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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Election

Wed Nov 04, 2020 2:13 pm

It does seem like the human condition requires a struggle. And when we don’t have one, we look to create one.

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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Election

Wed Nov 04, 2020 3:38 pm

We need a 3rd , 4th, or more candidates to choose from. This election seemed to be about choosing the lesser of two evils, not about the best person to lead us.
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Re: Election

Wed Nov 04, 2020 3:49 pm

I'm not affraid to say I like how trump talks wish I could talk to my customers like that

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Re: Election

Wed Nov 04, 2020 5:03 pm

Drunk_Dynasty wrote:It does seem like the human condition requires a struggle. And when we don’t have one, we look to create one.

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Very, very true. Agree 100%.

Shit like worrying about race, social inequality, tranny rights, and politics to the point it is a large part of your identity....all come about when people are afforded the opportunity to live a life void of any actual concern. The only way someone worries about a dude that cuts his dick off, takes estrogen, grows tits, and wants everyone to refer to them using female pronouns is when that person has literally nothing else to possibly concern themselves with.

Most people on the left, which excludes moderates who lean left, are miserable people. Shit like racial equality...if you asked them what they want they wouldn't know. If they did and you were able to give it them? They wouldn't walk away finally able to be happy. They'd find something else to be just as miserable over. The struggle isn't about racr or any other issue....the struggle is about having a struggle to face. The struggle isn't real. It's about virtue signaling and lying to yourself that what you're doing is important....and if you project that image of yourself people will view you as someone who is righteous and noble.

None of these far left liberals actually give a fukc about issues they preach as being what this country must fundamentally strive for and achieve. It's just something for them to not shut the fukc up about.

Conservatives on the other hand are generally pretty happy with things. They don't have a whole bunch of stuff they want canceled, they don't have a lengthy list of words that are off limits......their biggest source of ire is liberals fukcing shit up....having to #metoo liberals because they should at least be made to eat their own shit and play by their own rules.

I was really looking forward to the next four years of bliss prior to the libs stealing the election.

Why is it that extremely blue counties are the only ones that have all these votes not tallied yet? Isn't it weird there hasn't been a single extremely red county that is running behind? All the counties are ones like Milwaukee County where they just so happened to be sitting on 130,000 ballots yet to be counted that just so happened to swing 9 out of 10 Biden's way?

If you were looking to rig an election do you know what'd be the best way to do it?

You hold off on reporting your heaviest favored counties so you can see what the results are and how many votes you need to win.....and hope you need zero. You don't stuff the ballot box with a hundred thousand fake votes and commit election fraud when it's possible your guy wins outright, or only needs 10,000 fake votes to win since you'd be much less likely to be caught stuffing 10K vs 100K.

Doesn't it seem weird that not a single giant rural county in West TX, or anywhere in the West, didn't need more time to tally theirs up.....yet these heavily Biden leading urban counties are sitting on hundreds of thousands of ballots?

The fix is in. This is total fukcing bullshit. I go to bed at 1am and Trump is kicking the shit out of Biden up 8 to 13 points with like 75% of the vote in and then I wake up and somehow Biden takes like four out or five of the after hour shit.
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Re: Election

Wed Nov 04, 2020 5:16 pm

its all bull shit no matter what or who wins. Some one will always say some one else cheated, had fraud, votes thrown away, votes not counted blah blah what ever. They all have assholes and excuses and they all stink. The worst of the people are the ones that are so far side one way they cant even imagine what the other side is thinking and put up blinders to everyone except their beloved biden or trump. 2 party system is shit as well. You have the far right and far left that always vote one way then you have the other 60% of people who have to flip a coin because they have to figure out the less of 2 evils cliche.
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Re: Election

Wed Nov 04, 2020 6:18 pm

looks like if biden takes nevada its game over. All the right wing sheep will be bitching and all the left wing sheep will be celebrating.
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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Election

Wed Nov 04, 2020 6:32 pm

Ya in all actuality both sides promise stuff they have no intention of delivering on to try and get elected/then stay elected to expand their wealth through inside information and manipulation

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Re: Election

Wed Nov 04, 2020 6:46 pm

/\ what he said. they sit in office half the people love them half the people hate them no matter what they do or dont do. That pretty much sums up the political system
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Re: Election

Wed Nov 04, 2020 7:34 pm

Drunk_Dynasty wrote:It does seem like the human condition requires a struggle. And when we don’t have one, we look to create one.

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It used to be the definition big the word, "Woman".... now it's any asshats that figured out claiming victimhood gets people to support you.... Trump is the biggest victim out there right now. Everything about him screams, "I'm a puzzy". Mr. Pro 2A get locked and loaded, Mr. Commander in Chief, never locked or loaded shite.

Republican Party started the populist battle for the South with Gingrich, passed on Collin Powell to give Cheney and Rumsfeld a Bush II. They'd have owned all the shizzle for 2 decades.... But they make more coin with firebrands. Palin killed McCain, but she pulled in a lot of coin. In the end, it's not as much about winning as the marketing and branding.. . It's the phucking Kardashian version of politics.

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Re: Election

Thu Nov 05, 2020 3:25 am

Trump delivered on every last one of his promises. The only thing you could argue he didn't was the wall, which he tried his ass off...basically tried every angle but faced too much opposition and wisely moved on to take care of other shit before circling back when the time was right.

Trump is neither Republican or Democrat....he's pro-American. That's where he stands on every issue. The Republicans and Democrats are both bought and paid for by inside and outside influences.

What sucks is that now this country will never get to fully realize hid patriotism and brilliance. There's never been a more pro-labor president. Previously being "pro-labor" was a DFL thing where they were bought and paid for by unions, made crooked deals that grossly overvalued the value of their labor, priced themselves out of a job by pricing that industry to go to another country....meanwhile driving the cost of unskilled labor down by flooding the market with illegals they encouraged to disregard the border and run back and forth as they please. That was the DFL's version of being "pro-labor," pro-US-manufacturing.

Not as overt as the actual players on the field (the people working the dwindling number of jobs) was all the rule changes taking place amongst the officials from all the teams over on the sidelines. This part is both Republican and Democrat. Fugg, allow me to do Republicans first and at least try to present my case in some order.

Republicans "pro-Labor" efforts: Deregulation and tax breaks. That's it, but often times that's all that's needed to create growth in the private sector that creates jobs.

In numerous cases Republican and Democrats efforts align and are the same. That's why you're seeing shit like "da range" turning red. Obviously the Republicans trying to get it to flip are going to kiss whatever unions ass they need to while Dems are fine with cutting through environmental red tape and giving hefty tax breaks to multinational corporations that don't really give a shit about anyone here longterm...just don't piss off more than the max threshold while exploiting us and then tell us to pound sand once there's nothing left here they want.

They're the same there and back on the sidelines.....

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