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Re: Debate

Sun Oct 04, 2020 4:46 am

Well, it wouldn’t shock me if it was all faked, because the media is really doing it’s best to make it seem like it’s worse than it is. This sets up Trump for a great bounce back when he “recovers”

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Re: Debate

Thu Oct 22, 2020 10:50 pm

Much better tonight

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Re: Debate

Fri Oct 23, 2020 2:59 am

Yes it was. Trump still had a hard time controlling himself.
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Re: Debate

Fri Oct 23, 2020 6:57 am

It was kind of a tie.

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Re: Debate

Sat Oct 24, 2020 2:46 am

cstemig wrote:Yes it was. Trump still had a hard time controlling himself.

He hates Biden like few others have the ability to hate anyone, and it shows.

I don't blame him for it, I admire him for it.

It's awesome that our president is patriotic to the point where a piece of shit career politician like Biden visibly disgusts him. Biden will sell this country to the highest bidder. We know this because it's blatantly obvious that's what he's been doing for a long time now.

Trump's an asshole but he's our asshole. I like the fact that he's simple. What you see is what you get. The guy will work with anyone....making deals with unexpected partners with the Americana experiment is what gets his dick hard. The only thing he asks is that you show him a little respect and say 'Thank You' for him pulling strings to do you a solid. He's never asking for gratitude he doesn't actually deserve. It pisses me off all the dipshits running this state like Walz and Frey don't get it and go out of their way to treat our president like shit. The opportunities they've blown by refusing to even contemplate doing something unthinkable like staying on good working terms with the leader of the country is extremely disappointing. A couple nice comments made publicly and a photo op of shaking the hand of the man in the highest office in the galaxy could've done wonders for this state. The federal projects and dollars and all the industry they would've created could of done an untold amount of good for this country.

Then you got Biden......Ugh......a geriatric fukc who couldn't stay awake during interviews, even form a coherent sentence, and was unwilling to leave his basement a few months ago seemingly turns back the clock a couple decades. All of a sudden he isn't the yammering old man anymore....

....they're shooting the fukcer up with speed. I guarantee it. Whenever he takes a five minute break off stage they got the syringe loaded and the cap off the needle ready for him. I have zero doubts about it.

The debate seems like a tie because the media and the pundits continue to brainwash this country and tell us how awesome Biden did.

The debate ended with the motherfukcer stating how he was going to dismantle the oil industry. Great idea. I mean, there's nothing on earth that a gallon of it will ever compare to the amount of energy that's in a gallon of petroleum. Oh, and by the way the oil industry happens to account for 7% of our jobs.

The dumb fukc said he was going to stop the subsidies to the oil industry so there's no more power plants powered by oil. That's how fukcing incompetent Biden is....he thinks we're powering our electrical grid using oil. He didn't know that wind and solar are Heavily, Heavily, Heavily subsidized. Wind & Solar only exist because of subsidies. That's the only possible way anyone will touch it with a ten foot pole. The shit is so unbelievably expensive that the best companies with the best engineers and personnel who can get the shit made more efficiently and cost effective than anyone else in the world....the best of the best.....are lucky to do a project that "only" pencils out....pens out in red ink be several dollars of cost for every dollar they make on it.

My brother was with Blattner in 2013 when at the annual company meeting they basically said, "We had a great year! We hope you saved some of the money you made because we're fukced on wind this next year and have no new projects scheduled."

That year the feds cut a large amount of what they were paying to put in wind thinking that the renewable industry was at a point where it'd be able to pencil out in what wasn't a free market, just a less heabily subsidized market.

Nope! Not even fukcing close. Renewable energy represents the least cost effective, inconsistent, unreliable, and most expensive to maintain power there is. I've got not one but brothers high up as project managers putting in solar farms that will when talking to people like me and being totally candid will spell out just how badly it's total garbage. Never mind the fact that it's not very good for the environment. Do you know the crazy amount of fukced up toxic chemicals go into making a solar panel? If they break one setting up a farm do you know how hard they are to dispose of? The shit is considered toxic waste if you break the glass on a panel. The farms they're putting in are typically all forest that they come in feller buncher and level and turn to sawdust. Then they grade it out flat, bring in gravel, have sediment filled noxious runoff. So you end up with usually a half section to a section of clear cut and bulldozed woods filled with toxic waste panels that don't generate any power at night or when it's cloudy and/or getting precipitation.

We will always need plants that burn fossil fuels, or a shitload of new nuclear plants, to power the grid because you can't store energy in the grid. There's no big batteries storing energy connected to the grid. You need a constant, almost exact rate of power going into it as what is being pulled out of it or it fails. Wind and solar are inconsistent as fukc. Just brutally unreliable. The only reason why they can even use power from renewables is because there's a ton of really smart fukcers who are able to operate a grid that's the fusion of clean and fossil fuel created energy. Do you know how much easier it'd be to just have only natural gas fueled power plants exclusively powering the grid? Using power that is constant and consistent at all hours of every day (and night)? Do you know how hard it is to power the grid using an unreliable source of power they can never expect when it will go go up or down to meet what's being pulled out of the meet all the different demands at different times of the's exponentially more difficult running a hybrid powered grid partially fueled by renewables instead of sources that always produce an expected amount of energy.

Do you know if it will be sunny or overcast three days from now? How about what the wind speed will be at all times to be able to calculate the input from every wind farms located scattered across the grid at various points?

It blows my mind there are fukcers out there that smart to where it's actually possible. The only way it's possible to use any renewable energy at all is because ultimately the remaining power needed after whatever the ever changing inconsistent clean energy input into the grid is backed up by fossil fuels.

Inconsistent Renewable Energy Amount A + Consistent Energy Produced by Fossil Fuels B = C, where C is whatever the exact amount of power we use comes out of the grid.

Actually I wrote that out wrong. It's really:

B - A = C

Fossil Fuels minus whatever inconsistent input provided by shitty renewable energy equals how our grid will always be run since it's the only possible way the use of renewable energy pencils out and works to where you can flip the light switch walking in your front door and actually expect the lights to always turn on.

Without energy from fossil fuels to meet whatever the given demand might be during any given hour of any given day.....clean energy would be utterly useless. Unless you're fine with a grid that doesn't provide power all the time. As in next week there isn't electricity Monday, Wednesday and half of Friday. Not enough wind and/or sun those days. Too bad. Just wait to run your factory, schools, businesses, or use anything that needs power until the grid turns back on.

Have you guys read the Green New Deal? You should. Biden is on board for it....which isn't shocking since the old fukc is so retarded he thinks our current power is generated by oil burning power plants and that the wind and solar industry isn't subsidized....doesn't get a penny to operate....

How can a guy who's been in office for 47 years and is running for president be pushing an energy plan when he literally has no fukcing clue how we currently generate any power? He literally wasn't aware that the wind and solar industry, the most heavily subsidized industry that exists, receives shitloads of federal subsidies? How could he been vice president when the majority of those subsidies were created and not have any awareness of them? And is on stage talking about an energy plan that includes banning fracking and dismantly the oil industry that accounts for 7% of the current jobs within this country to favor "clean" new renewable energy literally having no fukcing clue what saying that even means? A 6th grade comprehension of where our power is generated from, at best? How is it possible to not have even the faintest background understanding of an issue important enough to receive lengthy periods of time devoted to it in all the debates? Climate Change/Energy plan is probably the 4th biggest issue to voters behind the economy, pandemic, and civil unrest.....and he literally knows Jack Shit about it. His understanding seemingly impossible due to being able to learn far more than that just in briefings or talking to industry leaders during the cocktail hour at any one of the thousands of white house gatherings he was at? How can he be unaware it's creepy as AF to stand behind a woman in a public setting, grab them by the waist, and lean in to shove your face in their hair and inhale a big whiff of what they smell like? Yeah, Trump banged a pornstar but the fukcer knew it was wrong and smartly paid her hush money. That doesn't bother me at all. He did something immoral but I'd argue isn't that unethical. He didn't hurt anyone or negatively impact anyone's life, liberty, and ability to pursue happiness. He maybe pissed off his wife...and again, he knew it was wrong doing. So way less bothersome than Biden inappropriately touching girls young and old alike and smelling their is hair and not being aware how messed up and creepy it is. How can Biden be so alarmingly out of touch to where he sniffs hair and doesn't know the entire clean energy industry is essentially only around because it's operated at massive losses, billions upon billions upon billions in constant losses with the federal government flipping the bill for it? How can he not know this? Seems like it'd be fundamentally needed to know that to have even a shred of credibility in being able to do the job. How is this possible???

Oh wait....that's right.....he's a crooked fukc who has been too busy selling us, his country and countrymen, out for his own personal wealth via his piece of shit douche of a son who sets up meetings between foreign entities and the "Big Guy" [Biden]. Foreign entities that fukcing hate us and salivate at the very thought of our demise and being forced to exit the stage left from continuing on as the predominant world power.

It's all right there in front of us. It's blatantly obvious what Biden has been doing via his son as his booking agent. Just shamelessly whoring himself out to the direct detriment of our country. China, Ukraine, Russia, Iran, it doesn't matter....anything and everything is for sale with Biden in power. Yet the mainstream media won't cover any of it because they're owned and controlled by the same people who are wanting to see our demise and who've made Biden a billionaire. A FUKCING BILLIONAIRE. The guy somehow becomes a billionaire after being in public office his whole life....was just making money hand over fist. Then you compare and contrast that with Trump....a successful businessman who you know isn't corrupt since he gets into office and Loses his Ass.
He takes it in the shorts. Loses hundreds of millions of dollars in personal wealth.... he should since being president is a full-time job. No way any mogul could be president and still successfully run their business empire. Not possible.

Trump is the greatest patriot I've ever seen and loves this country. He's unapologetic in telling anyone to fukc off that wants anything to the detriment of his country and countrymen. China, Europe, NAFTA....fukc all the bullshit deals made by the politicians before him that sold us out to line their own pockets He doesn't give a fukc about the traitors and the people who made these traitors wealthy. Trump is so goddamn patriotic he won't even sit by and let BLM and rioting mobs "peacefully" burn our cities, desecrate any monument that documents our history, or defund the police until we're left living in a shithole of a country ruled by anarchy yet still forced to wear masks supposedly for the weak ass new strain of cold. Anyone with half a brain can see it's about power...about exercising control over us and wanting to make sure we don't ever forget it. It's the left doing the most shameless and pathetically narcissistic flex in all of history.

I was going to compare Biden to Benedict Arnold but that'd be too insulting to Arnold.

God he's such a fukcing piece of shit and he might get away with ruining this country by shooting dope and being portrayed by a media as a competent old grandfather type.

If that happens I think we very well could be truly fukced as in pull the plug....America is no longer a place any of us would want to live in.....the death of the American dream and the end of the American experiment.

I don't know what debate you guys were watching but the one I saw showed a true leader hoping to save his country from being run by a sleazy lying career politician back-stabbing dumb fukc.
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Re: Debate

Sun Oct 25, 2020 12:14 am

:lol: Who built the cages joe!

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Re: Debate

Sun Oct 25, 2020 2:14 am

maplelakeduckslayer wrote::lol: Who built the cages joe!

The whole argument about how there's 500-some-odd kids that were separated at the border who they now can't find their parents and reunite them is such stupid bullshit. It's stories like that one that make me sick how people in our country can be that fukcing dumb to act like they're outraged and it's a giant concern.

One, they can't find the parents because those parents don't want their kids back. They do not care about them and prefer not being burdened with parenthood. If they cared they never would have illegally crossed an international border knowing that was the likely outcome if caught. These people aren't frantically trying to find a way to be reunited with their kids while sobbing uncontrollably somewhere. They're not looking to take back their kids even if you do find them, which Good Luck.....they're probably dead. There's a reason these fukcers want to get in our country so bad. Most of them are total degenerates and probably did one of the cartels wrong and were dead people walking and getting into the US was their only chance of survival. We don't want these people coming in. They are the lowest of the low....Mexico's and Central America's lower class....just degenerate as fukc. You notice how you never hear of some nice hard working farm family of five trying to cross the border? There's plenty of opportunity in Mexico too for people who aren't dogs shit. Under NAFTA we had an annual trade deficit with Mexico of $67 Billion. Uh, that means the amount of shit we had going across the border they were buying from us.....we matched it buying the same amount from them and then bought another $67 billion of goods and products they made. That doesn't happen in a country that doesn't have any jobs.

Second, the notion that it is for some reason fundamentally wrong for the government to separate parents from their children from a moral and ethical standpoint.....

.....means you don't support shit like....oh, I dunno.....murderers, rapists, and violent criminals going to prison. Lots of those fukcers have lots of kids. It's not like daddy and mommy are active parents when they're serving a decade stint for armed robbery and shooting someone. Every person who gets you think the government gives a fukc if they got kids when they're prosecuting them looking to lock them up as long as possible?

Fukc No! They shouldn't. The only person who needs to be worrying about a kid is the parent of that kid. If that parent kills someone being a piece of shit njggher then obviously they weren't too concerned about their kids having parents, were they?

Then you add in family court and how often dudes get fukced in divorces and can't see their kids simply because they cheating whore of an ex-wife decided she really wanted to be a total kunt and hit a lot of good fathers where it hurts....ruining any chance of them ever really being a father figure to them simply because their mom wanted to fukc over their dad not having any concern whatsoever about the possible ramifications for their kids.

So you factor the courts into the equation and I fukcing guarantee you that a lot more than five hundred kids are separated from their parents by our government every fukcing day.

But these dumb white liberal soccer mom kunts are so stupid they think that everyone thinks like they do. They've never been exposed to any people outside of the world they have lived their entire lives in. So just because they think, "How awful....I'd be so devastated if I was separated from my kids. This is Wrong!" the stupid bitches are incapable of putting themselves in anyone else's shoes and realizing these people are relieved to shed the burden of having to raise and lookout for the kids. These people aren't like them and are total pieces of shit. That's the reason behind why they've reached a point in life where they're illegally crossing an international border on foot while having absolutely nothing. They didn't get to that point by accident.

**** 'Em. Good riddance to those piece of shit parents. The brutal reality is that their kids are waaaaay better off in "the cages" with the US Government as their new parents and legal guardians. That was probably a very nice additional bonus for these degenerates.

Don't worry about it. They'll probably be back in a few years after spitting out three more kids they can't take care of. I'm sure they'll be just chomping at the bit to see the first litter of theirs they "forgot about" when leaving the border detention centers the last go round.
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Re: Debate

Thu Oct 29, 2020 4:54 pm

Walmart yanked gun and ammo displays out of all their us stores citing civil unrest... apparently some feel this election could get a lil crazy lol

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Re: Debate

Fri Oct 30, 2020 7:14 am

They must not believe the polls and think trump is going to win. No one is worried about Republicans rioting and looting if trump loses.

Anyone hear about the rioting and looting in philly on the msm? Or the hunter Biden scandal involving joe? Yea me neither. Pretty scary how much information the media is controlling leading up to this election. MSM has reached an all time low in this country.

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Re: Debate

Fri Oct 30, 2020 9:17 am

Nershi wrote:They must not believe the polls and think trump is going to win. No one is worried about Republicans rioting and looting if trump loses..

X2.......just told a customer that this morning.................they wouldn't be doing this if they thought Biden was going to win, they're worried that Trump will...........
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