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Re: Phil Robertson suspended from DD by A&E

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 12:13 pm
by 9manfan
Trigger wrote:Yes for his beliefs of discrimination against a segment of the population that are born differently than most of us. His opinion is bs and should not be allowed.

Just have to love someone giving an opinion on somebody else's opinion that is BS and shouldn't be allowed....that's funny stuff right there.... :lol: .....

Re: Phil Robertson suspended from DD by A&E

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 12:26 pm
by Trigger
dwendt wrote:
Trigger wrote:
dwendt wrote:Correct me if I am wrong but isn't them suspending him also a product of discrimination against his beliefs? And not to mention borderline freedom of speech? If that's why they said they suspended him....

Yes for his beliefs of discrimination against a segment of the population that are born differently than most of us. His opinion is bs and should not be allowed.

So basically you want to suppress anyone with an opinion unlike yours?

I for one feel the same way he does, definitely not to that extent but u believe in God and I don't believe in gays/ gay marriage etc.

So does that make my opinion BS and shouldn't be allowed?

What's your opinion?

I'll tell you it's BS and shouldn't be allowed.

Oh he can say whatever he wants, im all for differing opinions as long as they aren't discriminating against people for being born differently. His view just proves that he is a pos and should disappear back into the swamps and live out the rest of his hate filled days off the tv screen.

Correct... your opinion on gay marriage is as flocked up as the redneck dbags opinion on the matter.

My opinion? And E made the right move. Im surprised it took phil this long to say something this stupid.

Re: Phil Robertson suspended from DD by A&E

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 12:26 pm
dwendt wrote:Correct me if I am wrong but isn't them suspending him also a product of discrimination against his beliefs? And not to mention borderline freedom of speech? If that's why they said they suspended him....


Re: Phil Robertson suspended from DD by A&E

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 12:29 pm
by D.T. Hammer
get-n-birdy wrote:
D.T. Hammer wrote:I just cannot understand the gay haters like Phil.

Just like many can't understand your Jesus/religious hating shtick.

What makes you think I hate Jesus/Religion?

I think it is great for anyone who needs it.

If people cannot control their lives in a social civil way and religion helps them do that GREAT it is a really good thing.

If it stops people from stealing great.

If it stops people from murdering others great.

If stops guys from cheating on their wives great.

If it stops guys from doing drugs or drinking great.

If it helps people be better parents great.

But some people can do all the above with their very own self control.

But when it makes folks fly planes into buildings it is bad.

When it makes people blow up abortion clinics it is bad.

When it makes people kill doctors who do abortions bad.

When it makes people protest fallen soldiers it is bad.

Religion can make good people do bad things.

It starts with stuff like all the religious gay haten.

Gay haten reminds of the religious stuff about women should not be allowed to vote. Slavery is OK etc...

Same love watch the video widen your view brother.

Re: Phil Robertson suspended from DD by A&E

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 12:31 pm
Trigger wrote:
dwendt wrote:Correct me if I am wrong but isn't them suspending him also a product of discrimination against his beliefs? And not to mention borderline freedom of speech? If that's why they said they suspended him....

Yes for his beliefs of discrimination against a segment of the population that are born differently than most of us. His opinion is bs and should not be allowed.

Where did he say they should be disciminated against? Alls he said was he didn't understand how they like anus more than vagina and he believes its a sin. Quit changing what the man said.

Re: Phil Robertson suspended from DD by A&E

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 12:32 pm
by Nershi
Hammer your anti-religon stuff gets old. We get it.

Re: Phil Robertson suspended from DD by A&E

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 12:35 pm
by Trigger
9manfan wrote:
Trigger wrote:Yes for his beliefs of discrimination against a segment of the population that are born differently than most of us. His opinion is bs and should not be allowed.

Just have to love someone giving an opinion on somebody else's opinion that is BS and shouldn't be allowed....that's funny stuff right there.... :lol: .....

That is exactly right. When someones opinion is that a certain segment of the population shouldn't be given the same rights as everyone else simply because they were born differently, they should be called out for being the pos they are. Its no different than being racist... which im sure some of you think is ok too.

Re: Phil Robertson suspended from DD by A&E

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 12:37 pm
by Trigger
THe CRiPPLeR wrote:
Trigger wrote:
dwendt wrote:Correct me if I am wrong but isn't them suspending him also a product of discrimination against his beliefs? And not to mention borderline freedom of speech? If that's why they said they suspended him....

Yes for his beliefs of discrimination against a segment of the population that are born differently than most of us. His opinion is bs and should not be allowed.

Where did he say they should be disciminated against? Alls he said was he didn't understand how they like anus more than vagina and he believes its a sin. Quit changing what the man said.

He is making gays out to be less than straights... thats discrimination.

Re: Phil Robertson suspended from DD by A&E

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 12:46 pm
by sd_man
Trigger wrote:
THe CRiPPLeR wrote:
Trigger wrote:Correct me if I am wrong but isn't them suspending him also a product of discrimination against his beliefs? And not to mention borderline freedom of speech? If that's why they said they suspended him....

Yes for his beliefs of discrimination against a segment of the population that are born differently than most of us. His opinion is bs and should not be allowed.

Where did he say they should be disciminated against? Alls he said was he didn't understand how they like anus more than vagina and he believes its a sin. Quit changing what the man said.

He is making gays out to be less than straights... thats discrimination.[/quote]

I missed the part where he said they are less than. You inferred that, bigot.

Re: Phil Robertson suspended from DD by A&E

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 12:48 pm
by shnelson
I'd like to keep this conversation going, please be cautious that your opinion isn't actually a personal attack on another member.

Some interesting points made so far.