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Re: Election

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2020 2:02 pm
by 9manfan
Nershi wrote:
cstemig wrote:
Nershi wrote:

If they find and prove voter fraud the guilty should be tried for treason and hung for it. Nothing worse for a democracy than tampering with elections.

And what is it called when President Trump calls for the premature end of counting ballots? The leader of our democracy trying to change constitutional rights! He should be charged with treason just like anyone else trying to interfere with an election process.

He wanted to stop it until there could be observers to make sure it was legit. He didn’t want to stop counting for good. I don’t follow his twitter so correct me if I am wrong but that was my understanding.

You are correct from what I read, again the liberal media made it sound like he wanted all vote counting to stop , which wasn't the case, just cease until observers were present........................I just wonder now that if Trump loses, will they put up all the statues and monuments the libtards tore down..........


Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2020 2:02 pm
by Drunk_Dynasty
I think the consequence of what he said (intended or otherwise) was construed as to stop counting legal votes.

His followers believed it to be illegal vote counting and showed up as a mob at some polling locations.

One rule in life, never be a part of a mob.

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Re: Election

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2020 2:26 pm
by cstemig
If Trump and his loyal supporters were so concerned about having observers present at the ballot counting, why didn ‘t he/they request it before the election started? Why didn’t his supporters show up at the elections offices and request to observe the process when it started ?Instead, he saw that he may be losing and started to whine about it, causing chaos and suspicion.
The process seemed to be working before this election, so what changed so much?

If the process is flawed, let it play out to the end to see where it needs to be fixed and change it

If Trump was winning, would he have been so concerned about it? I doubt it.

Re: Election

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2020 2:42 pm
by Fish Felon
cstemig wrote:I’m not sure how far all the challenges & law suits will go without some solid evidence or validation of corruption. The system has worked well before, so why the chaos now?

Some states had more ballots received prior to election day than their total vote count from last election.

This system hasn't worked well before since this has never been done before. This is the new bullshit system the dems used a fake pandemic to justify in order to rig it. Why else would dark blue counties, the places with the most volunteers and resources, be the only ones who couldn't get their votes in? Why is that?

All the rural dark red counties with like three eighty year old ladies volunteering who are counting more ballots per person than any of these blue counties....with less resources and votes spread out across a much larger geographic area having to be is it every one of those counties had no problem getting their votes in on election night?

It's almost like those blue counties wanted to wait until the results were in to see how many votes they needed to win?

Weird how this only happened in the closest swing states?

All the other states got theirs counted election night. In all the states that swung one way or the other pretty much uncontested didn't have a pile of votes not returned election night. Trump is up 8 to 13 points at 1am election night and somehow Biden comes out ahead after a closed door counting process with no conservatives allowed in to observe.

Yeah, nothing to raise suspicions there.

This shit is a fukcing joke! Any motherfukcer who can't go to a polling place with a current government issued ID shouldn't get to vote. Allow for a limited amount of early voting at courthouses where you need a valid reason for why you're unable to vote on election day along with a photo ID.

Every njigger has no problem buying booze and smokes where guess what? They require a government issued photo ID.

Anyone who has a problem with that is a fukcing dipshit lunatic liberal. Oh, but that's a voter suppression tactic by the conservatives, right?

No! It's common sense and prevents all this bullshit.

Elections are important. Employers are required by law to give you PAID time during the work day to vote. If you don't want to do it then don't....but don't think this shit is supposed to work just like how a little kid gets a decoder ring from off the side of a cracker jack box is a good standard to have. I received like eight mail-in ballots in the mail I never asked for. Don't tell me people aren't filling out and sending in every ballot they got.

I hope Trump does whatever it takes to stay on the White House. If there isn't a loophole to exploit then make one up. This shit show is 100% the fault of the dems. Mail in voting is the dumbest fukcing idea ever. I don't care what lengths have to be gone, but this style of voting has to be done. I really hope the reality is Trump actually did lose yet he's somehow able to keep office only as a result of being able to legally cancel out votes and disenfranchise every last moron who felt mailing in a ballot seemed like a great idea......

.....Look at the mess those fukcing retards made out of a simple election!

Trump needs to end this abortion once and for all.

Re: Election

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2020 3:28 pm
by cstemig
Hmm, Trump appoints a new Postmaster General (Trump loyalist). Federal Judge orders Postmaster General to sweep all postal facilities for lost/missing/delayed/stacked mail in ballots. Several thousand ballots were found in postal facilities that were “previously swept” Hmm!

Absentee/Mail in ballots are a necessary evil. (Think military service members, those confined to a hospital bed, those in nursing homes, etc. Covid sure had a big part of it ) It has been around for decades; nothing new.

There is a larger voter participation this year than previous years, going back almost 100-years. Yes, this is an odd looking election for several reasons. So, let it play out, do a recount where needed, and look for improvements. Some bullying, narcissist doesn’t get to make the rules.

Re: Election

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2020 3:44 pm
by kwackkillncrew
maybe places are receiving more votes then last year because people are sick of a twitter typin president.

Re: Election

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2020 3:49 pm
by 9manfan
So we elect a man who has been in politic's for 48 years and done NOTHING............Sheer Genius Lloyd......Sheer Genius.........Oh Wait knee pads Kamala will lead us into the future......Good Luck.......

Re: Election

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2020 4:21 pm
by Nershi
Here is an example of some of the stuff I was looking at earlier. ... 0765661575

Lots of different videos of this if you look online. Also lots of reports of observers not being able to watch the counting process. If nothing shady is going on why not let people observe the process? Many of these reports are coming from registered democrats who have concern for our democracy so this isn’t just a trump fan thing.

Lots of fishy looking stuff when you start looking at some of the raw data as well.

I’m not sayin trump won but I do question some of the stuff I am seeing in this election. None of my suspicion has anything to do with trumps twitter rants.

Re: Election

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2020 4:28 pm
by Drunk_Dynasty
9manfan wrote:So we elect a man who has been in politic's for 48 years and done NOTHING............Sheer Genius Lloyd......Sheer Genius.........Oh Wait knee pads Kamala will lead us into the future......Good Luck.......

And Trump STILL couldn’t win. Deeply embarrassing loss. The level of clout his children will lose because of this will be devastating. America hates a loser.

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Re: Election

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2020 4:51 pm
by 9manfan
Drunk_Dynasty wrote:
9manfan wrote:So we elect a man who has been in politic's for 48 years and done NOTHING............Sheer Genius Lloyd......Sheer Genius.........Oh Wait knee pads Kamala will lead us into the future......Good Luck.......

And Trump STILL couldn’t win. Deeply embarrassing loss. The level of clout his children will lose because of this will be devastating. America hates a loser.

How do you figure that......Biden was supposed to Kill Trump according to the polls..............only loser here is Biden and the idiots that voted for him............................

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