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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Omicron

Mon Dec 06, 2021 11:42 am

When I got it there were 17 people at the cabin fishing for the weekend. 12 adults and 5 kids. There were 5 adults who were vaccinated. Over the course of the weekend everyone was in the same proximity to everyone else, both indoors and outdoors....same as in relatively equal exposure to the person who showed up with covid (my dad) and the rest of the group.

Of the 17 people there that weekend 10 ended up getting covid, 7 adults and 3 kids. Of the 7 adults 3 were vaccinated. All of them got sick to varying degrees, although none of them had severe symptoms.

So 2 out of the 5 vaccinated people didn't catch it, but there were 3 other adults who weren't vaccinated who also didn't catch it.

My own personal experience with it didn't suggest the vaccine doing anything other than possibly reducing the severity of the symptoms. There were others who caught it then weren't vaccinated that had symptoms about the same as the vaccinated people did, but none of the vaccinated people showed more severe symptoms that were experienced by my dad, brother, and myself.

I'm skeptical enough about everything covid related to put more stock into my own anecdotal evidence than I probably should....but then again, at least I know it's not bullshit.

When 70% of the people in the state have been given a vaccine with an efficacy rate....94% for Pfizer and 95% for Moderna, supposedly, and although J&J is slightly less....

There's no way that the efficacy rates can be accurate based off the amount of cases/hospitalizations/deaths. Even with the efficacy sunsetting at six months, and Delta being 50% more contagious, seasonality to it being a factor, and whatever else can be thrown in as an explanation for why nothing has changed.

Despite the vaccine, efforts to social distance more, and a lot of people still wearing masks all the time everywhere....there's still a large and very prominent curve representing covid cases with two curves mirroring it for hospitalizations and deaths as if nothing has changed.

I tend to lean towards the explanation for why nothing has changed as being, "nothing has changed."

That explanation makes more sense to me and has a higher likelihood than the explanation of, "There was a drastic reduction in the rate at which covid spread, and drastic reductions to the rate of people getting covid who end up in the hospital or dead.....but then Delta hit at the same time and offset those gains as the vaccination rate rose, and then the vaccine wore off right when "covid season" hit, the spike that is apparently going to be a seasonal thing from here on out now. Anyways, long story short.....a ton of progress was made this past year.....major, major progress....which is why if you think nothing has changed what you don't realize is how Bad it would've been without all the awesome progress. Those curves would be three times as high as they are if not for all the amazing progress.....that coincidentally appears as nothing. Kind of a big coincidence that looking at the curves they're all still the same despite all the monumental changes, but everything coincidentally penciled out to zero."

I'll have to look for these "breakthrough" figures. I'm assuming they're from the MDH like everything else....will have to find them without buying a STrib. Already I'm thinking a breakthrough rate of 5% has to be BS, if for no other reason than the STrib is choosing to report it. I dunno....seems like an awfully high amount of cases to be occurring within the 30% of Minnesotans who aren't vaxxed.

Like I said, I've heard from two nurses that roughly about half the people in each of their respective hospitals for covid were vaccinated. One of them I know and can trust, the other one I'd just met, but due to the nature of the conversation and how she volunteered that info without being pushed for it, as well as having nothing to gain from spreading doesn't seem far-fetched at all considering there has been little to no figures reported on how many people hospitalized are vaccinated. With how biased our media is and the efforts made to censor anything that calls the vaccine into question.......

We all know the number isn't zero when it comes to vaccinated people catching covid, being hospitalized, or dying from it. I guarantee you that there are vaccinated people in the hospital right now. There might not be that many, there might be a half the people in there. That figure not being routinely reported with covid numbers despite how extremely important it is makes me give more weight to the couple reports I've heard.

The figures representing how many vaccinated people are catching covid, being hospitalized, and dying are extremely important. If those figures are in fact extremely low, then routinely reporting them is the most effective way to get more people to get vaccinated. If the figures are a tiny fraction of the overall figures? Why in the hell wouldn't you want them reported nightly along with the overall figures if you're the people at MDH?

On the flip side, if the figures are high....a large percentage of the overall figures are people who were vaccinated?

That's even more important to report because people who think they're at little to no risk of getting it and experiencing severe sickness.....and that's not really true.....then they need to know so they can choose to eat out less, spend less time indoors at the gym, maybe work from home more instead of going to the office, and flying to a warm tourist destination this winter might be something they rethink.

The fact that the efficacy rate still being reported for the vaccines was from clinical trials instead of real numbers is bullshit. Where are the boots on the ground this is what happened when the shit hit the real world numbers?

Again, seems odd that hasn't been a piece of news at any point in the past year....and I watch enough to where I would've seen it...but maybe not....the type of stuff that catches my ear though.

And as far as....

To say people should just worry about their own health could certainly be considered as disingenuous when anti-vaxxers (which are still the overwhelming majority of patients in most locales) come to the hospital to get treatment from COVID and take beds from others who may be in car accidents, have strokes, heart attacks, etc. which is still totally expected and continuing to happen.

Start blaming fat fukcs. They're the problem. They're the problem when it comes to our Healthcare system being overtaxed. Most of the people in the hospital for covid are morbidly obese. Prior to covid, most people in the hospital were morbidly obese. Obesity had surpassed smoking as the leading preventable cause of death.

So if you're serious about anti-vaxxers being disingenuous and "taking beds from others" then I hope you're telling every fat fukc you stand in line with how they're disingenuous when they say people should just worry about their own health.....

.....oh wait, fat fukcs never say that because no one points out how recklessly selfish they are and how much their inability to push themselves away from the table is costing us all.

It's funny how everyone is allowed to be a dick when leaving a building and act all disgusted when there's someone smoking out front of the exit, but telling people they look like shit and really ought to lose some weight and get in shape is "fat shaming."

No shit it is....and it should be everyone's duty to shame fat people.

If anti-vaxxers are reckless because they're skeptical about what's happened in relation to a crazy new virus that's totally fukced what used to be a sense of "normalcy" we had up until a couple years ago.....

.....then what's your view on fat fukcs who've spent the past couple decades recklessly shoving food down their faces and letting themselves go?

Obese are a much bigger drain on our healthcare system than covid know it and I know it.....

So if we're going down the road where our accepted societal view is that people are responsible for their own health and get to choose how they want to live their life is getting thrown out the window.....if we're going down the road where one person being in the hospital has the potential to be viewed as "taking away a bed that could've been used by someone else," if that's the road you're wanting to go down.....

......then start blaming fat fukcs for being fat because that's by far and away the much bigger burden to our healthcare system than unvaccinated people catching covid.

It's not even close between the two. Hell, if you want to go after smokers and fat fukcs by all means.....go right ahead....they are the obvious masses of "bed takers" to target, who's poor and selfish health and lifestyle choices coincidentally line up with getting fukced by covid.

Personally, I'm not going to go down that road. If someone wants to eat nothing but shit all day long every day while never getting their ass off the couch to where they become morbidly obese....if they want to look like shit, feel like shit, because they ate only shit while not ever doing shit......not my concern. Their choice to live such an unhealthy lifestyle will almost certainly guarantee themselves a life in and out of medical facilities starting at middle age if not younger. They represent a burden to the healthcare system they'll have to lean on heavily starting around the time the same doctor who told them they're obese and need to lose weight every year starts giving them a prostate exam, which is also going to be when they're informed they're pre-diabetic.....they'll lean on our healthcare system heavily until they die around age sixty, or about fifteen years after they last went to Walmart and shopped by propelling themselves around the store using their own two legs instead of a motorized cart. That same "motorized cart" period of their lives will be spent going in and out of hospitals for various obese related health issues.

But yeah.....if we're going to abandon "your health is your concern" and start blaming people for taking up hospital beds.......the logical starting point is people who didn't trust our garbage media and made the mistake of not getting vaccinated.

Sure, why not go after the people who made one mistake that might cause them to wind up in the hospital.......

.....nowhere near the magnitude of the amount of people who will already be there as a result of not giving a fukcs given regards to their own personal health for several decades.

Let's give all those fukcs who chose to not give a shit at all about their health for the majority to entirety of their lives a free pass.

If you want to go down the road of labeling who is responsible for taking up a hospital bed and possibly causing someone else who's more deserving and/or in more need of receiving care?

I'm fine with it. I have no problem with it whatsoever..... long as you start at the top.

If you start by going after those who use our healthcare system the most while taking the least amount of responsibility when it comes to their personal choices and actions that resulted in their healthcare needs.

Unvaccinated people are pretty freaking far down that list, don't you think?

Let's see....

1. Obese
2. Smokers
3. Extreme Elderly
4. Alcoholics
5. Phags......maybe phags should be three? Or maybe even number one?

Do you know how many times phags wind up in the ER every year in our country? It's 10,000+ in regards to shoving shit up their ass and getting it stuck up there.

Seriously, if I was looking to decrease our healthcare system from becoming overtaxed....the first thing I'd do is make it where no treatment would be available for people who shoved stuff up their asses. Anything stuck up someone's ass is their problem.

Boom! Think of how many hours of healthcare I alleviated off our healthcare system.

As long as doctors provide healthcare to all the phags who bite off more than they can chew with their assholes and lodge something up their colon?

Then forgive me for not giving a flying fukc if someone who isn't vaccinated needs a bed.

How many people needing care for any reason weren't able to get a bed due to covid patients? Has there been any cases of that happening?

Want another brilliant way to reduce the demand for our supposedly and suddenly finite healthcare system?

Let old people who should've died a long time ago die.

How many of the hospitalizations from covid were to people so old and gone that they never understood where they were or what they were being treated for?

A lot.

There were a whole bunch of people hospitalized for covid that were so far gone they never knew they had covid...because covid didn't exist at the time that the few remaining bits and pieces of memories cognitively flash before disappearing again.

We have a severely disturbing, abnormal, sick, and unhealthy way of dealing with death in this country.

The same people who shouldn't have been alive in the first place are the same people who used up the vast majority of the healthcare administered to treat covid.

Radical idea here......

Why don't we pull the plug on the centurnarian who's been shittig his pants while blankly staring at the ceiling with drool running down his face for the past five years to make room for anyone the extra beds the anti-vaxxers are "taking" from others?

When you look at how fukced up our healthcare system is, how fukced up it has to be for dudes getting their dicks surgically chopped off and the remainder of their junk attempted to be formed into labia and....a hole to "resemble" a vagina......or how about all the healthcare required for all the opiate addicts who became addicts when they required healthcare....

Of all the fukced up, preventative, selfish shit ways people wind up in a hospital......'s safe to say people who are there after catching a new virus and experiencing severe illness from it are pretty fukcing far down the list of who we need to point the finger at for "taking a bed" and not being deserving of receiving care, don't you think?
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Re: Omicron

Mon Dec 06, 2021 1:09 pm


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Re: Omicron

Mon Dec 06, 2021 1:19 pm

A coworker and I got sent home without pay or we can use pto because another coworker that we both work with has covid, he tested positive this weekend.

No one else in the shop had to go home.

I go back the 9th with a negative test result or possibly the 13th with a positive test.
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Re: Omicron

Mon Dec 06, 2021 2:27 pm

emptymag wrote:A coworker and I got sent home without pay or we can use pto because another coworker that we both work with has covid, he tested positive this weekend.

No one else in the shop had to go home.

I go back the 9th with a negative test result or possibly the 13th with a positive test.

Man thats some dogchit if you didn't want the time off and are forced to burn through PTO to just sit at home.

Mergie Marauder
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Re: Omicron

Mon Dec 06, 2021 2:47 pm

No argument whatsoever that obesity and smoking are a major detriment to overall health and healthcare in this country. And, they have already been factored into our healthcare system via many years of data and trends. As have many, many other things like car accidents, strokes, etc. Sadly, society is remarkably consistent when it comes to these things. Being an insurance industry guy (as was I also in a past life) we know that underwriters have all of this information at their fingertips and use it as a basis for everything, it’s what the whole model/industry is based upon.

Now, take all of that and throw in COVID. For profit hospital systems have not factored this in, neither has EMS, insurance, etc, etc, etc. It has thrown everything off. Yes, there are definitely risk factors that lead to worse outcomes, as you’ve noted, but for better or worse (I’d also argue worse) we as a society have already “accepted” these things concerning health, wellness and subsequently healthcare. Resources are absolutely finite and there are definitely cases of procedures being cancelled/ delayed, transfers being denied, and down the line. Yet, we have something that appears to help lessen this extra burden and it’s not being utilized, resulting in a lot of what’s going on currently. And, at the end of the day, not a thing is going to change. We as a society ride it out at this point and hope everyone in the healthcare world can keep up. Have changed my attitude honestly and am over trying to convince anyone to change. It’s really just thinking aloud at this point and passing on info I’ve read/heard from people much smarter than myself to provide an often different perspective. I appreciate the civil discussion and lots of good points on all sides over the past couple of years here. Hell, after digging out some this past year, I’m just hoping not to lose another pile of household income in 2022 as I’m sure many can relate.
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Re: Omicron

Mon Dec 06, 2021 2:48 pm

emptymag wrote: I got sent home without pay

Make Lemonade.
Get your ice fishing stuff in order. Then go fishing.
With todays 8 for a high and low near zero, small shallow lakes that were open yesterday in S MN should be Ok to walk on by Wed Up N they were fishing on them over the weekend.
God, help me be the man that my dog thinks that I am.

Mergie Marauder
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Re: Omicron

Mon Dec 06, 2021 2:52 pm

emptymag wrote:A coworker and I got sent home without pay or we can use pto because another coworker that we both work with has covid, he tested positive this weekend.

No one else in the shop had to go home.

I go back the 9th with a negative test result or possibly the 13th with a positive test.

I was dumb enough to call in sick to work a few months ago. I could not go back in until I showed a negative COVID test and I had to use PTO for two days. I will not be making that mistake again. Lots of people in my office coming in with coughs probably becasue they do not want to have to burn their own PTO for a cold.

Pretty annoying.

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Fish Felon
Mergie Marauder
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Re: Omicron

Wed Dec 08, 2021 3:03 am

HnkrCrash wrote:No argument whatsoever that obesity and smoking are a major detriment to overall health and healthcare in this country. And, they have already been factored into our healthcare system via many years of data and trends. As have many, many other things like car accidents, strokes, etc. Sadly, society is remarkably consistent when it comes to these things. Being an insurance industry guy (as was I also in a past life) we know that underwriters have all of this information at their fingertips and use it as a basis for everything, it’s what the whole model/industry is based upon.

Now, take all of that and throw in COVID. For profit hospital systems have not factored this in, neither has EMS, insurance, etc, etc, etc. It has thrown everything off. Yes, there are definitely risk factors that lead to worse outcomes, as you’ve noted, but for better or worse (I’d also argue worse) we as a society have already “accepted” these things concerning health, wellness and subsequently healthcare. Resources are absolutely finite and there are definitely cases of procedures being cancelled/ delayed, transfers being denied, and down the line. Yet, we have something that appears to help lessen this extra burden and it’s not being utilized, resulting in a lot of what’s going on currently. And, at the end of the day, not a thing is going to change. We as a society ride it out at this point and hope everyone in the healthcare world can keep up. Have changed my attitude honestly and am over trying to convince anyone to change. It’s really just thinking aloud at this point and passing on info I’ve read/heard from people much smarter than myself to provide an often different perspective. I appreciate the civil discussion and lots of good points on all sides over the past couple of years here. Hell, after digging out some this past year, I’m just hoping not to lose another pile of household income in 2022 as I’m sure many can relate.

I appreciate the civil discussion as's always nice to hear a differing opinion that's from a normal, grounded, and sane person like yourself. Sorry for the long-winded....only semi-coherent rant.

The biggest problem with incompetence in regards to how covid has been that incompetence from leadership can easily be misunderstood as conspiracy.

I don't think there's any major conspiracy behind covid, but it's not hard to see why a segment of society thinks there might be.

I hate covid....and I'm not talking about the virus. I hate everything mankind has done in response to covid. I hate the way we all look as a result of covid shining a light on us from a different angle.

There have always been things that bugged me about other people, groups of people, certain segments of society, and even society as a whole...depending on the particular thing that bugged me.

But none of it really got to me. It was piddly little shit that you talk about during late night conversations when you've been partying with old friends and family. These things were minor grievances....more or less something to bitch about for the sake of bitching. At the end of the day none of it really mattered or lasted....none of it surfaced when out and about. If anything, nothing reminded me more that we're all 98% the same and by and large inherently far more decent to our core than going out and about. People were people. Being at a busy bar downtown with people from a lot of different walks of life was no big deal....everyone was cool....there to have a good time. Regardless of how juxtaposed someone might be with someone, even polar opposites on every political one gave a fukc. You could still bum a smoke from them and then buy their next beer smiling and enjoying life.

Those carefree totally blissful times of enjoying being around people are gone. It was the rare exception to feel out of place, or have someone harshing the mellow to where it was uncomfortable....people went out to have fun and remember how we're all pretty much the same.

People have changed. We're no longer like that. Covid has exposed a side of mankind I don't think many of us knew existed.

What sucks is the newfound realization that this is never going away. All this's never going to be undone.....things will never go back to normal. They didn't start the naming pattern for new variants to stop at Delta....and they sure as shit didn't continue on with it to stop at Omicron. There's a shitload of letters left in the Greek alphabet. Enough to where using one up every year to eighteen months will mean it'll be the majority of the rest of our lifetimes until they finish the alphabet and move onto something else.

This pandemic is man-made....again, not talking about the actual virus. I'm talking about the media and internet fueled phones and tablets....being so connected we're totally disconnected is how the dystopian future will be created, and that future is now our present.

Covid wouldn't have been a big deal had it happened in the 1980' the 1950's it would've had zero chance of turning into what we've made it into. People back then would've eaten their cereal, read an article about it a couple days a week in the paper, and been aware of it but like all things.......not let it fukc up their lives. It would've been at most a shrug with the sentiment conveyed of, "what're ya gonna do about it?"

Do you know what I did the first couple days I had symptoms? The first symptom I had was waking up with a headache. I don't get headaches. My dad had been sick all week. Wiped. He never gets like that. Delta was going around....figured it might be it. Then the next day I woke up with a sore throat, was horse, sinuses were going, the first signs of a cough, still had the headache.....

.....both days I went to a a resort.....where I served hundreds of people....not just people, but tourists.....people who all scattered to different parts of the state and upper Midwest within a day or two.

Then I had three days off, so the first of them was on Monday, I went and ran errands. I went to the post office, went to Walmart, went to a music shop to pick up some drumsticks because my next stop was at Central Lakes College.....saw a thing in the paper for auditions that were open to the public for joining some various community bands.....I'd never been to CLC before and I walked around all over campus asking people where to go before I could find the room in the performing arts center where I busted out some sweet beats on the drums. It'd been a while but it's safe to say I still had it...crushed. Oh, they required masks at CLC and had boxes of them in order for everyone who didn't have one to take for free and put on, but guess who has two thumbs and didn't put one on? That's right....."this guy."

I got home from all my errands sometime between five and six, and wasn't feeling that hot. I'd taken some dayquil before heading into town to alleviate my symptoms, but it had worn off. When I took my temperature two to three hours later it was 102.9, and that was day one of nine days straight where every night when I checked my temp it would be above at or above 102.

On day two my dad got a call from his buddy that he had Delta, and that since they hungout at his place on Minnetonka the night before he drove up for the fishing weekend that he should get tested. My mom and dad drove up a few days earlier than the rest of the group, it was just me and them hanging out....before or after I went to work.

That's when everyone got tested.....lots of positives. I didn't get tested....didn't see any point to going somewhere when I felt like shit to get tested for something I already knew I had and was showing pretty severe symptoms from. The only reason I ended up getting tested was because I drove myself to the ER at 3:30am on day six, if I remember right. They didn't do anything for me other than have like a half dozen people walk in the room to ask me why I didn't get the shot, me answering, "because I was ignorant enough to think I'd probably already had it or wouldn't get sick from it if I hadn't," them walking out.....this happened at least three times. The chick at the front desk, the lady who took my chest x-ray, the hipster bearded doctor plus at least three random dudes who walked in and out....all of them asking why I didn't take the shot.

I'm not sure why they cared since according to them I was fine. Oxygen level was at 90 to 91, chest x-ray was clean, I drove myself home, an hour later the doctor called and said, "you tested positive for surprise there," and then told me to try and find some robitussin with something on the label....a small case letter somewhere on the label or something.....he said that's the only one left over the counter that still has a little bit of codeine in it, and that it'd help my cough.

That was it. They gave me absolutely nothing in terms of treatment. They did however give me piece of mind that I was fine and that I just had to ride it out a few more days since most people with symptoms like mine took 8-11 days to get over them.

Oh, almost forgot......

When they asked me for the name of my employer and a person to contact at work....offering to do me a "real solid" and contact my boss directly to inform them I had covid so I didn't have to.......

.......I told them I was unemployed.

They asked me if I had any part time jobs, or if I was doing work for anyone off the under the table stuff.....and I told them,


When they asked who I'd been in close proximity of within the past two weeks I said,

"It's just me and my three cats at the cabin....haven't had any company in over a month....just me and my cats. It's pretty quiet most of the time."

Fukc 'em. I'm not sure if they bought it or they simply didn't have the balls to call me on it, being that they were passive-aggressive-progressives. Either way, that was the end of their contact tracing efforts in regards to covid case number.....whatever one I was.

I ended up missing five days in a row of work. Luckily I had three days off that lined up with the first three was the first such span of time off all summer. Prior to that two days in a row was it and a pretty rare occurrence at that. Unluckily, I had three beautiful late summer days off and never went outside due to catching Delta. I was also able to switch what would've been my next scheduled day off with someone to have the first four days off out of the nine I had a fever North of 102 amongst a myriad of other symptoms. I held out hope that I would get better and not miss any work but no dice....had to start calling in sick on day five....told them I wasn't feeling well. I never mentioned covid, they never asked, and it never came up....the only exception being a text from one of immediate boss who does all the scheduling....did ask if I'd gotten tested for covid via a text which I never responded to, and that was that. It was one of those deals where it wasn't a big deal since I never made it a big deal.

Part of that was due to the fact that I only called in sick three days out of the five I missed.

Two of the five days I missed....well, I kinda sorta didn't miss them....since I showed up for my shift.....forced myself up out of bed, showered, got cleaned up and looking spiffy, and went into work.

I looked like fukcing hell, was pale, sunken-eyed, and gaunt, glazed over in a greasy cold sweat, and was coughing uncontrollably...... I basically went into clock in and stand behind the bar for a second.....which was how long my coworkers needed to look at and me to determine that I absolutely should not be working due to still being very ill.

So it worked out.....everyone thought I was a gamer for trying, and no one ever doubted that I was in fact, quite ill. I've never missed that much work before....ever....and with all the covid related bullshit of people calling in and taking advantage of the situation in order to play nookie for a few weeks so they could binge watch 'Tiger King' and other garbage off one questioned my absences.

I was back at work again and actually working like....four days....five at the most....after I tested positive for covid. I was at day six or seven when tested. Once the fever broke and I had a full day where I was feeling better.....the next day I went to work, worked a ten hour shift.

"Better" is a relative term. I was down 15lbs, looked guant enough to where it felt and looked like I'd lost more weight than that. I still had a bit of a cough, occasionally my temp would spike to the level of a mild fever....99.5 to 100.5ish.....and as soon as I got home? All I did was sleep when I wasn't working for the first ten days to a couple weeks. When I wasn't working I was sleeping. Regardless of whether or not I worked twelve hours or four that day.

Why am I telling you all this? If I have a point....what is it?

To my knowledge, there isn't a single person who I got sick.

The two days leading up to getting really sick? The day I woke up with a headache and the following when it got worse and I had a sore throat? The two days where I would've been most contagious?

I worked with a whole bunch of people in very close behind a bar, making drinks at the same time, reaching behind each other while your bodies are touching to grab a bottle they're in front of.....close proximity.

I can say with 100% certainty none of my coworkers caught covid from me since none of them got one else ever called in for even a single day.

I'm not 100% but there's no indication whatsoever or any other reason to believe I got any patron sick. Out of the 15-20 coworkers who I worked in close proximity with over the first two days I knew I had come down with something but didn't know what at that way I could've/would've/should've known or suspected I had Delta and am not the type to call in over a mild headache or slightly sore throat......only one coworker was vaccinated. Since none of my coworkers got sick it's doubtful any patrons got sick. I didn't hear anything.....wouldn't have bothered looking into it even if I had an verifiable way to do so.....if none of my coworkers got it then there's no reason to suspect people that I wasn't in as close of proximity to for extremely brief interactions would've caught it.


I got the worst strain of covid, couldn't have gotten much more sick from it, was just horribly ill, and also couldn't have been more reckless in terms of not giving a fukc other than to act as if I was sick back in 2019.

I did the same shit that each and every one of us did each and every time we got sick. The only person's health I concerned myself with was my own, and instead of milking it to avoid going to work I actually tried to get back to work as soon as possible.

And what did treating covid like any other illness we encountered up until 2019 produce?

It produced the same results as what happened when we all got sick back in 2019 and before.......

There was no weird work meeting held because of me where my coworkers had to sit six feet apart and try to remember who all worked with me......they didn't conclude that discussion with a segway into having who is vaccinated raise their hands.....there wasn't a single covid test taken because of me.......

Nothing Happened.

Everyone went on with their lives. No employer was shit out of luck for two weeks due to being short-staffed. No coworker had to stay at home for days on end instead of making money because I got sick.

Covid isn't that big of a deal. It's a real virus that can knock you on your ass. It certainly got me pretty bad.....more sick than I've ever been in my life.

It still wasn't that bad. In relation to how we've reacted to it? On a scale of 1 to 100 covid is a 5 and we responded global as if if were a 100.

Our response to it.......all total bullshit. Every last effort has done either next to nothing, or nothing.


They're Pointless. If you want I'll cite the main study the MDH uses to support them and then go over why the "science" isn't very scientific....and even if you believe states that at 100% compliance when wearing masks after three weeks it' decrease the rate of public transmission by 2%. A whole whopping 2%.....98 out of 100 people are still getting sick.....if the theoretical 100% compliance was maintained for three weeks. It's never been maintained for three minutes so yeah....masks aren't effective at all.

The vaccines?

Clearly a joke. Remember herd immunity being a legitimate path to an end game? I.E. Enough people catch it and it's over....people just getting sick and building up natural immunity until there wasn't enough available hosts to keep spreading fast enough to create anymore curves.

We're at a point now where 70% of the population has been vaccinated, boosters, and the curves are still there and still prominent...the latest one we're currently in only being surpassed by the initial biggest one, and not surpassing it by much. Now there's another new variant that seems blatantly obvious is a mutation created as the direct result of the vaccine.....there's simply no way that the virus mutated randomly on it's own and coincidentally just happened to mutate on the parts the vaccine targets.


Our healthcare system is failing, and was failing prior to covid. Covid didn't cause it, it just made it more apparent at an earlier time than it would have.

The governor just made a priority of getting 1000 people recruited to be CNA's in LTC facilities....paying for their school and placing them in positions after only two months of school. The other option in the works was the 500 national guard members that had been trained for nursing and deployed to different facilities across the state. The issue has very little to do with covid..... has to do with a silver wave of boomers creating more need for care than ever a time when there's a labor shortage, less people in the following generations relative to the size of the baby boomers, and not a lot of kids these days are willing to change shitty diapers on an eighty year addition to every other shitty part of the job it is to warehouse the living bodies of people who died long ago when their minds expired.

The notion that the healthcare industry was running flawlessly and at perfect more personnel than needed, no fewer personnel than needed.....isn't accurate.

If the issue was we had enough people in heskthcare then covid hit and now as a result we're short.......then don't you think they'd address it by hiring more people?

When covid first hit it was all about ventilators, and how we didn't have anywhere near enough ventilators. So eventually leaders got on it and found ways to address the was fairly quick but not as quick as it should've been imo....and how did they address the problem?

They got more ventilators.

The issue facing healthcare and virtually every other industry is that unlike ventilators that can be mass produced from a factory in relatively short order.......

........that's not an option when the issue is a lack of people.

Like everything else, covid has ruined what used to be a career that attracted lots of good people, and was rewarding both financially and from a fulfillment standpoint to keep them long-term......most people that became a nurse never did anything else until they retired.

Because of covid a lot of nurses are saying, "fukc this shit," and out. Part of it is all the compliance issues that are fukcing not allowing patients to receive care.....shit like chemo treatments....because they tested positive for covid. Often times they're asymptomatic....and sure, it seems kind of silly to not let someone with covid into a hospital building filled with a lot of covid patients, and all that sucks but do you know why nurses and healthcare professionals are getting the fukc out?

It's the same reason why teachers are dropping like flies.......quitting without notice in a growing amount of cases.

It's what I pointed to at the very beginning.......

........People Have Changed.

The same reason why I was remisced about people no longer enjoying what it is to be people......just a bunch of social animals enjoying being social to a degree they weren't aware of until it was gone.

People....the world....has turned into a much shittier and less-fulfilling version of themselves. All because of covid....not the virus itself, but what people did in response to it.

And there's no end in sight because there isn't going to be an end. This is what we're left with......a far less wonderful world to live in. In a lot of ways it looks very similar, but we all know it's not.

I think the reason why I hate everything that I'm supposed to do in regards to covid is because it's blatantly obvious that all the efforts in the name of the Greater Good....have eliminated what we used to have that was the Greater Good.

People being out at a bar enjoying the buzz of a packed house of people created. It didn't matter who you were next to.....there was something electric about it. People gathering for no other reason than to gather and have a good time.

Now when people gather it's different. Being in a crowded space puts people on edge. People that are wearing masks are leering at those who aren't....people wonder if everyone is vaccinated.....people aren't looking to approach each other to partake in casual conversation.

Covid has ruined society....not the virus....but the people.

I'd get vaccinated if it worked or did anything, but it doesn't. There's never going to be a point where the vaccine actually in this bullshit will all be over. That will never happen. If every last person on the planet was vaccinated.......then there'd be more of the same old tired excuses.....there'd be a need for another booster, then more boosters, then frequent periodic boosters, then there'd be a whole Greek alphabet of variants that the booster doesn't protect against.....on and on, etcetera etcetera.....until the ad nauseum never ends.....

And we're at the first part of that. We're past the start and well on our way down course.

I hate everything about covid and don't ever want to comply. I'm guessing at some point my strong, innate urge to never go along with any of what has destroyed mankind will be beat into submission by how much life will be made to suck even more by the people saying they look out for you and me until they'll eventually win and I'll give up.

But that seems like a long ways off right now......and I'd much rather stick around as one of the diminishing reminders that doing nothing was not just an option, but the best far.

I really couldn't have handled covid in a worse manner than I did according to everyone who willingly ruined the world by make-believing covid into something it's not.....something scary enough to sacrifice the goodwill mankind still had left and enjoyed......

.....and by doing everything against the books, in a way that couldn't be more opposite of the books, couldn't have been more reckless......

.....I handled covid better than anyone else I know of or have heard of. To where it was mitigated to nothing. I worked behind a bar in a crowded building full of people while literally rubbing elbows with coworkers as we made drinks for people.....grabbed a glass, handled the shit out of it, while talking and spraying droplets over them before squeezing a piece of some citrus fruit in it with my fingers before using them again to grab a straw and put it directly in their glass.......

.....and did it all while having the Delta variant and when I was most contagious......


I don't buy any of their bullshit. Their trumped up efficacy rates for vaccines that are more effective at mutating the virus than they are preventing's all bullshit. Like any science worth a shit is going to suggest that wearing a mask into a bar full of people is going to make you safer....somehow change the fact that you're in a **** bar....and that menu you're looking at has been drooled on by six kids, five senior citizens, sneazed four times, and has fecal matter with eighteen different individuals DNA strands on it.

Luckily this shit isn't that wasn't the masks that stopped covid from spreading.......covid stopped itself from spreading. No one was wearing a mask when I was there and sick with delta, especially not me, yet no one caught it.

This world is fukced because of the people who are worried about covid.......not the people who aren't.

Healthcare became fukced because of covid, healthcare wasn't fukced by covid. This problem will only get worse because why?

No one wants to care for people when no one likes people anymore. With goodwill gone, people no longer enjoying being around people......good luck finding nurses, teachers,'s more attractive to be broke and avoid being around people than it is to work most jobs.

It's amazing how similar our philosophy towards covid is despite being opposite in our fundamental views on it. You're 100% correct in society isn't going to change, and to hope that healthcare will keep up but it won't.

Bottom line is that in ten years we'll both probably be saying the exact same things......the curves will still be as big and mirror each other. There'll never be a point where you question the excuses for why none of it has worked.....look at the curves again......those are the results of what you believe is the solution......and there is no discernible difference between now and before what you believe is the solution even existed.

Even if this shit worked how they claimed it does...... wouldn't be anywhere near worth what we've paid for it.
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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Omicron

Wed Dec 08, 2021 8:53 am

If I guess what resort u work at will u tell me if I’m right or wrong?

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Fish Felon
Mergie Marauder
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Re: Omicron

Wed Dec 08, 2021 2:22 pm

Drunk_Dynasty wrote:If I guess what resort u work at will u tell me if I’m right or wrong?

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Negative.....just like all the covid tests would have came back for all my coworkers had I been a dipshit and told the hipster sadist doctor where I worked.

Sorry, can't chance divulging where this took place at in today's world. I'd probably get slapped with a felony if it somehow came back around to me knowing how this fukcing state operates. FYI I've moved on since then....the resort industry is pretty bleak come winter. Making $300 to $500 a night in cash turns into a minimum wage job pretty flipping quick. Who knows, maybe I'll get behind the bar again in the spring.....if the bar is still standing after this wave of Omicron hits us like a nuclear bomb.

Read this article.....this is the world we live in....Insanity has gone mainstream and it's never switching back...... ... index.html

This is my favorite part....
In May, an unvaccinated elementary school teacher in Marin County, who took off their mask to read during class ended up infecting several students -- and they went on to infect other students, family members and community members.

.....and these are the motherfukers who preach that they believe in science?

There's zero understanding of scientific method or use of it any of their thoughts....or any of their blowhard bullshit.

That part wasn't my favorite part actually....I forgot about this part, the actual meat and potatoes of what happened getting next to no mention before being quickly brushed aside:

A kid with covid went to school for seven days and at most.....the absolute highest possible number of other kids he infected was a whopping three. That's it. Three kids that might have caught it from him over a week of this kid going to school with covid.

Oh, I forgot.....the school gets credit for that because of their mask policy. Masks are what prevented the spread of covid from one kid to a classroom and school full of kids. I'm sure they all had on some N95's that were fit to their faces snug and tight.....never came off.....not a single kid breathing a single unfiltered breath. That's clearly the logical explanation here. There's no way that this shit just isn't that transmissable. Nope, why error on the side of rational, reasonable, common sense thinking that would preserve life not being greatly diminished by this shit......let's all act like it's airborne ebola Zaire coupled with flesh eating bacteria. Let's go the route of having 70+ kids quarantine over Thanksgiving. Heaven forbid they might have caught a virus that obviously did nothing to these kids since the one had it for seven days without anyone at the school noticing he was sick...they'll send a kid home to get tested and quarantined after they needed to clear their throat, yet somehow this kid was infected with the boogeyman and no one noticed. Strange isn't it? It's almost like it's nothing. It's almost as if without a test saying the kid was positive......the virus didn't even exist. Not to the kid, not to any one who interacted with the kid over a whole week. If not for the asshole at the testing center doing some super sleuth work and alerting the school no one would've ever known the boogeyman was that that particular classroom....for an entire week.

This shit is......I really don't get how anyone could believe this shit is what the "scientific community" has made it out to be.

"An unvaccinated teacher took his mask off to read and his breath was like covid steam spewing out of his mouth and fogging the classroom full of kids...."

Gee, I wonder why teachers are quitting left and right?

It's almost like a bunch of retarded fukcs have made it so doing their job is now as difficult as it is joyless.

The audacity of that teacher.....pulling the pointless piece of bullshit he was supposed to have strapped across his face in order to properly do his job. It's pretty hard to read in front of a group and properly convey what's being communicated through the written text when you have a fukcing diaper strapped across your face, but he should be aware by now that schools are no longer primarily for education, they're first and foremost a tool in the vast and super scientific arsenal for fighting covid. The nerve of this guy...that motherfukcer chose to put all those kids lives in peril because he wanted to read in a manner that enabled his students to he Insane!?

You'd think all these mask pushing "I believe in science" dipshits would be aware of how important facial expressions are for children's learning and development. Tons of peer reviewed scientific studies that strongly support the great importance for facial expressions from babies to elementary school kids.....

Oh well, fukc it....they'll be too intently focused on the second booster for the Zeta variant in twenty years to ever notice how the kids today grew up to be some emotionally flat and expressionless adults.......but hey, at least they made it....Lord knows most of them probably wouldn't have without all the masks.
Last edited by Fish Felon on Wed Dec 08, 2021 2:42 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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