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Mergie Marauder
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Re: 2022 Vikings

Sun Dec 18, 2022 12:09 pm

Wow. What a game to be at. That’s an amazing experience.

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Fish Felon
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Re: 2022 Vikings

Mon Dec 19, 2022 4:08 pm

Worst game ever.....until it was the greatest game ever
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Re: 2022 Vikings

Wed Dec 21, 2022 11:53 pm

I will say, if, IF, they would have one in regular time it may have changed me..... as it is, double over time to settle two sh!tty teams path to loservillle....

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Re: 2022 Vikings

Thu Dec 22, 2022 3:11 am

As Mike Tice once famously said,

"Enjoy the Season!"

Is this a great Vikings team?

No.....they are mediocre, maybe will go down as a "good" Vikings team. There are a lot of Vikings teams that have been much better....some ('98, '09, etc) were much, much, much better teams.

Wlll this team lose in the first round of the playoffs? Most likely. If not will they have a chance to win the NFC? 0.00001% chance this team makes the Super Bowl and multiply those odds against itself for winning the Super Bowl if somehow this team comes up on the winning side of 10,000 to 1 odds.

I saw a guy pull three red numbers in a row on an $899 gun pulltab box. The odds of it happening after I did the math?

Almost 10,000 to 1

Crazy shit can and does happen.......

....FYI he didn't get drawn despite having a 1 in 4 chance (pulled three reds in addition to the three in a row he pulled, had his name on six of the two dozen lines for the gun).

I like this Vikings team and have found this season to be one of the most....maybe the most enjoyable to watch. I know they're not going to win anything when it matters but who cares? They never win anything when it least this time we expect it and aren't going to be disappointed.

Cousins is officially a'ight in my book. This is the first time I feel he is deserving of being a pro-bowler......he's stopped worrying about his stat line, completion ratio, and throwing picks....fukcer used to take sacks for a loss of twenty yards instead of throwing the ball away because taking the sack didn't hurt his completion percentage. Dude once threw a ball into the turf at the goal line as time expired and his team down six points because he didn't want to give his receivers a chance to make a play, a chance for his team to win, because he was worried about throwing an interception.

I loved that he threw two picks last game....both to the same dude who fukced up his route. It didn't phase him....he came back out and kept slinging it. It reminded me of Favre....Cousins finally resembles something of a gunslinger, and fukc every analyst Saber metrics dork out there who points out his stats are the worst of his career.....they're not....not by a longshot.....he's just realized that the only stat that matters is wins versus losses and at 11-3 he's never had a better stat line.

This team is a bunch of losers....I expected them to suck....and they should....and statistically in a whole shitload of categories and ways, especially on defense, you could argue they do suck....very badly.....but yet here we are and they've won the division, played two games for the ages where in both the refs fukcing jobbed them.....the Colts game was easily the worst officiated game I've ever seen......should've left the home team DOA but it didn't, against all odds these lovable losers pulled through and did the most un-Vikings like thing ever......they gritted it out and laid it on the line despite being absolutely fukced.

I like O'Connell too.....dude is growing on me. I loved him going for two against the Lions in the third quarter when an extra point would've tied things up, and I loved that he went for it on fourth down against the Colts and turned the ball over on downs and gave it to them on their own 31 yard line.

I hope the analysts and armchair quarterbacks never beat the "Mike Leech" out of him......KOC makes for some very entertaining football.....fukcer has some how he keeps taking what seem like ridiculous chances to the old school football patriarch and it doesn't phase him when he loses on the gamble.....repeatedly.....multiple times in a row over the course of multiple games.....hope it never phases him and he keeps going, "Fuggit," with his play calls.

In short, I'm officially on the bandwagon to Loserville and it's been one hell of a a party bus bachelor party whee everyone is doing blow and both the strippers who got hired for it have C-section scars.
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Mergie Marauder
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Re: 2022 Vikings

Thu Dec 22, 2022 10:37 am

Fish Felon wrote:As Mike Tice once famously said,

"Enjoy the Season!"

Is this a great Vikings team?

No.....they are mediocre, maybe will go down as a "good" Vikings team. There are a lot of Vikings teams that have been much better....some ('98, '09, etc) were much, much, much better teams.

Wlll this team lose in the first round of the playoffs? Most likely. If not will they have a chance to win the NFC? 0.00001% chance this team makes the Super Bowl and multiply those odds against itself for winning the Super Bowl if somehow this team comes up on the winning side of 10,000 to 1 odds.

I saw a guy pull three red numbers in a row on an $899 gun pulltab box. The odds of it happening after I did the math?

Almost 10,000 to 1

Crazy shit can and does happen.......

....FYI he didn't get drawn despite having a 1 in 4 chance (pulled three reds in addition to the three in a row he pulled, had his name on six of the two dozen lines for the gun).

I like this Vikings team and have found this season to be one of the most....maybe the most enjoyable to watch. I know they're not going to win anything when it matters but who cares? They never win anything when it least this time we expect it and aren't going to be disappointed.

Cousins is officially a'ight in my book. This is the first time I feel he is deserving of being a pro-bowler......he's stopped worrying about his stat line, completion ratio, and throwing picks....fukcer used to take sacks for a loss of twenty yards instead of throwing the ball away because taking the sack didn't hurt his completion percentage. Dude once threw a ball into the turf at the goal line as time expired and his team down six points because he didn't want to give his receivers a chance to make a play, a chance for his team to win, because he was worried about throwing an interception.

I loved that he threw two picks last game....both to the same dude who fukced up his route. It didn't phase him....he came back out and kept slinging it. It reminded me of Favre....Cousins finally resembles something of a gunslinger, and fukc every analyst Saber metrics dork out there who points out his stats are the worst of his career.....they're not....not by a longshot.....he's just realized that the only stat that matters is wins versus losses and at 11-3 he's never had a better stat line.

This team is a bunch of losers....I expected them to suck....and they should....and statistically in a whole shitload of categories and ways, especially on defense, you could argue they do suck....very badly.....but yet here we are and they've won the division, played two games for the ages where in both the refs fukcing jobbed them.....the Colts game was easily the worst officiated game I've ever seen......should've left the home team DOA but it didn't, against all odds these lovable losers pulled through and did the most un-Vikings like thing ever......they gritted it out and laid it on the line despite being absolutely fukced.

I like O'Connell too.....dude is growing on me. I loved him going for two against the Lions in the third quarter when an extra point would've tied things up, and I loved that he went for it on fourth down against the Colts and turned the ball over on downs and gave it to them on their own 31 yard line.

I hope the analysts and armchair quarterbacks never beat the "Mike Leech" out of him......KOC makes for some very entertaining football.....fukcer has some how he keeps taking what seem like ridiculous chances to the old school football patriarch and it doesn't phase him when he loses on the gamble.....repeatedly.....multiple times in a row over the course of multiple games.....hope it never phases him and he keeps going, "Fuggit," with his play calls.

In short, I'm officially on the bandwagon to Loserville and it's been one hell of a a party bus bachelor party whee everyone is doing blow and both the strippers who got hired for it have C-section scars.

I've said it before and I will say it again. Get your sh!t together and stop writing for free.

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Re: 2022 Vikings

Thu Dec 22, 2022 11:16 am

Drunk_Dynasty wrote:I've said it before and I will say it again. Get your sh!t together and stop writing for free.

I appreciate the compliment but who could I write for? Being serious....what outlet would potentially pay someone like me to write for them.

I still think my idea for a 'Tweeker Talk' podcast is a million dollar one....

....all the catalytic converter thefts?

Ever talk to a dude who does it? It's pretty interesting talking to a dude that does it and it's one of his primary sources of income. Granted, they're total pieces of shit.....but then again, you get to know them a bit and become friends and although you don't think what they're doing is right.....knowing anyone is generally going to humanize them.....once they go from "thief" "degenerate" and "criminal" to "person" it's interesting how you start seeing them differently, end up kind of rooting for them. A couple of dudes I know were hitting Hopkins pretty hard and had the cops chase them into and out of a parking ramp, and they barely got away. They'd been targeting bigger vehicles....pickups, SUV's, stuff that was easy to get under out in the burbs.

I convinced them that what they should be doing is going after Prius's in Minneapolis. They figured out that they didn't even have to get under them with a saw.....simply put a tow strap around them and hit the gas and they'll pop right off, and low and behold....turns out Prius's are one of the most high dollar catalytic converters when scrapping them.

So if you have a pickup or SUV and live in the suburbs?

You're welcome

No way to stop this type of people from stealing, but at least i successfully diverted them away from our demographic onto all the liberal Minneapolis pukes. Dudes couldn't believe how right I was......never get busted for it in Minneapolis....cops don't give a fukc and every person with a Prius in Minneapolis sure as shit doesn't own a gun or ever intend to take matters into their own hands....they'll just call the cops, and the cops don't care anymore, especially if there's a BLM sign up in their yard. These dudes went from being chased constantly to whistling while they fear of getting busted in Minneapolis, very grateful for the solid recommendation I gave them.
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Re: 2022 Vikings

Thu Dec 22, 2022 11:22 am

I'm very close friends with someone who has gotten obesely (I meant obscenely but since he's fat I'll keep the typo) wealthy off cat theft... and he's not the guy cutting them off. Super sleazy dude on the low, and you see his veiled sleaziness permeate thru many aspects of his life.

Really hard not to give him sh!t about it but he's insanely sensitive and gets super butthurt easily.

As to who would pay you for writing? Idk, start a blog on a random topic you like writing about or something. Maybe you can get back on twitter now that Shelon is running things.

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Re: 2022 Vikings

Sat Dec 24, 2022 4:33 am

Not happening for me on Twitter.....tried to appeal my "account suspension" (AKA ban for life) twice here recently........

....denied both times.

They still won't cite how I violated the rules. I don't think I ever did. No clue as to what got me banned.

.....unlike on LinkedIn.....know exactly what got me banned there.....
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Re: 2022 Vikings

Sat Dec 24, 2022 4:44 am

They're cracking down on Cat theft....think they passed something where you have to be a licensed contractor or some shiz to be able to sell scrap....anything.

If this is true.....

Crime is going to go up much higher than it is right now over night.

Once degenerates have their number one source of income eliminated......lot of dudes will be desperate and robbing people, B&E, and stealing other shit......there's going to be a lot more people getting held up and mugged.

For every action there's an equal but opposite reaction. The stuff they're doing to stop Cat theft seems practical to most people, but most people have never even encountered the people doing it....they literally have never once met and had even a brief conversation with the type of people they're aiming to put j squeeze on.....

....I don't blame them for trying and on paper it makes a ton of very practical and common sense......but they don't realize it's not going to make the degenerates doing it get their acts together and quit being fiend me any motherfukcer who's stooped to the low, low, low level of stealing catalytic converters.....and you'll also be showing me a drug addict. No one ever falls that low and out of society without being on drugs.

Bottom line......they'll figure out new and different sources of "income" and it isn't going to be cleaning up and getting a normal job like everyone else. They're going to turn to crime.....even violent crime if they have to if they can't make some quick cash scrapping some shit they stole.
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Mergie Marauder
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Re: 2022 Vikings

Sat Dec 24, 2022 10:50 am

Fish Felon wrote:They're cracking down on Cat theft....think they passed something where you have to be a licensed contractor or some shiz to be able to sell scrap....anything.

If this is true.....

Crime is going to go up much higher than it is right now over night.

Once degenerates have their number one source of income eliminated......lot of dudes will be desperate and robbing people, B&E, and stealing other shit......there's going to be a lot more people getting held up and mugged.

For every action there's an equal but opposite reaction. The stuff they're doing to stop Cat theft seems practical to most people, but most people have never even encountered the people doing it....they literally have never once met and had even a brief conversation with the type of people they're aiming to put j squeeze on.....

....I don't blame them for trying and on paper it makes a ton of very practical and common sense......but they don't realize it's not going to make the degenerates doing it get their acts together and quit being fiend me any motherfukcer who's stooped to the low, low, low level of stealing catalytic converters.....and you'll also be showing me a drug addict. No one ever falls that low and out of society without being on drugs.

Bottom line......they'll figure out new and different sources of "income" and it isn't going to be cleaning up and getting a normal job like everyone else. They're going to turn to crime.....even violent crime if they have to if they can't make some quick cash scrapping some shit they stole.

Time to arm up and kill all the degenerates if that’s what happens. Once a few get shot the drug addicts will smarten up and find other sources to get their fix. I sympathize with addicts but I do not sympathize with those that commit crimes to fuel their habits.

And there are plenty of examples out there of cat thieves being caught in the act and things turn very violent so don’t act like this is some victimless crime.

Anyone involved in any form of the cat theft is scum, whether or not you are the person taking them off the car or not. DD you should tell your buddy what a piece of shit he is. If he is sensitive, all the better. Maybe he’ll get his shit straightened out.

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