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Re: .........

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 5:29 am
by lanyard
....We could be heroes, just for one day....

Re: .........

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 7:08 am
by gimpfinger
Had a group last year set up on a point across from us and every time a flock would lock up with feet down for us they would shoot once and flare them. Thought it was a fluke the first three times but seven flocks in a row isn't. Wanted to put a load of dueces in their belly.

Would of had a three man limit if it wasn't for them shitbirds doing that.

sent from your under your bed

Re: .........

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 7:56 am
by lanyard
gimpfinger wrote:Had a group last year set up on a point across from us and every time a flock would lock up with feet down for us they would shoot once and flare them. Thought it was a fluke the first three times but seven flocks in a row isn't. Wanted to put a load of dueces in their belly.

Would of had a three man limit if it wasn't for them shitbirds doing that.

sent from your under your bed

Oh, that was you!?

Re: .........

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 8:10 am
by gimpfinger
lanyard wrote:
gimpfinger wrote:Had a group last year set up on a point across from us and every time a flock would lock up with feet down for us they would shoot once and flare them. Thought it was a fluke the first three times but seven flocks in a row isn't. Wanted to put a load of dueces in their belly.

Would of had a three man limit if it wasn't for them shitbirds doing that.

sent from your under your bed

Oh, that was you!?

How's the fuel filter doing on your Z71?

sent from your under your bed

Re: .........

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 9:34 am
by lanyard
Fuel filter got changed. Had to drain the gas tank, too. It was F***** full you DB!

Re: .........

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 1:01 pm
by h2ofwlr
Trigger wrote: So there I was, a young, impressionable waterfowler who thought we were all out there for the same reasons, that every waterfowler was my friend through a love of hunting ducks... boy was I wrong.... it was opening morning, still dark, I don't recall if this was a 9 or noon opener, but it doesn't matter. Me and two other groups of friends (3 boats) got on a well known point on Swan. I was on the tip of the point, then 100-200yds (does it really matter EXACTLY how far? 200 yards downwind is still unethicaly close for a stranger to be, especially when there are HOURS before shooting time) on either side of me were my friends, tucked back into the bays made by the point. We sat there for several hours, cooked breakfast, looked at the stars, just loving the fact that it was the greatest morning of the year... duck opener. Nothing could ruin our fun... but we were we wrong. Suddenly we heard the whine of a 9.9 on a 14footer screaming our way, we shined our lights at this guy and instead of just continuing on his way he boats right past us. This guy then proceeds to slow down, and pull into the cattails 100-200 yards away, in the immediate vicinity of another member of our party. We couldn't figure out what was going on and just assumed it was someone our group knew. About 20 minutes later we heard the voice of older gentleman... absolutely SCREAMING at the top of his lungs. "YOU SOB's! WTF!!! GOD Fing DAM IT!!!", just going off on what we could only assume were our friends. The reason for the yelling is still a mystery, clearly we were there first. We started getting ready to paddle over there bc the way this guy was screaming we thought for sure he was in a murderous rage, and that we would have to defend our friends. But luckily before we left, the screaming stopped and we heard the a motor start up and the stranger leave.

It turns out our friends, apparently in a food coma from eating breakfast pulled into the weeds and fell asleep without any light on. That was their mistake, and the last one they ever made because that was last day either of them ever hunted ducks, the experience they had with the guy who is supposed to be waterfowling brethren soured them on the sport for the rest of their lives.

I got home that day, went onto and began reading the account of one Alan Nikolai on the happenings of that morning, as it turns out, the stranger who attempted to set up unneccesarily close with hours to go before shooting time, who SCREAMED at my rookie friends for making one mistake.... was the one and only H2OFowler.

Version # 4 . So how many versions are you going to keep making up? :roll: Sad, simply sad...

Re: .........

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 1:40 pm
by gimpfinger
lanyard wrote:Fuel filter got changed. Had to drain the gas tank, too. It was F***** full you DB!

Just be glad I didn't stick the tank. Pretty sure it took some out of staters a real long time to fill their trucks for the ride home.

sent from your under your bed

Re: .........

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 6:04 pm
by lanyard
gimpfinger wrote:
lanyard wrote:Fuel filter got changed. Had to drain the gas tank, too. It was F***** full you DB!

Just be glad I didn't stick the tank. Pretty sure it took some out of staters a real long time to fill their trucks for the ride home.

sent from your under your bed

Sooooo, sent from the banana in your tail pipe?

Re: .........

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 6:22 pm
by h2ofwlr
Bullet21XD wrote: This forum alone is proof you have no regard for other people or their property.
You are a thief.

And so how am I benefitting (financial or otherwise) in any way from it? I am not selling it.
I wonder how many have down loaded music from a friend or website and not paid for it? Most everyone looks the other way. It's the same for articles that interest outdoors people.

So quit whinning about. As every 3 months or so, you go Blaaaaah, blah intelectual blaah, Blaah blaaah property blaaah, blaaaah... enough already. Just shut the hell up about it.

Re: .........

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 7:22 pm
by gimpfinger
lanyard wrote:
gimpfinger wrote:
lanyard wrote:Fuel filter got changed. Had to drain the gas tank, too. It was F***** full you DB!

Just be glad I didn't stick the tank. Pretty sure it took some out of staters a real long time to fill their trucks for the ride home.

sent from your under your bed

Sooooo, sent from the banana in your tail pipe?


sent from your under your bed