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Re: Election

Sun Nov 08, 2020 12:15 pm

X2. I’m more focused on enjoying life than stressing about political crap. Personally, Trump didn’t do anything much for us, but more for himself as he tried to shield himself from criminal indictment and lawsuits.

Biden may not be better, but he will be more transparent and perhaps more scrutinized . Time will tell. In the meantime, us lemmings have to go with the flow.
" God is great, beer is good, and people are just frickin crazy!."

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Re: Election

Sun Nov 08, 2020 3:56 pm

Not saying this will be the case but if you can't laugh at this stuff from either side you need to lighten up a lil. I like when all get roasted equally

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Re: Election

Sun Nov 08, 2020 4:05 pm

Lmaaooo that vid is getting produced AS WE SPEAK I guarantee it.

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Fish Felon
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Re: Election

Sun Nov 08, 2020 9:02 pm

This is the first time I've ever been truly upset over my guy losing. After previous elections when people were acting like their candidate was going to change the world for the better, and the flip side of the country thought the same but in agony and expecting it to go down the toilet.....I'd always say, "If you were somehow able to turn it all off and be oblivious to the news and who won....if you go and open your front door....you'll see the world is still there and just the same."

Here's the thing (you know....the thing?)

That's not true.

If you look out at the world today it's not the same and now it's realistically never going back with Biden in.

You got everyone walking around wearing masks---Biden is going to make masks a federal mandate despite their own science which I have shared on here showing masks are pointless.

I still kind of envision my old neighborhood in S.MPLS my home. I didn't want to sell my house, got a raw deal on that in the divorce, and up until recently still had pipe dreams of buying my old house back. I gutted the thing and rehabbed every last square inch of it on my own before she ever moved in. I loved that house.

Looking out it's front door is.....let me put it to you this way.....what used to be a view I loved and longed to go back to some day is gone. The Targhetto, Cub, Auto Zone, Pawn Shop, SA/speedway, Arby's I all shopped at.....probably had an average of hitting one of them daily....I just got done cutting wood panels for ice house hole inserts on my table saw I bought at that pawn shop.....

They're all gone. Why they're all gone?


The only checkpoint anywhere up and down the various jurisdictions and levels of authority (city, state, state AG, feds, etc.) that did a fukcing thing to hold any of the pieces of shit who burned down half the businesses in the biggest city in our state----was Donald J. Trump. He was calling out Frey and Walz while that abortion was happening, and the single reason any members of that mob of criminals face consequences his him. Frey and Walz sided with the mob. Frey gave them the 3rd precinct. They felt going in and squashing the mob would've been insensitive considering all the collective grief over George Floyd.

And that's yet another reason why you want an asshole in charge who doesn't give a fukc about people's feelings---it's inherently required to a large degree to be a leader. Do you know what you get from leadership otherwise?

Watch "Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey cries at George Floyd's casket at memorial" on YouTube


Trump was the only motherfukcer to not overreact and make decisions in knee jerk fashion. And he was right. If we had a guy like him running the city or the state Minneapolis wouldn't have burned.

George Floyd was a piece of shit degenerate njgger. The cops at the scene of his death all cared more about his life than he did. Anyone who wants to beg to differ is wasting their time since we've all seen the toxicology report.

So the city burned down as the result of a knee jerk emotional response that was totally off base since George Floyd died 100% because of George Floyd.

Yet in the democrats world another reality exists.....he was murdered.....and all the rioting, looting, and arson seen since.....not to mention all the monuments and history destroyed.....that was all justified in the eyes of the democrats, especially Biden/Harris. Harris heavily donating and pushing her California showbiz elites to donate ($32 million) to bail out the pieces of shit who just destroyed the biggest most important city in our state.

And you just voted for them.

You voted in favor of the people who don't live in reality. People who preach about systemic racism yet can't give you a single specific example of it taking place. People who have convinced themselves that George Floyd was murdered. Funny how they discard all the science stating that. They love the science...as long as it fits their agenda.

Can you see why I'm confused as to why anyone who doesn't hate this country, especially being from not just MN but S.MPLS, would ever in their right mind vote for the people who burned down MPLS. That's the side they're on. That's the side you are now on.

You knew that during this next term the cops that were wrongly accused of murdering George Floyd would be complete their trials. They're going to all walk on all charges. I have zero doubts about. Let's say I'm wrong. The only possible thing that might stick, due to the impossibility of getting an unbiased jury to go to trial with, is the manslaughter charges on Chauvin. If that happens it'd be a miracle for the prosecution (Ellison) and a grave injustice for Chauvin. Bottom line, the other three are walking Scott free and even if Chauvin is convicted of manslaughter, that outcome will cause mass rioting and civil unrest to the same degree we previously witnessed, or worse.

.....and now we have Frey, Walz, Ellison, and Biden/Harris in charge.

You had the option of keeping Trump in there but you would prefer to have Biden/Harris in....the latter one of the main players behind bailing out everyone arrested in the initial riots.

I have to ask, why did you think Biden/Harris was the better choice on this over Trump?

Why did you think Biden/Harris were the better choice with the "pandemic?"

I loved Trump's handling of it. No coordinated federal effort was the right call to make, since covid is a joke. Go through the official deaths and you're going to see the co-morbidity of pneumonia in 9 out of ten, maybe eight out of ten, I don't have the exact percentage in front of me but it's right there in between those two numbers. Covid is not a pandemic because covid by itself has killed maybe a few thousand people. The average age of those who "died" from covid is above the average life expectancy in this country. Of those 275,000 or whatever it is....last time I checked the CDC they had 209K or 211K listed as covid w/pneumonia, and that was like a week ago and they have a lag time and trail the 275K figure that comes out of John Hopkins. This isn't a pandemic. It's a slightly elevated mortality rate for the year caused by a lot of the old people that would've died next year. That's it. The covid "pandemic" consists primarily of re-labeling old people's cause of death from pneumonia to old people dying from pneumonia and covid.

Trump not pushing a federal mask mandate, or really encouraging people to wear them at all, I agreed with. I agreed with his view of Fauci....dude's a primadonna that never would've been famous....ditto with Osterholm. The dude got so much street cred from going on with Rogan it got to his head and he's dragging himself as slow as possible from the limelight while still trying to freak people out about the "Dark Winter" ahead.

All these eggheads were wrong. I completely agree with MLDS's take that 'Rona ultimately ended Trump's presidency. Why? Because even an asshole like him can't openly discount the death toll without looking like a much bigger asshole. Whatever the fake count is those are real people who died....they just didn't die of covid. They think they did and that it's some tragedy but again....living in reality....it's very clear going off the expected versus observed mortality....most of the "death toll" was already slated to die. Had covid struck a year later? Their loved one still would've died from pneumonia, but their deaths wouldn't be politicized and their families wouldn't be feigning outrage over the "tragedy" of their 89yo mom or dad dying....since they already put them in a home where that was the only thing on the agenda for them.

I'll try to wrap it but don't feel the need to do that with your response. I know I get long-winded but my goal on this thread has been to lay out my thought process very thoroughly. I'm fine with someone disagreeing with my thought process, but what I'm hoping for is that you'll lay out your or others will lay out your reasons for voting Biden because I don't understand. I'm totally lost on what drew in people like yourself to Biden/Harris over Trump. I'd appreciate it if you laid out your reasoning why you thought Biden was the better choice on some of the key issues. I'm expecting you to know my train of thought on the issues of Race/Civil Unrest, Covid, the Economy, Climate Change....

I haven't hit Climate Change yet.

Trump I liked over Biden since he A) understands that wind & solar only exist as industry by being subsidized by the federal government and he was all for it...he certainly wasn't against it. I have not one but two brothers who have spent the entirety of Trump's term traveling the country installing solar farms making North of six figures. One has been pulling in close to $250K annually for a while on it now.

The amount of solar that has gone in during Trump's term is a ridiculous amount. I'm not claiming he was responsible for it but he sure as hell didn't get in the way.

The reason why I give Trump the edge?

There's no way we're going to drastically increase the amount of clean energy we are putting in. With essentially every power plant switched to natural gas, the ever increasing amount of clean energy, this country has done more to lower it's carbon footprint than anyone.

So why do we need to put ourselves in the Paris Climate Accords with the likes of countries like Germany? Who still produces 40% of their power from coal?

Our economy is too burdened from environmental regulations that are anything but common sense. Farming is exempt from all EPA regulations. They can have as much nitrogen, phosphorus, and shit run off their fields into the water supply unmitigated yet a small repair shop that incorrectly disposes a coffee can of stuff to the wrong portion of the sanitary landfill should be fined enough to go under.....seems fair. EIS = utter beaucratic nonsense in almost every case.

I'm telling you....if you look at the record during the Trump years for what took place in terms of lowering our carbon footprint, Biden will be hard pressed to improve upon the trajectory we're already on, which will get better as technology gets better. I'm actually starting to think Elon Musk can make an electric semi something beyond just a pipe dream.

George Floyd/Systemic Racism/Civil Unrest/Law & Order----I've laid out why I think Trump was by far the better candidate.

The Economy/China/Immigration -----I've laid out why I think Trump was by far the better candidate.

Climate Change/"Green" Energy----I've laid out why I think Trump was by far the better candidate.

Covid/"Pandemic"----I've laid out why I think Trump was by far the better candidate.

I have no idea why you thought Biden/Harris was the better candidate on any of these issues.

The only one who I know definitely why they voted for who they did besides the Trump guy's is Kwack. It sounds like he voted Biden mainly because he didn't like Donald J. Trump the persona, and hated his tweets....which hey, it's a reason. I don't care if it's a great reason, I have an understanding of why he voted the way he did. Whether there was a bunch of stuff he liked about Biden over Trump or if it solely was he found him that unlikeable....I understand what the primary factor was for him.

I'm not looking to call anyone names, and I haven't yet although my "coming to your neighborhood" bit was probably pushing it.

I'm in the same boat as 9manfan in that I don't understand why anyone on here would vote Biden, but you're right DD....thanks for the reminder that everyone on here is a lot alike. I like you guys and respect you guys.....please take my lack of understanding as a sincere confusion looking to figure it out versus a knock or being accusatory.

I'd just like to get why....

If your chick is a teacher and you vote in line with the union.....something like that would be a pretty good answer. I'd get it. Sure, I'd still think the teacher's union in this state is ridiculously full of bullshit, but I'm not going to blame a guy for voting for where his bread gets buttered. Similarly with Chuck if something like Medicare/Social Security was a big issue and he favored Biden on it enough to swing him that way. That's pretty much a non-issue for me so possible grave concern over it would be something that hasn't registered.

I look forward to some fellow long-winded answers. Wurd
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Fish Felon
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Re: Election

Sun Nov 08, 2020 11:51 pm

cstemig wrote:X2. I’m more focused on enjoying life than stressing about political crap. Personally, Trump didn’t do anything much for us, but more for himself as he tried to shield himself from criminal indictment and lawsuits.

Biden may not be better, but he will be more transparent and perhaps more scrutinized . Time will tell. In the meantime, us lemmings have to go with the flow.

I missed this getting posted while writing my latest novel of a post...

It's good to get a better understanding of why you went Biden. I completely disagree but what you say is still valid since it's your thought process and your vote.

Biden won't get anywhere near the scrutiny Trump received. He's on the same side as the people running our media so he'll continue to be lobbed softballs....questions given to his people beforehand that he'll use a teleprompter to read their answers to later. We'll never see him get up and field questions for over an hour and answering while shooting from the hip like Trump did.

I'm not sure how you can be more transparent as a president. What president has ever done that? Especially when the room is full of reporters that were like rabid dogs that hated him.

The person you view him as was crafted and reinforced from day one when he decided to run. Biden has already been given more positive press than Trump has received throughout his presidency.

That has nothing to do with what Biden has done as a man and everything to do with the blatant bias in the media.
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Re: Election

Mon Nov 09, 2020 9:03 am

Mile stone events the media doesn't even try to hide like today pfizer announcing a 90% effective vaccine. Our country will be back to normal by April. I'm sure Biden will lock us down for a month or two, mask mandate nationally, etc. He will regarded as a true leader by his people and the media, Covid task force more BS.

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Re: Election

Mon Nov 09, 2020 10:17 am

Welp the vaccination rate is going to be 50% or less...only about 40% of nurses say they'll get vaccinated once available. If that's not confidence I dunno what is lol

This whole time we banking on a vaccine and waiting for it to come...people aren't even gonna take it lol

Should have went for the herd immunity while protecting sensitive groups...this whole thing has been so fake the way it's been handled and portrayed by both sides. It's messed up

But biden will have defeating rona as his legacy

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Re: Election

Mon Nov 09, 2020 11:25 am

Fish Felon wrote:
cstemig wrote:X2. I’m more focused on enjoying life than stressing about political crap. Personally, Trump didn’t do anything much for us, but more for himself as he tried to shield himself from criminal indictment and lawsuits.

Biden may not be better, but he will be more transparent and perhaps more scrutinized . Time will tell. In the meantime, us lemmings have to go with the flow.

I missed this getting posted while writing my latest novel of a post...

It's good to get a better understanding of why you went Biden. I completely disagree but what you say is still valid since it's your thought process and your vote.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a huge Biden fan either. I do believe that he will present more of a “professional” look to the office and perhaps restore some creditability. Trump with his outlandish Twitter postings, his false claims during press interviews, his numerous affairs, the pending lawsuits against him, the pending tax evasion investigations, his pardoning of his convicted cronies, The Wall, etc. made him a perfect target for press questions & ridicule. He brought a lot of this upon himself. He was like a bull in a China shop, drawing attention to himself without anyone’s help.

Biden may have things to hide, but I don’t think it is anywhere near what Trump had. I believe that Biden won’t be a Twitter monster or make numerous false claims during press conferences.

Time will tell how it all shakes out.

p.s. I read that the Secret Service has a contingency plan to physically remove (hands on) Trump from the White House should he refuse to voluntarily go.
" God is great, beer is good, and people are just frickin crazy!."

Mergie Marauder
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Re: Election

Mon Nov 09, 2020 12:58 pm

I do not know a single person that voted for Biden because they thought he was a good candidate and would do a good job for our country. Everyone voted for him because they were anti-trump. That is probably true across most of the Biden voters. His voters are celebrating a Trump loss and not a Biden win. I think that says about what type of president he will be for our country.

Contrary to that, most Trump voters voted for him because they thought he was doing a good job and would continue to do so. Certainly there are some that voted against the far left party the democrats have become but overall a majority of the vote was for Trump instead of against Biden.

Trump lost, Biden did not win. If Trump could have toned back a bit and limited his Twitter use a bit he would have won in a land slide. I am sure his advisors were trying to get him to do this but he simply can't because that is not Trump. At least Trump is real. Biden is certainly not. MSM media did more for Biden than Biden did for himself. Trump and the MSM's half truths or outright lies attacking Trump nonstop decided this election. MSM media ruined their reputation the last 4 years and anybody who has enough smarts to think for themselves have very little trust in them at this point. Hopefully it was worth it to them to ruin their reputation to get Trump out.

Hopefully the senate can keep the left from packing the court and the senate or supreme court can overturn all of their unconstitutional agenda's they manage try to pass or pass.

Anything Biden passes is his puppets pulling the strings. Joe doesn't even know what his viewpoints or policies are any more. As bad of a candidate that he is and as bad of a President that I expect him to be, I still hope he doesn't croak, his dementia doesn't get so bad he has to be removed or he doesn't get impeached due to his corruption allegations because if he is removed Kamala would be a far worse President. I honestly think that is why the democratic party picked her as her running mate. Everyone would rather have Biden than her as President.

I am hopeful the Republicans can bring a candidate forward with Trumps policies for 2024 because I think most of his policies are good for our country. Pence might be a good choice.

If the Supreme Court overturns this election because the states did not follow their voting rules or because the mail in ballots were not constitutional this country will burn and the democrats and MSM will cheer them on.

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Re: Election

Mon Nov 09, 2020 2:50 pm

It feels like thats how the last few elections went. Not so much celebrating a win for the other side but a loss for the other. I think thats how trump won. It wasnt somuch that people were voting for a republican and more of that they didnt want to see hillary in the white house. It all comes down on who can make the other person look worse for the majority of the people who dont claim to be republican or democrat. If it went to a 3 party system and the 3rd candidate was the carcass of the bird and not right or left wing they would probably win most of the elections. So sick of the its one way or the other mentality all that does is invoke voting for the lesser of the two evils for all the middle ground people. theres just too much money in politics and people are easily manipulated by money. zero balls
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