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Re: Minnesota Public Radio

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 10:11 am
by Quack
Unfairness in taxation, gov't spending, and policy?! You don't say. This is unheard of!

Wait til you discover union labor & agriculture policy...

Re: Minnesota Public Radio

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 11:34 am
by Nershi
Quack wrote:Unfairness in taxation, gov't spending, and policy?! You don't say. This is unheard of!

Wait til you discover union labor & agriculture policy...

Yea I know about all that fun stuff.

I just think it's strange the government would give money out to a media company that pushes a certain political agenda. And the station lobbies for money on the basis that they are non-biased and non-partisan which isn't true.

Re: RE: Re: Minnesota Public Radio

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 9:35 am
by Bailey
Trigger wrote:I have felt the exact same way. Its why I never send them any money.

Everyone knows they are basically an arm of the democrat party.

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Re: Minnesota Public Radio

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 10:58 am
by get-n-birdy
Fox is right winged and made fun of relentlessly by everyone on national tv across the board. Talk radio is ruled by the right wing, tv is ruled by the lefties, that's just a known fact. Public radio is basically out gunned by the right-ies on the radio. Just like fox is in the visual world of lefty whores, a beacon for lefties to target as the evil right winged, gun touting, religious, pro-life, anti-epa, anti-same sex marriage, anti-global warming, anti-Mexican's, anti-women, anti-teachers union, hence kid haters, poor people haters, and silent member's of the klan. It really tries to be subtly, but it's true colors are very apparent. Unless you're tone deaf to the side you're on. Still listen to it when up north and it's got some good stuff, if you can disassociate leaning's and just understand to separate the constant, slippery slope they report on that leans to the left on every issue.

Re: Minnesota Public Radio

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 11:35 am
by Quack

The least biased news outlets are.... ?

I drive a lot and don't watch tv so about the only news I get comes from the radio, which I surf constantly between MPR, garage logic, and FM. I mostly prefer to be uninformed except what I read in outdoor news.

Re: Minnesota Public Radio

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 11:36 am
by Nershi
Yea I understand those dynamics Get-n-birdy. But my point was our government doesn't give money to these media outlets like they do to public radio, correct? If MPR wants to be left that's fine by me but they shouldn't be receiving a dime from the government and they shouldn't be claiming that they are non-biased and non-partisan during their fundraising drives.

Re: Minnesota Public Radio

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 11:58 am
by get-n-birdy
To the leftist, they are unbiased and not far enough to the left. That's how blind both sides truly are. They definitely shouldn't be getting federally funded, while claiming to be unbiased. Just like teachers shouldn't be influencing young minds that the democrats are the good guys and the righties just hate kids across the board. The teachers unions are pure evil imo.

Re: Minnesota Public Radio

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 2:55 pm
by tyler
The last few times I've listened to it there was nothing but mud worshiping and white guilt promotion.

Re: RE: Re: Minnesota Public Radio

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2015 9:23 am
by Bailey
get-n-birdy wrote:To the leftist, they are unbiased and not far enough to the left. That's how blind both sides truly are. They definitely shouldn't be getting federally funded, while claiming to be unbiased. Just like teachers shouldn't be influencing young minds that the democrats are the good guys and the righties just hate kids across the board. The teachers unions are pure evil imo.

You are correct the teahers union is really bad. Its for the kids lol.

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