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Re: Delta Variant

Tue Oct 05, 2021 9:39 am

Note: the Graph is of case rates in MN, vaccination rate is for MN, I'm talking about covid in MN, and not covid nationally.
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Re: Delta Variant

Tue Oct 05, 2021 9:40 am

Dammit, I hate when I make a follow up post and it buries my "good" posts on the previous page......fugggggg me running
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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Delta Variant

Tue Oct 05, 2021 12:48 pm

The vaccines work. The case fatality rate for those who are vaccinated has been reduced and by and large hospitals are full of unvaccinated patients. The vaccines are not 100% at stopping COVID in its tracks (unfortunately), but despite that, the breakthrough case rate is still very small. Consider also that with 5.64M in Minnesota, there is still a lot of low hanging fruit for Delta to burn through even if 70% of the population is vaccinated. Even Dr. Osterholm has said that at some point we are all going to get COVID. Delta is a royal B and very infectious.
"The less I know about other people's affairs, the happier I am. I'm not interested in caring about people."
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Re: Delta Variant

Tue Oct 05, 2021 3:30 pm

HnkrCrash wrote:The vaccines work. The case fatality rate for those who are vaccinated has been reduced and by and large hospitals are full of unvaccinated patients. The vaccines are not 100% at stopping COVID in its tracks (unfortunately), but despite that, the breakthrough case rate is still very small. Consider also that with 5.64M in Minnesota, there is still a lot of low hanging fruit for Delta to burn through even if 70% of the population is vaccinated. Even Dr. Osterholm has said that at some point we are all going to get COVID. Delta is a royal B and very infectious.

You make some fair points. I understand what you're saying but the problem I have is that......well, seeing a spike in the case rate isn't what bugs me, but the part I can't wrap my head around is why it's such a big spike with 70% of the population being vaccinated. Essentially, if what you're saying is true and vaccines work then if we didn't have vaccines the spike would be off the in literally off the'd have to three, four, five or more times the previous largest "peak in the curve."

To me that seems unlikely based off of the previous peak happening when no one was vaccinated.

I get that people are going to still get sick, and there are still going to be spikes seen just like we see seasonally with the flu....

....but why is the goal of the flu vaccine rate 40% every year? Why does that figure mean a significant reduction in the transmission of the flu and deaths, but a 70% covid vaccination rate doesn't?

So I'm not saying you're wrong.....I'm just saying that I'm questioning the degree to which you're possibly right.

With all due respect to you and your opinion, I think very, very little of Osterholm. What he says means next to nothing to me. He lost me when he went from basically saying cloth masks are worthless and he and his family wouldn't wear them, and it's not just that he's that he flipped-flopped over night. It was very abrupt versus a guy like Fauci who gradually switched over months, which I still didn't like but was easier to stomach than Osterholm.

I have little to no respect for Fauci besides his personal appearance. He's a healthy looking individual.

Osterholm on the other hand I have zero respect for because while this has all happened and he's reached a relative degree of fame......

.....the public has literally witnessed him go from a healthy individual at the literal inception of the "pandemic" when he was on Rogan..... the tub of lard that he currently is.

It's hard for me to even look at Osterholm any more due to how disgusting his personal appearance has become.

I'm sorry but I'm not going to let some "expert" give me and others advice pertaining to our health when he can't follow the simple common sense number one health concern facing this country, the real pandemic actually killing hundreds of thousands yearly and reducing the quality of lives for tens of millions upon tens of millions of Americans...... know when to push yourself away from the table, mix in some salads, and go for a walk.

Osterholm's health advice on covid is suspect at best. My advice health advice for him is impossible to argue----obesity kills.

We shouldn't be listeninh to some fat fukc who likes to hear the sound of his own voice tell us what's good for our health.....when he's obviously too fukcing stupid to notice the alarming hazard facing his own health every time he takes his clothes off to hop in the shower.

Clearly he's not very bright and doesn't know shit about what's good for people's health otherwise we wouldn't have witnessed him become orca level fat in a year and a half time-frame.
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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Delta Variant

Tue Oct 05, 2021 4:19 pm

Vaccines do not keep you from catching it, keep you from spreading it, keep you from getting serious symptoms or keep you from dying. That is why we are continuing to see spikes. They do lesson the likelihood of those happening though and you should probably get it if you are old and/or have comorbidities.

If you have had covid your natural antibodies are better than the vaccine. It’s too bad the CDC can’t be honest about this because they know it. They are so focused on forcing everyone to be vaxed they have lost all honesty and integrity.

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Re: Delta Variant

Tue Oct 05, 2021 8:24 pm

I honestly haven’t seen any recent pictures of Osterholm. I have typically just skimmed news stories over the last several months that he has headlined. Regarding the spikes, I think pretty much any southern state is a good case study on vaccine efficacy. Lowest vaccines rates in the country, and even with previous spikes also being higher than most other states, once Delta took hold it ripped through whomever was left and this latest spike was generally significantly higher than any others previously (and keep in mind there are still about 50% vaccinated). So yes, without vaccines I definitely believe things would have gotten absolutely crazy.

While the whole flatten the curve thing has been played out, at the end of the day that is still ultimately the goal with mandates, less than perfect vaccines, etc…but from an inpatient care perspective. Prime example: my daughter had a sports injury and had to get 7 stitches in her big toe. She and my wife were at the ER for over 3 hours for this relatively minor procedure. My wife said the place was scrambling and she learned they had no beds left due to COVID patients taking up a significant portion of them that evening. She asked one of the nurses what was going on and was told that they were working to divert patients to other area facilities because they were out of critical care space. Every incoming (or in-route) patient that needed a bed was going through this same process. Now, this doesn’t stop car accident victims or heart attack patients etc. from needing care. That was the biggest risk all along and hospitals in Idaho and Alaska did kick over to “crisis care” and had to ration cause they had no space left anywhere.

Hopefully the projections are true and we start out of this latest spike in the Midwest over the next few weeks. The southern states are already making progress. Unfortunately, it looks like COVID is here forever, but for the most part it is currently a virus of the unvaccinated. Still totally a roll of the dice if you do get it, but we’ve got to figure out a way to go about life as best as possible until the longshot that modern science discovers a way out.
"The less I know about other people's affairs, the happier I am. I'm not interested in caring about people."
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Re: Delta Variant

Tue Oct 05, 2021 9:10 pm

It will be here forever. It isn’t killing 99.8% of people that get it and take a look at the age/health profile of the vast majority that do kick the bucket. When are we going to start reacting to it for what it is? Are we going to stick with the covid rules forever? The finish line used to be when the vax was available to everyone that wanted it. That came and went and nothing has changed much.

Once again I need a fake ID card to get in to a music show. Reminds me of my youth. I even get a little bit of the stomach butterfly’s before I hand over my card.

One of our employees is going to be out for almost two weeks due to a household member having covid. No one in the house has any symptoms. They found out due to a required employer testing otherwise no one would have had a clue. When is that kind of stuff going to end and we get on with life as usual?

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Re: Delta Variant

Wed Oct 06, 2021 11:30 am

I've seen Osterholm checking in via Zoom while watching the nightly local news around once every two to three months. He looks like what an actor must look like that is deliberately trying to put on weight for a role. I'm guessing actors do it at a slightly faster clip, but that's what has happened to Osterholm. In a year and a half he's turned into an actor ready to show up on day one to shoot a scene for "Big Mama's House," and then have the hair, makeup, and costume people hold up a fat suit with his name on it and be like, "Uh, you realize Eddy Murphy is wearing one of these, right? He ain't actually fat for the movie.....that part of it is 'Hollywood.'"

Covid is here to stay but from what I've heard.....I'm pretty much good to go after having it kick me ass and get over it.

In five years I think it'll be the same in terms of the seasonal flu used to be.

I'm not thinking there are microchips in the vaccine or any of that shit, but the doc told me to wait at least six months before getting the vaccine, and now after looking into it I'm thinking I might hold off on getting it. I'm under the impression that my natural antibodies will protect me a lot more than the vaccine. I'm kind of worried about the vaccine messing with what my body now has naturally that will fight it off.

I have no idea if that's the right idea or something that's stupid.....maybe even insanely stupid.

We'll see.....if I ever get sick like I did again? I'm going to not only get vaccinated....I'm going to take them all.

For all anyone actually knows at this point, it might be like the chicken pox was for me. Something I got once at the same time as all my siblings, have never gotten again, and probably won't need to worry about again until I'm old enough to worried about shingles.

That's the thing with seems like everyone's body reacts to it differently. Plus I do think just kicking speed right before I got it was a large factor relating to how sick I got.

It sucked but it didn't kill me....I guess I'm willing to risk going through that awful shit again.

It wouldn't be the first time I rolled the dice and lost, but everything looks less bad in hindsight versus when you were going through......

.....with the exception of marriage.

Marriage, for me, continues to seem worse and worse as time goes on.
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Re: Delta Variant

Wed Oct 06, 2021 12:39 pm

HnkrCrash wrote:I honestly haven’t seen any recent pictures of Osterholm. I have typically just skimmed news stories over the last several months that he has headlined. Regarding the spikes, I think pretty much any southern state is a good case study on vaccine efficacy. Lowest vaccines rates in the country, and even with previous spikes also being higher than most other states, once Delta took hold it ripped through whomever was left and this latest spike was generally significantly higher than any others previously (and keep in mind there are still about 50% vaccinated). So yes, without vaccines I definitely believe things would have gotten absolutely crazy.

While the whole flatten the curve thing has been played out, at the end of the day that is still ultimately the goal with mandates, less than perfect vaccines, etc…but from an inpatient care perspective. Prime example: my daughter had a sports injury and had to get 7 stitches in her big toe. She and my wife were at the ER for over 3 hours for this relatively minor procedure. My wife said the place was scrambling and she learned they had no beds left due to COVID patients taking up a significant portion of them that evening. She asked one of the nurses what was going on and was told that they were working to divert patients to other area facilities because they were out of critical care space. Every incoming (or in-route) patient that needed a bed was going through this same process. Now, this doesn’t stop car accident victims or heart attack patients etc. from needing care. That was the biggest risk all along and hospitals in Idaho and Alaska did kick over to “crisis care” and had to ration cause they had no space left anywhere.

Hopefully the projections are true and we start out of this latest spike in the Midwest over the next few weeks. The southern states are already making progress. Unfortunately, it looks like COVID is here forever, but for the most part it is currently a virus of the unvaccinated. Still totally a roll of the dice if you do get it, but we’ve got to figure out a way to go about life as best as possible until the longshot that modern science discovers a way out.

You love covid.

Mergie Marauder
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Re: Delta Variant

Wed Oct 06, 2021 12:51 pm

I have been living my life like normal for a long time now and my guess is so have most guys on here. . It has almost been two years and those that still want to live in fear can have it but I am over COVID at this point. I got the jab and I am not wearing masks in stores even though it seems over half the people have diapers over their faces still. I am 100% convinced some of these people will never ever get rid of the masks and will wear them forever, even if they get jabbed four or five times. You know it will not be long before King Fauchi says people will need a fourth shot and maybe a fifth!!

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