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Fish Felon
Mergie Marauder
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Re: Felon

Tue Nov 13, 2018 4:49 pm

I'd say I'm a lot more sincere than I've come across as....and I get why through my own faults that is the case.

The whole thing with trying to get h2ofwlr into the hall of fame?

That was totally sincere. I still to this day think it's a farce to have a MN Waterfowl Hall of Fame and not have Alan Nikolai/h2ofwlr in it. Especially when considering how much more relevant duck forums were at the time....he was easily the most well known waterfowl hunter in the state, has a true passion for conservation, and a heart of gold.

I get why people look at how we've feuded and the utter lack of respect I've shown at times throughout the rivalry....but when it comes down to it, every rivalry is built off of respect for whomever your up against. Whether it was the great Celtics-Lakers rivalry, Vikings-Packers, Yankees-BoSox, every true great rivalry is built on having respect for the opposition despite wanting to beat them and even hating them at times. Why does no one in the division view the Lions as a true rival? Because they stuck and always get beat up on. You come to relish and respect the opponents that are capable of knocking you square on your ass. In an odd way you admire them, kind of have fellowship/brotherhood with. I've been a pretty big dick at times but you better believe if I was out on Swan and saw h2ofwlr treading water after his non-alumacrap boat took on a big better damn well believe I'd be right there to help him out and make sure he's OK. My online "feud" shit ends online---I'd never turn a blind eye to anyone in the real world when it came down to the basic premise of one human helping out another human.

Look, I have no friends, very little family left that is willing to put up with me....don't really mind having that be the case...... this is really my only sounding board to get out a lot of shit that I'm sure many of you find bizarre, sad, and probably pretty alarming at times.

When you're struggling to deal with life and make sense of what has happened to you......well, I guess I find it comforting to have an audience....even it it's a single person....that when I mention what happened is there to go, "Wow, that's really fukced up."

Without having that---you lose a sense of that being the case---and I personally, have a really hard time grounding myself in reality.

When everything is really fukced up too often people become lost because what is really messed up becomes normal.

More than anything, I appreciate the reaction after I get something out because it helps me go, "Okay...that's what I life really is that messed's not just me losing a grip.....this really is that bad which means there's the chance that things can swing back out of where I'm at to being really good again.....what I'm experiencing isn't normal and can change for the better.....Whew!"

This is my therapy. This is what let's me get out what I need to get other dude's just like me, and it's totally anonymous.

There's a reason why it's called 'Alcoholics Anonymous.' The whole idea is that it's supposed to be a safe place for people to share the fukced up side of them without fear of being labeled with the stigma that goes with it.

That's why I'm here.

It's not totally selfish....I do enjoy the interaction and reading what others have to share as well. In a lot of ways I really like all of you.
Hate Speech is Free Speech

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Fish Felon
Mergie Marauder
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Re: Felon

Tue Nov 13, 2018 4:59 pm

deet wrote:Wow. MWF is still a place, but it is 100% spam posts.

BUT I did manage to find this:

[Nick M]
"This is a small, local website where I have had very little to no gripes about how it has been run...until tonight.

I will say this,

It is a very public site where the owners and operators are very much in the open. There's no screen to hide behind. I know who you all are. I know where I could easily find you (very different than threatening you at your own home, which I would never ever do).

I've had no reason to have any ill-will towards anyone here. Until now.

Don't mess with me. I'm not normal. I'm not afraid to eff you up at game fair or any other happy venue you choose to frequent. Don't make me do that by going on a power trip and deleting my dribble because you're a loser and can't understand sarcasm.

Take care and have a nice night."

I'd say that was a very fair and honest assertion.

People hate censorship.

I'm not sure what the context was, but there's several that come to mind that could've applied.

Ultimately the message was don't disregard what I have to say because it's outside the confines of what your beliefs are....just because I say something you might not agree with doesn't mean by allowing me to say it means you condone it.

It's like legalizing prostitution or drugs---it doesn't mean you're advocating or supporting either, but a lot of religious people view it as if they if by "allowing" prostitution to be legal is the same as them frequenting a hooker in the eyes of the Lord/God.

Matt Keller was, and I'm assuming still is, a very religious person and had a hard time finding the line where he was comfortable with what I had to say and feeling like he was condoning my actions or thoughts.

I'm blindly guessing that was the intention of that post.

Again, very sincere, very honest, whether or not you or anyone else agrees with how I carried myself, you can't argue what I stated was sincere and it certainly wasn't an empty threat.

Luckily cooler heads ultimately prevailed on both sides and we met in the middle and found a way to coexist, and I'm appreciative to Keller for being able to respect my beliefs as different as they were, as much as I respected his, as different as they were.....
Hate Speech is Free Speech

Mergie Marauder
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Re: Felon

Tue Nov 13, 2018 6:01 pm

You belong in a Dostoevsky novel.

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Re: Felon

Tue Nov 13, 2018 7:32 pm

Want to make nice to me? :mrgreen:

Leave me $1M in your will when you cash in next year. It's only 5% chump change to you, but it'd turn my life upside down :!:

:arrow: And perhaps leave the MWA $5M so they could do a ton of earth work via the LS Heritage grants to pay the admin expenses for a couple of FT employees to administer the work for the next 20 yrs. That $5M would benefit to the tune of $80M in projects (it costs 4-7% to admin the projects - and no the LS heritage grants do not allow for admin expenses.).

$ talks.

BS walks.

So if you collect that big payday and off yourself like you said, we'll all know which you were. :D
God, help me be the man that my dog thinks that I am.

Mergie Marauder
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Re: Felon

Tue Nov 13, 2018 9:01 pm

Studying the financial markets probably gets about 80% of my disposable time these days, love it

Mergie Marauder
Posts: 266
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Re: Felon

Wed Nov 14, 2018 3:26 pm

So who here has figured out the FF character?

Part of me is worried he's > 50% genuine and we have a severely depressed person contemplating suicide on our hands.

In that case:

Dear Felon:

Don't do it. Without knowing anything about you I can say for sure you shouldn't do it. As I'm sure you do, I've had good friends blow their heads off. No one was better off for it, even though they were convinced that would be the case.

If nothing else, your posts here are unrivaled with respect to entertainment value (always), insight (often), grammar (sometimes), and passion (usually).

No offense to Stute, Bullet, Lanyard, or Fowler.

Concerned Internet Friend

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Fish Felon
Mergie Marauder
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Re: Felon

Wed Nov 14, 2018 6:39 pm

deet wrote:So who here has figured out the FF character?

Part of me is worried he's > 50% genuine and we have a severely depressed person contemplating suicide on our hands.

In that case:

Dear Felon:

Don't do it. Without knowing anything about you I can say for sure you shouldn't do it. As I'm sure you do, I've had good friends blow their heads off. No one was better off for it, even though they were convinced that would be the case.

If nothing else, your posts here are unrivaled with respect to entertainment value (always), insight (often), grammar (sometimes), and passion (usually).
No offense to Stute, Bullet, Lanyard, or Fowler.

Concerned Internet Friend

Honestly? That means a lot.

And again....I'm being one-hundred percent sincere.

Imagine a six foot one guy standing over a counter in a basement struggling to make this post while his eyes are filled with tears...

....this is literally the second time I wrote this because the snot/tears that dripped off my nose hit my phone and erased most of what I had to say.

The only thing I anticipate with anymore excitement is death. I hate myself and I write this crying while laying in a bed in the basement of my parents's house because they're the only people that have enough compassion for me anymore to not kick me to the curb.

I hate my life and I want to die.

I have nothing else.

When you reach the top of Everest, put both of your middle fingers up, open your fly and piss down on all of the world....

....there's nothing left but salty, salty tears. All I do is cry and wish I were dead.

I have to finish this before I can allow myself the eternal slumber I so want.....

.....but I will finish this before I kill myself
Hate Speech is Free Speech

Mergie Marauder
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Re: Felon

Wed Nov 14, 2018 6:56 pm

I’m on the side of staying with us Felon. You are my favorite poster here and you are basically the lifeblood here. Every time you re-emerge from an absence, I celebrate and typically comment so, although I thought it might be getting creepy so I’ve tried not to be too much of a super fan.

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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Felon

Wed Nov 14, 2018 7:12 pm

Felon, I hope that you stay around as well. Your posts are entertaining. In either scenario, would you give me the source of the shrooms that you consume? I want the same creative writing ability.
" God is great, beer is good, and people are just frickin crazy!."

Mergie Marauder
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Location: Up in yo guts

Re: Felon

Wed Nov 14, 2018 8:17 pm

Shit man if you only knew me you'd be feeling pretty good about yourself.

sent from deez nutz lay'n on yo chin
Hate hate hate hate hate hate

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