Mergie Marauder
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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Thu Feb 27, 2020 1:03 pm

Drunk_Dynasty wrote:Man there’s a lake around my hometown that was private but I snuck out there before it got turned into a county park, caught bigger bass than anywhere else in my whole life. I could catch 3 bass in one afternoon between 20-22” almost every time I went. I could on occasion catch pike in the high 20s as well.

The gate came off the access and I knew it was gonna be a wrap. First time I was out there since it was opened up, and some kids come by me with a 22” largemouth, beautiful fish. The kid asks if I have a scale, trying to decide if he should mount it or let it go. He’s got it out of the water and dropping it in the boat this whole time. Anyways, decided against mounting it and tries to release it but this thing is deader than 4 a.m. at that point and the thing just floats off, dead as sh1t.

I still catch a fair amount in 3-3.5# range, but that lake ain’t what it used to was, that’s for sure. I just knew all these folks who ain’t ever caught a 4 pound largemouth were gonna ruin it.

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I have access to some private lakes that I fish a few times a year. The size structure of all the fish species is amazing. Good mix of fish from large to small of all species. Makes you realize how much man has disrupted the health of the fish populations in our lakes.

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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Thu Feb 27, 2020 4:58 pm



This is ‘Merica. Land of the free, fish and game belong to everyone. Not the king. Not the exploitive AIS spreading guides. Not the elites with their fancy boats.

I’ve really chilled the F out from my days of thinking “drakes only” etc. There’s a lotta reasons participation is down but industry, bro’s, and social media selling the idea that you gotta go all in isn’t helping.

A guy can’t even go fishing, kill and eat some, without getting shit.

The thing that still gets me pissed is Tom F’n Nuestrom telling me we should have a 4 walleye limit even though there’s no science to support it and that we should voluntarily harvest selectively... even though he’s out there lake hopping and raping the resource 7 days a week.

Limit guides and tournaments to C&R only. On lakes that already have all the AIS.

Change the regs based on science, that’s fine.

APR is another example of forcing one person’s ethics on another. Talk about separation of church and state. Elitism and Trophy loving is nothing more than religion.

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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Thu Feb 27, 2020 5:04 pm

Can there just be less people?
"You can't eat ethical." - Ron Spomer

"There's a feeling I get, When I look to the west, And my spirit is crying for leaving" - LED ZEP

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Post a picture you took in the last week.

Thu Feb 27, 2020 9:27 pm

What’s APR?

Antler point restriction wow nvm I’m dumb

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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Fri Feb 28, 2020 4:20 am

Quack wrote:If a person chooses to spend less of their free time in the field or on the water does that mean that person shouldn’t care for the resource?

Nice pickle pile MLDS!

No it just means they don’t impact the resource as much as the avid angler, even if the avid releases a lot, and shouldn’t be preached to for eating fish they catch.

Fishing for eating is a natural course of nature. Many species do it.

Fishing for catch n release is perversion and ego stroking.[/quote]
I don't completely disagree with the blanket statement premise you lay out, but there's so many different variables....countless.....and for a maybe a handful of specific ones, at most, I vehemently disagree. Overall? I agree with you. The couple exceptions though where I don't? I disagree so strongly that it's hard for me to agree with you on the 98% plus of the rest I agree with you on.

The whole bassmasters created and perpetuated bullshit view of catch and release?

I couldn't agree more with you.

Bassmasters took a fish that was a staple in a lot of farm ponds that wound up on stringers of bluegills whether big or small to be brought home, cleaned, and eaten....and for profit and perverted sport deliberately changed the entire culture of fishing. Bassmasters created and then perpetuated the myth that bass aren't good table fare in order to create Fisheries full of bass, and then grew them into big bass.

It still sometimes cracks me up....and sometimes leaves me shaking my head....when guys talk about bass not being a fish you eat. Unless you're Hmong and also make fishhead soup with the heads from all the carp you catch. Yet these same guys will go all ga-ga over the thought of frying up a gallon ziploc full of sunnies filets.

They're the same damn fish. Little fish taste better and that's why they claim to prefer the sunfish...if they have actually eaten bass which a lot of them haven't I think.

Fry up a bag of 14" to 16" walleye filets and a bag of 22" or bigger walleye filets, put them on separate plates with some side dishes in-between them, and invite some peeps over for dinner and see which plate is empty first. The plate full of small fish will get smashed but you very well might have leftovers of big fish.

Bass are the same. Filet out some under 14" and give them a whirl. Breaded or battered and then fried.....they're as good as anything else.

But bassmasters perpetuated a bullshit myth in order to get guys to release all the bass they catch versus keeping them, and they did it so effectively.......

.....that forty years later I'm an oddball weird fukc for encouraging people to eat bass on the internet.

That's how effective they were....completely engrained into the fishing culture and industry the bassmasters concocted bullshit has been driven. To where eating a bass....a fukcing big sunfish.....makes you a fukcing weirdo.

All so a bunch of rich dorks could race around in glitter covered boats and "compete" in what has otherwise always been a leisurely pastime. When these phags saw guys with a stringer full of one to three pound bass...or the blood boiling sight of a four, five, or six pounder......they saw "their" fish being robbed from them. That five pounder a dude was bringing home for dinner? That could have been their "money" fish that would have put them over the top in a tournament. They envision making the perfect cast to where it is....and then watching it go "Marty McFly's family in his photo of them in Back to the Future." There's a point in time where that fish is going to be this important big fish for them, and some fisherman's family was unceremoniously devouring it before it could be that.

Don't believe me?

The why did the Holy grail of bass fishing, George Perry's world record, wind up that way? Bass tasted totally different back then? Or people just enjoyed eating muddy mush?

Or, a bunch of bassmasters dorks made people believe that?

So in that regard.....yes, catch and release fishing is somewhat gay. People should be able to catch and keep their fish and eat them if they want. It's inherently part of what makes it great.

For most species I don't think it matters that much....bass, walleyes, panfish, catfish, perch, most cases I don't think catch and release is that important, or matters at all in most cases, when fishing a large, healthy, and balanced fishery. be continued
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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Fri Feb 28, 2020 10:57 am

emptymag wrote:Can there just be less people?

I'm all for this.

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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Fri Feb 28, 2020 11:36 am

The end is near![img][/img]

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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Mon Mar 02, 2020 7:39 pm



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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Mon Mar 02, 2020 7:41 pm



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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Mon Mar 02, 2020 9:58 pm

Was just down there but not for fishing and I was deeply perturbed. Looks beautiful.

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