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Re: Vaccines

Posted: Tue May 11, 2021 12:04 pm
by Stute Slap
Drunk_Dynasty wrote:Tucker got the vaccine tho....


I was in a work truck listening to terrestrial radio on scan and stopped it on NPR for like 20 minutes. There were talking about the vaccine (shocking) and like almost every caller referenced brought up Fox News to the pure enjoyment of Kathy Worther or whoever the host was...don't the same talking points for either side get stale at some point?

Re: Vaccines

Posted: Tue May 11, 2021 12:28 pm
by Drunk_Dynasty
You said people accuse folks of listening to too much tucker carlson because he pushes anti-vax stuff, but he himself has gotten the vaccine. It is very ironic.

It really boils down to personality type when it comes to talking points. Your personality kind of dictates what talking points you like more. People usually don't look into things much past that. Sometimes saying the same thing over and over just never gets old for some people.

Re: Vaccines

Posted: Tue May 11, 2021 12:43 pm
by Nershi
You can decide not to take the Covid vaccine and not be an antivaxxer. Lots of pro covid vaccine people like to throw the antivaxxer label out there and it really has no place in the discussion.

I will not be taking the covid vaccine because I am not worried about getting it. I have never got the flu vaccine for the same reason. I have got all the other normal vaccines as a kid and plan to get the shingles vaccine when I get old enough that my doc says to take it. I’d prefer not to get shingles.

Yea I know everyone says take it to protect grandma. Well grandma should have the vaccine by now so who am I protecting?

Re: Vaccines

Posted: Tue May 11, 2021 12:51 pm
by Drunk_Dynasty
I got the covid vax but I’ve never got the flu vax. If they start telling me I need a covid booster or new vax every year I probz won’t be getting it.

Looks like mask restrictions are going to be going away soon and hopefully things go back to normal. I’m sure the people who wanna be the best as following rules will be upset about it.

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Re: Vaccines

Posted: Tue May 11, 2021 12:54 pm
by hkongminer

Re: Vaccines

Posted: Tue May 11, 2021 2:18 pm
by Drunk_Dynasty

Re: Vaccines

Posted: Tue May 11, 2021 4:02 pm
by Duckman23
I just got the J & J vaccine last week. The only reason I got the vaccine is more then likely if the Canadian border would possibly open up this fall you will have to have gotten a vaccine. I really don't care if you get it or not!

Re: Vaccines

Posted: Tue May 11, 2021 5:01 pm
by Nershi
Duckman23 wrote:I just got the J & J vaccine last week. The only reason I got the vaccine is more then likely if the Canadian border would possibly open up this fall you will have to have gotten a vaccine. I really don't care if you get it or not!

I have heard that as the sole reason for getting it from a lot from fisherman and hunters. I’m curious, when the border finally opens later this summer, fall or in 2022, do you think it will be difficult to get the vaccine at that time?

If Canada requires it and I don’t think a fake vaccine card is going to work, I may fold and get one but I am in no hurry. I could get a vaccine on my way home from work tonight or on my way in tomorrow. Hell I could even get a gift card for taking it. They can’t give em away so they are bribing people now. I just don’t see getting one to be a big issue anytime soon with how crazy the government and medical community is about getting a shot in every arm.

By the time they open the border Canada might require you to get a booster.

Re: Vaccines

Posted: Tue May 11, 2021 5:31 pm
by Drunk_Dynasty
Just realize my vaccine expires 8/31/21. Man wtf. Stupid. I should have waited.

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Re: Vaccines

Posted: Wed May 12, 2021 10:15 am
by h2ofwlr
JayRo wrote:Let me guess Fowler. You read it on the internet. Therefore it has to be true..................

Nope. A friend who is in the metro health care knows about it.

And I'm not a Trump follower either, so not part of the Trump or Qanon folks. The guy acts like a whinny 13 yo. Maybe its just an act being reportedly he has an IQ over 150, but his attitude and actions just really have put me off starting 4 yrs ago. I did not vote for him either time. And to be clear I did not vote to the dumb fukc Dem candidates either.

Anyway - I do believe the whole Covid things is a man made virus, that it is indeed a way for govts around the world to control people to achieve a 1 World Govt that Gates and the other 3,000 who actually control the world economy want as a end result. :twisted: