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Re: Vaccines

Posted: Wed May 12, 2021 12:24 pm
by Stute Slap
Drunk_Dynasty wrote:Just realize my vaccine expires 8/31/21. Man wtf. Stupid. I should have waited.

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Are you for real? Do the vaccine cards expire?

Reason I ask is I'm going fishing in Brazil in January and I'm guessing they will make me get a vaccine to fly/travel as well.

How long did your card last?

Re: Vaccines

Posted: Wed May 12, 2021 1:04 pm
by Nershi
Is any country already requiring vaccine proof for entry? All I’ve heard is speculation of it coming.

I’m going to Jamaica for some shows in January. So far they are only require a negative test x amount of days before entry. I’ve heard of this testing requirement from a few other countries as well.

Re: Vaccines

Posted: Wed May 12, 2021 2:08 pm
by Drunk_Dynasty
yes. my card has an expiration date on it and its 8/31/21. Thats like....3 months. I thought I was gonna get atleast a year out of it. w t f !

I guess if you're going anywhere out of country that requires a vax card, wait until later this summer to get it.

apparently I'm the only MWF poster not going anywhere warm and cool anytime soon LOL. jeez, ya'll are going on some cool trips.

Re: Vaccines

Posted: Wed May 12, 2021 9:29 pm
by maplelakeduckslayer
I haven't gotten to in a long time but would love to very soon. Problem is some of these places have crazy rules currently. Like I thought if I sold my business id take a vacation go somewhere maybe somewhat Thailand. You have to quarantine for 14 days upon arrival currently. Who's got time or money for that?

Tourism industry better start biting this stuff in the ass

Re: Vaccines

Posted: Wed May 12, 2021 9:46 pm
by kwackkillncrew
That expiration is weird. I dont have any expiration on my card

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Re: Vaccines

Posted: Wed May 12, 2021 10:03 pm
by maplelakeduckslayer
This is so f'd up

Re: Vaccines

Posted: Thu May 13, 2021 8:11 am
by 9manfan
I checked my vac card and there is no expiration date on it either that I could find ...........

Re: Vaccines

Posted: Mon May 17, 2021 3:11 am
by Fish Felon
It's going to be so fukcing gay if I'll need to get vaccinated to go to my buddy's cabin in Canada. I'll definitely either wait a couple years for that bullshit to end and/or get a forgery. I've got a liberal brother that is super pro-vax that I bet I can bribe into going in and getting double vaxxed while saying he's me and using my ID. That way if they tie it to state ID's where they can see it if running a DL or passport or what have will show up that I got it.

If it's not tied to in it's a card like a SSN is....just a piece of paper with a name and some numbers on it.....

....well, I would never dream of forging what amounts to nothing more than a business card that isn't tied to anything else.

Can somebody post up a picture of their card? Cover up any sensitive info...I'm just trying to visualize what this bullshit looks like.

Talk about fascism. No requirements for measles, mumps, rubella, polio, hepatitis, HPV, or any other vaccine against an actual life affecting illness.....but covid? The only way this shit can get more fascist is if the government starts going door to door putting guns to people's heads to force them to take the needle.

I'll still contend that if the virus hit the age group of 18-30 hardest instead of baby boomers on up.......

......none of this bullshit would've happened.

It would've been, "Whelp, this virus is really tragic but unfortunately it's not like we can just shut down the economy....shut down the whole world in order to quell this thing. The science says that wouldn't work anyways, we need to let it run it's course and get to herd immunity, and more people would die from suicide than the virus by closing everything down. Again, it's very tragic and we all stand with those 18-30 that are most susceptible to covid.....but the show must go on."

No school closures, no shutdowns, bars never closing an hour earlier on a single day, no masks, no social distancing....and no vaccine created in less than a year let alone fascist policies forcing people to get said virus. they would've ever dreamed of shutting down the border. Every old fukc would be going on their annual hunting and fishing trips North of the border as if covid never happened.

Re: Vaccines

Posted: Mon May 17, 2021 9:10 am
by Nershi
There are a bunch listed on Etsy for sale. Link below.

They would have had to tie this to a drivers license from the beginning. To do it at this point would be tons of backtracking that would be a nightmare to manage. Not to mention hipaa laws.

I could see Canada requiring signed verification from a doc. Still forgeable if they do. ... ic=1&frs=1

Re: Vaccines

Posted: Mon May 17, 2021 2:51 pm
by Fish Felon


Oh, how I can't wait to forge this shit! It'll be a real challenge....printing black ink on a white piece of paper then writing on it with a cheap blue pen.....don't know how I'm going to figure out a way around this one guys.......but as the old saying goes, "Where there's a will? There is a way."

I've still got enough faith in myself that I'll be able to crack the code....line up this rubic's cube....and somehow.........some.........way..........find a way to have the appropriate paperwork stating I was vaxxed without actually getting vaxxed. Keep your fingers crossed!

Nershi, a sincere thanks for the link.....I really needed a good laugh after pissing myself off by wiring a boat.