nightly news in MN that you don't see out here and holy's a beautiful thing.

From yesterday afternoon....little local lake....first time I've been out where we haven't caught any waileyes....just a bunch of pike, small and nice ones, and a nice smallmouth....didn't take a lineup pic
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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Sat Jun 01, 2024 1:10 am

lanyard wrote:
maplelakeduckslayer wrote:Nice fish!

And ya I hear ya. This was pretty cool right outside the front door but my favorite northern light experience...

I dunno was probably 25 years ago at deer camp down by Rochester. I was young. But the adults would always get drunk and it was tradition to go drive up on top of the bluff we hunted drink beers shoot the shiz etc.

So we drive up there and we're hanging out a while and all of a sudden northern lights start up. Was pretty cool... really the randomness of it you know now there's smartphones aurora forecasts etc...just some drunk hunters driving up a bluff in the middle of the night and happening to catch an amazing show. One of my fondest memories from deer camp actually

You sound almost apologetic it involved alcohol- don't. Eons of hunters/warriors have used state inducing intoxicants to prepare for the hunt or battle, to create brother hood, to explore experience. Men went to harvest game, they found brotherhood in a space only arrived at by generations of hunters. Guarantee the most miserable bunch of ass hats on the planet are white-ass woke Karens that hauled their sorry asses out of bed to check a box that proves they "nature".

It's a favorite memory because it was your mentors at their most raw, least guarded form, sharing a legitimately inexplicable experience. Phuck the science, knowing what causes them in 202X does not diminish the magic of seeing them, particularly when it is random and associated with core experiences.

Drink tonight for tomorrow we ride said no woman, ever.

Ah I used to not like the alcohol aspect a lot with dad and his buddies but as I matured and lived life I got it.

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Fish Felon
Mergie Marauder
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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Mon Jun 17, 2024 5:51 am

Even how they tag fish is better in ND. Metal duck band like tag on the mouth of the fish since guess where fisherman almost always have to look at closely?

Where they're unhooking the fish.

On two occasions I've missed tags on Mille Lacs and was about to throw them back....who am I kidding? I didn't notice them until home cleaning them.


27" nothing too crazy


Looks impressive but wasn't....lot of guys lot of time = very slow bite. Water temp was anywhere from 8 to 15 degrees warmer this time last year, depending on who you talk to around here....

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