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Re: So what weird event/s have you seen while hunting?

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 11:39 pm
by Goldfish
Perch_44 wrote:I was hunting in the west metro last year, and I seen an older, bearded man, tending to some wood duck houses and mallard hen houses on slough we were hunting.

One of the oddest things i've seen in a long time. I thought only suckers did that anymore...

This is a lie. North lake is not in the west metro

Sent from a phancy fone

Re: So what weird event/s have you seen while hunting?

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 8:48 am
by Perch_44
Goldfish wrote:
Perch_44 wrote:I was hunting in the west metro last year, and I seen an older, bearded man, tending to some wood duck houses and mallard hen houses on slough we were hunting.

One of the oddest things i've seen in a long time. I thought only suckers did that anymore...

This is a lie. North lake is not in the west metro

Sent from a phancy fone

no, i was definitely in the west metro, and this guy was one of the most homely looking fellows i've ever seen. Plus he had some stupid mutt with him, running all over the place, looked like a longer haired dog, golden in color.

Re: So what weird event/s have you seen while hunting?

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 10:57 am
by Swartzy
My dad and I were diver hunting a lake in the late season. Hunting was good and it was still the first hour or less so we decided to let our ducks float for a bit before retrieving them. We notice a big bird coming across the lake really low. Turned out to be an eagle and it took one of our dead ducks, and landed in a tree about 50 yards away. It was so close and so calm out, you could hear it crunch the bond of the duck while it ate.

For about a year straight every weekend setting decoys on the same lake an owl would appear and pearch on a tree about 50 yards out. It would wait till we dropped a duck, swoop down and grab it and be off. Happend consitently for almost a year. It got to the point where we just knew it was going to get one eventually so we'd let him get just to get rid of him.

Once while turkey hunting, I had a squirrel run up my leg.

Also bow hunting in November one year I had an owl try to land on my head. I moved to try scare it away and almost fell out of my hang on stand. Luckily I had a safety belt on.

Re: So what weird event/s have you seen while hunting?

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 10:59 am
Found a safe and a bunch of bank banks in a plastic garbage bag in the middle of a WMA. After unsuccessfully trying to get the safe open I did the right think and called the sherriff.

Re: So what weird event/s have you seen while hunting?

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 11:22 am
by h2ofwlr
Shu wrote:Had this young bear climb 1/2 way up last year when bow huntingImage

Talk about a new definition of pucker factor!!!! :o

Re: So what weird event/s have you seen while hunting?

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 3:36 pm
by Bill Gilbertson
We were fishing with a boat full of people and a mink comes out from under the seats and is running around the boat. He had a stash of crappies up under the bow seat.

Re: So what weird event/s have you seen while hunting?

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 4:59 pm
by Trigger
Nershi wrote:I saw Al duck hunting.

I saw this too! Opener on swan. He was trying to set up 100 yards downwind of me but luckily my friends had got there earlier and beat him there. He screamed and cursed at them for about ten minutes before leaving. It was the funniest thing i have ever seen or heard in my life while hunting.

Re: So what weird event/s have you seen while hunting?

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 6:38 pm
by Bill Gilbertson
We had shot some rabbits and I was rinsing them out in the lake. A mink swam across the bay and was ten feet away from me on shore hissing and snapping it's teeth at me. I was about to drop the rabbit, but held my ground a bit and it ran away.

Re: So what weird event/s have you seen while hunting?

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 6:40 pm
by h2ofwlr
Interesting how over the years how your version keeps changing.....

Re: So what weird event/s have you seen while hunting?

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 9:22 pm
by maplelakeduckslayer
Didn't see it... but this year deer hunting my brother got rather hammered Saturday night. So sitting in the stand Sunday he just couldn't stay awake anymore. Climbed down and decided to take a nap on the edge of the bean field. A while later he is startled awake by the farmer shaking his shoulder....and the farmers combine running 10 ft away. The idiot didn't wake up from a combine driving up to him haha...farmer thought he had gotten shot or something.

Goose bouncing off a house roof in a development next to where we hunt. Oops.

Guys parking their rigs about 150 yards away from their snow goose spreads

A moose almost make a major face plant onto asphalt in ND during the that on video

Goose hunting at a buddies farm we walked into the pasture and saw a very very strange sillohoutte...we stood there for 15 min trying to figure out what this thing was moving and making sounds. Walked up to it and it was a guy in a ghille suit.

Not hunting, but driving to Rogers one night watched a deer jump off the 101 bridge onto 94 to its death