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Re: Ideas

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 10:44 am
by sd_man
If you save lives, why did you need 3 ems vehicles? Seems excessive. I saw Doogie Howser clear an airway with a pen and a letter opener once.

You seem to break the law a lot.

Re: Ideas

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 11:15 am
by emptymag
How about you each mind your own damn business.....

Re: Ideas

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 12:22 pm
by get-n-birdy
Take away the emotion.

Are you legally allowed to park more than one camper on your lot?

Re: Ideas

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 12:26 pm
by randywatson
i am if my neighbors are ok with it. i had told them i would be having people up these weekends if they were ok with it, which they were apparently up until this past weekend. Im not ticked about the camper thing anymore. Im mostly mad about how his disreguard for what happened that night. he knows the story his wife saw the story on facebook she even "liked" it and yet not even an apology for his email he sent etc. I sen him an email last night saying sorry from my son for waking him at 0645 in the am. and the little girl apologizes as well for waking him at 1145pm.

Re: Ideas

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 12:37 pm
by gimpfinger
Don't worry Randy, half the guys on here are just like your neighbor...grumpy crusty old coots.

your mom...

Re: Ideas

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 2:05 pm
by lanyard
MMmmmm, crusty coots....

Re: Ideas

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 3:30 pm
by Bullet21XD
While you're angry at the neighbor, because he doesn't give a F about you or anyone you entertain...he's angry because you completely disregard a set of rules put in place for a reason.

No matter how you spin're still wrong, gayrandy. Don't be mad cuz the guy don't like seeing a bunch of male nurses running around playing grab-ass with each other.

Never having met you...I personally think you're a ******. I'm an excellent judge of character. Plus, most of the time you post, you're whining about how others are causing you problems.

Maybe you are the problem?

Saving lives! :lol:

Re: Ideas

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 3:41 pm
by Quack
OP sounds like another nurse with a god complex. As if doctors like that aren't nauseating enough.

Re: Ideas

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 5:51 pm
by dwendt
I love free entertainment ^^^ :)

Re: Ideas

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 6:02 pm
by Fish Felon
randywatson wrote:[Really you still think he had no clue about the medical emergency, the guys bedroom window is 175 ft from where the incident happened. I already told you he turned his outside lights on to see what was going on.

Hmmm, let's see here.....a 70 year old neighbor is woken up from being dead asleep just before midnight and looks out his window to see emergency vehicle lights flashing through a dark wooded lot.....

......He probably thought you or one of your trailer trash friends got called in for a drunken disorderly or domestic assault and they were cops you friggin' dillweed! I'm sure most here would have thought they were the police too. Again, try to put yourself in his shoes you self-centered prick.
randywatson wrote: I sen him an email last night saying sorry from my son for waking him at 0645 in the am. and the little girl apologizes as well for waking him at 1145pm.

God, you are a douche. I honestly can't believe you're that high strung and that big of a dick to send that to your poor old neighbor who probably had every right to think they were cops based off of your past behavior.
randywatson wrote:But now he signs his emails GOB so it must be fitting.

Or maybe the guy has a little bit of a sense of humor, is jokingly being self-deprecating, and isn't a high-strung POS like you.
randywatson wrote:I save lives

You sound just like every other JBT-LEO with a god complex...only worse. I'd tell you to get over yourself but if you haven't figured it out yet at 32 it ain't ever happening.

Here's a tip nurse boy, write yourself a prescription for some Xanax and calm the 'eff down for a change.