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Re: 2022 Vikings

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2022 11:28 am
by Fish Felon
My bad on coming across that way......not my intention. I agree with you 100% away at them.....couldn't agree more with them needing to get shot in order for the rest of them to wise up.

My view, and my belief in what the principles of how our country's criminal justice system is based on, is that unless there is damage to person or property there isn't a crime. DWI's are preventative laws that shouldn't exist.....there's no damage to person or property.

Cat theft is a motherfukcer to any person that crime is inflicted upon. I absolutely don't condone it or view it as a victimless crime. You better believe that if I ever caught someone fukcing me over doing it in the act.....they're going to wish they hadn't.

People should be allowed to ingest whatever they want.....our bodies our choices, right? So I have no problem with people doing drugs.....don't think drugs should be felonies because my standpoint, and the stance of all my close personal friends and family I've done drugs that we're not harming anyone. I'm not a thief and I don't like associating with thieves. Unfortunately, if you want to get drugs...good're going to cross paths with some scum. These people are most definitely scum. They're not friends because I wouldn't trust any of them as far as I could throw them.....but at times, in the process of getting what I want, I've associated with them and been friendly.....but they aren't my friends.

I should also point out that in my tale of getting them to target Minneapolis Prius first suggestion, what is always my first suggestion is this:

"Maybe you should think about getting a job so you don't have to deal with running from the cops and all this other bullshit...."

The irony is that these motherfukcers work harder and deal with more stress than any people I've ever known. They look at it as getting a hundred bucks for nothing....act is if they're going out and picking up hundred dollar bills people leave floating out on the streets.......Unfortunately they'll never get that getting a job will afford them to make a lot more money in a lot easier fashion than what they're currently doing. I would gladly work as the "fry kid" at fukcing McDonald's before I'd ever.....scratch that, I'd never resort to ripping off honest people by stealing cats. For me it isn't the thought of getting busted by the cops or getting shot that is a's the thought of a normal person just trying to live life staring up their car and instantly realizing they've been fukced with a thousand dollar mechanic bill once they start their car just trying to go to work in the morning.

I'll fukc over myself doing stupid shit that I shouldn't do but I'm not about to ever fukc over anyone else to enable my own stupid shit.

Re: 2022 Vikings

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2022 12:32 pm
by Nershi
I think we are on the same page with drug laws. Fortunately our country seems to be coming around on the topic. Long ways to go get.

Back to the regularly scheduled programming. Was anyone wondering why the coach wasn’t calling more screens? The Giants blitz more than any other team in the league. It felt like they blitzed more than half of the snaps. Call the dang screens and let the backs and jj eat em up.

Re: 2022 Vikings

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2022 3:54 pm
by Fish Felon
I'm fine with the play worked, and we beat a very solid team. The Giants are a legit playoff team....their 8-6-1 record would probably be more like 10-5....11-4ish maybe sniffing 12-3 if they played in any other division. If the Vikes had to play Philly, Dallas, and Washington twice? They'd be lucky to go 2-4, and would most likely have a 1-5 divisional record.

So I don't agree, or disagree.....just don't think that it would've have mattered what plays got called....the Giants are good enough to adjust, compensate for it, and have the game go down to the wire regardless of what play calling tendencies KOC favored or abandoned.

We beat an above average to pretty good team in regulation (for once) so I'm happy with it......and am surprised by how much I'm coming around to get behind KOC. This team isn't very good....they're not. They're basically the same team from last year that lost eight games that were decided by a one score margin......

.....and KOC has the same personnel on the field that Zim had last year but his game plans and game calling has them 11-0 in one score games.

I love how aggressive the fukcer is......but I was also the only guy in a rowdy bar of Vikings fans who loved the call to go for two instead of kicking the PAT to tie it up in the third quarter in Detroit.

Everyone was like, "Boooh! Why go for it?!"

and I was like,

"Wooh-Whooo! Why NOT go for it!?"

Re: 2022 Vikings

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2022 4:53 pm
by Drunk_Dynasty
Nershi wrote:[quote="Fish Felon"]They're cracking down on Cat theft....think they passed something where you have to be a licensed contractor or some shiz to be able to sell scrap....anything.

If this is true.....

Crime is going to go up much higher than it is right now over night.

Once degenerates have their number one source of income eliminated......lot of dudes will be desperate and robbing people, B&E, and stealing other shit......there's going to be a lot more people getting held up and mugged.

For every action there's an equal but opposite reaction. The stuff they're doing to stop Cat theft seems practical to most people, but most people have never even encountered the people doing it....they literally have never once met and had even a brief conversation with the type of people they're aiming to put j squeeze on.....

....I don't blame them for trying and on paper it makes a ton of very practical and common sense......but they don't realize it's not going to make the degenerates doing it get their acts together and quit being fiend me any motherfukcer who's stooped to the low, low, low level of stealing catalytic converters.....and you'll also be showing me a drug addict. No one ever falls that low and out of society without being on drugs.

Bottom line......they'll figure out new and different sources of "income" and it isn't going to be cleaning up and getting a normal job like everyone else. They're going to turn to crime.....even violent crime if they have to if they can't make some quick cash scrapping some shit they stole.

Time to arm up and kill all the degenerates if that’s what happens. Once a few get shot the drug addicts will smarten up and find other sources to get their fix. I sympathize with addicts but I do not sympathize with those that commit crimes to fuel their habits.

And there are plenty of examples out there of cat thieves being caught in the act and things turn very violent so don’t act like this is some victimless crime.

Anyone involved in any form of the cat theft is scum, whether or not you are the person taking them off the car or not. DD you should tell your buddy what a piece of shit he is. If he is sensitive, all the better. Maybe he’ll get his shit straightened out.[/quote]
I don’t disagree with your advice, but always easier said than done when it comes to your own actual relationships.

The guy has like severe anxiety issues. Like…. When it’s bad it can’t even be alone or he will think he’s dying. Like clinical hypochondria, going to the doctor all the time and I know his parents have taken his guns from him at certain points, so I do worry just bluntly telling him to stop being so scummy he might actually hurt himself.

And the fact he has probably the easiest life if anyone I know makes it all the more frustrating. If you knew the kind of family land he has to deer hunt on you’d hate him even more. Never mind the fact he used to intentionally leave of giant piles of cash, like $60k+ sitting out for people to see when they come over. Was pretty great seeing people ignore it and see how annoyed he’d get by people not saying anything about it.

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Re: 2022 Vikings

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2023 5:47 pm
by maplelakeduckslayer
See they getting pounded by the pack...just got back from family Christmas out in Appleton WI...relatives were all jacked up about the pack still being able to make the playoffs.

It'd be pretty fitting if they made it in and could play the vikes and knock the vikes out. Be hilarious

Re: 2022 Vikings

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2023 5:50 pm
by Drunk_Dynasty
Tony Romo want to be bukkake’d by the whole packers team.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

Re: 2022 Vikings

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2023 6:59 pm
by maplelakeduckslayer
Man f tony Romo he got to f way too many hot chicks

Re: 2022 Vikings

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2023 7:37 am
by Fish Felon
The Vikings are who we thought they are......

Re: 2022 Vikings

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2023 2:51 pm
by Fish Felon
Ooooooh O-Line is going to be bad from here on out.....might as well just put a turnstile in front of Cousins....going to be a blood bath

Re: 2022 Vikings

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2023 10:24 am
by Drunk_Dynasty
The O-Line already was bad. Now we are gonna have a 3rd string center and bad RT.