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COVID-19 Stats

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2020 10:58 am
by Drunk_Dynasty
ND has the highest covid per capita in the US right now. So much for rural areas being able handle things better.

After being there for a week, I can definitely see why.

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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2020 11:46 am
by kwackkillncrew
The only reason people say rural handles it better is because there are less people so of course less cases. Hell up here it has gotten into the villages where the only way to get to them is by flying in and there isnt much tourism to those places or anything like that.

Re: COVID-19 Stats

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2020 11:58 am
by 9manfan
Nershi wrote:Walrus announced some more rules today that are going to do little to nothing to stop or slow covid. I wish we would have handled it like Wisconsin. They got shutdowns overturned and the sheriffs told them to buzz off with the mask mandate.

The best one is closing bars down at 10:00 and thinking the youngin's are going to go straight home.....hahahaha.....Hell, back in my younger years we always had after bar parties, now they will just start earlier.......and telling people they have to limit Family gatherings to 10 people or 3 households ???? Good Luck with that, although I would use that excuse for my wifes family, flaming liberals they are..........

Re: COVID-19 Stats

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2020 12:34 pm
by Nershi
9manfan wrote:
Nershi wrote:Walrus announced some more rules today that are going to do little to nothing to stop or slow covid. I wish we would have handled it like Wisconsin. They got shutdowns overturned and the sheriffs told them to buzz off with the mask mandate.

The best one is closing bars down at 10:00 and thinking the youngin's are going to go straight home.....hahahaha.....Hell, back in my younger years we always had after bar parties, now they will just start earlier.......and telling people they have to limit Family gatherings to 10 people or 3 households ???? Good Luck with that, although I would use that excuse for my wifes family, flaming liberals they are..........

I think the 10 pm bar closure is actually going to cause kids to congregate more in houses with closure proximity to one another. We didn't even go to the bars before 10 when I was young. My buddy lives by a college house and he said they have been throwing ragers every Friday and Saturday night and I am sure those will continue.

I thought him banding pool. darts big buck hunter etc at bars was pretty silly too. So much for pool league.

How many deer camps will be breaking the 3 household 10 person limit this weekend? I doubt many people will follow these rules for the holiday. Walz is the grinch who stole Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years all in one swoop. Someone should make a meme.

Bunch of feel good do nothing rules.

COVID-19 Stats

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2020 2:13 pm
by Drunk_Dynasty
9manfan wrote:[quote="Nershi"]Walrus announced some more rules today that are going to do little to nothing to stop or slow covid. I wish we would have handled it like Wisconsin. They got shutdowns overturned and the sheriffs told them to buzz off with the mask mandate.

The best one is closing bars down at 10:00 and thinking the youngin's are going to go straight home.....hahahaha.....Hell, back in my younger years we always had after bar parties, now they will just start earlier.......and telling people they have to limit Family gatherings to 10 people or 3 households ???? Good Luck with that, although I would use that excuse for my wifes family, flaming liberals they are..........[/quote]

And chit like that is why it will never get under control.

At this point, I wish people would just say they don’t give enough of a chit about their fellow man to follow any protocols instead of denying the very obvious.

And they’re only do nothing rules because nobody is going to follow them. If people actually followed the rules they might actually do something. And to say it’s just “feel good stuff” might be true to some extent, but imagine if elected officials did NOTHING. People would hammer them for that even harder.

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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2020 2:40 pm
by 9manfan
Drunk_Dynasty wrote:
9manfan wrote:[quote="Nershi"]Walrus announced some more rules today that are going to do little to nothing to stop or slow covid. I wish we would have handled it like Wisconsin. They got shutdowns overturned and the sheriffs told them to buzz off with the mask mandate.

The best one is closing bars down at 10:00 and thinking the youngin's are going to go straight home.....hahahaha.....Hell, back in my younger years we always had after bar parties, now they will just start earlier.......and telling people they have to limit Family gatherings to 10 people or 3 households ???? Good Luck with that, although I would use that excuse for my wifes family, flaming liberals they are..........

And chit like that is why it will never get under control.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro[/quote]

DD, don't worry about me, I'm 61 and in bed by 9:00 most nites, better preach to kids more your age.............

Re: COVID-19 Stats

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2020 2:43 pm
by 9manfan
Nershi wrote:
9manfan wrote:
Nershi wrote:Walrus announced some more rules today that are going to do little to nothing to stop or slow covid. I wish we would have handled it like Wisconsin. They got shutdowns overturned and the sheriffs told them to buzz off with the mask mandate.

The best one is closing bars down at 10:00 and thinking the youngin's are going to go straight home.....hahahaha.....Hell, back in my younger years we always had after bar parties, now they will just start earlier.......and telling people they have to limit Family gatherings to 10 people or 3 households ???? Good Luck with that, although I would use that excuse for my wifes family, flaming liberals they are..........

I think the 10 pm bar closure is actually going to cause kids to congregate more in houses with closure proximity to one another. We didn't even go to the bars before 10 when I was young. My buddy lives by a college house and he said they have been throwing ragers every Friday and Saturday night and I am sure those will continue.

I thought him banding pool. darts big buck hunter etc at bars was pretty silly too. So much for pool league.

How many deer camps will be breaking the 3 household 10 person limit this weekend? I doubt many people will follow these rules for the holiday. Walz is the grinch who stole Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years all in one swoop. Someone should make a meme.

Bunch of feel good do nothing rules.

Oldest kid told me they can now have dart and pool league under a stipulation of 25% capacity of the bar which they said the bars were going to do where they shoot pool.............

Re: COVID-19 Stats

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2020 3:02 pm
by Drunk_Dynasty
9manfan wrote:[quote="Drunk_Dynasty"][quote="9manfan"][quote="Nershi"]Walrus announced some more rules today that are going to do little to nothing to stop or slow covid. I wish we would have handled it like Wisconsin. They got shutdowns overturned and the sheriffs told them to buzz off with the mask mandate.

The best one is closing bars down at 10:00 and thinking the youngin's are going to go straight home.....hahahaha.....Hell, back in my younger years we always had after bar parties, now they will just start earlier.......and telling people they have to limit Family gatherings to 10 people or 3 households ???? Good Luck with that, although I would use that excuse for my wifes family, flaming liberals they are..........[/quote]

And chit like that is why it will never get under control.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro[/quote]

DD, don't worry about me, I'm 61 and in bed by 9:00 most nites, better preach to kids more your age.............[/quote]

I’m 33 and I’m also in bed by 9 most night.

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COVID-19 Stats

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2020 3:06 pm
by Drunk_Dynasty
Rural states sure have a handle on things.

covid positive nurses are being allowed to work in ND cause hospitals are 100% ... ay-at-work

Not looking good in the Badger state ... 6253922002

South Dakota melting down rn ... est-river/

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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2020 9:58 pm
by Fish Felon
Weird, it's almost like this covid thing has temporarily increased mortality a by a marginal rate by concentrating a large number of the deaths of old people living in and out of nursing homes that would've passed over the next 2-3 years into the last 8-9 months. Weird, it's almost like they're labeling deaths from pneumonia as deaths from pneumonia and covid these days.


But yeah, let's put businesses under like bars that cater to people NOT ON THEIR DEATH BEDS. That'll stop these old dying people from dying. They might even get six more miserable months staring at the ceiling in a home while they shit their pants and can't remember who the fukc they are and where they're at.....'cause that's real humane. I hope they all get covid and finally get to die.

The only person who's health you are responsible for is your own.

This whole concept that we're all responsible for everyone else's health is like a dude going out and banging a shitload of hookers without ever wearing a rubber.....

....and then blaming all the dudes who banged all those hookers prior to him for why he caught the clap.

"Waaaah! Waaaah! Why didn't everyone else wear a rubber so I could be totally reckless and not face any of the consequences we all were aware of! People really need to start wearing masks....I mean rubbers! Waaaaah!!"

The key difference here being how it actually makes sense to wear a rubber since they reduce your chances of getting an STD like 99% versus a mask which maybe could possibly reduce covid transmission 2%.

Everyone who catches covid---it's on them. If you're high risk or worried about it then it's up to you to take the necessary precautions.

This shit will be over once those who are the most vulnerable will quit being so careless. I don't see a bunch of twenty year olds pluggjng up all the hospital beds.

What happens when some poor kid minding his own business gets in a car wreck and dies because all the selfish really old people weren't careful about not getting covid and the kid couldn't get an ICU bed?

Why aren't we looking at it from that perspective? It actually makes a lot more sense.....even if we are just worrying about a fake pandemic.