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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Thu Nov 05, 2020 2:48 pm

It's close calls like stute's that really make you pause for a moment.....realize how mortal we all are....and take stock of all the things that really matter.....

....Like how much we all miss the h2ofwlr. I hope this pandemic hasn't claimed him. :(
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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Thu Nov 05, 2020 2:53 pm

P.S. Thanks for being the first guy to not overhype the new strain of cold.

Isn't it nucking futz once you really think about it......all this for a cold?

Colds can suck.....can be pretty horrible in fact. If you're a chick you'll typically miss a couple days of work over them.

But all this bullshit we've done and are still doing?

Save it for when Ebola Zaire strain goes airborne. Anything short of that we should collectively tell leadership to fukc off.
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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Thu Nov 05, 2020 3:11 pm

November 11th

Word on the street is that's when Walzrus will be unexpectedly and unplanned shutting down the state again over fears of rising covid cases.

Fauci just admitted the other day that the cycles on testing, whatever that means, needs to be at a 35 or less otherwise you wind up with false positives.

MN is like most states in our testing is at 44-45 cycles. AKA a shitload of these positive cases the people don't have it. Kind of falls in line with having a shitload of people who are "asymptomatic." In this case, not showing symptoms to a virus they never contracted.


Voodoo scientific research looking at numbers from mid March through April gives a pie in the sky reduction in transmission of a whole 2%


So for every 100 cases you wind up with "only" 98, which from a infectious disease standpoint that supposedly is highly contagious is totally pointless.

The study is on the MN Dept of Health's what they're using to justify a mask mandate that's purely political and has nothing to do with public health.

The methodology and "science" used to produce the rosiest number possible while still maintaining the research to appear valid only could skew the bullshit to 2%. That's how worthless masks are. On top of that, had the same study been conducted two months later after mask mandates in states like CA saw massive increases as a result.....

....the study used to justify the mask mandate would show that masks increase transmission about 2%.

So yeah....

If another shut down happens we need to ask


Since the shutdown admittedly only slows transmission of 15% tops. That's under full compliance after a three week period.

The only reason why it was supposedly justified in March was to buy time to increase ICU capacity and not flood our Healthcare system to where some might die from not receiving treatment.

How can they justify it at this point? How can there not be enough capacity for patients ten months in?

They can't say they were caught off guard by it anymore and need to get prepared. We're well past that.
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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Thu Nov 05, 2020 11:01 pm

Wait, covid is still around? Thought masks were putting this to sleep months ago

Still think this whole thing was purely economic. I don't doubt it's a real disease. I do doubt the timeline (I think this was circulating well before dec '19...where'd all the antibody testing like disappeared because it's show how long this was going on) and when the timing was right they discovered this horrible disease. To reset things from an economic standpoint.

There's just not much of this that makes any sense. It was made into something political to blind people but it goes way deeper than that with both sides behind it. It just literally makes no sense. What if we had said wear masks and wash your hands... elderly and those with health issues protect closures, social distancing, etc? We'd be way better off as a country.

It doesn't make sense to close everything down when there's a small percentage of the population at severe risk. Protect that small percentage not everyone. I can understand at the beginning... maybe they didn't know how bad this was etc and we're trying to get a grasp(although I feel like they knew). At this point... knowing what we know... shutdowns would be ridiculous.

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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Fri Nov 06, 2020 5:25 am

Total shutdown isn’t necessary the answer, but EVERYONE taking precautions should be. There still is a lot to be learned about Covid; long term, lingering effects , reinfection, etc. Protecting everyone and our vulnerable groups is a moral responsibility for all of us.
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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Fri Nov 06, 2020 10:26 am

Fish Felon wrote:It's close calls like stute's that really make you pause for a moment.....realize how mortal we all are....and take stock of all the things that really matter.....

....Like how much we all miss the h2ofwlr. I hope this pandemic hasn't claimed him. :(

We say his name.........

I don't know if there is a drought, if there is a blizzard, or what the weather is doing without him.

It has to be tough on him as can't tell me when Armistice Day rolls around he won't have the urge to remind us about.......well you know what .

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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Fri Nov 06, 2020 10:28 am

maplelakeduckslayer wrote:Glad you survived this horrible pandemic... definitely will be a story for the grandchildren when you are 85 with the riveting tale of fighting off a hangover

Sucks about the trip, hopefully you can make that work another time.

The first thing people say when you tell them you actually had covid (tested) is "yeah, I'm sure I already had it" and I mean everyone tells me that and the second thing they ask is "what were your symptoms" to which I answer "shortness of breath and weiner"

Feel free to use that one.

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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Tue Nov 10, 2020 1:58 am

Stute Slap wrote:
maplelakeduckslayer wrote:Glad you survived this horrible pandemic... definitely will be a story for the grandchildren when you are 85 with the riveting tale of fighting off a hangover

Sucks about the trip, hopefully you can make that work another time.

The first thing people say when you tell them you actually had covid (tested) is "yeah, I'm sure I already had it" and I mean everyone tells me that and the second thing they ask is "what were your symptoms" to which I answer "shortness of breath and weiner"

Feel free to use that one.

If I ever get covid I might have to since I'm not real long......but I'm reeeeeeally skinny.

What did I say about November 11th? ... e289ac7f7f
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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Tue Nov 10, 2020 2:46 am

cstemig wrote:Total shutdown isn’t necessary the answer, but EVERYONE taking precautions should be. There still is a lot to be learned about Covid; long term, lingering effects , reinfection, etc. Protecting everyone and our vulnerable groups is a moral responsibility for all of us.

Chuck, it's a cold. The most vulnerable are people who are already dying. That's who covid is taking out. People that were already set to die....with about one out of a dozen, maybe one out of ten going to die either next year or the year after. None of these people would've gone on to live another decade of quality of life.

Masks don't work. Here's the study from the MN dept of health that states the best they can do is a 2% reduction. This number is only achieved after three weeks with 100% compliance. ... 2020.00818

Here's what they say citing this study,:

Case studies have shown that universal masking for source control has helped to prevent transmission, including in a hair salon where stylists positive for SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) did not transmit to their clients while wearing face coverings.

That's straight off the MN dept of health website.

If masks work so great, why is the best they can come up with a rose colored study of 2%. That's how utterly useless they are. Making up a totally biased study using voodoo scientific method, the best findings they could get were 2%.

That's it.


If they'd done the study two months later using the exact same methodology their study would show that mask mandates actually increase the rate of transmission.

Do you know how I know this?

The study was published in June, so right before states like California, MN, etc., implemented mandates. The data for the study is from mid March through April.

If after crunching the numbers the new states with mandates would've shown a decrease in rates they would have published an updated version of that study. Don't think the "scientist" who conducted the study hasn't been paid handsomely to keep crunching any new data coming in deliberately looking to show new figures they were able to skew to be more than 2%.

Masks don't work and if anything increase the spread. The only reason Walz implemented the mandate was after putting it over the state senate republicans that he would implement the mandate unless they passed the bonding bill he wanted by the end of the special second session. The Republicans didn't cave, Walz implemented the mandate, it was a move that was purely political.....just like the rest of this bullshit.

Coronavirus will give you a cold. That's the only thing they're capable of doing. They're not influenza, ebola, herpes, hepatitis, or any other type of virus. The ones I just listed all have different strains of that virus that do the same exact thing as the other strains do, they just do it less or more in magnitude. In the case of herpes the different strains do the same exact thing....but one strain does it on your lips and the other does it on your pecker.

Just like herpes can't kill you.....unless you're really old and on your death bed and catching anything will kill you.....the same goes for coronavirus. All it can do is give you a cold like we've seen every other strain of coronavirus in the past do....and we've seen this new or "novel" coronavirus do.

All it a cold.

Unless you're in such poor health that any of the colds you've had in the past would kill you.....then you and everyone else who is in good enough health to survive a cold will be just fine.

I've always washed my hands thoroughly, not for anyone but myself. I've always been an asshole who needs his personal space when in public. If someone (unless it's a she and she's hot) got up in my space while checking out prior to covid I told them to back the fukc up and slow their roll. I assure you I've only gotten more cantankerous since.

If I catch a cold I'll do what I've always done in the past......get someone to hook me up with some speed, smoke it, and instantly feel better.

You can't worry about covid. It's not a threat to us. The people pushing this notion that it is some big threat are the threat.

Kids aren't going to school, we've fukced our economy and way of life up, we've got a totally fictitious and extremely inflated death count.....all over a friggin' cold causing novel coronavirus.

Be more worried about the poor saps that got shit canned due to this bullshit. I'm much more worried about people being cut down in the prime of their lives and killing themselves than I am some 89 year old in a nursing home that's already been isolated catching covid and dying. In most cases, so are they. I've never known anyone over 80 to cling to their life or fear dying. Every last one of them wasn't afraid and was ready to go. The only people that pretended like it was some greek tragedy were their shameless kid(s) who used their death to virtue signal and get attention. Funny how all that emotion was absent when they decided to ship them off to a home.

When someone who's over eighty dies....if anyone is sad over it and wishes they had more time together.....

....they're assholes.

What, did they think they'd live forever? That they were going to choose to spend more time with them when they turned another year older? They were around a long time. If their passing is upsetting because you hoped to see them more then that's on the individual.....they had more than enough time to spend with's no one's fault they didn't choose to spend more of it with them but their own.

Life is finite. Always has been, always will be. If coronavirus is what allegedly was used to call your number then it definitely was time to go. This shit doesn't kill people healthy enough to get up, dress themselves, and walk down the stairs to make breakfast before showering. Coronavirus kills people that need help going to the bathroom or have someone change their diapers even. Someone who dies from it isn't like some high school kid who gets killed in a car wreck.
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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Tue Nov 10, 2020 3:03 am

We talking 'bout a cold.....We talking 'bout coronavirus.....covid.....Not HIV/AIDS or ebola!
W e talking 'bout a cold........covid.....coronavirus.......a damn cold......
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