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Re: Fish Felon's Trannys on Tinder Thread

Wed Mar 11, 2020 10:29 pm


Looking at the Spencer thing again...where else on Earth can you have something like that online...and not be affraid of losing a job or just getting passed over for hiring?

Like straight normal people worry a partying pic with booze in their hand will hurt their chances or lose them their job.

This CS can say he must be able to call you daddy during sex dangling chains around himself etc...and the U is ok with employing people like this lol? Ok with these sorts of people impressioning young minds?

I'm seriously really torn in my life right now because I hate my business to the point I hate getting up in the morning. At the same time, I don't want to ever have my future children step foot inside a university...I'd prefer to pass something off to them that they can take over and provide for themselves instead of going to these cess pools.

Maybe the end game should be to get rid of this one and open a different one, something I hopefully like and that my kids can take over. Hmm now my mind is going

Report that mf'er to the U anonymously and see what kinda response you get

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Re: Fish Felon's Trannys on Tinder Thread

Wed Mar 11, 2020 10:36 pm

FF , I apologize for my misunderstanding. Freaks of nature always seem to draw attention and curiosity.

Ship them all to Singapore where they will fit in with the rest of them. Better yet, send them to prison with Harvey Weinstein.
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Re: Fish Felon's Trannys on Tinder Thread

Wed Mar 11, 2020 10:39 pm

Seriously? Why is death row such a long wait?

I think FF had a post about the Wild West being the best time ever cause guilty people just got shot or hung.
Last edited by emptymag on Thu Mar 12, 2020 4:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fish Felon's Trannys on Tinder Thread

Thu Mar 12, 2020 1:14 am

This thread warms my heart!!

It reassures me there's other sane enough to hate the freaks!

If your gay, be gay...don't be a phuckin freakshow about it. Kill 'em all!
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Re: Fish Felon's Trannys on Tinder Thread

Thu Mar 12, 2020 8:18 am

Will it be awkward or the beginning of a great friendship when Felon trolls a tranny to find out the "tranny" was a troll looking to beat tranny lovers. They both show up with pipes, then hug, laugh about their plots, grab a beer, start cruising Tinder at the bar, together..... Bro-mance is born.

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Re: Fish Felon's Trannys on Tinder Thread

Thu Mar 12, 2020 8:25 am

emptymag wrote:I think FF had a post about the Wild West being the best time eve cause guilty people just got shot or hung.

Wyatt Earp only had to pull his gun once in Dodge City......didn't Kurt Russell say that in a line from Tombstone?


If pissing someone off in public could result in them calling you out for it and even after apologizing if they still weren't satisfied they could choose to end things by way of a duel/ you think people made an effort to not piss other people off and to mind their own business?

People respected each other and were cordial in their interactions. People didn't want to stand out or draw too much attention to themselves. People didn't want to rock the apple cart. They wanted to fit in and follow social norms. Because if you didn't? You might offend someone....and offending someone might get you shot dead.

The types of people who get loud and ornery when drinking....feel the need to be noticed and verbally challenged every stranger they interact with....passive aggressive or not....

Those types didn't live to be very old in the wild West.

There was very little law enforcement or government back then. Deadwood was a city of people who invaded indian territory and chose to squat on it. There was no law or government jurisdiction period. You could kill anyone in Deadwood for any reason because there was no one there to charge, prosecute, convict, or hang you.

The result of no government oversight lead to more order, not less. People....groups of people especially, policed themselves. If you were new to an area you'd check things out and quietly observe more than anything when going out. Once you got to know people and they knew a patron of a particular saloon for instance, where you were recognized there as a frequent visitor who always paid his tab, was friendly, respectful, and never started that point you could let your guard down a little because if some drunk asshole called you out on some bullshit you'd be able to plead your case and state what happened from your perspective and unless you clearly did fukc with the guy there'd be enough people there to vouch for you as a stand up guy and the consensus would be to tell the other guy with the gripe to let it go. If the same thing happens when you were brand new to the scene you'd be out front gun slinging. People were careful and watched what they did.....

....they didn't dress up and act like women and get all in everyone's face with the "I'm here I'm queer---I suck cock and take it in the ass" because that would've gotten them killed immediately.

But nowadays you can't even tell an obnoxious tranny or other type of phaggot from the LGBTQDF (dog fukcers....just watch, that'll be next...why shouldn't people who fukc dogs get their own bathroom and be celebrated by the public too?) to fukc off when in a public space and they're being loud and obnoxious. They can sit at a dinner table in a restaurant and loudly talk about the disgusting shit they do with their overly loud voices speaking with a forced lisp and using forced overtly effeminate mannerisms and if you ask them to please lower their conversation decibel they'll get pissed at you for hating on transgenders, and then if you tell them to fukc off they act as if you're bullying them, picking on a poor little lady, and if you take them outside and beat their ass....well, now you're going to prison for a felony assault most likely because even if it's a low level 4th or 5th degree assault it's made into a 2nd or 3rd because it's a hate crime and that ratchets it up a couple spots automatically for no reason.

Think about that......

Any of you get assaulted, or assault a normal dude who's not a phaggot or minority, and it's all good....unless they really, really fukc you up or you really, really fukc them're most likely not even winding up with anything more than a fine if you don't have any priors.

But if you simply punch the phaggot who's antagonizing everyone on purpose by deliberately choosing to dress up like a woman and flaunt how they're a disgusting cum dumpster for the depraved....'re most likely doing some jail time, will be on probation for a couple years after you get out, will be all over the news most likely, will lose your job most likely, and when you think about it..... fukced up is that?

Talk about our justice system being rigged against us on that one. Fukc that shit. I'll show them by just not getting caught.
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Re: Fish Felon's Trannys on Tinder Thread

Fri Mar 13, 2020 12:35 am

Not a Trump guy? Never would've guessed....



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Re: Fish Felon's Trannys on Tinder Thread

Fri Mar 13, 2020 12:43 am

Yes, you have a dick....please don't match or message if that's an issue.....

Yeah well I have an issue....


Good Gawd, what has the world come in the fukc did we let this shit happen. We have phaggots everywhere, being sure to be everywhere in the face of people like myself....straight man seeking only straight women.....have to be disgusted and sickened by.....

....with their cavalier attitude like if someone like me doesn't like it, I'm somehow inconveniencing them???

I'd seriously love to swing a lead pipe across his face, drop his ass cold, and then say a Schwarzenegger-esque punchline like,

"Looks like you've finally had enough pipe....phaggot."



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Re: Fish Felon's Trannys on Tinder Thread

Fri Mar 13, 2020 12:47 am

^^^^Last one honestly might be a chick....honestly can't decide what version would be more disgusting....with or without a dick.....Ughhhehehh...ewww
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Re: Fish Felon's Trannys on Tinder Thread

Fri Mar 13, 2020 3:38 am


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