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Mergie Marauder
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Post a picture you took in the last week.

Wed Aug 10, 2022 1:06 pm

Yah know it’s not sport fishing that ruins lakes, it’s the damn sport netters!

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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Sat Aug 13, 2022 1:47 pm

Nershi wrote:Put a public access in your little lake, post some social media posts pimping it and that bitch would be fished out in a month in the winter. It'd probably bounce back eventually. If it bounces back, does that mean the fishery wasn't hurt by sport fishing?

It gets a lot more pressure than you're assuming.....99% of it in winter. It's on/part of a snowmobile trail. There's routinely a dozen portables on it hammering them every weekend. Like I said, I've seen and talked to dudes leaving the lake with contractor bags full of crappies. I don't care.

Lakes need fish taken out of them to bring more fish up in them. Fish are like any natural resource....there isn't an infinite carrying capacity of their habitat to expand the population.....there can only be a finite amount of anything in where it lives.

You can't fish a lake out. It's impossible. Once you remove enough fish the bite slows to where guys will stop fishing it.

You guys look at natural resources the wrong way......

You view there being a finite amount of fish in a lake as a reason to conserve them.

The way I look at them, the way other states manage their natural resources the right way, is that since there'll only ever be a finite amount......

.....harvest the hell out of them. It's not like by "saving them" it will allow you to stockpile more than what can be there.

Clear cut forests, burn the prairies, and keep every fish you can or want......

.....this shit will all regenerate and come back. If you don't remove what you can? There's less room for the next generation to come up in.
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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Sun Aug 14, 2022 10:50 am

Yep it can’t get fished out. It can get fished down to about 5% of the population and not worth fishing anymore.

The lakes I have been fishing this summer must have froze out last winter. Or I just suck.

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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Sun Aug 14, 2022 10:52 am


Mergie Marauder
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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Sun Aug 14, 2022 8:10 pm


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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Mon Aug 15, 2022 1:05 pm

Nershi wrote:Yep it can’t get fished out. It can get fished down to about 5% of the population and not worth fishing anymore.

You're on crack dude.

It'd be almost impossible to go under 50%..... an "over-fished" lake? Maybe a 5% to 15% hit.....and that's being generous as to what the absolute max would be.

Mille Lacs in 2012....during what was the largest sportfish die-off in MN history.....I was there for it.....August of 2012 during what was literally the highest recorded lake temp, during the first, last, and only simultaneous zebe & spiny water flea explosion in not only MN history, but North American.....most likely global was 'Apocalypse Now' on water.....that coincided with an insane bite, the largest over-harvest Ever......

Facts are facts.....they don't GAF about your opinions, emotions, feelings.....

The biggest dumpster fire of an abortion of mismanagement and the perfect shit storm all happening at once.....

Resulted in the walleye population dropping 50%

So yeah.....keep thinking that people dangling a few hooks off of strings are able to pull 95% of fish out of a lake.

In all the time I've spent floating around with a camera on the little lake I'm on do you know what I've realized more than anything?

How vast the expanse of lake bottom there is....even on a little lake. It's hard as hell to find 4'×8'×4' cribs even with GPS sunk right in front of the place.....yet a hooks on strings are going to somehow saturate a lake to where 95% of the fish population gets removed. Sink a beer can in 30' of water and then try to find a week later with a'll give you perspective on how impossible it'd be to saturate a lake with enough hooks to mess up a fish population.

Nershi wrote:The lakes I have been fishing this summer must have froze out last winter. Or I just suck.

It's not you....2022 sucks. The late ice, late spring, high waters, too much cold rain has made this year suck for fishing. Everything has been off from the get-go.

Kind of lends itself to my point that sportfishing....especially in a year like this year.....doesn't need to be regulated.

The biggest "conservation" tool is screens.....society sits inside looking at screens. People don't fish besides to put pics on social media one keeps shit these days besides Hmongs and Hispanics.....God Bless 'Em!
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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Tue Aug 16, 2022 9:38 am

You should get out more. There are more lakes than Mille lacs and your little private lake. Lakes can and do get fished out often. Particularly panfish lakes. A lake can only withstand so much pressure. It doesn’t take long for a little basin lake to get destroyed by sport fishing.

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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Tue Aug 16, 2022 11:07 pm

You said they can get down to is it 95% lost in a year, or just one winter?

Got anything based in reality to back it up?

Of course not.

Here's the limit I caught today in SE MN.....oh boy, who would've thought.....I fished somewhere besides Mille Lacs and the little lake I'm on. Yeah, stocked rainbows mainly but they still count since they weren't on Mille Lacs or the pond.

Go ahead and be a dick if you want in response to me calling you on your bullshit. If you want to draw a map of everywhere we've fished this summer....I'll bet whatever you want on me fishing more bodies of water across a larger swath of the upper Midwest than you.

So your take about 5%......


Dudes dangling hooks off strings pulling out 19 of 20 fish from any body of water......

Again, you're on crack if you actually believe that's not only something that has happened....but happens routinely.

Theoretically, I guess it's not impossible.....but it might as well be since there's like a 0.00000000001% probability of it ever happening.

I'd ask you to list some examples of where these 95% sportfishing harvest takes have occurred but we might as well just skip the formalities and not waste each other's time since you and I both know there aren't any.
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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Wed Aug 17, 2022 7:46 am

Is it 5, 10, 20%? Who knows and I don't care to take the time to look up netting figures to find you examples. Point being is you said sport fishing cannot effect fish populations and lakes don't get fished out and it absolutely can and does on a regular basis. I have seen the before and after, particularly on panfish, several times. Word gets out, the hordes show up and a lake gets ruined. Fish are prevalent to start and a couple months later you can't hardly mark one even using livescope. I've even seen it on lakes that are tough to get to. We found a lake kicking out 14-16 inch crappies. You had to bush whack your way in to it. Somehow word got out and people started flying planes in to it. All the fish were concentrated in the deep hole. I came out later that year and marked one fish. It was toast.

Ever notice how the guys who film always tell the lake they are on when it is a big lake that everyone knows about like Red, Mille Lacs, LOTW etc but if they are fishing a small lake they never name drop and will even go out of their way to edit out shots that could reveal the lake? Ever wonder why that is? It's because they are smart enough to know they would likely ruin the fishery if they told the world about it. They have fished enough to know it would be foolish to give up the little gems because they would be decimated. You see it on social media too. It is much harder to internet scout for lakes names than it was 10-15 years ago. People got burned and wised up.

I didn't mean to come off as a dick but I could see how it could be taken that way. I just think it is incredibly naïve to say sport fishing cannot lead to a lake getting fished out or have the population decimated until, if or when it comes back. Especially when you are using a lake with no public access or Mille Lacs as your examples.

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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Wed Aug 17, 2022 9:07 am

I am with nershi on this one

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