Mergie Marauder
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Re: Omicron

Thu Dec 30, 2021 3:47 pm

h2ofwlr wrote:
Take-a-Gander wrote: The vaccine was not developed to keep you from getting COVID. It significantly lessens the likely hood you be hospitalized or, God forbid, die. From the damned thing.

Interesting take on this. This is exactly what I've had different MDs say about the seasonal flu shots 5+ yrs ago. Basically it gives you a fighting chance to stem off the worst of it, not that you wont get it.
So in that regard, it makes sense in the alignment of what Bob is saying regarding Covid which is also an airborne virus and the resulting vaxes for it.

Frankly the Govt sold the public that it was a cure all. They gave misleading info so that more people would get the shots. It reminds me of the "no need to wear a mask from 21 months ago - then they did a 180 degree flip 2 months later. When they do this - it hurts their credibility.
Just like that lying worm Fauci when he lied to Congress last Summer of his ties to the Wuhan lab. He out right lied to them. They have the evidence of emails proving his involvement at Wuhan 1 and 2 yrs ago. I for 1 do NOT believe a thing that he says. In fact I think he should be tried for treason and summarily shot by firing squad on the Capitol steps as a example for those that lie to Congress.
BTW, did you know that the Covid virus has patents filed from 5 and 10 yrs ago? So do you still think that it was not man made and a novel (1 of a kind) virus? If so, you better go see a shrink as bad as FF needs to see one.

Whats my point? It's been a series of lies by the top health and Govt officials, so a fair number of people just do NOT trust them at all. I know many of us (myself included) have struggled with what is accurate and true info to make informed educated decisions with so much false, 1/2 true, misleading, and accurate info that's out there. And that has hurt the truthful medical reasons and common sense that TAG pointed out. And that's the sad state of the matter at this point in time.

From what I recall was it was sold as if you get two shots we will return to normal and the virus will basically be gone. That shifted fast to you now need a third shot and well it does not stop covid it just keeps you from dying. Their credibility is damaged big time and if they try and attempt a fourth jab good luck getting people to do that. Alot are not even going to get the third jab. Quit making false promises or statements and people would maybe trust you more. Now the only ones trusing that governement are the hardcore covid types who think gov is the solution to everything.

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Re: Omicron

Thu Dec 30, 2021 7:44 pm

^^^ exactly. it should never have been sold as a permanent cure.
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Re: Omicron

Thu Dec 30, 2021 7:54 pm

kwackkillncrew wrote:you said before that people over 65 who have the vaccine are still getting it and dieing. if thats the case why should they get the vaccine?

Plz read what I wrote earlier today.

A virus vaccine is NOT a cure all (which you think it is or should be, but that is impossible). The problem is that the health officials and Govt sold it as such - which is not accurate at all. Reread what i said about misleading and 1/2 truths, etc.

This is the bottom line - the vaccines give a person a much better chance to survive if they do get it. Same as seasonal flu shots do.

So older people and those with compromised immune systems (Imagine if your sister had cancer and was on chemo, etc. ) has at least a chance to live.

Then this is the real kicker - why are they pushing it on healthy kids and teens, and healthy adults under age 50 adults? This just does not make sense to me.
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Re: Omicron

Fri Dec 31, 2021 12:03 am

I've heard a lot of interesting takes that are all kinda down the rabbit hole sort of things...

But imagine pushing this on the young and healthy because this vaccine actually protects against a future pandemic/disease and those young healthy people will still be around and the rest of us wiped out

Not saying I believe it but it's interesting to think about all possible aspects of this.

Like if those that rule the world understand we cannot keep sustaining the current population and need to kill off half the people on earth...this vaccine will protect against a future biowarfare release.

It's interesting stuff to think about

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Re: Omicron

Fri Dec 31, 2021 12:14 am

But then the sheeple will survive so how do people square that with their conspiracy?

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Re: Omicron

Fri Dec 31, 2021 7:41 am

He has the conspiracy backwards. They want all to get the jab and all the sheep that fell for it are gonna drop dead. That’s gates plan to stop global warming. Make duck hunting great again!!

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Re: Omicron

Fri Dec 31, 2021 5:24 pm

kwackkillncrew wrote:you said before that people over 65 who have the vaccine are still getting it and dieing. if thats the case why should they get the vaccine?

Here's the reality of covid.....unless you're over 65 the chances of it killing you are ridiculously small. The people dying from it are generally really old and/or really unhealthy....typically both. Middle-aged people in good health, i.e. without severe underlying health issues (comorbidities), don't die from covid. Covid had a 15% mortality rate earlier in the pandemic in MN......on people over a hundred, and I'm betting that number was highly inflated since there were for sure plenty of cases that were asymptomatic or even where people over a hundred got sick but never went in to get tested. Still, in 85 out of 100 cases they knew of.....people as old and frail as dirt weren't killed by covid.

That's why the vaccine can claim stuff like, "you're odds of being age 40-65 and dying from covid are twenty times higher if you're unvaccinated blah blah blah...."

One, they inflate these how they account for them. Like I said before, they count everyone who has ever taken a single shot as the percentage of the state who's vaccinated.....but then account for breakthrough cases as "fully vaccinated" versus "not fully vaccinated." It's all about making fully vaccinated look better....without ever knowing exactly what that means because that way they can make subjective determinations on who is what and skew the numbers in favor of what their agenda is....i.e. pushing the vaccine.

If that wasn't the case, then why in the hell wouldn't there be a category for "unvaccinated?" Who in their right freaking mind would decide to compile those stats under the two categories of "fully vaccinated" and "not fully vaccinated?" Why would you lump people in who have never taken a shot with people who have? How could anyone think that wouldn't stop you from accounting for an extremely important distinction?

Point being, when they say the vaccine is so grest at reducing the odds of dying in any age demographic under 65yo, realize that what they're talking about are odds of like 0.003 going to like 0.00015........

......when odds are next to zero to begin with......when you're dealing with fractions of a fraction of a's really fukcing easy to fiddle with the numbers and say, "You're twenty times less likely to die," because twenty times zero is still fukcing zero.

If I was healthy at age 65 I wouldn't worry about taking the shot at that age either. If you're healthy it's not a concern. If you're morbidly obese with type II diabetes and bad should probably think about getting in shape first things first if you want to pretend you're concerned about your health......and after that consider getting the vaccine.
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Re: Omicron

Fri Dec 31, 2021 6:03 pm

So in the end the vaccine does help with symptoms a little bit

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Re: Omicron

Fri Dec 31, 2021 10:45 pm

Just found out a colleague in a town 20 mi from us died at age 60 from COVID. He was healthy, no underlying health conditions. Refused vaccination and now is gone. Yes only one person. But does make you think?

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Re: Omicron

Sat Jan 01, 2022 12:02 am

Take-a-Gander wrote:Just found out a colleague in a town 20 mi from us died at age 60 from COVID. He was healthy, no underlying health conditions. Refused vaccination and now is gone. Yes only one person. But does make you think?

Who's to say he wouldn't have died had he gotten vaccinated?

The most recent breakthrough numbers straight from the MN department of health. He would fall under the category of "not fully vaccinated" since they're trying to skew the numbers in favor of the vaccine. Even their completely biased and skewed numbers show that 40% of the deaths are amongst fully vaccinated people. Another reason these numbers are very suspect, besides their obvious reasons to not report the real numbers showing the true ineffectiveness of the vaccine, is that these numbers are updated over a month out.....the rest are daily to weekly......these ones they take their time on.....

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Sorry to hear about your colleague.

Maybe it was just his time? Do any of you ever wonder that? As in.....had it not been covid he would've died from a heart attack a week later? When your time runs there anything you can do about it?
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