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Re: Winter?

Posted: Wed May 01, 2024 9:06 pm
by maplelakeduckslayer
Alaska don't have ticks?

Re: Winter?

Posted: Thu May 02, 2024 12:48 pm
by kwackkillncrew
after some googling there apparently are some, yet I have never found one or have ever herd of anyone having ticks on them up here. with all the hunting , hike in fishing and land surveying i spend a pile of time in the woods and have never found one on my self or dogs. I dont look for them on me but if there was one i am sure i would notice it after a few days. To busy looking out for big brown critters

Re: Winter?

Posted: Fri May 03, 2024 6:04 am
by Quack
Deer ticks are awful. I had Lyme right before Easter… by far the worst I’ve ever felt. Two weeks on doxycycline hopefully took care of it. My dog ran for a couple hours yesterday and was covered in them- I’ve never seen so many on a dog.

I was mostly on the atv yesterday but I did a bunch of trail clearing so I definitely could have picked up a few. I’m pretty careful about checking at the end of the day and I have several pairs of pants treated with permethrin.

I also tend to wear knee high socks and spray sown the socks and boots with deet or picaridin

Re: Winter?

Posted: Sat May 04, 2024 10:57 pm
by maplelakeduckslayer
Dang hopefully you're all good

Re: Winter?

Posted: Fri May 10, 2024 6:26 am
by Fish Felon
No ticks this

Re: Winter?

Posted: Fri May 10, 2024 6:28 am
by Fish Felon
Burn the woods....gets rid of ticks

Re: Winter?

Posted: Sun May 12, 2024 6:27 am
by Quack
Totally agree. Wish there was a lot more fire out there

Re: Winter?

Posted: Mon May 20, 2024 12:14 pm
by Fish Felon
My parents, sisters, brother-in-laws, and their contingent of little kids, plus my youngest sister's dog.....went up and hiked the trail to check out the deer hunting property on Mother's Day....

....not a single tick found on anyone after a few hours in the woods.

One of my brother-in-laws had a trail cam he wanted to check on the way back their kids drove with my folks back to the cabin so he and my sister could go check it....about an hour in the woods he said....easily had a hundred, maybe a buck twenty of ticks on them.

Worst year for ticks in history and yet none on the property I torched. It's countless little dividends like that which I didn't even think about that are starting to add took a lot of time and work to fully burn 70 acres or so....and avoid the authorities, made the incident report a couple times, but it's already well worth it.

There's plenty of trail cam pics showing deer with a ton of ticks on them. It might be a minor stressor, but it's definitely a stressor I'm sure they're looking to avoid.

Burn your needs it. Whenever there's a red flag warning light that shit's the only time it'll actually burn.

I'm convinced that the hotbed for Lyme's that it is due to none of the forest region seeing fire for a hundred years now. The woods need fire to be natural.

Re: Winter?

Posted: Mon May 20, 2024 8:37 pm
by Nershi
You should be a forester. One of my fishing buddies worked in forestry for the dnr. He got hired by a massive elk ranch out west to do their forestry work on their land and a lot of what he does is controlled burns. Set the world on fire bro!

I had some serious pyromania as a kid but always drew the line at setting the forest afire. It was probably for the best.

Re: Winter?

Posted: Wed May 22, 2024 3:10 am
by Fish Felon
I would be down but isn't it one of those jobs you need a degree for?

There's so many jobs where school is counterproductive to doing it well. Academia is full of liberal climate change forestry ideals that are misguided and wrong.

Forestry out West would be really easy....their forests are a lot more homogeneous and burn so easy. MN forests are a true manage and to burn. This spring was such a great opportunity with the lack of snow and winter....maybe a once in a lifetime opportunity to burn 'em.

I just wished I burned more....


