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Re: A Really Bad Coincidence

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2021 1:46 pm
by Fish Felon
Bailey wrote:
Fish Felon wrote:Chauvin needs a new lawyer and a successful appeal. I feel like I could get him off. I've never seen a greater injustice than a good cop having his life ruined forever and 22.5 years for a dumb piece of shit njgger OD'ing while he was assisting the scene of an arrest that turned into a med-evac. Bullshit.

All these kids who think they're punk rock....they're not punk rock. Someone should start a band called, "The Derek Chauvin Innocence Project," or simply, "Free Chauvin," if they want to be punk rockers through and through.....

A new lawyer does not matter his only hope is somehow a change of venue in a new trial. Minneapolis is 90% hardcore leftists the jury will never ever go for him. He was their scalp and now the feds are coming after him. I would be shocked if he ever got out of prison honestly. The jury at least in minneapolis will never be impartial. This was all about politics

Completely agree....Chauvin is fukced. What infuriates and scares me is how the left can target someone and they're finished. Regardless of what the facts are....regardless of reality clearly being contrary to what they're screaming happened as they point and shake their fingers.....none of it matters.

This guy spent his life committed to protecting society from the pieces of shit that prey upon other members of it...often the weaker members of society, like pregnant women.

No one gave a fukc less about George Floyd's life that day less than George Floyd did.

I really do hate Minnesota. Nowhere else has anywhere near the type of delusional and angry morons exist here. I have one brother who is one of them. He'll sit there and throw shit out about conservatives and he expects everyone to view him as this really intelligent, thoughtful, and compassionate person, and he's so dumb he doesn't realize everyone else just sits there and bites their tongues thinking he's an arrogant dipshit....knowing that he can dish it out but can't take it....can't even partake in an open discussion because he starts yelling, says shit that's totally insulting that is aimed to incite everyone else, and then says end of discussion and that he's no longer going to talk about it.....just so if anyone else calls him on his bullshit he can go off the handle even more and pretend like he's the victim and whoever called him out is being an asshole.

Not a coincidence that he works for the city of MPLS. He's got one of those, "We lives science...." and several other things, something about phaggots of course.

It's funny how these people who all claim to so staunchly believe in science don't believe in the science of an autopsy, forensics, or the official coroner's report which is a scientific paper. If they did Chauvin would be a free man since science clearly proves that George Floyd died of a drug overdose that along with underlying health issues caused cardiopulmonary arrest. Science explains why a person dying of a fentanyl overdose feels like they can't breathe, Floyd's case being a textbook example of what happens when the drug starts blocking the receptors in the brain and inhibits it from sending the involuntary signals that operate organs like the lungs, heart, etc.

Chauvin is innocent. There's not a reasonable doubt that his actions didn't kill George Floyd......because it's blatantly fukcing obvious he didn't. It is literally scientific fact. It was impossible for Chauvin to kill him since he was already in the short process of dying when Chauvin corrected thd error the other officers made and followed training protocol by putting the person in custody into a that was standard and taught in training on an annual if not semi-annual mandatory police training basis. The city paid experts in the law enforcement field to come in and teach them their officers how to do a knee/neck restraint.

The fact the same city then hung Chauvin out to dry is why the only comfort I get from all this is knowing that for all the people who wanted him nailed to a cross.....

....are the ones who will suffer directly the most by Minneapolis declining into the utter shithole it's already well on it's way to becoming.

Only a liberal can be so fukcing stupid to not have the self-awareness to realize that you can't riot and scream to defund the police and then expect there to be police who give a fukc about you getting mugged without being a giant hypocrite.

Fukc 'Em all in MPLS.....they reap what they sow.

Re: A Really Bad Coincidence

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2021 1:12 pm
by lickmyvowels
You mf's are all racist... ... li=BBnbcA1

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Re: A Really Bad Coincidence

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2021 9:02 pm
by lickmyvowels
You see know that they are talking going door to door pushing vaccines and also have nationalized the capital police and putting them in all the states. Welcome to Nazi German.

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Re: A Really Bad Coincidence

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2021 12:47 am
by Bullet21XD
lickmyvowels wrote:You mf's are all racist... ... li=BBnbcA1

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Shit...the only ones in my hood lighting off fireworks was the naggers. Celebrating a country that oppresses them every day. Guess the firework stands take EBT.
I hate my neighbors...though it was like old times, watching some filthy democrat sweeping up firework remnants out of my driveway...and not getting paid.

Re: RE: Re: A Really Bad Coincidence

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2021 10:29 am
by lickmyvowels
Bullet21XD wrote:[quote="lickmyvowels"]You mf's are all racist... ... li=BBnbcA1

Sent from my moto g power (XT2041DL) using Tapatalk

Shit...the only ones in my hood lighting off fireworks was the naggers. Celebrating a country that oppresses them every day. Guess the firework stands take EBT.
I hate my neighbors...though it was like old times, watching some filthy democrat sweeping up firework remnants out of my driveway...and not getting paid.[/quote]Kinda proves how much these people writing/coming up with these statements are in a uptown, don't mix with the poor's bubble.

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Re: A Really Bad Coincidence

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2021 12:57 pm
by Fish Felon
Yeah, it's almost like people who can show up to protest 24/7 for weeks at a time at the drop of a hat are total losers that are disconnected from reality......

Re: A Really Bad Coincidence

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2021 4:14 pm
by Nershi
They don’t need to use EBT for fireworks. Our government has been sending them straight checks in the mail for months now. Next up child tax credits get mailed via checks right to their door. $600 a kid. Biden is a damned socialist.

Re: A Really Bad Coincidence

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2021 6:55 am
by emptymag
It’s $300 per kid under age 6. $250 over age 6. It’s the same money you would get at the end of the year via the child tax credit.

Some people use to getting big checks at tax time might be in for a surprise.

Re: A Really Bad Coincidence

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2021 10:33 am
by Nershi
Do they still send the checks if you don’t pay taxes?

Re: A Really Bad Coincidence

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2021 11:14 am
by emptymag
Not sure but I'm going with yes.