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Re: Delta Variant

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2021 6:44 am
by Nershi
My buddy just got his ass kicked from covid. Legit thought he was gonna die a couple days while he was fighting it. Young, healthy, late 30’s, doesn’t smoke, isn’t fat, didn’t just get off speed, etc. etc. Was pretty worried about him for a bit. He never went in to icu but he did go in to the doc and they shot him up with some stuff that made him turn the corner. He isn’t sure what it was.

Get something to monitor your O2 levels. That’s where most people who die screw up.

Might be worth taking vitamin d and zinc. Not sure if it’s too late for that to help. I’ve been taking vitamin D for years and just started zinc. Helps the immune system.

Everyone else I know who got it, it was no big deal. Nothing more than a minor cold. Weird disease that way.

Good luck brother. Don’t be too big of a man to go in if it gets bad.

Re: Delta Variant

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2021 8:57 am
by Drunk_Dynasty
My uncles whole family almost got wiped out by covid a month him. Him, his wife, and his son all had were hospitalized, and my cousins wife was laid out for two weeks. My cousin is late 30's and very healthy and fit. My uncle is 68 but still runs half marathons. At one point they thought my uncle was going to die and were telling the family to get things in order. His lungs are still compromised and likely won't ever recover to what they were.

Re: Delta Variant

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2021 8:57 pm
by Fish Felon
Thanks for the info and kind sentiments.

Fever had dropped to 101.5 by the time I woke up at like 2pm. Last time I checked a couple hours ago it was 100.5

I've been drinking a shitload of fluids. Just scarfed a Jack's pizza. Have been laying down and watching movies most of the day. I felt better after getting up and doing some fishing off the dock.....figured having a bobber out with a little sunny under it is a good way of getting me up and moving every now and then. I've caught a couple decent bass as well as this guy.....all were released.


Re: Delta Variant

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2021 9:08 pm
by Fish Felon
Oh yeah, another brother and our buddy tested positive for covid....

....our same buddy who got the Johnson & Johnson vaccine less than a month ago in order to get into Canada.

Re: Delta Variant

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2021 9:13 pm
by maplelakeduckslayer
Feel better!

Not sure if that's what I had a couple weeks ago or not...will forever be a mystery

Whats with all the stores putting out "we recommend masking" signs lately. Idgaf if you recommend...if you say it's required I'll do it if it's recommended I don't care what's recommended

Re: RE: Re: Delta Variant

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2021 9:16 pm
by lickmyvowels
Fish Felon wrote:Oh yeah, another brother and our buddy tested positive for covid....

....our same buddy who got the Johnson & Johnson vaccine less than a month ago in order to get into Canada.
That's who's spreading it. The vaxed are shedding it from my understanding.

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Re: RE: Re: Delta Variant

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2021 9:17 pm
by lickmyvowels
Fish Felon wrote:Thanks for the info and kind sentiments.

Fever had dropped to 101.5 by the time I woke up at like 2pm. Last time I checked a couple hours ago it was 100.5

I've been drinking a shitload of fluids. Just scarfed a Jack's pizza. Have been laying down and watching movies most of the day. I felt better after getting up and doing some fishing off the dock.....figured having a bobber out with a little sunny under it is a good way of getting me up and moving every now and then. I've caught a couple decent bass as well as this guy.....all were released.

Just about got my ankle bit by a big snapper today while walking through some grass along the river. Had to leave my underwear in the woods.

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Re: Delta Variant

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2021 11:10 pm
by Fish Felon
Yeah, I cut the line about 3" from the hook and he almost got me.

Temp is at 100.9 and I'm feeling pretty good.

Re: Delta Variant

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2021 2:06 pm
by Fish Felon
My brother (who's now back in GA) had a fever North of 103 Wednesday night....has been as sick as I have. My dad is still fighting a fever after two weeks since contracting it. My mom has been totally signs of sickness or even slight symptoms whatsoever, despite being around all of us and my dad literally almost 24/7. She's pretty worried about him....all he does is sleep....hasn't got out of bed since last weekend now.

So far two of my brothers (one in FL, the other in GA), plus my sister (Bloomington), my dad, our buddy who was vaccinated (Eden Prairie) have all tested positive.....with the FL brother, friend, and sister exhibiting only minor symptoms.

My FL brother told me to take 10,000 times the daily intake of vitamin C & D, as well as Zinc, so that's what I'm doing. I've also been eating a bunch of little oranges whole...since all the nutrients are in the peel.

The fever has been weird for myself, dad, and GA fukcing yo-yo. Last night it was 101.5 prior to taking some nyquil and knocking myself out. It was 99.1 when I woke up just before 11am. It's currently at 100.7, which I'm starting to question the Walgreen's digital thermometer since it always seems to end in an odd decimal number.

Oh, and whatever day of covid this is.....the new development it has been marked by is my face being looks like I have the mumps. And.....

Shitting.....well, pissing out of my ass. I bet I've shit out several gallons of sludge that I could've shit through a screen door. When I went into town to buy supplies my belt size was down two notches and my work pants that I wore which used to be pretty tight were baggy. I know you've guys have seen those ads for how the average American has 15-20lbs of toxic poop sludge lining their colon, and not that I've ever questioned it, but today I've witnessed it.

The one upside to covid is that I'm getting pretty cut. All the coughing and workouts of muscles I never really exert, plus eating next to nothing, and my body evacuating all the toxic shit I've had build up over time......looking pretty cut.....looking pretty cut.



Re: Delta Variant

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2021 3:10 pm
by h2ofwlr
For over a year I've been taking Vitamin D and extra C.
I read a report that those in if I were deficient in D and C.
So its a preventative measure.
2 But C at bedtime. 1 is regular chewable fast acting, the other is EstherC which kicks into 8 to 12 hrs later.
Take the zink once you feel symptoms.

I'm waiting test results on covid right now as 2 friends have it. Likely negative, but rather be sure. Besides I get to have a colonoscopy this coming week, so on Monday I will be able to crap thru a screen just like FF! That'll make me feel real special - not!