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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Coronavirus

Wed Mar 25, 2020 10:21 am

h2ofwlr wrote:Trump screwed up - he should have banned all airplanes, ships, cars, etc from China entering the USA 8 weeks ago, and 1 month ago from everywhere - then there would not have been no mass layoffs and minimal or no virus in the USA.

I'll just say it - I think Trump has lost his ability to discern fiction from reality. His "We'll be back to normal by Easter" comments yesterday regarding cv-19 shows that he is delusional.
We are 2 weeks behind Italy and a ticking bombs across the US. The MAIN outbreak with the flattened curve will be 3 to 6 weeks from now. And People on average just do NOT have food stockpiled for more than 2 weeks. It's going to get VERY interesting when people run out of food and TP. Can you say roaming gangs stealing from others? I think there will be martial law in most major cities as a result.
NY/NJ is a cluster fukc right now with the fuse lit and 1" away from that area exploding and very likely 100K could be dead in those 2 states alone in the next month with their combined pop of 30M. If 10M get it over the next 3 months, that's 300K dead based on 3%, which seems to be a realistic %.
We could see bulldozers making mass graves for the people, entire rural farms being converted to cemeteries. Heck you'd need crematories like the Nazis used at Auschwitz to try to keep up with the dead everyday. :o
If this (3M dead from 100M infected in USA over the next 3 months) happens - can you say 40% laid off and a world wide economic depression that will make 2008 and 1934 look like Sunday afternoon picnics.
Also hyper inflation will happen as they keep printing money. My suggestion - buy precious metals as a hedge not to loose value. Gold surged $100 yesterday. We could see it at $3k by summer and $5k in a years time as the USD devalues.

Speaking of ships - they found the virus still alive on infected passenger ships after 17 days of no one on board. :o I read about it yesterday from I think is was CDC or WHO or a similar credible source.

We are so FUBARed it is ridiculous!

Does anyone have an extra ar-15 or similar with 500 rounds of ammo to sell me?

Lol c’mon man.

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Re: Coronavirus

Wed Mar 25, 2020 11:05 am

emptymag wrote:Aahhhh...Stute gets me every time! Lol!

Ha yeah I really get a kick out of it, it's become a MNfowl classic!!!!

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Re: Coronavirus

Wed Mar 25, 2020 10:22 pm


It's bad but not gonna get that bad, this is a controlled experiment anyway

Cases will plateau I'm thinking potentially next week as they wind down testing...the new guidance suggests not testing anyone unless they are hospitalized with symptoms. This alone will flatten the curve

I did run into my first really really scared people today. They were in their 70's string of townhouses had sewer backup...they wouldn't let me come in to look at it, talked to me through a glass door, etc. Like you could tell their brains were completely fried from dealing with this and were scared shitless.

Stopped by Sam's club on the way home...good luck buying any cheap meat like pork chops, hamburger, or chicken. Completely empty. Couldn't believe it. Anything more "expensive" like steak, brisket, etc there was plenty lol. I put that in quotations because people are so dumb they could buy a brisket and grind it for about the same as ground hamburger but they see a hunk of meat selling for $60...they fail to use logic

Thanks walz for extending this worthless restrictionfest til may 1

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Re: Coronavirus

Thu Mar 26, 2020 8:34 am

Life will be back to normal May 15ish.

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Re: Coronavirus

Thu Mar 26, 2020 9:04 am

Hansen wrote:Life will be back to normal May 15ish.

I'm not sure what to think.

If you believe Walrus, it's not going to peak for 11 to 14 weeks and we will be treating people in make shift hospitals in convention centers.

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Re: Coronavirus

Thu Mar 26, 2020 10:28 am

Walz also said there are only 280ish ICU beds in Minnesota. There is that at Mayo alone (4 relatives work there as Dr's or nurse managers).

Mergie Marauder
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Re: Coronavirus

Thu Mar 26, 2020 11:15 am

He actually said, “243 adult ICU beds that are available”.

That means that the rest are all currently being utilized for typical reasons. ICU bed utilization rate normally runs very high versus overall capacity percentage wise.

There is no scenario in which life goes back to normal on May 15, 2020. The US will have easily surpassed 25K fatalities and 500K confirmed cases at that time with no slowdown nor end in sight. The measures this country are currently employing to try to overcome this pandemic are a complete joke! China essentially locked down the entire city of Wuhan to the point of nailing/chaining/welding their citizens’ doors shut. Compare that to Minnesota where 78% of the workforce basically gets to go about their normal routine as their jobs are deemed “essential services”.

Fear mongering? Hardly. Exponential growth is an evil bi+ch when it comes to pandemics.
"The less I know about other people's affairs, the happier I am. I'm not interested in caring about people."
- Ron Swanson

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Re: Coronavirus

Thu Mar 26, 2020 11:32 am

HnkrCrash wrote:He actually said, “243 adult ICU beds that are available”.

That means that the rest are all currently being utilized for typical reasons. ICU bed utilization rate normally runs very high versus overall capacity percentage wise.

There is no scenario in which life goes back to normal on May 15, 2020. The US will have easily surpassed 25K fatalities and 500K confirmed cases at that time with no slowdown nor end in sight. The measures this country are currently employing to try to overcome this pandemic are a complete joke! China essentially locked down the entire city of Wuhan to the point of nailing/chaining/welding their citizens’ doors shut. Compare that to Minnesota where 78% of the workforce basically gets to go about their normal routine as their jobs are deemed “essential services”.

Fear mongering? Hardly. Exponential growth is an evil bi+ch when it comes to pandemics.

This is what I mean - for every person who thinks it's going to be a disaster there is another who says it's not a big deal. I suppose in a couple months we will see who was right.

At least the weather in this shit hole state has to help.....cold, cloudy, rainy climate will do wonders to help with respiratory issues.

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Re: RE: Re: Coronavirus

Thu Mar 26, 2020 12:04 pm

Hansen wrote:Life will be back to normal May 15ish.
I think so but the media would hope not.

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Mergie Marauder
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Re: RE: Re: Coronavirus

Thu Mar 26, 2020 12:06 pm

HnkrCrash wrote:He actually said, “243 adult ICU beds that are available”.

That means that the rest are all currently being utilized for typical reasons. ICU bed utilization rate normally runs very high versus overall capacity percentage wise.

There is no scenario in which life goes back to normal on May 15, 2020. The US will have easily surpassed 25K fatalities and 500K confirmed cases at that time with no slowdown nor end in sight. The measures this country are currently employing to try to overcome this pandemic are a complete joke! China essentially locked down the entire city of Wuhan to the point of nailing/chaining/welding their citizens’ doors shut. Compare that to Minnesota where 78% of the workforce basically gets to go about their normal routine as their jobs are deemed “essential services”.

Fear mongering? Hardly. Exponential growth is an evil bi+ch when it comes to pandemics.
25000 dead huh. So whats your big solution. Keep everyone in their homes for two months and have a total shutdown of everything including the financial and banking system?

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