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Re: A Really Bad Coincidence

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2021 4:51 pm
by Duck_E
The guy ran over 62 people, but someone put the gas in the car.

Alex Baldnick said someone put the bullet in the gun and he never pulled the trigger, he just pulled the hammer back and let it go.


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Re: A Really Bad Coincidence

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2022 9:47 pm
by maplelakeduckslayer
This family is just a victim of wrong place wrong time right?

Whole family are angels and don't deserve/draw any of this on themselves due to the type of reckless activities they take part in?'s horrible that a kid was shot. It really is too bad. But she was an innocent bystander struck by what was intended for one of the POS adults in the apartment

These are the kinds of stories that reinforce stereotypes

Re: A Really Bad Coincidence

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2022 11:39 pm
by Fish Felon
Karma isn't some cosmic concept....what goes around comes around.

But it does sometimes make you wonder about it in the cosmic sense.

As in, I wonder if Floyd robbing a pregnant woman by pointing a gun towards her belly....towards her child in her womb....

If that created enough negative energy in the universe to surround his family and come back around to where his 4yo grand niece took a bullet?

I hope not....I hope the universe doesn't work that way, but I can't but help wonder if it might.

And for his family getting a bunch of money?

That shouldn't necessarily be presumed as a good thing. Just look at all the power ball winners that know (or knew; past tense for obvious reasons) from experience how badly a lot of money can be the worst thing to ever happen to a person.

It's awful a 4yo died.....hopefully they catch the POS who pulled the trigger.....unfortunately they won't be able to hang the fukcer or I'd hope for that outcome too.

I agree with your point MLDS....about the only way a 4yo catches a bullet like that is when the parents are associating with some real pieces of shit, are pieces of shit themselves.

Re: A Really Bad Coincidence

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2022 9:30 pm
by maplelakeduckslayer

Re: A Really Bad Coincidence

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2022 11:35 pm
by Fish Felon
^^^Holy shit.

Too much to unpack right now for a comment.

Re: A Really Bad Coincidence

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2022 10:11 pm
by Fish Felon
Body cam footage should save the MPD, but it probably won't......not in this state. Dude murdered someone in St. Paul, the police have a search warrant to arrest a suspected murderer, the suspected murderer gets up from a couch while pulling a gun on like nine cops in SWAT gear....

.....all the woke white liberals will be getting the njggers all worked up over it.

The kid was a fukcing murderer....pulled a guns on the cops that came to do their jobs since Surprise-Surprise.....that's pretty much the reason for why they exist.......

Dipshits in Minneapolis will be out angrily protesting.....just watch.

Re: A Really Bad Coincidence

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2022 1:25 am
by maplelakeduckslayer
Man i dunno didn't hear anything about this til I read this post. So did some poking around and watched the vids

I don't think we have all the details yet...but it looks pretty bad as of right now if the information they are giving us is true

It sounds like he wasn't a subject of the warrant and was a legal permit holder for the firearm with no criminal history.

They were serving a high risk warrant and have no idea who's coming out of the covers with a gun in their hand. So I get the being on edge and quick to react mindset by police.

I find it a little weird to be cuddled up to your handgun sleeping on the couch and grip it that fast...

But it appears the man was dead asleep and woken up in a daze trying to figure out what was going on with zero chance to comply with any commands

Just seems like real bad luck all around. I dunno how you can circumvent this type of outcome. You are serving a high risk warrant to a highly probable armed encounter an armed suspect.

I guess you get rid of the no'd given the guy a chance to respond and comply. Or he could have prepared himself to ambush the cops when they came through the door

It's just kinda f'd all around honestly

Re: A Really Bad Coincidence

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2022 8:18 am
by Quack
I think the whole point of the early morning no-nock is because they know the bad guys sleep with guns in their hands?

Does a “good guy” sleep on the couch at a murderers house with a gun in his hand?

Re: A Really Bad Coincidence

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2022 9:25 am
by h2ofwlr
Fish Felon wrote:Body cam footage should save the MPD, but it probably won't......not in this state. Dude murdered someone in St. Paul, the police have a search warrant to arrest a suspected murderer, the suspected murderer gets up from a couch while pulling a gun on like nine cops in SWAT gear....
.....all the woke white liberals will be getting the njggers all worked up over it.
The kid was a fukcing murderer....pulled a guns on the cops that came to do their jobs since Surprise-Surprise.....that's pretty much the reason for why they exist.......
Dipshits in Minneapolis will be out angrily protesting.....just watch.

Are you really that big of a dumbshitz? Seriously? The guy killed was not even the perp they were after, had a legal CC lic,, they surprised him in his sleep.

As for the the no-knock entries - this is why I am against them - the risk of non target people being executed.
The SWAT guy is going to be hung out to dry for murder - rightly so! If you look at the involvement of SWAT tactics from 30 yrs ago to now - it's simply staggering how often the no knock is used now compared to back then! :twisted:
So it begs to be asked - what changed?
Ex military hired as cops.
Police are trained far differently than military are. Police are trained control the threat. Military is trained to be aggressive and neutralize (kill) the threat. it's instinct to revert back to muscle memory of their military training.
And where did I get this from?
LEOs that are now retired that can actually speak with out fear of reprisals from fellow officers while on duty (not showing up to back them up when needed).
It's the dirty secret that the police ranks are full of ex military who have in place military tactics and policies against US citizens. :(
Frankly, by federal law, this is why in part the military are not to be used in the USA against citizens. But in a perverted way by their sheer numbers in the police forces across the US over the last 30 yrs, they are being used as just that when they incorporated military tactics and polices into the ranks of the LEOS.
And the result is dead innocent people via no knock(military tactic) entries.

Re: A Really Bad Coincidence

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2022 10:18 am
by Duck_E
No knock justified:

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