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Re: Internet Trolls

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 4:44 am
by Bullet21XD
People have been phucking with other people forever. The internet didn't invent it.

What the internet provides, is a place for pu$$ies to whine and cry like children looking for a sympathetic ear, when in fact they should be seeking therapy.

Re: Internet Trolls

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 11:38 am
by triplecurler
Without trolls the internet would be no fun, think about it if everyone agreed it would be pretty boring. What people need to realize it that it's the internet and very few people actually give a **** about you personally. So don't be a big cry baby when someone says something you don't agree with, it's a big world out there.

Re: Internet Trolls

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 11:55 am
by Trigger
h2ofwlr wrote:
Trigger wrote:
h2ofwlr wrote:Then quit trolling to begin with...

Says the greatest troll of all-time.

Have you ever noticed that most times when I post up something--that you make a negative comment towards me?

Which gives FF's comment creadance:
"Does this study apply to trolls that might not know they're trolls? Guys that don't admit to themselves that they're trolls but love to do it subconsciously?"

What the link says is basically this: trolls purposefully go after people. “Both trolls and sadists feel sadistic glee at the distress of others,” they wrote.

I do not feel glee what so ever when defending myself from trolls.

And it was why I did not comment on this topic for 2 days--because I knew if I did--I would be attacked. I did not even have to comment--and hammer took a swing at me, and then we have Trigger whose MO is I post--he posts something negative towards me most times. Frankly is gets old, and not just for me--as the lurkers (non commentators in the article) and most regulars don't want to read about it as it's a turn off. And why so many members boogeyed from TOS 5 months to 17 months ago--because of the trolls.

What is this? You're induction speech to the Troll Hall of Fame?

See kids... This is a classic troll play. It's called the "Poor Me". It's an old play used by trolls to get people to sympathize for them. It was much more effective in the early days of the internet before people caught on and stopped falling for it.

Re: Internet Trolls

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 12:03 pm
by h2ofwlr
Again, another put down by you Trigger.
This is also what now days is called Bullying. The non stop attacks on a person and for what? The answer is above: "sadists feel sadistic glee at the distress of others” .

Do us all a favor Trigger - just shut the hell up if you don't have anything positive to say to anyone.

Re: Internet Trolls

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 1:46 pm
by Fish Felon
h2ofwlr wrote:
Trigger wrote:
h2ofwlr wrote:Then quit trolling to begin with...

Says the greatest troll of all-time.

Have you ever noticed that most times when I post up something--that you make a negative comment towards me?

Which gives FF's comment creadance:
"Does this study apply to trolls that might not know they're trolls? Guys that don't admit to themselves that they're trolls but love to do it subconsciously?"

What makes you think I wasn't talking about you?

Bullet21XD wrote:People have been phucking with other people forever. The internet didn't invent it.

What the internet provides, is a place for pu$$ies to whine and cry like children looking for a sympathetic ear, when in fact they should be seeking therapy.

Agreed. The worst thing on these websites are the 'woe is me' people. No one cares if someone's parents died and they should quit telling people 'how lucky they are' whenever a parent is mentioned as it is just phishing for sympathy. If you need that go to a support group. This place is for entertainment and information it isn't where you should look for a shoulder to cry on.

Re: Internet Trolls

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 2:30 pm
by Bullet21XD
h2ofwlr wrote:Again, another put down by you Trigger.
This is also what now days is called Bullying. The non stop attacks on a person and for what? The answer is above: "sadists feel sadistic glee at the distress of others” .

Do us all a favor Trigger - just shut the hell up if you don't have anything positive to say to anyone.

Actually it's cyberbullying.

Get with the times man!

Re: Internet Trolls

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 3:23 pm
by triplecurler
If you can be cyber bullied your self-esteem must be real low. At least that's my take on it.

Re: Internet Trolls

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 6:37 pm
by D.T. Hammer
h2ofwlr wrote:
Do us all a favor Trigger - just shut the hell up if you don't have anything positive to say to anyone.

The troll sneak attack again.

I find it funny any thought out of the main stream and the whiny little biatches start crying Troll Troll Troll LMAO at those who are stuck in a very small box :-)

Re: Internet Trolls

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 9:04 pm
by Trigger
h2ofwlr wrote:Again, another put down by you Trigger.
This is also what now days is called Bullying. The non stop attacks on a person and for what? The answer is above: "sadists feel sadistic glee at the distress of others” .

Do us all a favor Trigger - just shut the hell up if you don't have anything positive to say to anyone.

I have a lot of positive things to say.

But are you... the person who has referenced the "pussification" (your word) of today's youth seriously playing the bullying card?

Re: Internet Trolls

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 9:44 pm
by StuStiltman
"I have a lot of positive things to say. "

I completely agree with that, for you and many others. Why not leave it at that, many good and informative conversations happen on this sight. Its a turn off for many when the conversation takes a negative tone, I'm guilty of that as much as the next guy. if this sight is going to continue to exist and maybe even grow I think the "trolling" needs to stop. Some guys can't take a joke, no disputing that. We have to keep in mind internet conversations are different from real life conversations. Sarcasm and the like don't come thru in text as they do in real life, especially when most don't know each other in real life outside an internet forum.