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Fish Felon
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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Mon Sep 21, 2020 7:07 pm

HnkrCrash wrote:Up to somewhere close to 100 people who I personally know that have gotten it. Still thankfully no fatalities in that figure. Seems that if you are in your 20s or younger, it’s generally pretty mild. Once you hit 30, all bets are off. More and more I’m hearing people say that it’s the sickest they’ve ever been in their entire lives and it’s taking weeks to recover. The vast majority in this group are healthier than I’m guessing most of the guys on this site. Still no joke and still knocking out people who are otherwise very healthy.

My sister works for Crow Wing County. One of her coworkers said she had covid back in April. She said it hit her really hard. She's in her mid twenties and healthy and still hasn't come back to work. She's batshit crazy and is fine. She probably never had it but saw an opportunity to miss some work and then got caught up in it and let the lie get to the point where she took it too far. She messed up on waiting too long to come back, missed the opportunity of returning after a couple weeks and not having it be an issue, but now she really can't come back. All her coworkers hate her because they've had to do all her work in addition to theirs since they can't hire someone even temporarily....they have to legally keep the position for her. It sounds like she's starting to get the hint that she better quit pretty fukcking soon because cold shoulder isn't going to even begin to describe the reception she'd get after missing a half a year of work over shit that everyone know is a lie.

So there's person number 101 for you that said covid just kicked her ass. Damn near killed her. Nevermind that people have seen her out doing stuff. She claims it's made her so weak she can hardly move yet goes to the same gym as another chick she works with who reports her doing some pretty strenuous workouts.

There's a hundred people that you are acquaintances with, which is a lot of acquaintances, but no one knows a hundred least very well....well enough to know if they actually were extremely sick or are just full of shit.

Here's the thing....

I would say the several bad colds I've experienced in my life were as sick as I've ever been. I've been violently ill numerous times where I was "more sick" you could argue, but only for 24-36 hours.

I'll make the argument that the severe colds are the sickest I've ever been, which as I'm guessing most already know, these colds were caused by coronavirus. Not the novel "new" coronavirus, those bouts of being the sickest I've ever been wete the result of the regular plain old coronavirus.

They lasted three weeks and sucked. A week to two weeks of that involved being so congested I'd wake up being unable to breathe, try to take a breath, but end up having a deep cough where it hurts and almost sounds sharp, like a stick breaking, as hard phlegm comes out of the lungs in large volumes. To where you get up and move as fast as you can to the toilet to spit out a mouthful of green phlegm so thick that some of it sinks.

We've all experienced this....we've all had a really shitty, deep respiratory cold that knocks your ass out for three where you're chugging dayquil like it's water.

Those nights when waking up unable to breathe, your nose and sinuses totally clogged for over a week....those moments you wake up grasping for air and not being able to take a breath? They're pretty scary of for a split second. Right?

Now imagine that instead of knowing that you're going to be OK since you only have a cold---the media and governments around the world have made you believe that what you have isn't just a cold, it's this new lethal cold.

What is this going to naturally do to anyone?

It's going to freak them the fukc out. In my opinion the reason why a severe cold isn't very alarming has nothing to do with how sick you get but the simple fact of knowing "it's only a cold."

If you seriously know a hundred people then it seems likely, if not obvious, that a lot of these people are work acquaintances. We've all taken sick days and missed work and regardless of whether we're actually sick of just hungover....we always play up how sick we "really" were. Everyone always goes, "I caught that strain of [whatever] that's been going around and oh my gosh! I was so sick. I really sick. Come to think of it that was the sickest I've maybe ever been!"

We'll even lie to our work buddies who call us and are like, "c'mon dude, we're you really sick or just needed a couple days off?"

"No dude, that was no joke. I was seriously really sick."

No one ever says,

"I really wasn't very sick. I thought I was possibly sick but it's just because I caught up with some old buddies and got shitfaced the night before I called in. I'm kind of a hypochondriac so when I woke up hungover as shit I convinced myself I had what was going around because it's been on the news and other people have used that excuse without question so I did too. Then I said I was really sick because I was expected to after missing work, so I played it up knowing no one had the ability to call me on it and because no one else cares because they call in sick and then tell people how sick they were too.

You know why you're never going to hear anyone on here talk about how sick they got after contracting covid?

Because there's no incentive to lie and play it up as like it was some life threatening moment.

And that's why in six months you'll be telling us about how many more people you've heard about getting it, who also were very ill, yet luckily....defying the fatalities. We're in the middle of this giant pandemic yet no one dies. We never watch anyone we know and could actually witness getting severely sick and almost dying, get severely sick and almost due but we hear a lot about it from people. There's a 7million dollar commercial freezer to housee all the dead, which turns out have an average age about six years older than the average life expectancy. The horrors.



Homey, covid is a joke. The regular old coronavirus is much worse. Look around you....this shit is weak.
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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Tue Sep 22, 2020 9:28 am

Fish Felon wrote:Here's the thing....

I would say the several bad colds I've experienced in my life were as sick as I've ever been. I've been violently ill numerous times where I was "more sick" you could argue, but only for 24-36 hours.

I'll make the argument that the severe colds are the sickest I've ever been, which as I'm guessing most already know, these colds were caused by coronavirus. Not the novel "new" coronavirus, those bouts of being the sickest I've ever been wete the result of the regular plain old coronavirus.

They lasted three weeks and sucked. A week to two weeks of that involved being so congested I'd wake up being unable to breathe, try to take a breath, but end up having a deep cough where it hurts and almost sounds sharp, like a stick breaking, as hard phlegm comes out of the lungs in large volumes. To where you get up and move as fast as you can to the toilet to spit out a mouthful of green phlegm so thick that some of it sinks.

We've all experienced this....we've all had a really shitty, deep respiratory cold that knocks your ass out for three where you're chugging dayquil like it's water.

Those nights when waking up unable to breathe, your nose and sinuses totally clogged for over a week....those moments you wake up grasping for air and not being able to take a breath? They're pretty scary of for a split second. Right?

Homey, covid is a joke. The regular old coronavirus is much worse. Look around you....this shit is weak.

FF, you nailed it, I have had so many sinus infections over the years where you wake up and your sinus's feel that their full of spray foam and will never be able to breath thru them again, I had a cold years back where the wife had booked this get-away up in the Twin Cities, had been sick for a 2 weeks before it was to happen, we went and what I remember about that trip, I had no sense of smell or taste, went out for a steak supper and it was horrible to not be able to smell or taste it, I have never forgot that and this had to be 20 years back.

I'm sure most of you have heard about the wedding in Ghent Mn where they had a huge Covid outbreak after the wedding, the bride and bridesmaids I have heard had it, many people got it that nite, yesterday I was told one Grandpa of the groom was in the hospital that has numerous other ailments , he thought he might have gotten out of hospital but wasn't sure, I personally know 2 people that were at that wedding and got the Covid, both are close to 60 years old, within 2 days of the wedding they lost their sense of smell and taste, he said he has colds that were way worse than covid, both recovered with only those symptoms, it's a joke for most people and the people who say this isn't political are full of $hit.........................
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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Tue Sep 22, 2020 10:14 am

The stats are total BS. Here is one of thousand examples. ... 6391727104

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Fish Felon
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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Fri Oct 30, 2020 3:23 am

Here's a GREAT Example of what Covid-19 is.....just a re-labeling of Lower Respiratory Illness.

Huh, the 4th leading cause of death in 2018, 3rd and 4th being neck-and-neck, no longer was even on the list by June of 2020.


They Cured Lower Respiratory Illness! Thank God! Hahaha!!

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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Wed Nov 04, 2020 9:39 am

Well boyz yours truly just got over a case of the ' this point I'm pretty much invincible, again.

It was like having a low grade hangover, not a big deal.

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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Wed Nov 04, 2020 10:07 am

Stute Slap wrote:Well boyz yours truly just got over a case of the ' this point I'm pretty much invincible, again.

It was like having a low grade hangover, not a big deal.

Glad you survived it, most I know who have had it said they had chest colds 100 times worse than the corona, BUT if you have issues it can be deadly like anything else.............anyone else in fam get it ?? or where you contacted it ??
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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Wed Nov 04, 2020 10:38 am

The fun police (wife) got it and not sure about a 2 year old - we didn't bother testing her but she never showed any symptoms. I stayed home, but didn't make an effort to quarantine within the home.....kinda decided to get it behind us and get it over with.

Not sure where I contacted it, I was with a hunting group but we were pretty isolated. 3 of the 10 got it.

I know more people and family members who have it now as well, nobody is very sick thankfully.

I still look at the stats of who is dying from this, basically all elderly......don't wish it on anyone but this has become so political it is hard to know what is the truth.

Absolute worst thing was I was leaving the next morning for elk hunting, and of course missed the trip.

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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Wed Nov 04, 2020 11:01 am

Stute Slap wrote:Absolute worst thing was I was leaving the next morning for elk hunting, and of course missed the trip.

Dam that has to SUCK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This crowd has gone deadly silent... Cinderella story, out of nowhere, former greenskeeper, now, about to become the Masters Championship. It looks like a mirac- It's in the hole! It's in the hole!~ Carl Spackler

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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Wed Nov 04, 2020 1:08 pm

Dude such an ouchie missing the trip man. We suck shit all year to go on these big adventures. Missing out has to be devastating. Glad u and the fam
R okay tho.

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Mergie Marauder
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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Wed Nov 04, 2020 7:00 pm

Glad you survived this horrible pandemic... definitely will be a story for the grandchildren when you are 85 with the riveting tale of fighting off a hangover

Sucks about the trip, hopefully you can make that work another time.

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