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Re: Felon

Thu Mar 22, 2018 2:58 pm

Or are you the river of shit that the rest are trying to swim through?
God, help me be the man that my dog thinks that I am.

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Re: Felon

Sun Apr 01, 2018 11:44 pm

h2ofwlr, that sounded oddly very sexual.
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Re: Felon

Sun Apr 01, 2018 11:47 pm

Hey h2ofwlr...."big boy".....would you like to swim through me, your river of shit?

Oh yeah

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Re: Felon

Tue Nov 13, 2018 9:38 am

FF You owe it to this community to answer some of these hanging questions. Especially now that you're talking about setting $10MM ablaze and offing yourself.

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Re: Felon

Tue Nov 13, 2018 12:58 pm

I had an evil corporation shut down my business by placing armed security at my leased office location, try to kill me, and put a security detail on me that's constant surveillance drove a healthy state of paranoia into schizophrenia into madness.

My brother and my niece came to the cabin one weekend and arrived to find me barricaded inside, I had cut contractor bags and duct taped them over the windows several layers thick, closed all blinds over them, had floodlights off the roof lighting up the area surrounding it as if it was order to see the people paid to watch me, which were no longer there. Once that switch gets flipped and you basically become a squirrel (tense, strung out, and making every move as if you might be stepping on a land mine) it's really hard to flip it back off. It took eighteen months in order for me to do it and not be afraid of those I thought were always waiting for me in the dark anymore.

At the cabin I'd often shoot at the ground off the balcony....not looking to hit anyone, but to scare the people there and hopefully frighten them enough to leave me alone. This would typically happen at 3am to 4am, when I was exhausted and needed to sleep....I'd shoot off several rounds, tell them I just needed to get some rest, to leave me alone, that they'd never take me alive, and then I'd barricade myself inside and sleep next to a pile of loaded guns. I had guns everywhere and on me at all times.

The reason why they were after me, which there legitimately was a team of undercover security watching me for five weeks after they shut me down, was because I was the first guy to ever to figure out exactly how they fukced us...and they ruined a lot of good people's lives alongside mine. I figured it out and used it try to blackmail them and that's when the CEO and brain trust (the big three) shut me down, tried to kill me, and offered me $5 million up front with $10 million in future stock options which I took, but wanted a contract to help those like me get back on their feet and fix some things internally within the company that would give them a fighting chance. The company reneged....probably never had any intention of giving me anything.

In two months on speed during the deepest and darkest period of my life....completely alone....despised and hated by all those that used to love me after having gone two months on speed, with no prior accounting or financial background.....

....I figured out the entirety of the complexity of all the intricacies that make up the pile of bullshit that is our global economy.

I know where the real money is, how it gets shared and counted by virtually every multi-national corporation in the top fortune one hundred, I know how much fake money doesn't exist and how it is accounted for....I figured it all out top to bottom, by looking at it from the bottom to the top (only way it'd be possible for someone like me to figure it out), and I pieced ALL of it together.

I call it the "LinkedIn" economy. It's a bunch of jobs where people talk about their job, don't actually do any work otherwise, and this is attributable to the top 1% of the top 1% being generous enough to provide the world with such a luxurious fake economy. Seriously, they're not taking from us....they're very, very giving. They'd rather have a populous with some relative wealth for a lot of reasons. One, it makes them richer. Two, it stops the masses from putting their heads on pikes. Three, they're people....and even bad people are still often largely inherently good. They do a lot of philanthropy, have wives that are sympathetic to the poor, and despite always protecting their bottom line first, like all of us do, they're actually not bad people and not out to screw over the world. Money always tends to flow to the top and as we've become more efficient of a workplace society with computers and automation they've had to get really creative in creating jobs for everyone in the ever decreasing need for the human labor market. Hence all the data mining. It's worthless. Just something to create jobs. Everyone that knows statistics understands that after a sample size of 120 nothing is going to change on a bell curve more than 3%. So again, millions and millions of never ending sample sizes (AKA "data") is totally pointless....completely worthless, besides giving a bunch of idiots jobs to sit and talk about it in conference rooms thinking they're actually doing something of value at work.

The people running the world aren't bad people and they're not advertising it. These are people you might see at Target. You just don't see them all blinged out sitting in a leer jet for a spread in People magazine. That shit is for the celebrities. Don't get me wrong these people take leer jets, but it's important to understand they walk amongst us. One out of a thousand people have insane wealth and one out of anywhere from ten thousand to a hundred grand are someone that is making big plays and partially responsible for calling the shots that literally are "running the world." They're fairly normal people. They do normal stuff and experience culture like the rest of us. You've bumped elbows with them at places like the State Fair....their wives and kids drag them to shit like that too.

Anyways, back to me figuring out the global economy.

The last meltdown was caused by accident when AIG rolled up a bunch of shit called CDO's (collateralized debt obligations), comprised of tranches made up of subprime mortgage backed securities, sold them as a hedge against losing your ass (AKA what is called a "derivative"), and when the credit-default swaps that they sold as their main tool for risk management which they absolutely never expected to get called on....well, when they got called on them and had to pay out ("money insurance" is all that it ultimately is despite the fancy names) they didn't have the cash to do it....

...and that was the first and biggest domino that fell that caused the 2007-08 financial meltdown.

You can't stop these guys and honestly, why would you want to? These guys are propping up the global economy by creating trillions upon trillions in money that doesn't actually exist and putting it on paper.

They're doing the same exact shit. Same players, same stuff, they just switch out the lead dog and let them be the one to take the blame when shit blows up next time around, and then they switch out the lead dog and cycle back through again. Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

I could tell you who the lead dog is, how and where they're doing the same shit as they did leading up to 2007-08 ("CLO" collateralized loan obligations, "Bermuda Based Reinsurance" are going to be the two main terms you hear next time around), I can tell you all about how they literally use a simple bait and switch to do this....

....basically our financial system works like this:

A dude has $10K in his checking account and prints off a balance slip at an ATM to show his bookie he's good for ten large on the big game. Then he does the same with another bookie, and another, and another, and then a dozen, couple dozen, etc. Assuming the guy gets it right and his team wins, he's fine. With the financial market the bets they're making over and over again they have like a 99.5% chance of winning every time, again because they're selling "money insurance" or what is called a's a small wager put up where it's intended to be lost and is paid for out of the bottom line operating expense. Basically it only exists to protect these corporations or financial entities or whatever you want to call them from total financial collapse in the rare, rare, very rare chance that something no one ever thought would happen actually the US housing market defaulting on itself and shit tons of people---make that financial institutions that own the mortgage note---find themselves underwater on their equity stake in something that's worth a lot less than the money they lent out to purchase it.

The global financial market is actually very simple to understand there are only three types of building blocks that comprise it.

Equity, debt, & derivatives

That's it. Obviously you have things like liquidity that come into play for equity, dividends, all kinds of shit like that...complexities to each that some accounting professor could go on and on for days discussing....but ultimately it boils down to equity, debt, and derivatives. The DNA that are the building blocks to the genetic make up of our global economy.

Back to my example about the guy going to the bookie umpteen times. How much money crossed hands? Or better put, how much money actually existed in all of it? Let's put the finite number of times the guy used the same funds to make a different bet at two dozen times.

In each transaction there was $20K involved. $10K the guy was putting up, versus the $10K the bookie put up. 24 X $20K = $480K

Never mind that we know the guy never had $240K to cover his action on all those bets. He only had $10K. That's all the money that ever existed, right?

Not anymore. On a corporate earnings report and financial filings you better damn well believe that it shows up as $240K, or $480K total. Companies report that when they lose, especially when they lose....

....and that's how money gets created and used to prop up the global economy. All kinds of money being counted over and over again, and then used to make more bets, and build trade, pay employees for doing worthless work.

That's how it's created.

It's obviously done a lot more calculated and less haphazard, and certainly far less risky for it to ever be called on and exposed (AKA "they lose" the bet and have to pay) but every now and then....something really fukced up happens in a different part of their scheme that has unintended consequences they didn't foresee, like the housing market crashing, and the lead dog has to show their cards, just like AIG had to the last time, and it turns out they were bluffing the whole time....and when that happens the entire interconnected house of cards collapses in on itself....because some other dog in the sled Goldman has their bullshit that was propped up by AIG's bullshit be exposed for being total bullshit....and the dominos start rolling and the next thing you know....


The markets get reset and all that fake wealth?

Gone. Like a fart in the wind. Just like that it disappears as easily as it was created.

It's never gone for that long because guess what?

No one died.

When the world's largest/oldest auditing firm Arthur Andersen was given the death penalty....literally destroyed by the US Government for all the fukced up shit they did in creating and enabling Enron to be the giant pile of shit that defrauded...well, everyone really in ways big and small.

I like to use Arthur Andersen as an example because unless I missed it---ten thousand accountants didn't get executed that day the company was destroyed.

They simply went to Deloitte, KPG, etc., and did the same fukced up shit they had always done.

Anyways, I've already told you more than you really should want to know. I'm sure as shit not going to tell you how I'm getting paid out of all of this, the names, the players, any of that shit.....because I'm going to take the money, shut my fukcing mouth, and never talk about any of this ever again because I'm not an idiot and I don't want to be snuffed out.

Seriously, neither do any of you. They watch all this shit. They know all of it.

I'm more than happy to tip my cap to them, as a sign of deference, a sign of respect, mind my P's and Q's and move along with my life and give this shit up forever after I've got my check.
Last edited by Fish Felon on Tue Nov 13, 2018 3:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Felon

Tue Nov 13, 2018 2:42 pm

A few other things to realize in understanding that none of what I say is made up. Anything that I post that's fictional, I explicitly make clear it's fiction, and the instances of those are few.

Few things to understanding the world economy:

1. Accountants run the world. Lawyers, brokers, etc., are all simply employed by accountants---for they run the world. Well, they are the people that make the super rich even richer and turn their company mantra into cold hard creating fake equity first. Remember the three building blocks---equity, debt, & is not a building block of our global economy. It's relevance is only being the product shit out at the end.

2. Wall Street (and all other similar global markets) are where the scams are paid out---not where they're created. In the US, Chicago accounts for the biggest share of where they're created. A city Capone built...brick by brick with those bricks labeled as "fraud." Illinois/Chicago political and legal system corruption is a real thing, and as almost always the result of corporate fraud, not the cause of it. When people point to Government fraud it's the symptoms showing, not the disease. That's never where it starts, and typically not where it ends.

3. Money isn't "Money," at least in terms of corporate money versus our money...consumer money, I suppose is the best label. When fortune hundred company X, Y, or Z posts an annual revenue of $30-$40-$50 Billion, etc., people have a hard time understanding that it is comprised almost entirely of a different type of money---equity. AKA it isn't in the terms of being liquid currency. There's no bank account that company has with a balance of however many billions they brought in that year. It always sounds like a ton of money but it's not....'s a lot of card tricks and sleight of hand accountants made up and put on paper.

Take mortgage backed securities for instance. Do you know why every large multinational corporation loved them? And FYI whether it's Apple, an insurance company, a retailer like Wal-Mart or Target, Microsoft or any tech company, and lastly your "big banks" or investment/financial need to realize they're all the same....each one is going to have the same proportion of their money invested in the same they all had a large chunk of it devoted to mortgage backed securities....AKA "home loans." They all are the same. Repeat after me---"they are all the same." If they weren't why would something like the housing market bubble bursting all effect them in the same exact negative manner? Wiping out the equal proportion of their equity to what they had invested in mortgage backed securities, AKA the housing market? Think about it? Why would all those different types of companies take the same exact hit from the bubble going "Pop!"????

The reason corporations all invested in these subprime shitty securities is because of this:

They got paid without getting paid....

....and this is why Accountants run the world.

John and Jane Doe close on their first home....and buy a cute little bungalow in S. Minny like I did. Before they even make their first payment after closing, their mortgage note gets flipped and sold to some bank or financial institution....who then packages it as investment with others....for multinational corporations to buy an equity stake in that big ball of shit.....because it's "safe money."

Do you know why?

Because they are allowed to count all the money they're going to make on it and report it as revenue before they actually make it.

If John and Jane Doe get laid off, get sick, or can't make even the second payment?

It doesn't matter. All the interest (AKA "profit earned") from that mortgage ends up on an earnings report long before the homeowners actually default on the loan.

It's "money" that isn't really mun-eeeey.

Do you know how fukced up our federal bankruptcy laws are?

Say an individual like you are me lose our ass opening up a small business and burn through a hundred grand loan.....whelp, I guess the institution that loaned it to us is really fukced, right?!


Rule 3001(c) of the federal bankruptcy laws allows for the lending institution to recoup up to a hundred grand security for debt they didn't get paid on once that individual that owes it to them files for bankruptcy.

They get all the money's literally accounted for the same as they would account for cash, it just simply doesn't exist.

This is how our global economy works, why accountants run the world, and how I and thousands of other good people got fukced-----we signed a R3001C contract with these in Rule 3001(c) of the federal bankruptcy laws where they ran us through their machine that intentionally bankrupted us and made most (not me) default on their loans from the smaller limited partnership banks that surprise-surprise, just happened to be for $100K, the max amount they could recoup a security interest on.

Here's the thing---it's another way they create money.

When all these people are forced to use that $100K on other businesses inside the umbrella corporation, and then when they spend it all, they still claim a security note as cash for that amount, as well as the $100K already dumped into the funnel, they just doubled their money by bankrupting someone. When the process is streamlined and they're locking these same people into three year $100K iron clad leases they can't pay up on, which were erroneously getting counted also as a mortgage backed security....the money piles up even quicker. When you factor in all the ways they reshuffle the money and recycle it through the umbrella's very easy to create $500,000 up to possibly a million in "new money" generated by bankrupting someone....

....when you times that someone by a thousand people a year all over the country....'re now talking a half billion to a billion in revenue created by ruining the lives of a thousand people spread all over the country.

Making it pretty fukcing easy to get away with since none or them knew what the fukc just happened to them after getting the rug pulled out from underneath them.....

.....Until Me.

I'm the first, only, and probably last person to ever figure this out.....I'm rampaging on these motherfukcers for ruining my life....and that's where the money is coming from.

Dousing these fukcs with gas, throwing a match, lighting a smoke off their burning carcasses, and then laughing while my piss turns to steam right off their smoldering backs.

And that is the extent to which I can explain what I have going on.
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Re: Felon

Tue Nov 13, 2018 2:56 pm

This would all be really interesting if I could understand it. You are one crazy SOB.

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Re: Felon

Tue Nov 13, 2018 3:36 pm

deet wrote:This would all be really interesting if I could understand it. You are one crazy SOB.

Read it again and try.

No one will ever offer you the ability to understand the global financial market better than myself.

That's not narcissistic or's simply true.

As complex as it might sound, it's the easiest, most grounded version you're ever going to have anyone willing to spend the time explaining it to you.

Google any terms you need to in order to piece it together....if you want to understand the way the world is.

If you don't?

Good for you. I can almost guarantee you'll live a happier life not knowing.

The only reason why I know any of it is the same reason most people learn stuff when they're middle-aged:

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Re: Felon

Tue Nov 13, 2018 4:18 pm

Sounds like it would make a good series in the style of "Breaking Bad".

TBH for some reason the financial world goes right over my head. I understand most complicated things to which I put my mind but the money world is my weak spot. If I dug in I could probably wrap my head around it. But if anyone here reads in too much to all your stuff we'd end up severely disturbed, sorely played, or both. Hard to make heads or tails of you.

Which leads me to wonder - if you're just playing some crazy long game, with your aliases, well-developed stories, and coinciding disappearances, etc., then ... why? What's the point? There's no way you get as much entertainment out of this place as the viewers could/should/do get from the stories. Yet, I think this is 90% likely the case.


You lead one incredibly messed up life attributable to firstly your intellect and secondly your bad decisions but ultimately the combination of the two.

Assuming the last few posts are both coherent and true (which I cannot judge), then why on earth would you be posting this stuff?

And I don't think I would want to understand. Every time I wander down a rabbit hole I end up more confused, even if educated, than before, and I have to ground myself back in "reality" in order to restore smooth operation with regard to fellows around me.

Like when I try to understand string theory... I'm better off not understanding it (insofar as one is actually capable of understanding it, technically).

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Re: Felon

Tue Nov 13, 2018 4:38 pm

Wow. MWF is still a place, but it is 100% spam posts.

BUT I did manage to find this:

[Nick M]
"This is a small, local website where I have had very little to no gripes about how it has been run...until tonight.

I will say this,

It is a very public site where the owners and operators are very much in the open. There's no screen to hide behind. I know who you all are. I know where I could easily find you (very different than threatening you at your own home, which I would never ever do).

I've had no reason to have any ill-will towards anyone here. Until now.

Don't mess with me. I'm not normal. I'm not afraid to eff you up at game fair or any other happy venue you choose to frequent. Don't make me do that by going on a power trip and deleting my dribble because you're a loser and can't understand sarcasm.

Take care and have a nice night."

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