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Re: Coronavirus

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2020 9:42 pm
by Drunk_Dynasty
People are really going ballistic in stores. Streets are mostly empty tho. I filled my gas tank up on my way home and some fat dude was walking out of the SA with cinnamon roll that had been sitting in there all day so not everyone is losing it. Those things are dry as sh1t by noon, super moms bakery stuff is the worst of the all I think.

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Re: Coronavirus

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2020 10:09 pm
by emptymag
The local Facebook page reports all the local stores here are out of tp.

Re: Coronavirus

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2020 10:16 pm
by maplelakeduckslayer
LMAO tp. Shix is that bad tear up clothes, shit and shower, no water drag your ass across the grass like a dog like I seriously do not understand at all. There's so many options for cleaning your ass if you have to. And if things get that bad? Who gives a f if you have a clean ass after shitting anyway, like someone is gonna give you the stink eye for having shit stained boxers?

Re: Coronavirus

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2020 10:19 pm
by Drunk_Dynasty
It will be sad if all the t shirts I’ve been using as jizz rags have to start getting used as azz wipes.

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Re: Coronavirus

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2020 10:49 pm
by maplelakeduckslayer
Can be multipurpose just turn it inside out

Re: Coronavirus

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2020 1:12 am
by Fish Felon
Ever have a t-shirt on a hunting trip grow shorter and shorter at the bottom? After forgetting the tp and taking a pocket knife to the bottom hem to rip and cut off pieces for ass wipe?

Hell, do that to a bunch and by the time Covid-19 is done you'll have a whole pile of fashionable shirts you can sell on consignment in uptown, downtown, midtown....fukc it don't matter anymore....trannys all over Minneapolis would pay top dollar for a navel baring t-shirt a straight man cut the pieces off to use for wiping his ass. Those Flamers would probably just fukcing love that.....could start a whole new line like Mossimo but call it Nohomo to hook those phagz into thinking it's some clever attempt at being ironic or some shizzz

Re: Coronavirus

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2020 8:14 am
by Hansen
Went to target to get a few things: no TP or soup. Home depot had plenty of TP just incase.

People need to get a **** grip on reality. I'm just glad liberal puke outlets like ESPN have been rendered useless until June. Reruns of the 2010 NBA finals are going to be a HOT item to watch.

Re: Coronavirus

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2020 9:14 am
by maplelakeduckslayer
I don't think many understand the financial disaster that's trying to be avoided here. The buzz over the health impacts side of things is a distraction from what's really going on. Think what you want about that but a few thousand people dying is not the concern here from those in charge

Without the fed pumping the markets last couple days with a trillion in liquidity injections through their repo programs...we'd be burning. Just like China would have they did the same thing and banned short selling.

This is about saving the economy not saving people.

With people so scared about their health, stockpiling goods, the constant news flow of the spread...they aren't paying attention to the truth. And that's exactly what they want

Re: Coronavirus

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2020 12:06 pm
by Drunk_Dynasty
Who is they and what do they want?

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Re: Coronavirus

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2020 12:39 pm
by lanyard
^^^^^ flip side: you start shutting down restaurants and you ain't exactly cutting the people with a lot of nest egg/rainy day savings.

Add on the homeless. Not exactly pictures of health. Just sort of dead in the streets.

Need to remember, those numbers are hella bigger than the Sal T Cracker, CEO population. They are also *full spenders*. Anything they make, gets spent. They not making money, they ain't spending money.

That's going to bring the other end down.