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Fish Felon
Mergie Marauder
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Re: Weapon against mussels in Christmas Lake "successful"

Wed Apr 22, 2015 2:04 pm

h2ofwlr wrote:Well if you can catch it at the early stages like they did at Christmas lake, it may end up as a early treatment that works. Is it a cure all, definitely not. But like I said a step in the right direction to find an effective way to treat them.

Couple things,

1. How is it in the early stages if they found adult mussels?

2. How is a treatment that kills adult mussels when they ingest it going to kill microscopic veligers that don't?

I can already see the headlines in a few years,

"Zebra Mussels Found Back In Christmas Lake"

and then the article will speculate on whether they were reintroduced or remnants from the first infestation. The conclusion will be inconclusive so they'll nuke the lake again because some idiot thinks they got 'em the first time. Wash, rinse, repeat every few years until eternity.
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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Weapon against mussels in Christmas Lake "successful"

Wed Apr 22, 2015 2:16 pm

those asian carp things.... up the Mississippi, into Minnehaha, high water, over the fish barriers, into M'tonka, bait dealer grabs a bunch, sells them to fisherman, loses a couple in X-mas Lake and WHAMO!

Anyway..... people are stupid. Zebs will be back in X-mas lake.

I thinks the headline funny: "Weapon....", add this to the long line of failed "Wars on Chit".

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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Weapon against mussels in Christmas Lake "successful"

Wed Apr 22, 2015 7:49 pm

Fish Felon wrote:
h2ofwlr wrote:Well if you can catch it at the early stages like they did at Christmas lake, it may end up as a early treatment that works. Is it a cure all, definitely not. But like I said a step in the right direction to find an effective way to treat them.

Couple things,

1. How is it in the early stages if they found adult mussels?

2. How is a treatment that kills adult mussels when they ingest it going to kill microscopic veligers that don't?

I can already see the headlines in a few years,

"Zebra Mussels Found Back In Christmas Lake"

and then the article will speculate on whether they were reintroduced or remnants from the first infestation. The conclusion will be inconclusive so they'll nuke the lake again because some idiot thinks they got 'em the first time. Wash, rinse, repeat every few years until eternity.

The zequanox is supposed to kill them at all life stages I believe. Veligers are gonna be floating all over the lake tho, not just in the treatment area so take that how you will.

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Re: Weapon against mussels in Christmas Lake "successful"

Wed Apr 22, 2015 8:17 pm

Claims over 90% adult kill and 100% larval. I don't get the point 90% is not 100%. Is this public school math? 90% killed means they were wiped out?

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Re: Weapon against mussels in Christmas Lake "successful"

Fri Apr 24, 2015 2:47 pm

I'd like to see Ricky Bobby in the #26 Zequanox Chevy comin' hot 'round turn four.
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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Weapon against mussels in Christmas Lake "successful"

Tue Apr 28, 2015 9:14 am

There is ZERO % chance it worked.

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