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Re: .........

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 8:18 am
by gimpfinger
lanyard wrote:^^^If I make it out to Farm Fest this summer I'll tell you in person :-)


sent from your under your bed

Re: .........

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 8:48 am
by h2ofwlr
emptymag wrote:
h2ofwlr wrote:And so how am I benefitting (financial or otherwise) in any way from it? I am not selling it.
I wonder how many have down loaded music from a friend or website and not paid for it?.

So if you steal something and sell it but don't make any money off it its OK?

I did not sell anything. Reread what I posted in the quote. Thus your basis is pure nonsense. Let it go....

Go shooting this weekend to relieve your pent up tension as enough already...

Re: .........

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 1:58 pm
by Trigger
dwendt wrote:
Trigger wrote:
dwendt wrote:Nelson I'd say just lock this one down.

Yep. That's the answer to everything. It's a civil conversation based off a situation that fowler was involved in and I witnessed (not knowing it was him at the time). It has everything to do with waterfowler ethics on public areas... On a thread that has a topic based around the ethics of hunting on public land.

What more do you want?

What I want is a couple of grown a** men to get the eff over themselves. Great we get it we heard your story, fowler was obviously in the wrong there is no doubt about it, and even as you admitted your friends screwed up a bit by not have a light on.

He won't admit it was him and you won't stop saying it was him so what's the point?

The reason I say lock It down is cause you to keep running in circle with it. Once again we get it. It's not a civil conversation it's one man saying you keep lying about it and you ask him how you're lying.

Real productive thread.

Ummmmm what does this post have to do with the ethics of hunting on public waters? Lets try to stick to the topic of the thread please.

Re: .........

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 2:11 pm
by dwendt
Sorry for getting off topic Trigger. My fault figured I'd hop on the bandwagon

Re: .........

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 2:21 pm
by Trigger
dwendt wrote:Sorry for getting off topic Trigger. My fault figured I'd hop on the bandwagon

How is not properly using a spotlight to alert others of your presence, or coming across those people and screaming at the top of your lungs because they screwed up NOT related to this topic?

Re: .........

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 3:16 pm
by lanyard
Trigger wrote:
dwendt wrote:Sorry for getting off topic Trigger. My fault figured I'd hop on the bandwagon

How is not properly using a spotlight to alert others of your presence, or coming across those people and screaming at the top of your lungs because they screwed up NOT related to this topic?

So, if BOTH parties had sad, "awww shoot, that one is a funny on us all.... with just a bit of time left before shooting, maybe we should just hunt together...." then we'd be telling the tale of how Al saved the boys from embarrassment and taught them the history of Swan, and they started a chapter of the HOWA (Hung Over Waterfowlers Assoc.).....

It's those critical moments that change history.

Re: .........

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 3:31 pm
by h2ofwlr
Version 5 by trigger ^^^

There was no indicator that they were there was why I was ticked off. As that was my whole damned point at the time. I had 1M spot light, shined it around for over 10 minutes as I was motoring around with a 25hp motor. There was no light on, no jacket on bog pole, no nothing within 200+ yds of me. I was sitting therewith my overhead light on for over an hr reading the newspaper and having coffee. I heard a couple of times muffled noioses - even said out loud "is there any one there?" Shined the big spotlight down the reed line again - nothing. I am sipping my coffee and guy stands up 4' from the tip of my boat and starts swearing at me. WTF??? Here the 2 idiots were passed out in their skiff. And I'm the bad guy? And for everyone's info, I moved.
Also, if I had motored up into the reeds like I normally do when hunting - I could have
have easily injured/killed them with my much bigger boat. They were damned lucky, plain and simple.

Yet I am made out as the bad guy by Trigger.

Re: .........

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 3:50 pm
by Stute Slap
h2ofwlr wrote:Version 5 by trigger ^^^

There was no indicator that they were there was why I was ticked off. As that was my whole damned point at the time. I had 1M spot light, shined it around for over 10 minutes as I was motoring around with a 25hp motor. There was no light on, no jacket on bog pole, no nothing within 200+ yds of me. I was sitting therewith my overhead light on for over an hr reading the newspaper and having coffee. I heard a couple of times muffled noioses - even said out loud "is there any one there?" Shined the big spotlight down the reed line again - nothing. I am sipping my coffee and guy stands up 4' from the tip of my boat and starts swearing at me. WTF??? Here the 2 idiots were passed out in their skiff. And I'm the bad guy? And for everyone's info, I moved.
Also, if I had motored up into the reeds like I normally do when hunting - I could have
have easily injured/killed them with my much bigger boat. They were damned lucky, plain and simple.

Yet I am made out as the bad guy by Trigger.

Wow so it's true to some extent, I thought Trigger was making the whole thing up.

So what's the real story? Who used profanity 1st? Were there any threats? Did you offer to hunt with each other?

Re: .........

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 3:58 pm
by get-n-birdy
When you hunt, stuff happens.

When your young, you do dumb stuff.

If I was in your shoes Fowler, a chat and some good natured ribbing could have gone a long way.
But I also like my truck tires, windshield and gas tank not to be messed with either. Have had a lot of situations diffused by keeping a level head and understanding there could have been a good reason for what happened. It's called empathy. I understand you were pissed and they didn't give you the common courtesy you wanted, but such is life. Stop fueling the fire.

Re: .........

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 4:33 pm
by Trigger
h2ofwlr wrote:Version 5 by trigger ^^^

There was no indicator that they were there was why I was ticked off. As that was my whole damned point at the time. I had 1M spot light, shined it around for over 10 minutes as I was motoring around with a 25hp motor. There was no light on, no jacket on bog pole, no nothing within 200+ yds of me. I was sitting therewith my overhead light on for over an hr reading the newspaper and having coffee. I heard a couple of times muffled noioses - even said out loud "is there any one there?" Shined the big spotlight down the reed line again - nothing. I am sipping my coffee and guy stands up 4' from the tip of my boat and starts swearing at me. WTF??? Here the 2 idiots were passed out in their skiff. And I'm the bad guy? And for everyone's info, I moved.
Also, if I had motored up into the reeds like I normally do when hunting - I could have
have easily injured/killed them with my much bigger boat. They were damned lucky, plain and simple.

Yet I am made out as the bad guy by Trigger.

I've never denied any of this as being true. I would argue who started yelling first though, and the actual distance.

The main point of the story, and how it involves public land ethics.... is you, the preacher of the impossibility high standard, the guy who wants to have an ethics chapters printed in the regulations, couldn't even hold up your end of the stick... you tried to set up as close to me as my friends were going too, 100 yards, 200 yards, hell call it 300 yards. There were HOURS until shooting time for you to find a spot that was not anywhere near me or anyone else. I would never pull in that close to a group of strangers.... some might even call it unethical. That is the point of me bringing this up. Clearly you have forgotten how close I was to where you pulled in, and that's fine, I wouldn't expect you too.

And you keep saying they were damn lucky you didn't kill them. Maybe we shouldn't be going full throttle through cattails we cant see through incase theres ohhhhh I don't know...... guys in a boat, sitting in those same cattails? Just saying...