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Mergie Marauder
Posts: 1015
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Re: Do drugs? I have always wondered how those mushrooms ar

Wed Apr 15, 2015 3:13 pm

Fish Felon wrote:Bad trips are worth the risk.

I've only had one bad one and it did suck royally but all the great ones I've had made it well worth it.

I'd recommend doing them with a group of friends on a really nice day when you're outside.

The bad trip I had was in the winter, stuck inside with two couples that were fighting, me completely the 5th wheel after eating a 1/4 of really potent shrooms (thought it'd be cool to eat a bunch more than everyone else).

I spent 12 hours in hell.

It's all about the power of positivity. If you're a pretty positive person and in a situation of happiness outdoors you will be fine.


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