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Re: The debates

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 1:23 pm
by maplelakeduckslayer
I dunno but it seems if they are reopening this there is excessive pressure on them to reverse the finding of no wrong doing. Otherwise why do it? They don't expect us to believe that they magically found these additional emails while investigating an unrelated case like they claim, do they?

Re: The debates

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 2:42 pm
by deet
My pessimistic theory is that they are caving to the pressure and doing "further investigation" but ultimately they'll just confirm what they said last time and hope that this time it shuts everyone up.

Re: The debates

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 3:28 pm
by maplelakeduckslayer
I think they would take even more heat if they reopen it and again says theres no wrong doing. Right or wrong for the country I think they should have just left it alone.

Re: The debates

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 3:51 pm
by h2ofwlr
The FBI director should have lost his job months ago after meeting with Bill and then a few days later Hillary was not charged. It just does not pass the smell test at ALL. The year after year after year of the cover ups is simply ridiculous. It's corruption at it's worst.

Congress subpoenaed her emails and then she deleted them. That is Obstruction of Justice - plain and simple.

If she is assassinated, I won't shed a tear for her or Bill. The both of them have been a disgrace to America and always have been. Good riddance to them all.

Re: The debates

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 12:16 am
by h2ofwlr
Why I love live TV, the post game of the World Series tonight.

Re: The debates

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 12:19 am
by h2ofwlr
About an issue that just will not go away because it was indeed preventable.

Re: The debates

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 10:29 am
by h2ofwlr
I have to laugh, so the AG is all pissed off at the new email investigation. And yet she is taking the 5th on any questions about her involvement with Hillary and the coverup. WTF? What a conflict of interest!

Re: The debates

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 11:05 am
by lanyard
Wrong again, Al.

Re: The debates

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 11:52 am
by h2ofwlr
Am I?

And since when do we negotiate with terrorists which has a long standing policy of do not do it? Nobama and Hillary have been doing just that for years.
His and her foriegn policy has been a fiasco!

Do yourself a favor people -- vote for anybody except Hillbillary next Tuesday. ... -Iran.html

Loretta Lynch 'pleads the fifth to avoid answering questions' on $1.7bn payments to Iran

Sen Marco Rubio and Rep Mike Pompeo blasted Lynch in a letter Friday
Said Attorney General had refused to answer 'straightforward' questions
Fifth Amendment keeps people from being witnesses against themselves
The United States paid $1.7bn to Iran as settlement for failed arms deal

By Clemence Michallon For

Published: 12:45 EDT, 29 October 2016 | Updated: 11:35 EDT, 31 October 2016

Loretta Lynch is 'pleading the fifth' to dodge questions about $1.7 billion payments made by the United States to Iran, two members of Congress have claimed.

Senator Marco Rubio and Representative Mike Pompeo wrote a letter to Attorney General Lynch Friday, accusing her of refusing to answer 'straightforward questions' about the payments.

The Fifth Amendment keeps people from having to be witnesses against themselves in a criminal case. Commonly, 'pleading the fifth' means refusing to provide information that might incriminate oneself.

The United States gave $.17 billion to Iran in three different payments, the first of which, worth $400,000 was made in January.

Tehran agreed to release four American prisoners the same day, prompting Republicans to denounce the payment as ransom. Rubio has been one of the most vocal voices supporting that claim, which the White House has denied.

Rubio and Pompeo's letter, published by the Washington Free Beacon, a Conservative website, begins by slamming Lynch for failing to answer 'any' of their questions

'As the United States' chief law enforcement officer, it is outrageous that you would essentially plead the fifth and refuse to respond to inquiries,' Rubio and Pompeo wrote.

'The actions of your department come at time when Iran continues to hold Americans hostage and unjustly sentence them to prison.'
Rubio (left) and Pompeo wrote a letter to Attorney General Lynch Friday, accusing her of refusing to answer 'straightforward questions' about the payments

The United States' payment to Iran settled a decades-long failed arm deal dating back to before 1979.

Iran had ordered and paid $400,000 worth of fighter jets, but the United States froze the delivery when the Shah was overthrown in 1979.

The United States paid back these $400,000 plus $1.3 billion of interest.

Barack Obama announced the payments in January, when the Iran deal was struck.

'The United States and Iran are now settling a longstanding Iranian government claim against the United States government. Iran will be returned its own funds, including appropriate interest, but much less than the amount Iran sought,' he said.

Rubio in September became the main sponsor of a bill that would bar similar payments to Tehran until Iran pays the nearly $55.6 billion that US courts say Iran owes to American victims of Iranian terrorism.

Lynch has not replied publicly to Rubio and Pompeo's letter.

Re: The debates

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 12:18 pm
by lanyard
Yes Al. Amazingly, not even Fox News is covering this.

Rubio, et al called Lynch's answers indirect and evasive.... likening her non-answers to pleading the 5th.

Which is pretty standard fare for anyone testifying to Congress.

Pleading or Invoking the Fifth is an actual legal action, which Lynch has not done.

Doesn't mean she isn't a turd stain, but the reports are factually false.