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Re: Omicron

Mon Dec 27, 2021 1:55 pm

I feel like for the most part the fog has lifted. Christmas Day was pretty crappy, didn't really leave bed. Feel like I'm just recovering from a bad cold at this point. I did notice how it effected my mood. I'm very rarely a moody, crabby, or cranky person, but I really just wanted to be alone and not talk to anyone. My gf was drinking and when she drinks she just wants to talk talk talk, regardless of what we are watching on TV. I was at my fu(king wits ends trying to watch TV with her last night.

However, my heart seems to feel funny sometimes and feels like its skipping a beat every now and then, and my joints have gotten stiff as hell. My right knee has been bad lately, so I was hoping time away from training would be good for it, but somehow its only gotten worse.

They say people who get covid and also have the vaccine get the super immunity so I guess that's rad.

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Re: Omicron

Mon Dec 27, 2021 2:28 pm

Bailey wrote:NEW - Biden, today: "There is no federal solution" to Covid.

Biden, 2020: "I’m going to shut down the virus."

Classic! :lol:
Almost as good as the other day when he said lets go Brandon! Can you say dementia?
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Re: Omicron

Mon Dec 27, 2021 3:02 pm

My unvaccinated fiancé is upset with me for not getting the booster sooner. Unreal lol.

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Re: Omicron

Tue Dec 28, 2021 11:40 am

Drunk_Dynasty wrote:My unvaccinated fiancé is upset with me for not getting the booster sooner. Unreal lol.

Yeah, that would've worked......but then what would the excuse be? The covidiots need to have a reason why none of this bullshit works. I guess they could always go with the old,

"Shoulda been wearing a mask....that would've stopped it."

I love hearing all the liberals on the news still going,

"The vaccine works. Masks work."

Uh, then why the fukc are we riding up a curve as bad or worse as the one a year ago? The one that masks, social distancing, contact tracing, and working from home didn't stop? That the vaccine that almost everyone now has was supposed to stop?

It's weird.....the deaths are still compromised of like 95% to 98% people who are 65+ in MN yet people 65+ are 95% vaccinated with boosters. Somehow the same amount of deaths are happening as a year ago when these people weren't vaccinated, but according to the liberals that's who's dying now.....a group of people in this state that's 95% vaccinated with boosters......

.....this shit works just fukcing awesome. Great stuff. A real game changer like they all said it would be....and continue to say it.
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Re: Omicron

Tue Dec 28, 2021 1:13 pm

see the thing is if everyone worked from home and never left their house it probably would have made a big difference.....but we know that is not possible.

maybe the vaccine doesnt really help people if they are old, out of shape and have health issues already. I cant really see how they could push that a vaccine is going to save older people when there are much bigger issues they are being old or the number of other choices in life they made. If some one already has underlying health conditions it probably doesnt take much to push them over the edge. If a healthy 30 year old gets the vaccine i would think that they will still get symptoms but probably not as bad and their body will be able to fight it off easier and those symptoms they get probably wouldnt push them over the edge since they are healthy.

If people were obese slobs and lived some what of a clean life it probably wouldnt be as big of an issue. Even FFs theory that his drug of choice would stop covid in its tracks was found to be untrue so what and who can we believe now!
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Re: Omicron

Tue Dec 28, 2021 3:27 pm

kwackkillncrew wrote:Even FFs theory that his drug of choice would stop covid in its tracks was found to be untrue so what and who can we believe now!

How was it found to be untrue?

Speed stops virus replication in it's tracks.

As far as everyone working from's the deal......

The people killed in this pandemic were going to die. There was nothing anyone could do to stop it. Trying to stop it was pointless. When people's number gets called their time is up.

The extreme elderly are already isolated, especially all the ones living in nursing homes. That group of people, the people killed by this pandemic, weren't a part of society to begin with....not like you, me, and the rest of us who don't shit our pants and can remember what day of the week it is that round out the rest of the functional society. The extreme elderly weren't going to a ball game, getting a greasy burger and beer at a bar, or holding their basket in line behind you at Walmart.

No......they were where they are now......laying in a bed shitting their pants, eyes glazed over and staring at the ceiling while drool covers their chin.

The most vulnerable have been isolated throughout all this just like they were isolated before this......

......and it didn't do a fukcing thing. That's why they make up 99% of the death count.

If isolating and not going anywhere did anything then most of the old folks who are now deceased from covid would still be here.

I've said it since day one as to what should've been done:

Absolutely Nothing.

Everything should've gone on per usual. Stuff like canceling in-person school and switching to online learning was the exact opposite of what should've been done

[I'll finish later]
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Re: Omicron

Tue Dec 28, 2021 4:28 pm


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Re: Omicron

Tue Dec 28, 2021 5:53 pm

werent you wrecked for a week or so with a high temp and felt supper crappy? You said you were pretty sure it was covid but not sure cause you werent tested
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Re: Omicron

Tue Dec 28, 2021 7:33 pm

kwackkillncrew wrote:werent you wrecked for a week or so with a high temp and felt supper crappy? You said you were pretty sure it was covid but not sure cause you werent tested

I got my ass kicked by Delta, but only after I got clean. I quit drinking a month before and quit doing speed like six weeks to two months before......not sure exactly since I was drinking a lot. I feel confident that if I hadn't quit I either wouldn't have caught it and if I did....definitely wouldn't have gotten as sick as I did if I was still on speed. After quitting my immune system was really hadn't fought off a virus without drastically being aided by speed in a long time.
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Re: Omicron

Tue Dec 28, 2021 8:29 pm

Drunk_Dynasty wrote:

If those figures were even remotely close to being accurate then we wouldn't be where were at........which is progress made towards ending this pandemic. The curve we're in now is for all practical purposes the same as the first big curve from thirteen months ago back when no one was vaccinated....with a hospitalizations and deaths curves mirroring the case numbers curve also the same.

Think about is that possible with the amount of people that are currently vaccinated?

There's only one way that could be the case:

The vaccine doesn't work like they're advertising it does.

Anyone who says, "I believe in science," or "trust" science, "have faith in science," or anything else along those lines is a fukcing moron.

Science is only as good as the people producing it. People are inherently biased and often motivated by things like greed and power. The notion that it's a good idea to blindly put faith in science because it's science.....without questioning if it's good science that is objective, challenges itself, and ethically uses scientific method in the right a really dumb notion since most science is bad to pure and utter dogshit.

I'd argue that the science produced by the tobacco companies up until the 1960's where the findings illustrated and supported how smoking wasn't harmful and in many cases beneficial to health was a hell of a lot better science than the vast majority of the shit in regards to anything covid related. Make no mistake, the people producing the tobacco science were real scientists.....dudes that had stacks of degrees from accredited blue blood institutions.....that were funded very well....peer reviewed.....and showed up to top notch research facilities in nicely starched white lab coats......and were much better at what they did than the amateurs trying to pedal what's nothing more than a biased political agenda pushed under the guise of being [good] science. It's still technically science, but shit science doesn't hold any value........besides to the people who wanted it to say what it ultimately ended up saying.

It wasn't that long ago that the most cutting edge and highly regarded medical science around had doctors covering their patients with leeches and drilling holes in their fukcing heads.

Guess what?

All those motherfukcers believed in science too. All those motherfukcers believed they were Renaissance men on the cusp of the world figuring out methods of Healthcare treatment that were going to be around forever.......the science clearly showed them more than enough to believe they'd figured it all out....without a doubt....undeniably the case.

To think that there isn't only a chance but a very good chance....maybe even the most likely chance......that in a couple hundred years from now all those future arrogant dipshit scientist fukcs aren't going to be looking back at the era we're in right now and laughing their asses off at how fukcing retarded we a very cock sure way of thinking.

If any of these current fukcs who have a title that lends itself to proclaiming they're experts......were actual experts.......

We wouldn't be where we're at.....which nowhere. Same spikes in case numbers, hospitalizations, and deaths.....same fear of our healthcare system not being able to handle the volume of care by our society.......and preaching about how we need to do the same shit they were preaching about on day one that after two years is pretty fukcing hard to argue works when it clearly hasn't done where countries are locked down, sporting and concert events are being cancelled.....funny how the "show up with a vaccination card or negative test within 72 hours" bit no longer works either........

This shit all reaks of what it is....bullshit.

Government should be judged on what value they provide for what they spend......and in the case of the trillions upon trillions upon trillions they've blown as a result of covid?

There is zero value to any of it.

I think if they'd done nothing, or if Government didn't exist, and not a single dollar was spent by anyone to "fight covid?"

I think the amount of deaths, hospitalizations, and illness that would've been experienced under that hypothetical scenario would be pretty much the same if not exactly the same as what we have experienced......

....and will continue to experience because this isn't over and the same dipshits are in charge.

Everyone just needs to collectively go, "we're done," and then pretend like this virus doesn't exist since it really doesn't......not to the degree of being any more of a concern to the world than the flu, common cold, or any other standard seasonal illness we faced before and fought by doing nothing......literally nothing.....besides the goal of 40% of seniors getting an annual flu shot there was absolutely no mitigation efforts made towards any illness pre-2020. If you were too sick to get out of bed then you called in for a day or two before going back to work still under the weather but forced to grind through it.....until a week later you were fine again.

That's the cure for covid....treating it like the mild inconvenience that it is.
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