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Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 10:17 pm
by Drunk_Dynasty
And employee at a co-op down the street from me tested positive for the Covid. Guess all the organic foodz n shit can’t save u from corona. I used to get hot dog buns from there but their bread is complete sh1t.

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Re: Coronavirus

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 10:44 pm
by maplelakeduckslayer
Thinking I'm postponing my "elective" procedures to try and figure out my stomach issues in 2 weeks. I ain't gonna go willingly step foot into a petri dish. Id say walking into a clinic significantly increases your chances of contracting this thing. GF was pissed at first cause I never go to the doctor but think she might understand the rational now...long as I go once this mess dies down.

I'm honest surprised they haven't called to cancel anyway I'm assuming all doctors and nurses are gonna be focused on CV very soon

Re: Coronavirus

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 11:19 pm
by lanyard
Drunk_Dynasty wrote:And employee at a co-op down the street from me tested positive for the Covid. Guess all the organic foodz n shit can’t save u from corona. I used to get hot dog buns from there but their bread is complete sh1t.

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Seward? what bread you buying there? Get the fresh stuff. any of the coop sh!t in a bag is pajouli wearin' dread lock hippy skank.

Re: Coronavirus

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 11:24 pm
by Drunk_Dynasty
lanyard wrote:[quote="Drunk_Dynasty"]And employee at a co-op down the street from me tested positive for the Covid. Guess all the organic foodz n shit can’t save u from corona. I used to get hot dog buns from there but their bread is complete sh1t.

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Seward? what bread you buying there? Get the fresh stuff. any of the coop sh!t in a bag is pajouli wearin' dread lock hippy skank.[/quote]

Yah Seward. I live 3 blocks from there. Literally all i would go there for is hot dog buns cause it’s close whenever I thawed a pack of venison wieners.

Terrible bread tho. So dry.

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Re: Coronavirus

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 1:32 am
by gimpfinger
Drunk_Dynasty wrote:The panic is very real in the cities. I just got back from target in richfield, basically folks are buying the place out. I got a Coleman tent and a book.

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About all I had from October into December this fall as I lived in the hardwoods of the MN river bottom.

Re: Coronavirus

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 6:51 am
by Nershi
I’m concerned the steps we are taking domestically and world wide to flatten the curve could lead to a global economic collapse. Seems to me that would be a worse outcome than our healthcare system being overwhelmed. We can’t legislate our way out of a broke economy.

Re: Coronavirus

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 8:08 am
by lanyard
Nershi wrote:I’m concerned the steps we are taking domestically and world wide to flatten the curve could lead to a global economic collapse. Seems to me that would be a worse outcome than our healthcare system being overwhelmed. We can’t legislate our way out of a broke economy.

I agree.

There comes a point the discussion around death rates with this has to look at it from the side of wildlife management, also: how many deaths are Additive or Compensatory.

Essentially: some portion of those dying would have died this year regardless.

Time to turn the National Guard armories into Covid-19 quarantine areas, or the shuttered high schools. Out here in Cake Eater Estates every high school has a second gym with some sort of rubber/epoxy floor (wood floors are bad for cleaning things off of). They've got showers, multiple toilets, high ceilings, ventilation and score boards to post how many people have recovered.

"Non-Essential Travel"- we're on what, day 3 of this. I'm already going effing nuts. I don't do well with things like "have to", "can't", etc. I don't disagree on the changes to the restaurant models, even though it's costing me about 90% of my personal revenue, or closing down the gym, but how effing far does it go? We have been planning to have painters in the house: quit that one, not essential. Okay, now there's 4 painters out of work for 4 days.

My mom has to move, movers are hired for next week. WTF we gonna do if the senior apartment complex shuts off anyone from the outside? A friend can already ONLY deliver her mom groceries, has to leave them outside at assisted living. That makes more sense, they get Covid they going to die.

Re: Coronavirus

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 8:21 am
by maplelakeduckslayer
I'm so depressed I shorted it back in Jan with a 3x inverse etf when the first cases were announced in the US. They shook me out I stopped out on a fake rally. From my 11.90 entry it hit 94.50 yesterday. I'd be fielding phone calls from potential buyers right now if I had held

Defining moment lanyard brought up that I failed miserably on lol


Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 1:52 pm
by Drunk_Dynasty
Local girl currently getting dragged on FB. What a selfish thing to say. Lmaaaoooo. Incredible.


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Re: Coronavirus

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 2:40 pm
by lanyard
Interestingly, the wrong ones are those shaming her. Definitely not the right time, and her argument is weak, but it is a factor that will need to be taken in at some point:

Depending on the number, Global economy is losing +$8 billion a day.