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Re: Coronavirus

Fri Mar 20, 2020 10:42 am

cstemig wrote:Heard from my buddy , whose daughter is in an “artsy” community in San Francisco , that they have a new name for Coronavirus: “Boomer Doomer.”
FTo hell with them!

They do not realize that the 1918 Spanish flue killed predominately 20-45 YO that were healthy.

maplelakeduckslayer wrote:Is this the start of a nationwide trend?
ya think? :roll:

lanyard wrote:^anytime you hear someone cough. Perk up faster than hearing a tree branch crack on a crisp morning in the woods deer hunting, but the reaction is of excitement, more like when Felon has a Tinder date and "her" voice cracks....
I spit coffee ALL over my screen with that last remark!

I had a nasty cold 3 weeks ago, still cough occasionally. The stink eyes I got this week. :lol:
God, help me be the man that my dog thinks that I am.

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Re: Coronavirus

Fri Mar 20, 2020 11:07 am

To answer the question I had the other day, it does appear that you ARE contagious those 10-14 before you show symptoms. it seems that no one knows exactly which day it is. Anyway there in lies the problem of how easy it is to transmit it, you feel fine but are infected and you are going about this just like normal and spreading the virus.
The "if you feel ill stay home" mantra is like a cop yelling "gun" and the bullets has already entered 2 bodies and another is already in flight. Too late! Stay the fukc home and quit socializing with the neighbors and no play dates amongst the kids. ISOLATE!

I was watching PBS last night. In NY city, 25% of oral swabs came back positive, 5 to 10% in the burbs ~ only a very small % were showing symptoms.
It's getting ready to explode the next few days at the NY hospitals being overwhelmed - just like it did in Italy 2 weeks ago. We are 1 to 2 weeks behind them. Speaking of Italy, their death rate is 9%, they think its because they are top heavy in older population and lots of interactions between young and old,

People are getting scared now. this ain't NOTHING! Wait 3-6 weeks - its going to get REAL! As many peoples standard of what FUBAR stands for, is going to get it drastically adjusted. :shock:
God, help me be the man that my dog thinks that I am.

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Re: Coronavirus

Fri Mar 20, 2020 10:06 pm

Something's not adding up here to me. Not how fast cases are increasing that was a given as testing ramped up. Just the number of cases itself

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Re: Coronavirus

Fri Mar 20, 2020 11:09 pm

First off,

Does everyone remember this terrible Adam Sandler movie?


Second off,

We're fukced. Completely, totally, absolutely, and utterly fukced. Seriously....we're fukced. This is the end of our country and the world as we knew it. Unless something miraculous happens like a new pill that comes out tomorrow cures coronavirus in a single dose and can be picked up out of the gumball machine at Walmart.

Barring that happening?

We're fukced....totally fukced. Start buying ammunition because it's only going to take a couple months before there is ravenous gangs of looters roaming the suburbs raping women, shooting dogs, eating cats not just raw but alive, and shooting men like dogs...which they already shot.

The worst gangs will have several transgender members and what they'll do is kneel you down with your hands bound, a gun to your head, and then they'll march up a few of their members wearing nothing around their waists except for just a towel. You will have to guess the genitalia on each member to live after giving oral to each of the three gang members you just successfully guessed. But if you guess male on the one dyke bearded tranny and they drop their towel and a big old hairy bush is there with a pinkie sized half erect clit little mini chubby wannabe dick there......'re going down on that shit AND then taking a bullet to the back of the dome.

I'm joking but not really. Give it two months and you're going to be like why the fukc didn't I buy more ammo?

Third off and lastly,

It turns out they're making a sequel to the movie I mentioned first off......

Go See It!

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Re: Coronavirus

Sat Mar 21, 2020 1:11 am

^^^^We're fukced. We're so fukcing fukced. Just so absolutely fukced.

I've got a feeling in six months we're going to look back at all the dumb petty shit we bitched about and just hate ourselves for taking everything for granted.

The ability, freedom, and money to basically drive wherever we wanted on a whim with the only thing limiting the distance we could go being time. But 5-6, or even 9-10 hours like I do going out to Williston? Three day problem. 5-6 hours away on a two day weekend? No biggie.

I bet shit is going to get so fukced we're going to miss seeing the people that we couldn't stand. The dumb Somalian motherfukcers in front of you in the line at McDonald's and their stinky kids running around all over the place......

......we're going to look back and miss seeing those fukcers....miss seeing strangers period....miss being nuts to butts in lines at the State Fair or Valley Fair.......we're going to miss the people watching at the Twins game or all walking out of an arena after a concert or Wild or T'Wolves game.....we're going to miss the glorious feeling of standing in a crowd, the energy, the sweaty heat......the feeling of being the social creatures that we are and clomping around together like cattle.

We're going to look back at what we used to hate and miss it so very, very dearly that it will make us wince when we think about it.

A world that had already grown more disconnected than at any previous point before just had the few remaining bonds holding each of us together into this semi-organized mass chaos know as society......severed.....for all intensive purposes......permanently
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Re: Coronavirus

Sat Mar 21, 2020 8:49 am

Well I can't log in to Facebook cause I don't have told me that video is old after reading through the comments which you can only do by logging in. So may not really be from recent times.

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Re: Coronavirus

Sat Mar 21, 2020 10:56 am

How do you make it seem you are getting this under control quickly? Simply stop testing=less confirmed cases=plateau=return to normal=mitigate economic impact.

All week they are screaming we need more tests, roll out more testing programs, govt contracts with labs, etc...then we stop testing? Guess we know how China curbed their infection rate and the US want to make sure we don't surpass China's numbers

This is really messed up

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Re: Coronavirus

Sat Mar 21, 2020 12:16 pm

Walmart is supposed to start testing soon ... What could go wrong....

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Re: Coronavirus

Sat Mar 21, 2020 12:56 pm

When this is done, look for a study to highlight increased susceptibility among historic central European populations. They will find a genetic marker protein involved in genetic sequencing that indicates higher likelihood for severe infection for Covid-19.

It will still take a greater toll on elderly/at risk populations developed in genetic pools from the Alps and/or Pyrenees regions.

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